53. Hightower Greens

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The Journey to old town was short, but it felt long. Harwin sat beside Aislynn but she leaned into Tommy as Jaeton babbled in her arms. Harwin shifted awkwardly in his spot in the carriage as John glared back at him. Harwin thought he was trying to kill him just with a glare. 

The carriage lurched to a stop and Aislynn was quick to jump out. She reached for Jaeton and he held to her hands jumping down a big smile on his little face. Daeron was next he giggled running off. Aegon was such a big kid, he had just had his seventh name day and he was the eldest, the most mature little seven year old. He offered his mother his hand to help her out and it made Alicent's heart happy seeing her little boy becoming such a gentleman. Helaena was already moving to the flowers, telling them all the colors and petal shapes. Aemond was an observant little lad. Aislynn thought Aemond was going to do great things, even at four, she could tell.

"Aislynn," Otto coed hugging her. "And look at my grandsons!" Otto picked up Jaeton, Jaeton cocked his head at Otto. "Cautious lad." Otto remarked. "Do you remember grandpa?" Otto questioned. 

"Give kiss and make him feel useful." Aislynn offered as she pressed a kiss to Otto's cheek. Jaeton did the same, smiling back at Otto. 

"He listens well." Otto remarked. 

"Smart boy, smart like his mama." Tommy agreed. 

"Come I was expecting you sooner, the feast will be ready." Otto remarked as he hugged Alicent, she smiled sheepishly up at him. 

Aislynn was right, Alicent had a soft heart. She wanted to please their father, did whatever he asked. Married the king, Otto had made her queen in a sense, but it was something Alicent never wanted. 

"Hello father." Alicent answered politely. 

"Your grace," Otto answered kissing her forehead. "Come, Harwin you can get the bags yes?" Otto questioned but didnt wait for an answer as he led his children inside. Harwin stared back at them. 

"Come on Criston, Larys." Aislynn called out. "Harwin can handle the baggage."

"Of course sister." Larys agreed.

"Off to a great start." Harwin muttered as he started grabbing bags. 

It felt like a hightower invasion. Harwin was the outsider, the outsider among natives, and he knew that he was being watched, his every step, his every breath. Not by Aislynn, no, no, no. But by her brothers. 

Aislynn looked stunning as she always did as she came out, she had helped the children into clean clothes after the ride and put on her greenest of green dresses. Harwin looked at her and thought why was he wasting his time with Rhaenyra? The power and status fucking her gave him, sure it would bring shame upon either of them but looking at Aislynn she looked like a queen, all she was missing was a crown. Aislynn smirked at him as she passed a look that said be good this trip and you might get some of all this. One wrong move though and you will be castrated. 

After Aislynn, came the children. Little Jaeton first, chasing after his mother, managing the long walk with all the dignity a two year old could muster. Harwin noticed his green shirt, Aislynn was doing as Alicent did and reminding Harwin, reminding the world, anyone that saw Jaeton that he was Jaeton Finnley Hightower. 

"You look beautiful, Aislynn." Harwin rasped his lips dragging over the shell of her ear. 

"I know." Aislynn agreed as she headed to her seat. He noticed that she choose a seat between Tommy and Larys leaving Harwin at the opposite end of the table. "Criston, take a seat, you are off duty. Plus, you are family." Aislynn remarked and although it was a jab at Harwin it was also the truth. Criston was family, more than Harwin on most days as of late. Aislynn helped Jaeton with his food, cutting it up into little bite sized pieces for him. Daeron chopped at his food uselessly and Aislynn kept her focus on her family. Her real family. The one that would die for her, kill for her. 

"You know there's only one way to fix this." Tommen remarked.

"Kill him?" Aislynn pondered.

"Pay him back!" Otto corrected sternly as he shook his head.

"I was afraid you were going to say that." Arthur grumbled.

"Arthur!" Otto demanded and Aislynn laughed out. 

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon