Family Secrets Part 2

By Bad4Lov

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This is book 2 from "Family Secrets" we continue to follow Karen through her journey of healing after the maj... More

Cracked open
Miss You
Keep moving forward
Growing Pains
Have you noticed?
I was you P1
I was You P2
What happened?
Read the room
They didn't P1.
They Didn't P2
They Didn't P3
They Didn't P4
We didn't know
She's here fightin'
I'm Sorry P1
The Surprise P1
The Surprise P2
The Surprise P3
Return to the roots
My Babies
You're being difficult
I'm Sorry P3
Back to Work
Opening Up
A blasts from the past
You Can't Be Serious
Shopping Spree
Stay Ready
Stay ready P2
Am I?
By a Thread
Everything's falling apart
Fix it Jesus
Give It To The Lord
Lord, Give Me A Praying Spirit
A Secret Place
Jesus Heals
We're trying
Its not fair
Jesus will work it out
Work Flow P1
Work Flow P2
Things are getting better?
The truth revealed P1.
The Truth Revealed P2
Already lookin' better?!
What's wrong?
Is it my fault?
Things are good
Things are good P2
Are you alright?
Is it a dream??
To be or not to be?
We're getting closer
Then there was three
Somethings are better left unsaid?
The night before
The Court Case P1
The Court Case P2
Court Case Day 2: P3
Court Case Day 3: P4
Court case Day 4: P5
Court Case Day 4 continued
Court Case Day 5: P5
The verdict
The beating
Being vulnerable
Is it over?
Making amends
Love Life
Who did it?
Trying to get there P1
Trying to get there P2
There's a shift in the atmosphere
Dreaming Of You...
Dreams are gone??
Hurt feelings
Hurt feelings P2
Hurt Feelings P3
Hurt feelings P4
Hurt Feelings P5
Hurt Feelings P6
Are you for real?!
Forgive and move on
What are we gonna do?
We're working on it
Welcome home
Whats going on?
Goodbye High School

I'm Sorry P2

223 18 23
By Bad4Lov

Notes: Baby N'ylani comes home from the hospital with something very concerning going on with her.

Side note: I can't believe I'm giving y'all some fluff but here take it. Also it's been two months since N'ylani has been in the hospital.

Y'all already know a few of these ideas was given to me like if I wanted to do something than to let her have a disability because y'all know I was gonna stress y'all all the way out. As well as Faith going back to New York to get herself together. So, I was like let me calm down just a little bit. So, I did just for y'all. So, y'all can thank the same ones from the last chapter that's tagged for always talking me down from stressing y'all out completely. 😭

TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of disability. Faith is back. 😭

It's been a few months later and baby N'ylani was now ready to come out of the hospital. Since she had been in there Nikki of course had visited her baby every day when she could and stayed up until the visiting hours were over. And on the last day of her hospital stay the family thought that it was nothing sort of a blessing since she was able to gain some important baby weight on her since she was still so small from when she had first seen her.

Every day, Nikki would come in there and just talk to her baby like N'ylani could understand what she was saying and even though she couldn't she knew the sound of her mama's voice and would start cooing for her. But since, N'ylani was still so small and couldn't support her ownself yet they would have to turn N'ylani around to face her mama and whenever she seen her mama N'ylani's eyes would light up and she would smile a toothless grin while playing with and holding her little feet just being all cute. And don't let Nikki take out a camera because N'ylani would be ready to pose. If anything she knew what to do when the camera came out.

She wasn't one of those babies who was camera shy if anything she liked the camera.

And, even Karen went to go visit her grand daughter in the hospital and knew immediately that even though N'ylani had been sick when she was first born because she had came into this world wayyy earlier than what she was supposed to she had a lot of personality in her and she was a fighter on top of that.

