It's Time To Go // Criston Co...

بواسطة rissarosewrites

175K 7.8K 1K

Aislynn Hightower tried to help her little sister Alicent, while she navigated the capital. But Aislynns husb... المزيد

1. I Don't Bet On Losers
2. I'm Not Asking To Marry Him
3. Amoret
4. Shameless
5. Stay
6. Sister Superior for Sale
7. Give her a Cookie not a Cock
8. What Were you thinking? Dragons
9. La, La, La, I can't Hear you
10. Never Find Love
11. Moody Lil Bitch
12. Broken Like Me
13. People You Know, To People You Don't
14. Eat my Desires in Chocolate
15. Should Have Been A Warning
16. Drunk Dark Night
17. Don't Be Honored
18. Pride Not Prize
19. No One Likes a Little Dragon
20. Sweet Talker
21. Back To Bitch
22. Vicious Lies
23. A Good End to a Bad Day
24. Soft Hearts
25. I Can Be Quick
26. Not Your Whore
27. The Unknown
28. That Hurt
29. Sexy & Stupid
30. Clearly Terrified
31. Searing Passion
32. Hostile Womb
33. Everybody Can Go To Hell
34. If Looks Could Kill
35. Venom
36. On Your Knees
37. Could've Fooled Me
38. You're a Dumbass
39. Thinking of You
40. The Test
41. Brotherly Bonding
42. Awkward
43. Fight Amoret
44. Pretend for My Sanity
45. Suspicious
46. This is Why Dresses Need Pockets
47. Playing With Fire
48. Shameless
49. Why Her?
50. False Claims
51. Power & Protection
52. How Dare You
53. Hightower Greens
54. Lie to Me
55. Nuts
56. Needy
57. Say It
58. You Like It Rough
59. Totem Pole
60. Fuck Your Princess Privileges
61. Shimmer
62. Bullseye
63. Suddenly Sober
64. Moment of Weakness
65. Mine
66. Respectfully, Beat Your Ass
67. Foecking Chickens
68. Wide Awake
69. I'm Good At It
70. Stripping in the Foyer
71. I'm A Bad Gypsy
72. Best Fake Sex
73. Kick Gorilla Ass
74. Ransom Notes
75. Not In The Mood
76. I Am The Heir
77. WTF Harwin
78. Complete and Utter Muppet
79. Tiny Pecker
80. Don't Make Me The Bad Guy
81. Send You To Hell
82. Open The Wine, Larys
83. Hold Your Ego
84. Vendetta
85. This is a Funeral. Less Laughing
86. Over Inflated Ego is Blocking My Sun
87. That's What You Are
88. Refuse to be Silenced
89. Scars Are Sexy
90. Cherry
91. Hightower
92. Alright, I'm Single Again
93. Let Them See Me Claiming You
94. Candy apple
95. Wanderer
96. We Can Get You A Snazzy Hat
97. In Fact
98. Honeymoon Phase Never Faded
99. Hideous
100. I've Been Dying To Use
101. Only Child
102. I've Seen Worse
103. What of My Apology
104. Say it Again, It Sounded Good
105. Smells Like Death
106. Wouldn't That Be Grand!
107. Queen of Hell
108. Queen Bee
110. I Promise
111. Stale Oaths
112. The Hightower's Send Their Regards
113. Bend, Break, Fly

109. If That Isn't Love

848 49 4
بواسطة rissarosewrites

"Commander, ohh that title suits you." Aislynn purred leaning into Criston. 

"Thank you." Criston agreed. 

"Mum this is so cool." Finn remarked as he looked around. He still had that childlike wonder at times. But his body had a few more scars since the first time he was here. 

"It is cool, I'm glad Tommy brought you back." Aislynn agreed. "I miss my boy." Cammie leaned into Finn smiling back at him. 

"I missed you.'' Finn agreed. "And you miss Cammie." Finn assured pressing a kiss to her little cheek. 

"Have the decency to look grateful." Alicent demanded as Aegon looked bored and drunk as they rode to his coronation. ''Do you know what has been done to give you this day? In an hour, you will be king." Alicent reminded him.

''And my father never wanted this." Aegon reminded her as he leaned back.

' That's not true.' Alicent assured.

''He had 20 years to name me heir and never did. Steadfastly, he upheld Rhaenyra's claim." Aegon hissed back.

''He changed his mind.'' Alicent told him honestly but Aegon chuckled out. "Your aunt believes in you too, believes Viserys declared it, that he changed his mind and I told her." 

''Oh... No... He could have, but he never did because he didn't like me." Aegon reminded her

''And yet, with his final breath, he whispered to me that you should take his place on the throne." Alicent told him yet again and Aegon chuckled but her face was sincere.

''Do not toy with me, Mother." Aegon demanded.

''I speak the truth.'' Alicent pleaded for him to listen to her. ''Listen to me, Aegon. Your grandfather, the Hand and your aunt unfortunately will try to impress on you that Rhaenyra should be put to the sword."

