16. Drunk Dark Night

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"It was fucking magical." Aislynn declared as Aegon was overtired and needing a nap but instead he cried out. Aislynn bounced him in her arms. "And then she came back and it was like... Aislynn who?" AIslynn hissed as the door opened.

"It was just a drunk dark night." Alicent offered. "He was worried, she was gone all day."

"I hope you are right because father already spoke to his father and we are to be wed." Aislynn whispered.

"Way to bury the lead!" Alicent declared.

"I was excited too and now... I dont know. I'm over thinking things." Aislynn offered.

"You are." Otto agreed kissing her temple. "That man was smitten with you."

"He was." ALicent agreed. Aislynn nodded.

' Did you enjoy the hunt, Your Grace?' Otto asked as Aislynn plopped down on ALicent's bed Aegon curled into her already sucking at his thumb.

'Well enough.' Alicent agreed. "Lynnie got me cookies."

'And how fared my grandson?'

"Arent you going to ask my how I enjoyed it?" Aislynn countered.

"I know how much and little you enjoyed it by your he loves me and he loves me not statements." Otto corrected, Aislyn gawked back at him.

"Someone drank their funny juice tonight." AIslynn mused. Otto looked to Alicent as she chuckled.

'Well the ladies Lannister and Redwyne were quite taken with him.' Alicent remarked.

'As they should be. He's the future of the realm. Well, you yourself witnessed the scale of the celebration, how it's united the men. When you bore the King a son, you ended 15 years of uncertainty and doubt. Aegon, like his namesake, was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms. If Viserys were to name him heir, the realm would fete him for it.' Otto remarked but Alicent stayed silent.

"Little moody dragon is the heir." Aislynn corrected.

'She." Otto clarified. "And does this not please you? Do you not want your son to be King?'

'And what mother wouldn't?' Alicent countered.

"Aegon likes his thumb more than a crown." Aislynn agreed kissing his Aegon's little face.

'You mustn't ignore the certain truth that if Rhaenyra were to step over Aegon to ascend the throne, the realm would tear itself apart.' Otto reminded them.

'They all swore obeisance to her, our house among them.' Aislynn reminded him.

'That was before Aegon.' Otto reminded her.

'Rhaenyra will be a good queen.' ALicent countered.

"Will she?" Aislynn countered.

"Whos side are you on?" Alicent retorted.

'It wouldn't matter if she were Jaehaerys himself born again. Rhaenyra is a woman.' Otto declared.

'What of my son? Would you have me raise a man to steal his own sister's birthright?' Alicent countered

'It is Aegon that's being robbed. He's the firstborn son of the King. To deny that he is heir to the throne is to assail the laws of gods and men. The road ahead is uncertain, but the end is clear. Aegon will be king. You must guide Viserys towards reason. He'll never find it on his own.' Otto remarked.

"You dont have to listen to him. He is not the king not the queen. You are." Aislynn reminded as their father left.

"I dont want Aegon to be king but... what if he's right?" Alicent countered.

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now