N'ylani wasn't even out of the hospital yet when Karen had already spent over $200 in baby items for her grand-daughter. "Spoiled, spoiled, spoiled rotten already." Drew said as he was coming into the hospital helping his wife carry what she had bought from the gift shop for N'ylani out of there. "Karen she already have this at home." Drew said looking at what Karen had and he could've sworn Karen done bought up the whole store when it came to what they had for the baby items.

"No she doesn't Drew. She don't have that particular color at home." Karen said pointing that out to him. "Girl really?!" Drew said arching his eyebrow. "Oooh hush up like you not gonna spoil her." Karen said reading him for dust and Drew just shrugged his shoulders. "You got me there but how am I supposed to spoil her when you keep beatin' me too it?!" Drew rhetorically asked his wife tryin' to be funny with her. "Whateva Drew you gotta keep up while you can." Karen said as she walked off going to the car while smiling.

So, right when they walked to the car which was a van because they knew they were gonna need one for all the kids that was about to be in there house here comes Nikki with the nurse right behind her carrying N'ylani who was just doing baby things and clapping her hands for no reason just as happy as she could be.

But they noticed that Nikki was carrying something in her hand and Karen had squinted her eyes from afar because she did see a little tube running across her grand daughters nose.

"Alright so this little one is all set." The nurse said as she helped, Nikki to carry N'ylani as Nikki had to carefully put N'ylani's oxygen tank in at the same time and when Karen saw what it was her eyes widened a little bit with concern. But Nikki was going to explain everything when she got home to them because she already knew that her mother had a whole lot of questions for her.

But when Nikki got in the car she had looked in the truck of the car and said was surprised at what she had seen.

"Ma what is all that?!" Nikki asked her surprised and shocked after, Drew had closed her door back. "Oh girl don't act surprised that's not for you all that is for N'ylani." Karen said waving her daughter off and then, N'ylani had seen the balloon and started cryin' for it. "Ma she wants this balloon." Nikki said because it was all bright colors and what not.

"Then give her the balloon if she wants it." Karen told her already defending her grand daughter and Nikki just made a face and just brought the balloon to her daughter because she ain't feel like getting popped by her mama ova her own daughter.

"You finna get me in trouble already." Nikki said to her daughter and N'ylani just smiled playing with her little feet as soon as the balloon was brought over closer to her and she just want to play with the string to see it wiggle. But of course, Nikki had to do it for her.

"You only 7 months and already spoiled." Nikki said giving her baby a kiss on the cheek and immediately, N'ylani calmed down when she got what she wanted.

It was like N'ylani knew she was spoiled and was gonna get what she wanted. She knew she was gonna run that house for the time being.

While they were driving home, Nikki was thinking about the last few months when her sister had gone to New York for a little to work on herself after, Dr.Womack had thought that would be a good idea to give her sister some space from her especially after she had almost killed her unborn niece.

Nikki didn't even go back into her room nor checked it until a few weeks after, Faith had cleaned it up for her. It was like she was so uncomfortable going in there because of how badly her sister had messed up her room and had torn up her art portfolio. Luckily, when Nikki had showed her teacher her art portfolio and broke down crying over it while telling her what happened copies of it were made. But Nikki would still have to re-do the art project so it wasn't that much work that she had to re-do. If anything her newer drawings and paintings came out better than before and she had just decided to use these instead because she had added in a little twist to where her new art portfolio had looked completely different from her old one that her sister had trashed. So, her old art work copies had inspired her new art work as well as what had happened over the last few months.

And no one really knew that Nikki was pregnant except for her teacher since one she didn't even look pregnant and two she wasn't even pregnant long enough for her stomach to start showing to where people could tell. She guessed it was a good thing that N'ylani came early because she could continue going to school in peace. But yet the guy who had taken advantage of her was still there but he just didn't know that he had a daughter yet. All he knew was that his parents was now on his ass about a pending case they wouldn't tell him nothing about.

