7. Give her a Cookie not a Cock

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"What was it like flying the Black Dread? You were Balerion's last rider."

"Only for a short time before he died. With Balerion died the last memory of Valyria of Old. But Vhagar still lives... somewhere." Viserys said with a sigh.

"Bit too large for the Dragon pit. Some would say too large for our world. Do you know where she nests?" Laena questioned.

"I'm sorry?" Viserys had too much on his mind to be talking dragons with a child, a child he was never going to marry, ever. He knew that for a fact, he didn't know why he was bothering entertaining the idea. He didnt have a better choice though, did he? Not one that wouldnt start a war with Corlys that was for sure.

"Do you know where Vhagar is now?" Laena questioned kindly.

"Um, the Dragon keepers believe she made home somewhere on the coast of the Narrow Sea. The workers at Spicetown report hearing her song at times." Viserys told her. "They say it is a sad thing." Viserys added.

"I imagine even dragons get lonely. Your Grace... it would be a great honor to join our houses as they were in Old Valyria. I would give you many children of pure Valyrian blood so that we might strengthen the royal line and the realm." Laena told him, as rehearsed.

"Is that what your father told you to say?" Viserys questioned and she nodded sheepishly.  "What did your mother tell you?" Viserys countered.

"That I wouldn't have to bed you until I turned 14." Laena remarked honestly.

Aislynn choked out a breath as she passed them in the gardens.

"Give that girl a cookie and not a cock." Aislynn offered innocently as she passed Viserys watched her a moment longer. "Just one modest God fearing womans opinion." Aislynn offered feeling eyes on her.


"What was that?" Aislynn questioned.

"What was what?" Otto countered.

"Don't play dumb father, it doesnt look good on you." Aislynn countered crossing her arms over her chest.

'The Small Council is urging me to remarry. It seems the realm wants for a new queen." Viserys told Alicent

"A good and kind queen will give comfort to your subjects." Alicent offered. "Does the Small Council have a particular lady in mind?'

"Uh..." Viserys said awkwardly. "Lord Corlys Velaryon has offered the hand of his daughter, the Lady Laena."

"A very strong match, Your Grace." Alicent agreed.

"I must admit, I, I don't know Laena very well." Viserys admitted.

"I'm sure that she is good and kind, and that she will enjoy your company, as I have, Your Grace." Alicent told him kindly, her father would not be happy about that, if her sister found out what Otto wanted though Alicent was certain Aislynn would kill their father anyways so she really didnt need to worry.

"Why are you acting so shady? What did you give Alicent?" Aislynn questioned.

"Please stop." Otto begged. "Aislynn I love you but I can't handle this right now."

"Can't handle what?" Aislynn bit back as Criston came up to them.

"Lord Hand." Criston remarked holding out a scroll, Aislynn smiled back at him as Otto read through the scroll with urgency.

"Hi." Aislynn said softly. "Fancy seeing you here... come here often?" She mused and Criston couldnt help but smile.

"I brought you something. I asked the stonemasons to mend it." ALicent went on as she held out the little box. SHe didnt know what was inside, she didnt know what it was. Her father instructed her to give it to the king.

"This is, um, a very kind gesture, Alicent." Viserys remarked. 'Very kind.' He said looking over the chest inside revealed a little dragon statue. He ran his hands along the dragon when a knock rapped on the door. 'Come.'

'The Hand, Your Grace.' Harrold told him closing the door as Otto walked in.

'Your Grace, I've called the Small Council to an emergency session.' Otto said looking down at his daughter.

"Why?" Viserys questioned.

"I think it best you hear it directly." Otto told him.

"Very well." Viserys agreed as they headed out.


'You're the most comely girl at court. Why do you destroy yourself? Hm?" Otto questioned grabbing ALicent's hand to stop her from destroying her nails.  'Will you see the King tonight?'

'If you wish it.' Alicent agreed softly.  'Good day, Ser Criston.'

'My Lady. I've assembled 20 of your best household guards, my Lord Hand. Ser Harrold will also join us.' Criston told them as Alicent tried to act natural and calm but she was failing she was a mess of nerves. She looked to Aislynn before looking back to Criston.

'Please look after the Hand, Ser Criston.' Alicent said as she headed out away from Aislynn.

"Hey Rhaenyra... you getting the egg back?" AIslynn questioned when she saw Rhaenyra heading out.

"I..." Rhaenyra faltered.

"Can I come?" Aislynn questioned hopefully.

"Yes!" Rhaenyra agreed pulling her hand and leading her to the pits.

"This is so awesome, John is going to be so jealous." Aislynn declared as they got up.

"Okay, hold on tight." Rhaenyra declared.

"Hold on to what?" Aislynn countered. Rhaenyra said words Aislynn didnt understand and Syrax took off and Aislynn screamed with laughter as she held onto Rhaenyra.

"This is amazing!" Aislynn declared feeling the wind in her hair. "I would never come down if I were you!"

"I never want to." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Oh, I dont know why Ali is so scared, this is a amazing! I want a dragon! Can I have a dragon!" Aislynn declared hooting into the clouds.

"We can get you a dragon." Rhaenyra agreed.

"Wait, like for real? Dont joke with me Rhaenyra. Now that I got a taste of the good life I cant go back to carriages or horses!" Aislynn warned.

"We have a few dragons on dragonstone that are unclaimed." Rhaenyra agreed. "Anyone could claim them."

"Dragonstone like the place we are going right now?" Aislynn needed clarification.

"Yep but this is more of a fly by than a recruitment of dragons for you." Rhaenyra offered.

"Damn, next time."

"Next time!" Rhaenyra agreed. "Alright, coming up, hold on tight."

"Never let go." Aislynn corrected.

It's Time To Go // Criston Cole // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now