39. Thinking of You

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Aemond was trying to stand, he was a quick study, always wanted to be the best. He smiled back at Aislynn as she changed Daeron. Daeron babbled up at her. 

"Ma!" Aemond shouted. Aislynn looked for Alicent but she wasnt here. "Ma! MA!" Aemond shouted as he let go and smiled big and wide back at her. 

"You gonna walk handsome?" Aislynn questioned keeping a hand on Daeron as Aemond took deep steadying breaths. Criston peered in curiously. He couldnt hide his smile as Daeron peed and Aislynn shrieked as it squirted everywhere. 

"This didnt happen with Helaena!" Aislynn declared as Aemond fell back to his butt laughing. Daeron babbled up at her. 

"No funny mister! You did that on purpose!" AIslynn declared as she got Daeron and herself cleaned up. "Silly little boy." 

"Ma, ma, gan!" Aemond decided as she put Daeron in his crib. 

"I'm watching. Do it again." Aislynn agreed. Aemond took a step before pouting up at her reaching for her. AIslynn took a step, a single step. 

"MA!" Aemond begged. 

"You step, I step." Aislynn offered. 

"MA!" Aemond pleaded pouting up at her. 

"You step, I step." Aislynn repeated taking another step. Aemond nodded taking another step, Aislynn took another large step to him. He took another keeping his gaze locked on her. 

"MA!" Aemond declared as she picked him up. 

"My sweet boy!" Aislynn agreed peppering his face with kisses. Aemond snuggled into her and Aislynn was so content, so in love with this little boy. She wanted him to stay so pure forever. When she stood up Aemond moved to get a toy, he immediately started gnawing on it happily as she smiled back at him. 

Aislynn was so lost in a fantasy, that Aemond was her baby, that her husband actually loved her, that she was getting the life she wanted with a man she loved. Aislynn was picturing it so clearly that she almost jumped when his breath tickled against her neck. She closed her eyes, questioning if she was imagining it all—if she was making more out of it than it was. Maybe he wasn't as close as she thought. Maybe he just breathed really hard. But then her hair shifted, and his heat pressed against her back even though he wasn't touching her. It emanated from him and she wasn't surprised that his heat reached for her.

She swayed back but still didn't press to him. She just wanted to be closer. A small moan crept from her panting lips when his beard gently scraped against the tender skin of her neck. And then a whimper when she heard him suck in a deep breath.

"Vanilla," Criston whispered. "You still smell like the sweetest things after being on baby duty. Daeron shooting around his ammunition." AIslynn chuckled loving the feeling of him against her. Loving his voice in her ear, his breath on her neck. 

She was about to give in, press herself fully against him, dig her fingers in his hair and pull him down so she could turn and kiss him. Only a breath away from snapping and claiming him, she was tired of their verbal flirting and wanted him.

But like an idiot, Aislynn stepped away, and a rush of cool air raced to replace his heat, causing chills to spread down her body. She took a moment to collect herself before turning and seeing the expression on Finn's face. If he saw anything, he didn't seem to care at their closeness. He stood in the doorway, staring in at them. 

The idea of Finn knowing she was like this... when she was married, not to the man thats breath sent a shiver down her spine. She wanted to be a good influence on Finn, show him marriages worked and she was happy, even though she wasnt. Not with Harwin. 

She didn't want to see how he'd look at her knowing that. But when she looked over at Finn, he was walking, continuing on, eyes glued to Aislynn until he passed completely.

She only briefly let her eyes flick to Criston, expecting him to be looking away but was instead staring right at her. Her glance was too fast to assess what hid in the dark depths, but now wasn't the time to stare no matter how much she wanted to.

"Come on Aemond, lets let Daeron rest." Aislynn suggested picking him up. Aislynn held Aemond to her as she passed Criston. 

It also felt nice that as she was walking out, she turned to take one last look at Criston to find him staring at her ass. She stopped, and he looked up to find out he was caught. She wiggled her fingers goodbye and bit her lip to keep from smiling at his tight jaw and twitching mouth. When she began her exit again, she made sure to add an extra sway to her hips, hoping he enjoyed the show. She flirted and he was tormented that this woman would never be his. 

So when she fucked harwin that night she pictured Criston instead. 

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now