78. Complete and Utter Muppet

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"Auntie Aislynn?" Aemonds voice, scared and whimpered cries found its way to aislynn.

"Hey baby, whats with the long face?" 

''He did it again.'' Aemond murmured

"Oh Aemond not again." Aislynn coed. 

''They made me do it!'' Aemond told her innocently.

''I understand your need for a dragon. The first time I rode it was a thrill and I loved it so much..." Aislynn remarked. "I want you to have a dragon."

Alicent could dress her children in green but that didn't stop them from being Targaryen and having dragon blood.

"They gave me a pig!" Aemond declared.

''A what?'' Aislynn asked incredulously. 

''They said they found a dragon for me.'' Aemond told her. ''But it was a pig.'' Aemond told her and she clung to him.

''You will have a dragon one day.'' Aislynn assured. ''I know it. We will find it together."

''They all laughed.'' Aemond told her with a big pout on his face as she held him. 

"I will kill em all." Aislynn offered. "Start with those bastards." She muttered. "You can have one of their dragons, both of their dragons!" she decided and Aemond smiled up at her. "I'm sorry, that was mean, just pretend I said something sweet and encouraging and not psychopathic." 

"I love you auntie."

"I love you, honey."


''This one has 60 rings... and two pairs of legs on each. That's 240.'' Helaena remarked looking down at the creature crawling over her hands.

''Yes, it is." Alicent agreed

''It has eyes... though... I don't believe it can see.'' Helaena told her softly completely captivated by the creature.

''And why is that so, do you think?'' Alicent questioned her daughter, she was bored, she didnt understand Helaena, Aegon was being a little shit and to think he used to be sweet, she suspected it was because of him spending so much time with her brothers... but they spent less time here now that they had their own wives and families... wife. Alicent thought bitterly, being a wife to Viserys didn't suit her either.

''It is beyond our understanding.''

''I suppose you're right. Some things just are.'' Alicent agreed. She didn't understand her daughter, she was a strange girl, but all of her children were a bit odd. The door opened catching her attention.

''Your Grace. Ais-"

"I dont need an introduction." Aislynn pushed through. "You will never fucking believe what those Bastards did to Aemond!" 


''They made wings for it, apparently, and a tail.'' Alicent remarked.

''The lad shouldn't have been so credulous.'' Viserys told her nonchalantly.

''He's a child." Alicent reminded him

''He thought they'd happened upon some wild unnamed dragon and lured it to the Dragonpit?'' Viserys countered with a laugh.

''Your grandsons are a menace.'' Alicent spat.

"They are. Get rid of them, send them across the sea to learn some fucking manners." Aislynn seethed. 

''They're more children than he is.'' Viserys assured glancing back at Aislynn. 

''Th-They're savages. And it's not surprising.'' Alicent muttered swirling her drink in her hand

''Are you sure it wasn't our Aegon who put them up to it?''

"Aegon is a good boy." AIslynn corrected but she knew he was more like their brothers as they years went by. But there was nothing wrong with that. 

''It's a wonder to me their eggs ever hatched.'' Alicent hissed. 

"Honestly." Aislynn agreed. 

''And why is that?'' Viserys asked innocently.

''You know why.'' Alicent hissed.

''I'm afraid I don't.'' Viserys countered and Aislynn groaned melodramatically.

''Don't!'' Alicent inhaled a tight breath before letting it out ''Viserys.''

''We shall continue this afternoon, Eddard.'' Viserys declared and he nodded moving away from the replica he was creating and heading out.

"Play with figurines and forget the rest of the world, yeah thats useful." Aislynn muttered. 

''I have raised this matter before and you forbade me to speak of it, so I held my tongue." Alicent reminded him and Viserys sighed. Aislynn was ready to chop Viserys head off. ''To have one child like that is a mistake, to have three is an insult, to the throne, to you, to House Velaryon and the match you battled so hard to make for her. Not to mention decency itself.'' Alicent told him stiffly.

''I had a black mare once. Black like a raven.'' Viserys told her calmly. ''One day, she escaped her pasture and the neighboring stallion sired a foal on her. The stallion was as silver as the moon on a winter's night and the foal, when it was born, chestnut.'' Viserys told her with a chuckle ''Just the most unremarkable brown horse you ever saw. Nature is a thing of mysterious works.''

"What the literal-" Aislynn began appalled at this idiot of a king. 

'How do you know?" Alicent countered. ''The silver stallion. How do you know it was him? Did you witness the act itself?'' Viserys banged a hand down on the table silencing her, he wouldn't hear this again.

'The consequences of an allegation like the one you toy at would be dire." Viserys said with a deep sigh, his shoulders sagged as he turned away from her. ''Do not speak of this again''.

"I will do what I want." Aislynn corrected as she led alicent out. 

''Have I lost my sanity, Ser Criston? Do my senses lead me astray? Or is everyone else asleep, dreaming the same woolly dream?'' Alicent questioned as they walked

'Sometimes seems so, Your Grace.'' Criston agreed as AIslynn bumped her hip into him, he smiled back at her. 

''She flaunts the privilege of her inheritance without shame. She expects everyone in the Red Keep to deny the truth our eyes can all plainly see. And the King, her father...'' Alicent sneered

''He knows.'' Criston offered cautiously.

"Fucking idiot protecting her, he hasnt protected his own wife though. A wife he choose and yet no, Rhaenyra this, Rhaenyra that, fuck her." Aislynn declared her voice traveling down the vacant hall. 

''Of course, he knows." Alicent agreed ''Or did once, but has convinced himself otherwise. He'll do naught but make excuses for her. The Princess Rhaenyra is brazen and relentless. A spider who stings and sucks her prey dry.''

''A spoiled cunt.'' Criston agreed and a smug smile pulled at Aislynns lips. ''That was beneath me, Your Grace. I apologize.'' 

"No, dont apologize, I liked it." Aislynn agreed. Before glancing back at Viserys door. 

"Will she do this until the day Viserys dies and then kill us all?" Alicent pondered. 

"We have to take action before that. Because Viserys is useless and wont touch her." Aislynn assured. "Because Viserys the peaceful a complete and utter Muppet." Aislynn remarked factually. 

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin