110. I Promise

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"I will get her." Tommy remarked touching Aislynns cheek. "She threatened my family, I have killed men for less." 

"She has a dragon." Aislynn whispered. 

"And she could come back and torch us all." Tommy reminded her. "I wont allow that. I wont." Tommy declared hugging her tight. Aislynn nodded into him. 

"Just be careful. Come back unburnt and alive." Aislynn. 

"I promise." Tommy assured as he headed out. 

"Where is he going?" Alicent questioned. 

"To handle one of our problems." Aislynn offered as she ushered her kids to bed. They piled in her chambers. "I'm heading out with father when he leaves. I need to." Aislynn whispered. 

"Do what you need to do." Alicent agreed. 

"I'm glad I have your blessing because I was going to do what I'm going to do either way." Aislynn teased through a choked laugh as she hugged her little sister. 


 ''I want patrols along the island's perimeter, looking for any small ships that might set ashore. If the Greens attack now, it will be by stealth, not directly." As Rhaenyra tried to deliver an early labor Daemon was taking charge, acting as King that he always wanted to be. He was going to strike, a war against the Greens. ''We don't have enough men to surround the island, but we can make ourselves appear stronger than they are.'' Daemon went on as his council stood around the map, nodding in agreement, Daemon was born for this. ''Conscript the Dragon Keepers, they're capable fighters, waste no time.''

''It will be done, my prince.''

''The raven flew in this morning, the sea snake's fever consumed him... he... is no more." 

"We can deal with driftmark when we have the crown." Daemon countered. It was a nice throne, a nice land, controlling the regions, he would have it then Luke the sea sick little bastard. ''We'll send ravens to our nearest allies.'' Daemon decreed. ''Lords Darkling, Massey... and Baremon.''

''Do you want to speak to the maester, my prince?''

''I'll fly to the riverlands myself and affirm Lord Tully's support.'' Daemon corrected but Jace stormed in. He was never a fan of Daemon but his mother seemed to like him. Love him.

"You will do no such thing." Jace corrected his small, slim presence demanding authority. ''My mother has decreed no action be taken while she's a bed.''

''It's good you're here, young prince. You're needed to patrol the skies on Vyrmax." Daemon remarked nonchalantly, ignoring him.

''Did you hear what I said?'' Jace demanded marching closer.

''The ravens, Lord Bartimus. I shall see it done. Summon to Stefan. Our King's Guard are needed on the Dragonland." Daemon told the council before turning to a very angry Jace. ''Come with me. I'll show you the true meaning of loyalty.''


"Landed on dragonstone my lord." 

"Thank you." Tommy agreed. "I figured as much." 

"Melyes is a beast of a dragon."

"They all are." Tommy corrected. "Maybe a present for Aislynn when I kill her rider." 

"I love you, I love you so much and so does your uncle Tommy, he is going to get rid of the mean wicked witch that tried to hurt us." Aislynn assured as she hugged Cammie to her. 

"Gone?" Cammie questioned. 

"Gone, never gonna touch you. I promise." Aislynn assured she felt Criston lay beside her kissing her shoulder. "And to think." Aislynn whispered leaning into  his gentle touch. "today started out great."

"We are all safe," Criston whispered. "The castle is secure, its all we can ask for in these trying times."

"I suppose." Aislynn whispered.

"Dont worry my love, we will handle this and everything will be back to normal."


Daemon stood outside, Caraxes behind him, Jace watched silently, completely still as Ser Stefan and Ser Laurent stood before them.

'' You swore an oath as Knights of the King's Guard.'' Daemon reminded them, hand on the hilt of his sword as he stared down at them.

''As do all who wear the White Cloak, my Prince.'' Stefan answered

''To whom?''

''I swore first to King Jehaerys, my Prince. And then, to his grace, King Viserys, when he succeeded him.' Stefan informed him.

''Do you acknowledge the true line of succession?'' Daemon questioned


"Yes, my prince.'' They both agreed.

''Do you recall how King Viserys named his heir before his death?" Daemon questioned

''Princess Rhaenyra." Stefan answered.

"I'm grateful for your long service to the Crown. So I'm presenting you with a choice." Daemon informed them confidently. Caraxes shrieked from behind him stepping closer.

''I swear anew your oath to Rhaenyra as your queen, to Prince Jacaerys as the heir to the Iron Throne. Or if you support the usurper speaker now, then you will have a clean and honorable death." Daemon went on and Caraxes seemed to smile as he brought his large face down to Daemon, his eyes gleaming as he stared at the knights. ''But if you choose treachery, if you swear fealty now only to later turn your cloaks, know that you will die... Screaming."


 ''Princess, let us help you.''

''Princess, please.''

''You shouldn't do this alone, Princess.''

''Let us help you.'' Rhaenyra moaned and groaned she refused to let the handmaidens help her, a gush of blood seeped to the ground beneath her feet, she pulled and pulled the head free the body coming next and it dropped to the ground as well. Rhaenyra whimpered out as she collapsed to her knees.

Their baby was wrapped and brought out to a small pyre for proper Targaryen funeral. Rhaenyra wept. She lost her father and her child, within the same moment. She hadnt been around for Viserys, she would never get to know this little girl... had she messed up? Had she failed as heir? She ran but what person in their right mind would have stayed under Alicent's treatment?

 Their family gathered to pay their respects, Daemon and Rhaenyra stood close to the fire as Erryk Cargyll came walked up. Blades were sheathed and knights at the ready. Erryk was of the kings guard. They were all so focused on Erryk they didnt see Tommy sneak in. 

'' I mean no harm brothers,' Erryk said removing his helmet. "I swear toward the Queen, With all my strength... and give my blood for hers, I shall take no wife... hold no lands, father no children. I shall guard her secrets, obey her commands, ride at her side, and defend her name and honor." Erryk said kneeling before them. ' he pulled a crown free handing it over to Daemon. Daemon looked upon it, noting the Targaryen sigil. 'My Queen." He held out the crown. Viserys crown. Daemon had a moment, just a moment where he wanted to put the crown upon his own head but instead he placed it on Rhaenyra's. Tommy peered in on such an intimate moment and then he saw Rhaenys. Bitch had to go, he knew Aislynn wanted the honor of hurting Rhaenyra for herself or else Tommy would have done the deed himself. Thats what good family does, bleed for family, die for family... 

''Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of her name. Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men. Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm. Your Grace."

Kill for family. 

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now