74. Ransom Notes

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Soon You'll Get Better/ Sandor Clegane out now!

Harwin was licking his wounds from that five year old little boy, whipping his ass at a name day party.

Super Clayton. May all fear his tiny reign.

Clayton walked the halls of the capital like a damn boss and he knew it. Clayton nodded to his cousins and Aislynn saw his little youth slipping away as he became a little gangster.

Tommy smirked back as Aislynn as Clayton attempted to wink at Helaena but she was focused on a butterfly. The beautiful little weirdo. But Aislynn loved her. Aegon was turning out to be a shit. A fun shit and again a little shit that Aislynn loved.

Aemond wished he had the strength and bravery like Little Clayton did. Aislynn was teaching Jaeton chess when he found them. Emmett was babbling chewing on discarded chess pieces.

"Auntie Lynnie I found Claytons cape in the courtyard." Aemond remarked.

"Oh thank you honey... you want to put it on?" Aislynn pondered.

"That would be silly... right?" Aemond pondered. But it was like aislynn read his mind.

"Silly or awesome super hero Aemond?" Aislynn countered. "Daeron the little jokester isnt here to make any snarky comments. Come on. Its the power of super aemond!"

Daeron had begged and begged to stay with uncle John. Alicent shook her head. She wasnt sending her boy away but then she got a damn ransom note... from John.

~I stole your son. I wont let the capital corrupt him. Daeron the mini me in the making mwahaha! That was my evil laugh if you couldnt tell.
Ps this is John. He's totally fine~

"Super Aemond looks good!" Aislynn declared.

"I dont feel like a super Aemond." He admitted.

"Duh you gotta do the pose!" Clayton declared. "Hey I was wondering where that went." 

"You can have it back-" aemond began to take off the cape but Clayton shook his head.

"Super Aemond." Clayton declared rooting his hands on his hips.

Emmett waddled and crawled around thinking his big brother was the greatest. He pulled himself to his feet trying to strike the same pose. Aislynn giggled out.

"I feel silly." Aemond whispered.

"Mama you to do it too."  Clayton instructed. She stood up looking to Jaeton.

"Hightowers stick together through all the power moves." Aislynn remarked and he got up too. When criston peered in they were karate chopping through the air laughing out. Nothing could bring them down.


Rhaenyra was bloated and moody she was moons into her third birth and Aislynn couldn't help but think is this one my husbands too? Why the hell was it that it took picturing Criston that first time that did it? Why the hell was it that Criston had managed to get her pregnant twice and Harwin was a man whore. Aislynn looked at Emmett as he slept contently in the crib beside her bed. She had gotten used to sleeping alone... alone from Harwin but since Rhaenyra's pregnancy, her extra moody little bitch moons Harwin had found himself in Aislynn's bed. He was her husband after all.

She didn't even notice him coming and going, when he came it was after she was asleep she would wake to his warm body beside her and think maybe we give this a try again but then she would see Jace or Luke and think fuck that, three strikes you're out and Criston loved her right.

It should have been simple. Kill the bastard husband for cheating on her but Jaeton... although Harwin did try to bond with Jaeton, Jaeton was a mama's boy. Loved his uncles and cousins but it was like he knew his mothers dislike for Harwin. Not that she hide her dislike for harwin.

Tommy had asked her if she wanted Harwin dead and of course she said yes but he was Jaeton's father and that kept her from actually giving the go ahead.

Aislynn woke with long wet kisses on her neck. A smiled curved her face as her hands wrapped into his hair. His hands squeezed at her thighs and breasts she wrapped a leg around him. She felt his body roll against hers as his lips devoured her.

"Good morning my beautiful wife." Harwin rasped and Aislynns arousal faded quickly. She finally opened her eyes seeing him. She should have kept her eyes closed and he should have kept his mouth shut. Then they both would have had an enjoyable morning.

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