Of course, Karen did get into contact with the parents and they had a meeting about what happened and they understood why Karen was so livid that even Drew couldn't calm his wife down during the meeting. But the parents didn't blame her for how she reacted. If anything they knew that something had to be done about their sons outrageous behavior. It was like when the meeting was over, Karen had walked out of that office pissed off as hell.

And everybody was concerned about why the Bishop and the First Lady of GEI was even there to begin with and the students didn't put two and two together when rumors started coming out about that De'Marcus had taken advantage of someone and they just didn't know who.

And his friends were too stupid to realize that he had actually done it.

So, not only was they working on Karen's court case but now they were building one up for Nikki and the parents was actually helping them because they had gotten tired of their son's behavior as well and they always threatened him with some type of disciplinary action but they had never followed through on it until now. So, he was gonna be in for a big surprise. They was gonna let him finish high school first. But he didn't know that his chances of going to college was going to be slim to none if he kept on acting up because they wanted him to get his high school degree.

If they were being honest with themselves they didn't even think that their son was gonna get that far in school but he did. He was just very lazy when it came to his grades and what not.

But at home and elsewhere he liked giving his parents hell for no reason.

When N'ylani finally made it home, Nikki knew that Faith was supposed to return back from New York knowing that she had worked on herself with a recommended counselor that Dr.Womack knew and sent her a referral to there in New York so she could continue her sessions and the therapist there would send the information back to Dr.Womack since she was her primary psychiatrists.

And when, N'ylani was finally taken out of her car seat she was already looking around seeing what she could get into. But since she had the oxygen tank on her Nikki wasn't about to let her baby get too far from her.

So, Nikki just put her in a little baby bouncy chair to distract her while she had talked with her parents.

"So what's going on with my grand baby?" Karen asked her as Karen had took her time to slowly sit down in her seat that was behind her while placing her hand on her 8 month pregnant belly.

"Well the doctor said that because N'ylani was born and her lungs were severely underdeveloped and even now she has to have an oxygen tank with her at all times. She has to wear it 24/7." Nikki awkwardly told them not knowing how to say that part.

"And I mean she does have a disability because she was born so early and had the cord wrapped around her neck but it mainly came from her lungs it's Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) because her lungs aren't fully developed yet and they won't know how long she'll have it for because she had already passed the 4 months mark to when it was supposed to get better and like go away on it's own I guess. But it just never went away for her." Nikki said just shrugging her shoulders.

When Nikki had said that she had felt like she did something wrong for her child to get that and she had blamed herself for letting Faith get her so worked up that it had eventually harmed her daughter probably for life.

"Nikki everything will be alright it's just that she's going to be different from the rest of the people that's around her and there's nothing wrong with that." Karen told her.

"I know it's not the same thing but I was different from the rest of my sisters and I had to learn how to overcome a few things but the one thing that I did learn was that if they don't accept them for who you are then they are not worth it." Karen told her.

"And also I had to learn how to defend myself so, it's just going to be learning experience." Karen said. "And I already know that she's gonna need certain accommodations so I can help you with that." Karen told her and Nikki just nodded her head okay.

After they had the conversation about what was going to be done for N'ylani the door bell had rung and everyone knew it was Faith.

"You ready?!" Karen asked her daughter and Nikki just nodded her head yeah.

So they had went had went to go answer the door.

When they had answered the door it was a little awkward moment of silence. But Faith finally acted like she had some common sense.

"Hi, ma. Hi, Nikki." Faith said looking like they seen a brand new Faith and her presence felt lighter unlike the last time. So, they had assumed that therapy had worked for her while she was up there in New York.


What did y'all think about this chapter?

What did y'all think about Karen already spoiling her baby? Cause y'all knew that was gonna happen. That was y'all fluff I might give y'all some more to even out the stress. UGHHHH. I'm so nice to y'all. 😭🤧🤣

What do y'all think about N'ylani having a respiratory disability?

What do y'all think about Karen giving Nikki that little prep talk about how N'ylani might be different but she'll be alright?

What do y'all think about Faith coming back home?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!

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