"She should after the hell she put you and aunt Aislynn though." Aegon agreed. But Alicent shook her head. 

"You must reject this counsel. We must not rule with cruelty and callousness. For all her faults, she is your sister, your, your father's daughter..." Alicent whimpered out. 

"Do you love me?" Aegon asked the bells tolling got louder.

"You imbecile." Alicent hissed leaning back.

"I bet Aislynn's kids never ask her that." Aegon remarked. 

"Make way for the royal wheelhouse!" the captain shouted as Aegon and Alicent approached. "Go on, move yourself! Come on!"

"This is fun," emmett remarked. "I can't see." he admitted looking to Aemond. "You are really tall... do you think you might want to..." Emmett smiled up at him and Aemond lifted Emmett onto his shoulders. "Best view in this place." Emmett declared as he peered down at the knights. Aislynn smiled back at them. 

"Aislynn," Criston laughed out. 

"I got lipstick on you and this is important for you too, first official act as commander, you get to crown Aegon." Aislynn declared wiping at his cheek. "Alright, perfect." 

"People of King's Landing... today is the saddest of days." Otto announced. ''Our beloved king... Viserys the Peaceful... is dead." There was a murmuring of sad woes. ''But it is also the most joyous of days... for as his spirit left us... he whispered his final wish: that his firstborn son, Aegon... should succeed him." Otto declared and there was but a moment of silence before the crowd agreed and an applause broke out for their new king.

"Phew!" Clayton declared pretending to wipe at his brow, "I was worried there for a second... what would happen if they decided fuck no?"

"Not sure." Aislynn admitted looking to Alicent. 

"Thank the Gods of old and new that they accepted him." Alicent offered. 

"We could handle it." Tommy assured with a wink as Alicent held tight to Aislynn's hand. 

"Guards!" the commander shouted. ''Out of the way! Move!'' They were getting into position for their new king to march down the aisle. They marched down the people parted and the rose their blade high for Aegon to pass under.

"Halt! Turn!'' The horns blared out. ''Present... arms!'' Emmett tapped on Aemond's head as he watched. Cammie was waving at Criston trying to get his attention and Criston was trying to keep from laughing out as he waved back to her every other minute it seemed. 

"It is your great good fortune and privilege to be here to witness this: a new day for our city... a new day for our realm. A new king... to lead us." Otto declared as Aegon marched through. As he passed the swords fell after him. Each step closer to something he never wanted. But seeing his family smiling down at him it made him think he could do it. Cammie started waving at Aegon as he got closer.

"Hi Cammie." Aegon whispered but his gaze shifted to Aislynn, she winked back at him, that smirk on her face made him know he could do this.

''May the Warrior give him courage. May the Smith lend strength to his sword and shield. May the Father defend him in his need." Septon Eustace began. ''May the Crone lift her shining lamp and light his way to wisdom." Criston stepped forward the crown in hand.

"Daddy!" Cammie declared. "He's got a crown." Cammie told Aislynn.

"I see," Aislynn agreed. Finn shifted Cammie in his arms. 

"The crown of the Conqueror, passed down through generations." Criston spoke as Aegon breathed deeply awaiting the crown be placed on his head. ''Let the Seven bear witness: Aegon Targaryen is the true heir to the Iron Throne." Criston announced putting the crown on Aegon's head. He rose up and looked to his family. 

"Oh, that was sexy, he is being extra sexy recently." Aislynn decided as she smiled back at Criston. 

"yeah Aegon!" Clayton declared and Aegon smiled softly back at them. 

''All hail His Grace, Aegon, Second of his Name, King of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." The septon declared and there was a brief moment of silence before the bells tolled and the people cheered joyously.

"Whoo!" Aislynn declared clapping out. 

"This is fun, we should have coronations more often." Jaeton mused. 

"Gods, no." ALicent begged. 

"Aegon! Aegon! Aegon!"

"Thats his name, wear it out." Aislynn teased smiling back at him as his cousins and Daeron chanted his name. 

"Aegon the King!" they declared, the crowd applauded, cheered as Aegon turned to them. ''Aegon the King!'' he rose up his sword for them, his smile growing.

''Long live Aegon!'' but the happiness weaned as a dragon came breaking through, the crowd screamed as Meleys roared, footsteps thudding and thundering as their screaming echoed trying to get out but Meleys kept going. They ran for the doors but they were under different orders and closed them, trapping everyone inside.

"Gods, should have killed her." Aislynn hissed pulled her kids back. 

"Open the doors!" Otto shouted. ''Open the doors!''

"Get Helaena." Alicent demanded of Aemond as she moved in front of Aegon protecting him. Aislynn had never seen anything so brave as Alicent was ready to burn to try and protect her son. If that wasnt love, then nothing was. 

Rhaenys stared down at her before Meleys opened his mouth, a scream so loud his breath so hot it made them falter back.

Aislynn looked to a screaming Emmett and Cammie and she realized her own eyes had tears. She was terrified, she was about to lose her family in one single blow. Criston moved to her hugging her tight as she held onto her babies. 

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