50. False Claims

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"Kill him?" Aislynn half teased. 


"I'm mainly kidding." Aislynn corrected. 

"I know." Tommy assured. "Hey, what about this we go home. Father misses you like crazy-"

"Lies, I'm sure he is happy to be rid of me." Aislynn corrected. 

"Lies, you are fathers favorite." Tommy corrected. "We bring everyone, not the husband if you dont want or we do to make sure he stays in line. I can even make sure he can't weasel out of it." 

"You would do that?" 

"Anything for my little love." TOmmy agreed. 

"Thank you, Tom. That would be nice. A change of scenery. Not having to see her or her bastards... maybe thats what we need.  A fresh start." 

"Theres the spirit. I will let the boys know." Tommy remarked as he leaned over pressing a kiss to her temple. 

"You think Alicent will want to come?"


"Yes. Dont leave me here with these people." Alicent agreed immediately. "Ser Criston we are going to Old town." Alicent declared. 

"We." Aislynn agreed smiling back at him. "You included, I dont like Ser Harrold as much. Always has that stern look on his face."

"Of course your grace, my lady." Criston agreed bowing his head. 

"My lady." Alicent repeated. "You two..."

"I'm everyone's my lady." Aislynn corrected. 

"He made it sound like... MY. MY lady." Alicent clarified. 

"Well he is sworn to the guard and what a damn pity that is because..." she stopped herself. No use pining after something, someone that knew he couldnt have her and wouldnt break the rules. 

Harwin was the problem, Laenor seemed a fine man and yet Rhaenyra paraded her children around claiming them velaryon while smirking back at Aislynn. Rhaenyra bitched about Laenor being gone but was happy to steal away Aislynn's husband. Harwin broke the rules did not have that honor like Criston had apparently. 

Harwin knew that Rhaenyra, the princess was wed and what he was doing would hurt them both, the children she bore. The ruin it would bring to them all and yet he did it all the same. And as though that wasnt a lot of bull shit. Harwin was married as well. 

Aislynn had hoped he had been more faithful but she couldnt know. She hoped this would be a fresh start, hell maybe they moved to Old town for good. 

"Your grace, Lords Thomas, Arthur and John Hightower." Criston remarked as they came into his office. 

"Hello boys, what can I do for you?" Viserys questioned. 

"We are taking our sisters and their children back to old town for a while." John informed him. 

"Oh how lovely, I know how much Alicent misses her father." Viserys offered. 

"We wanted to ask permission for Harwin, Aislynns husband to join us." Arthur added. 

"Of course." Viserys agreed. 

"Could be gone a moon." TOmmy added. 

"Not a problem at all. Family is important." Viserys agreed. 

"Funny, Harwin missed John's wedding because he claimed he couldnt take leave." Tommy added.

"He did not ask for leave." Viserys countered looking between them. 

"He didnt?" Arthur pushed. "I must be remembering wrong then."

"You boys and your sister Aislynn are family." Viserys reminded him. "If you need leave, if Ser Harwin needs leave to be with his family, then of course." 

"Thank you, your grace. I will tell them the good news." Tommy declared. 

They walked outside into the courtyard and shared a knowing look. 

"Cunt lied to stay with that silver haired bitch." John sneered. "Our Aislynn is perfect and he... Gods." John muttered annoyed. 

"What do you want to do about Harwin?" Arthur pondered as Tommy lit a smoke. 

^^^John, Tommy, Arthur ^^^

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^^^John, Tommy, Arthur ^^^

"Bring the cunt with us and smack some sense into him or he doesnt come back to the capital." Tommy decided and the boys were in agreement. 

"Lets go tell Amoret."

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now