42. Awkward

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"Welcome back Otto." Viserys said kindly. 

"Thank you, your grace." Otto answered his gaze shifting to Lyonel. THe new hand. The father in law. "Good to be back."

"This isnt awkward." Arthur remarked as he finished his glass and then the bottle he waved it around for a server to collect. "Keep em coming." Arthur declared. 

"Can you teach me how to do that?" Aegon questioned as John flipped food up catching it on his tongue. 

"Oh yeah, I taught Amoret and shes skilled." John added and Aislynn chuckled glancing across the table at him. "Best learn while you are young." 

"Dont throw-" Otto began as John threw a berry across the table at Aislynn. She laughed out as it hit her cheek. 

"I wasnt ready!" Aislynn declared. 

"-food." Otto finished glaring back at John. 

"You ready?" John countered and Aegon watched with amazement.

"Hit me!" Aislynn agreed. 

"Aislynn." Otto scolded. Her jaw dropped and she shifted towards Finn as it landed in her mouth. Aegon stared back at her waiting. Aislynn smiled, berry caught between her teeth. 

"Me next me next!" Aegon begged opening his mouth. 

"No." Viserys corrected. 

"Where are the littlest prince this evening?" Tommy questioned locking eyes with Harwin. He drank down his cup as he brought a hand to Aislynn's back. 

"A bit young for supper." Rhaenyra offered. 

"Hoped to see if their silver hair had grown in." Arthur agreed with a hearty laugh. 

"Where is Laenor?" John added. 

"He is at driftmark." Rhaenyra offered. 

"Really?" Tommy countered and Alicent rose a curious brow, what did they know? 

"Yes." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"How long? WHen did he leave?" Tommy pushed. 

"I dont recall." Rhaenyra offered stiffly. 

"But he's not here?"

"No. He is not." Rhaenyra agreed. 

"Funny." Tommy muttered. Rhaenyra stabbed into her food. "Art, didnt we see Laenor this morning?"

"Unless there is another silver haired fucker running around." Arthur agreed. Rhaenyra stayed quiet and it took all Aislynn had not to burst out laughing. 

"So how has married life been treating you Aislynn?"  Lyonel offered. 

"Its better when she knows where her husbands cock has been, right Amoret?" Tommy offered and Aislynn had to bite her tongue. Lyonel glared back at Harwin as he finished another glass. John continued to try and threw food into Aegons mouth but he tipped forward and backwards to dramatically to catch anything, the floor was soon littered with food. 

"Harwin is a kind man. I wish he didnt have to work so many nights or early mornings though..." Aislynn offered kindly. 

"That can be easily fixed." Viserys agreed eagerly. 

"Oh, what wonderful news." Aislynn agreed patting Harwin's thigh. "So then I will know when you lying." She whispered in his ear as she kissed his cheek. 

"It is wonderful." Harwin agreed. 

"Maybe if your brothers were less threatening your husband would spend more time with you." Rhaenyra offered innocently and Aislynns gaze shifted to Rhaenyra. 

"Maybe if you knew where your husband was you wouldnt feel the need to steal others." Aislynn countered. 

"Steal." Rhaenyra hissed, rolling her eyes. 

"Clearly the castle is in great hands since I was dismissed." Otto murmured. 

"Clearly." Alicent huffed. 

Soon everyone was arguing, Aegon was shouting try again, I got it this time prying open his jaw as far as he could go. Rhaenyra was hissing that Aislynn didnt have a clue what she was talking about. Lyonel wanted to drown himself by the looks of it. Otto was saying how the castle looked in a state of disarray. Of course Tommy and Arthur were no so discreet with their comments towards Harwin. Finn held tight to Aislynns hand. Of course Harwin couldnt fess up to such things. He was going to try and be a better husband. That was all he could do was focus on the future. 

Viserys was talking weather, distracted and confused. He liked to pretend things were fine. He was good at it but the Hightower boys were great at bringing up the truth and digging up everyones secrets. Even if Rhaenyras secrets were not so secret. Not so discreet. 

"Mum? Are you okay?" Finn questioned. 

"Yeah..." Aislynn agreed through a panting breath. "No." She corrected bringing a hand to her stomach. "I'm... no." 

"Tom!" Finn demanded and the table went silent. 

"Amoret, look at me." Tommy requested as he moved around the table. He pulled back her chair and saw the dampness of her dress and at her feet. "How do you feel?"

"I'm early." Aislynn rasped. "It cant... this baby... cant come yet." AIslynn whispered. 

"Less than a moon early... thats not so bad right?" Arthur questioned. 

"I dont know I have never had a baby before." Aislynn reminded him. Harwin was trying to be a good husband and picked her up. SHe leaned into him as they walked and Alicent watched Rhaenyra's face pinch. 

The stress of family supper was the only thing the maesters could think of, the indicating factor behind Aislynn going into labor prematurely, it was long and painful, she lost a lot of blood Harwin even stayed in the room with her. But since Tommy didnt trust him he stayed as well. 

Aislynn clung to Tommy's hand. Tommy knew that the king had chosen the baby of his own wife and with the amount of blood, he didnt want Harwin to have the chance to pick a baby over his sister. 

Tommy didnt want to hear the maesters speak the words choose. Choose between them because Aislynn always wanted a child but she wanted to be there to enjoy her baby. 

"You are doing great." Harwin remarked. But she looked pale, she didnt feel great. 

"Tommy... that baby?" AIslynn whimpered. 

"I'm sorry my lady, the baby was twisted up, the wrong way." The maester remarked. 

"No... no..." Aislynn whimpered out she didnt have the energy. 

"Can she do anything do get the babe in the right position?" Harwin questioned and Aislynn looked to the maesters. 

"Stand her up. Help her." Tommy and Harwin held her up, helped her stand. Tommy listened to the drip, drip, drip of blood and worry filled him. The maester ran a hand over her stomach, she cringed at the pain, leaning completely on Harwin and Tommy. 

"I have a name picked out." Aislynn whimpered. "If I dont-"

"You are not going to die." Harwin corrected. "This baby needs you. I need you too." Aislynn nodded but her gaze shifted to Tommy. 

"Fight Amoret. You are a Hightower. You fight." Tommy demanded. "Fight Amoret. Win."

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang