Family Secrets Part 2

By Bad4Lov

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This is book 2 from "Family Secrets" we continue to follow Karen through her journey of healing after the maj... More

Cracked open
Miss You
Keep moving forward
Growing Pains
Have you noticed?
I was you P1
I was You P2
What happened?
Read the room
They didn't P1.
They Didn't P2
They Didn't P3
They Didn't P4
We didn't know
She's here fightin'
I'm Sorry P1
I'm Sorry P2
The Surprise P1
The Surprise P2
Return to the roots
My Babies
You're being difficult
I'm Sorry P3
Back to Work
Opening Up
A blasts from the past
You Can't Be Serious
Shopping Spree
Stay Ready
Stay ready P2
Am I?
By a Thread
Everything's falling apart
Fix it Jesus
Give It To The Lord
Lord, Give Me A Praying Spirit
A Secret Place
Jesus Heals
We're trying
Its not fair
Jesus will work it out
Work Flow P1
Work Flow P2
Things are getting better?
The truth revealed P1.
The Truth Revealed P2
Already lookin' better?!
What's wrong?
Is it my fault?
Things are good
Things are good P2
Are you alright?
Is it a dream??
To be or not to be?
We're getting closer
Then there was three
Somethings are better left unsaid?
The night before
The Court Case P1
The Court Case P2
Court Case Day 2: P3
Court Case Day 3: P4
Court case Day 4: P5
Court Case Day 4 continued
Court Case Day 5: P5
The verdict
The beating
Being vulnerable
Is it over?
Making amends
Love Life
Who did it?
Trying to get there P1
Trying to get there P2
There's a shift in the atmosphere
Dreaming Of You...
Dreams are gone??
Hurt feelings
Hurt feelings P2
Hurt Feelings P3
Hurt feelings P4
Hurt Feelings P5
Hurt Feelings P6
Are you for real?!
Forgive and move on
What are we gonna do?
We're working on it
Welcome home
Whats going on?
Goodbye High School

The Surprise P3

212 18 25
By Bad4Lov

Notes: The baby shower is finally here.

Side note: This is the last full on fluff chapter that y'all are gonna get in a while because with me writing fluff y'all know that's not who I am. 🤣

That's just takes me to long to be writing fluff like an unreasonable amount of time because it pains me. Ummm. I do not enjoy writing fluff. So, just know when y'all get that double update today it's going to be some drama in there after Karen and Drew do their lil thang. Y'all know have their little nasty time together because I don't do fluff like that but I hoped y'all have enjoyed these past 3 days because that was enough for me. *Says in Jacky's voice.* Lmbooo.

It was now a few weeks later and the baby shower was finally here and all of the Clark's and the Sheard's family members have been staying at one hotel in town with some of the relatives coming out of state and the other relatives who did live there would visit them. Karen didn't know anything about it because Dorinda never had the decorations set up at her house just yet. If anything she would have the decorations hiding somewhere in one of the rooms knowing that Karen doesn't go that far into them no way when she does go over there or whenever she goes into her room while she's over she just taking a nap because at this point in Karen's pregnancy she was getting more tired by the day since she was still carrying.

Now here Drew was trying to get his wife to put on some good looking clothes so she could go to Dorinda's house but he wasn't trying to tell her why because he didn't want to ruin the surprise for her especially since she never had a baby shower before.

"Whyyyyy can't I just wear my slippers?!" Karen whined to Drew kicking her feet looking at the high heels she was still deciding to wear because she was being so indecisive about it all.

"Baby you can wear your slippers." Drew said looking at how and fluffy Karen was as she was almost done with this pregnancy.

"But I can't even put them onnnn." Karen whined again gettin' ready to cry because she could barely bend over now. Which was another thing lately Karen's emotions had been on a ten but that was because of how far into her pregnancy she was and every time she started crying if Ace was around her he would hug his grandma saying "it's okayyy" not even knowing why she's crying.

So as they were getting ready to go to Dorinda's house both, Ace and Drew had helped to put on Karen's bedroom slippers so she could be as comfortable as possible staying over at Dorinda's house thinking that it was gonna be just their normal get together. But what Karen didn't know was that she was gonna be in for a surprise.

About 30 minutes later they were now at Dorinda's house but as soon as Drew had opened up the van's doors Ace was ready to run into his great-aunties house but Dorinda was even more ready for him because over the last few weeks since, Faith had to pay for what he had damaged they had came to an understanding. But he still wasn't as good for Dorinda like he was for his grandma. But Dorinda didn't mind as long as he listened and he wasn't that bad like before.

He had to calm down on his auntie Doe.

