99. Hideous

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Princess Charming / Aemond / Daemon Out now!

'' All hail Rhaenyra of House Targaryen, Princess of Dragons tone and heir to the Iron Throne and her royal consort, Prince Daemon Targaryen.'' Steffon Darklyn announced as they arrived at the capital.

''Welcome back, Princess.''

''Lord Caswell.'' Rhaenyra remarked as they walked inside. 

"Six years... a lot has changed." Daemon remarked. He knelt down picking up a little doll from the ground. 


''We have continued to enjoy improved customs duties since the settling of the Step stones. And the extent to which we exploit those is contingent on the harbor master's receipts. Of which, um, uh, the, uh, septons have requested half that again for a bronze bust they wish to co... to commission for the, the Festival of the Mother, which I would not recommend." Beesbury said to the council with a cough, he was the eldest on the council, he was the most experienced sure, but also had a way of the old, not the new and Aislynn declared multiple times that he needs to go, he looks like death one of these days he is just going to drop dead at a meeting, dont let this room be his last breath. 

'Thank you for that exhaustive accounting, Lord Beesbury." Alicent told him, she sat in Viserys spot. He rarely left his bed and he was in no shape to rule. Alicent got to truly be the queen. She took into consideration what Aislynn had suggested about Beesbury and even offered him leave but he shook his head profusely. He needed to be here for the king. The King. Aislynn didnt like that answer either. Not the king and queen, just the king. Like a damn cunt. Aislynn was not allowed in meetings due to her short temper and blunt tongue. 

''I remind you...'' but the door opened and Alicent turned to the guard.

'' Your guests have arrived, Your Grace.''

''I trust they've been welcomed as befits their station.'' Otto remarked stiffly.

''As you instructed, Lord Hand.''

"You didnt listen to Aislynn did you?" Otto pondered. 

"No, lord hand... although her recommendations were-"

"Thank you." Alicent agreed stiffly, she rolled her eyes. Heads on spikes for their welcome party, that was what Aislynn had suggested. 

'' It was my understanding Lord Corlys wished for his grandson Lucerys to succeed him as Lord of the Tides. The boy has been raised most of his life away from Driftmark. He can fly a dragon, yes, but can he command a fleet?'' Grand master Orwyle reminded them.

''Ability does not alter his claim.''

''The Sea Snake has never formally named him as heir, if it comes to that. The crown must choose what is best for the realm.''

'' He is Laenor's son. What grounds could there be...''

''What indeed, Lord Beesbury. What indeed.'' Otto agreed. Otto knew Aislynn was happy and in love and moved on from Harwin but he also knew that black haired little boys were bound to annoy her and Rhaenyra was bound to set her off. 

''We shall hear Princess Rhaenyra's petition, along with those of the other claimants on the morrow." Alicent told them as she rose up

''But...' Beesbury tried again

''I do beg your pardon, my lords. I must greet our guests."


''Father?'' Rhaenyra asked approached his bed Viserys lay with wheezing breaths in his lungs.

" Who goes there?" Viserys questioned disoriented.

"Father. It's me, my King." Rhaenyra said sitting beside him on the bed. ''Rhaenyra.'

''Oh... Oh.'' Viserys answered opening his eyes

''I'm here with Daemon.'' Rhaenyra went on

''Daemon? Daemon?'' Viserys said recognizing the name but finding it hard to place it. ''Daemon.'' He agreed his brother. Viserys wheezed again. 'Help me up.'' With a groan Rhaenyra got him sitting up in bed his pillows propped up behind him.

''It has been so long.'' Viserys said with a heavy breath.

They had not wrote, they had not visited and now viserys lay choking out for breath and they didnt recognize the armless, eyeless man before them. It was their own fault and yet they came running claiming love and admiration when they needed something.

''The Triarchy is resurgent. The fighting is anew. And there is a p... There is a petition to decide upon the succession of Driftmark and the heir to the Driftwood Throne. Rhaenyra informed him and Viserys sighed deeply.

"Petitions? Alicent and Otto... they see to all that business now." Viserys remarked.

'' No, brother, listen to me. You are to affirm your position for Lucerys to be Corlys Velaryon's successor.''


" To think I was in a grand mood." Aislynn muttered as she got Cammie dressed. "But they are here, I saw their hideous silver hair begging for Viserys help." 

"Hideous?" Daeron mused. "Tell me how you really feel auntie?" 

"Oh, not you." Aislynn assured. "You and your siblings have the hightower genes, keeps you from looking like Rhaenyra."

"And thank the Gods for that." Clayton laughed out. 

"I gave up on manners, he is too much like me." Aislynn remarked as she put a little green bow in Cammies hair. "Perfect." 

"Mama kis!" Cammie declared lifting her little face. Aislynn pressed a kiss to her nose. Cammie jumped up running to Daeron and Clayton requesting kisses from them too.

"They are all sweet like you." Criston remarked hugging Aislynn to him. 

"I need some sweetness right now or else I'm going to be a bloody Aislynn." She whispered. "Their blood, the monsters blood. Not mine." 

"And we all know how you dont like to get your hands dirty." Criston teased. 

"I'm willing to for a good cause." 


''Father... there's someone we wish to introduce you to. '' Rhaenyra told him as he counited with his labored breathing before them. He didn't look like a king anymore. His face weathered his eye gone, he was weak and fading quickly.

''Father... this is Aegon."

"Aegon." Viserys said through an exhale.

"And this... is Viserys." Rhaenyra told him

" Ah... Viserys. Oh." Viserys choked out a laugh. ''Now that is a name fit for a king.'' He laughed out but soon started coughing, the children were scared of his face the babies started crying. ''Oh, I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry.'' Viserys took a heavy breath and mouthed. ''My tea... My tea.''

''What tea? This?'' Rhaenyra asked looking down at it.

''Yes. Yes. Yes.''

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now