12. Broken Like Me

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"I should have rode with the boys." Aislynn murmured. Alicent gave her a pathetic look. "But I'm so glad to have this extra bonding time with my... brother in law?" Aislynn pondered looking to Viserys. He smiled back at her awkwardly. 

"Is today the happiest day of your little life Aegon?" Aislynn went on as he smiled up at her, bouncing in her lap. 

ALicent felt more relaxed, less stressed about everything when her sister was around. Alicent also loved that Aegon loved Aislynn. For every silly face Aislynn made, Aegon tried to copy her. 

Alicent didnt know if Aislynn wanted to be a mother, considering all the engagements ended before a union was ever sealed she figured Aislynn didnt want children but she was soo good with them. 

When Aegon was born Alicent felt nothing but pain. Mentally and physically. Everyone congratulated the king, a son, an heir they all wanted to scream. Name Aegon the heir. But every time she held him she just saw pain. She saw the pain of every night she was mounted by her husband. 

So looking at Aegon, it took time and it wasnt Aegon's fault but Alicent only saw sadness. But looking at him now in Aislynns lap his hands in hers as she moved his arms around as though they were dancing. It made her happy. SHe saw the love in Aegon's little face. 

'Well, isn't this splendid. The whole of our family off to celebration and adventure in the Kings wood.' Viserys remarked looking around the carriage.

'Should you be traveling in such condition?' Rhaenyra questioned through tight lips.

'The maester said that being out in nature would do me well.' Alicent said but in truth she didn't like the journey it made her feel uneasy, Aislynn could tell, she reached over grabbing ALicent's hand. Alicent watched as Aislynn took a deep breath holding it in, Alicent followed her with a nice slow exhale. She gave Aislynns hand a squeeze and a small nod. Aislynn always knew what to do, how to calm her down. 

'Well, you will be with your own child sooner than late, and make me a proud grand sire.' Viserys said happily but Rhaenyra was bitter, hostile, Aislynn thought it unlikely that a child would grow in such a vicious environment.

'It's not so bad. The days are long, but Aegon came quickly and without fuss.' Alicent remarked but Rhaenyra held nothing but bitter resentment for her once friend.

"And he's just the cutest!" Aislynn agreed as Aegon babbled up at her. 

'You should ride out with me today. Join in the chase.' Viserys offered

'I'd rather not. The boars squeal like children when they're being slaughtered. I find it discomforting'. Rhaenyra said looking out the window.

"Oh killing things gets the blood pumping," Aislynn corrected. "Ours brothers are joining but their targets are a bit less... furry usually." Aislynn whispered chuckling into Aegon. 

'It's a hunt, Rhaenyra.' Viserys reminded her trying to keep a smile on his face as Aegon babbled happily up at Aislynn. Alicent reached out a hand touching Aegon's head gently, he smiled over at her.  'How would you like to participate?' Viserys pondered.

'I'm not sure why I must.' Rhaenyra countered.

'Because you are my daughter... The Princess. And you have duties.' Viserys reminded her.

'As I am ceaselessly reminded.' Rhaenyra murmured softly.

'I'm sorry?' Viserys questioned leaning towards her.

'As I am ceaselessly reminded.' Rhaenyra shouted back at him.

"Moody lil hmm." Aislynn mumbled glancing to Rhaenyra. 

'You wouldn't need to be reminded if you ever attended to them.' he reminded her.

'No one's here for me.' Rhaenyra told him bitterly as the carriage stopped and Viserys and Alicent got out but Aislynn grabbed RHaenyra's arm keeping her put. 

"Not everything is about you." Aislynn reminded her. "This is for Aegon's name day. Not yours." they could hear people cheering for Aegon the conqueror babe on his second name day.

"You dont understand." Rhaenyra hissed. 

"I do understand." Aislynn corrected. "Alicent and you were best friends, hell I thought of you like a little sister and then Alicent was forced to marry your father and suddenly she is the enemy? NO!" AIslynn corrected. "You are losing your best friend because of your over inflated ego. You want to wear the crown one day yet all you see is rage of the past, you cant look forward. You will drown before you ever reach the clouds, grasping the keys to the kingdoms." 

Rhaenyra growled pulling her arm from Aislynn's grasp. 

"Dont you understand you cant survive in this world alone."  Aislynn hissed. 

"I've been doing just fine." Rhaenyra corrected. 

"Are you?" Aislynn countered. "Because from where I'm standing you look just as broken as the rest of us."

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