(Here is a picture of Ace since y'all were asking and thank KIKIBABEMOCHALOVE and missstrawberry2020 for picking out all of these pictures because they were ready!)🤣♥️

So, once Ace was finally out of the car, Dorinda had called him over whispering in his ears to "go get your grandma and follow me after your grandpa and everybody else come into the house okay?!" Dorinda said to him and Ace just nodded his head okay runnin' back towards his grandma with Drew helping his wife to the door.

"Wheww chileee these babies are sittin' on me." Karen said holding her stomach feeling them rest and move a tad bit. "I need a good stretch after this." Karen said but before they had even went in there Drew had to stretch, Karen like how Dr.Womack had showed him and how Matti had did it for her and then she felt better.

"You feel better now?!" Drew asked his wife kissing her on the cheek and then on the lips. "Aye too much now that's how she got pregnant in the first place nie." Dorinda jokingly said and Ace just got in between his grandparents trying to move Drew out the way because he still ain't get used to Drew kissin' on his grandma and he wanted to do his job.

"I think Ace is tellin' you to chill out, Drew." Dorinda laughed at her brother-in-law even though they weren't even deep into it the kisses were just light pecks.

"He never let me have no alone time with my wife." Drew said playfully shaking his head and Karen just smiled at him. "It's okay pookie maybe we can have some alone time tonight." Karen said kissing Drew on his cheek and Ace was trying even harder to move his grandpa away from his grandma.

"There is a childdd right there." Dorinda said referring to Ace.

"Y'all just nasty." Dorinda whispered playfully shaking her head.

"Auntie Doe I'm stayin' here." Nikki said with N'ylani in her arms. "Me too." Faith said walking into the house not trying to chance it and they just invited themselves over for the night even though they now permanently lived with Karen. But the doors were always opened for them.

Once they were in the house, Ace was all excited he had one job to do and that was to hold his grandma's hand and lead her to where he was supposed to go and Ace was leading her too.

"Nanaa come on!" Ace said all excited as they was almost there even though he was still holding onto her hand and when Karen got there she was confused as all outdoors.

"Dorinda, what is you doin' where's the light at?!" Karen said feeling for the light and when Doe turned them on everyone yelled out, "SURPRISEEEE!" And, Karen couldn't believe it.

Now it wasn't that many people but it was a handful of people of what you could count on both hands plus some more so maybe the party guests were like 15-20 people which was a good size amount because they weren't sure about how Karen was gonna react to a larger size crowd if the rest of their family members came. So, it was the ones who would call often to just check in and talk with them every now and then as well as the ones who had helped to search for Karen or to put the word out there that she was "missing" as they had called it since they couldn't believe that Elbert had done that too her.

And here her family and friends was looking at an all grown-up and married, Karen and they just couldn't believe it and so, the party got started while Ace just stood by his grandma's side being her little security guard with his cute yet bad self as he still looked into getting into things.

"Honeyyy I can't believe it's you!!!" One of her relatives said looking at Karen and examining her and getting all types of emotional. "I haven't seen you since you a babyyy." They said even though technically, Karen was around 12 years old the last time she saw that particular relative. But she knew what she meant by that and just nodded her head and smiled as they had caught up on some things.

Because since, Karen had been back home Dorinda and Matti wasn't about to let anybody see Karen in her in the state that she was in which was programmed because they didn't know how they were going to react to her being back and how she was acting and they weren't about to explain anything else to them since having to explain the fact that Elbert had custody of Karen after that was like Matti answering 21 questions with their relatives.

And they did offer to go over there to get Karen for her but that was against the custody agreement and Matti didn't want to violate that because if she had violated that she was gonna be in jail and she didn't want that. So, she just had to do the next best thing which was wait and pray.

But while everyone was catching up with Karen they were also introduced to Drew who a few of them knew before he had became the man that he was today.

"So, you finally did it?!" One of Karen's relatives said looking at him just happy for the two of them. "Did what Drew said smiling with Ace right behind just makin' sure that he don't get to close to his grandma. "You married, Karen we actually thought you were gonna try to marry her sooner." They said shruggin' their shoulders and Drew just did the same as well. "I guess I had to wait a little while." He said not really knowing what else to say because that was a complicated situation.

"But y'all never had a ceremony did y'all?" They had asked him and Drew just shook his head no.

"It was just on a spot type of thing." Drew said and then they just left it alone meaning well but also being nosy.

So, Drew went onto find his wife and as the party went on they ate their food and looked at the decorations that Dorinda and everyone else had set up for Karen.

(Here's the food and obviously the family don't know what Karen is having so they just had both colors.)

