105. Smells Like Death

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''What is it that could not have waited an hour? Was Dorne invaded?" Tyland mused as they gathered around the council table.

''The King is dead.'' Otto told them all. Alicent sat at the kings seat silently. Tears in her eyes her hands clasped on the table. ''We grieve for Viserys the Peaceful... our sovereign... our friend. But he has left us a gift.'' Otto went on calmly. ''With his last breath, he impressed upon the Queen his final wish: that his son, Aegon... should succeed him as Lord of the Seven Kingdoms." There was a small sigh of relief as the council was eager to get this started for Aegons rule. Aislynn smirked, she looked to her father, she had ravened her brothers and already hopefully were sending out their peaky's declaring to all the realms of this new transition, new declarations, getting a count of who was with them and who was dead meat. 

''Then we may proceed now with the full assurance of his blessing on our long-laid plans."

''Yes. There is much to be done, as we've previously discussed." Otto agreed. Alicent stared at them in disbelief she looked to Aislynn and of course Aislynn had been in on this but the whole council? This is why she could never be a peaky like her siblings. 

''Now, there are two among the captains of the City Watch that remain loyal to Daemon.''

"Let us replace them... Lord Lannister." Otto encouraged

''The Treasury is well in hand. The gold will be divided for safekeeping." Tyland assured. Alicent stared confused and speechlessly

''Let ravens be sent to our allies, Riverrun and Highgarden." Otto went on.

"Boys are on it too." Aislynn assured. 

" Am I to understand that members of the small council have been planning secretly to install my son without me?" Alicent finally spoke up.

''My Queen, there was no need to sully you with darkling schemes." Otto assured.

"Soft heart Ali, you let me handle the mischief and the chaos." Aislynn assured. Criston smirked back at her. 

''I will not have this.'' Beesbury declared standing up in outrage. ''To hear that you are plotting to replace the King's chosen heir with an imposter!''

''His firstborn son is hardly an imposter." Aislynn reminded him

''Hundreds of lords and landed knights swore fealty to the Princess." Beesbury countered defensively.

''That was some 20 years ago. Most of them now dead." Tyland added smugly.

"And the son is not the father, so.. I think we are fine." Aislynn assured. 

''You heard the Lord Hand. Plot or no, the King changed his mind." Jasper Wylde told them.

"He changed his mind. Good and True. Aegon. He declared it, are you calling my sister, the queen!" Aislynn reminded them. "A liar? Is that what you doing?" Beesbury scoffed. 

''I am six-and-seventy years old. I have known Viserys longer than any who sit at this table." Beesbury reminded them. ''And I will not believe that he said this on his deathbed, alone, with only the, the boy's mother as a witness. This is seizure! It is theft! It is treason! At the least, it is..." Beesbury went on.

''Mind your tongue, Lyman.'' Otto warned.

''The King was well last night... by all accounts. Which of you here can swear that he died of his own accord?" Beesbury glared around the table.

''Which of us are you accusing of regicide, Bumblebee?'' Aislynn pondered.  

''Whether it was one of you, or all of you, I care not." Beesbury yelled. ''I will have no part...'' he moved to leave but Criston slammed him back down.

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now