(The food that they're having.)

Once everyone had sat down and ate, Ace greedy self was going in for more food. He was eatin' like how his grandma was eatin'.

"Acee!" Karen said puttin' her chicken down on her plate movin' it away from her grand-baby and gettin' him another plate while N'ylani was drinking her milk but looking like she had wanted some real food too and she went grabbin' for it. "Ooh no baby you can't have that you still on baby food." Nikki said reminding her daughter but N'ylani made a face and went back to drinkin' her bottle while Nikki was still holding it for her.

And, Faith had to pull her son next to her so, he would stop trying to grab at his grandma's food because she needed to eat for her babies that was inside of her.

"Here, Ace with yo greedy butt." Faith said feeding him off of her fork and he was just eatin' away without a care in the world while trying to still feed himself at the same time with his other free hand.

So, while everyone getting done with eating they moved onto the games and then they went onto the presents that they had brought for the babies.

So, they only knew that Karen was having twins but what they didn't know was the sex of the baby.

"Alright y'all let's gather around." Drew said as he stood next to his wife who was sitting down in a white decorated chair for her baby shower that Dorinda had did for her baby sister.

"So as many of you know me and my wife are having twins." Drew said placing a soft hand on Karen's shoulder almost as if he was massaging it.

"But what y'all don't know is what we're having and neither do we." Drew said.

"But we have the surprise right here in this envelope and in this confetti." Drew said just because he knew Dorinda was extra.

"That's right!" Dorinda told them agreeing with them since she was the one who set it up but they also kept the sex from her for the people who did it for her because she wanted it to be that way. "Now to conclude our first baby shower." Drew started to say. "And our lastttt." Karen said nodding her head yes. "She's such a comedian we'll be back here next year." Drew joked with them making everyone laugh but Karen looked at him like "who is we?!" She said. "I'm a just open this envelope because I don't know what he's talking about." Karen playfully but seriously said with the envelope in her hand ready to open it.

"Are you ready?!" Karen asked her husband knowing that sometimes he could be a little slow.

"I'm always ready." Drew said excited for this moment and Dorinda had her camera ready while Matti was holding N'ylani.

"Okay." Karen said being a tad bit nervous.

"On the count of 3." Drew said and everyone started counting.

"1.2....3!" Everyone said and when Karen finally opened it she screamed saying what it was and the confetti going off.

And the confetti colors were both pink and blue mixed together.

"Aweeeee!" Every one said seeing the colors and Karen couldn't help but get emotional and cry.

And, Drew was giving his wife's pecks. But Ace let him have his moment.

But he just knew he was gonna get his grand daddy later for kissin' on his grandma.

So, here Ace was lookin' away. "Acee let him kiss her." Nikki said chuckling because Ace was not amused nor was he pleased.

"Ace you wanna come next to grandma?!" Karen said reaching her arms out towards him and of course he went walkin' towards his grandma with his little lips poked out and Karen gave him more kisses on the cheek than Drew's. And, Ace looked at him and smiled like he knew what he was doin'.

So, after the baby shower was over everyone had went home after some of them had stayed behind to help Dorinda clean up and of course the siblings were staying there helping their little sister out.

And for a moment, Karen had talked to Dorinda thanking her for throwing this baby shower for her.

"Well this is your first one and we wanted do something special for you since you didn't have it before." Dorinda said talking to her baby sister and Karen understood and was grateful that her older sister didn't listen to her about not wanting to have one.

"I'm just glad y'all didn't listen to me this time." Karen said laughing about it while they shared a good laugh together.

So, Karen and Drew just went on home because it was time for them to go and Karen was a little tired't. But both, Nikki and Faith remembered what their mama had said earlier.

"Y'all not comin' back home with us?!" Karen had asked her kids but they both shook their heads no. "I got my clothes packed right here in N'ylani's bag." Nikki said holding it up because she was gonna take her and her daughter upstairs with their stuff. "Same my stuff is with Ace's bag!" Faith said shaking her head no. "Y'all can have the house tonight." Faith said not wantin' to hear none of that.

"Alright then." Drew said walking his wife out to the car and letting her get in first by opening up the car door with him.


What did y'all think about this chapter? Just know this the last one y'all gettin' for a good while so, marinate in this chapter.

What did y'all think about the baby shower?

What did y'all think about the relatives seeing Karen again once she was an adult?

What did y'all think about that one relative who was asking Drew why didn't they have a wedding ceremony basically?

What did y'all think about Ace being greedy and N'ylani wantin' some food but she couldn't have no real food yet??

What did y'all think about the gender reveal?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!

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