Family Secrets Part 2

By Bad4Lov

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This is book 2 from "Family Secrets" we continue to follow Karen through her journey of healing after the maj... More

Cracked open
Miss You
Keep moving forward
Growing Pains
Have you noticed?
I was you P1
I was You P2
What happened?
Read the room
They didn't P1.
They Didn't P3
They Didn't P4
We didn't know
She's here fightin'
I'm Sorry P1
I'm Sorry P2
The Surprise P1
The Surprise P2
The Surprise P3
Return to the roots
My Babies
You're being difficult
I'm Sorry P3
Back to Work
Opening Up
A blasts from the past
You Can't Be Serious
Shopping Spree
Stay Ready
Stay ready P2
Am I?
By a Thread
Everything's falling apart
Fix it Jesus
Give It To The Lord
Lord, Give Me A Praying Spirit
A Secret Place
Jesus Heals
We're trying
Its not fair
Jesus will work it out
Work Flow P1
Work Flow P2
Things are getting better?
The truth revealed P1.
The Truth Revealed P2
Already lookin' better?!
What's wrong?
Is it my fault?
Things are good
Things are good P2
Are you alright?
Is it a dream??
To be or not to be?
We're getting closer
Then there was three
Somethings are better left unsaid?
The night before
The Court Case P1
The Court Case P2
Court Case Day 2: P3
Court Case Day 3: P4
Court case Day 4: P5
Court Case Day 4 continued
Court Case Day 5: P5
The verdict
The beating
Being vulnerable
Is it over?
Making amends
Love Life
Who did it?
Trying to get there P1
Trying to get there P2
There's a shift in the atmosphere
Dreaming Of You...
Dreams are gone??
Hurt feelings
Hurt feelings P2
Hurt Feelings P3
Hurt feelings P4
Hurt Feelings P5
Hurt Feelings P6
Are you for real?!
Forgive and move on
What are we gonna do?
We're working on it
Welcome home
Whats going on?
Goodbye High School

They Didn't P2

189 19 54
By Bad4Lov

Notes: Karen and Nikki leaves for their trip and an angry Faith finds out.

Sidenote: This is also a continuation from the last chapter with new suggestions that Drew should spend time with Nikki and so more than one person asked that in the comments and so, I'm a just do the idea so, here y'all go y'all got some more fluff a little bit. 😭

It was the next morning and Karen had woken up, Drew early in the morning after Nikki had told her where they had wanted to go for there mini vacation. So, before midnight had hit Nikki had her bags packed and they were already in the car just en case, Faith had woke up earlier than they had expected to and Karen had did the same.

Nikki was so excited to finally be going on a trip with only her mother since they really didn't get to do that when they had first made up because a whole lot was going on and a whole lot still is going on but they had found the time to do it.

So, now here they were quickly sneaking out of there own house trying not to make any noise so, Faith wouldn't wake up because if she woke up then they were gonna have to take her with them and then it wouldn't be just a trip for Nikki and Karen and the whole trip would basically be ruined for the two of them.

Now here they were planning to go to the beach, Belle Isle Beach that is and they were gonna stay there for a few days and work with each other maybe even plan to go to a retreat or something while they were there. But when they finally got there after it was 3 hours away from the house they checked into their hotel rooms and waved, Drew to goodbye.

Back at home, Faith had just woke up and noticed that the house was too quiet for her liking. She had knocked on her sisters door to see if she was in there and she wasn't she knocked on her mama's door bustin' in her room to see if Karen or either Drew was there and they weren't.

It was like the whole entire family had left her and didn't say a word about it and she was hurt hurt by it. But she couldn't blame them though because she had been acting a little crazy over this past week but still it would've been nice to get a heads up that they were gonna leave her home. So, she just continued on down stairs and got her some breakfast calling her best friend, Gia to see what was up in New York because she knew she hadn't been talking to her in a while but that was because she was trying to get too know her family here even though she had been bringing all the drama and Faith knew this she just couldn't help it.

So, while that was going on Drew had finally walked back into the house knowing that Faith was already awake because he could hear her through the garage walking moving around being up and about. So, he had this whole entire speech in his head planned out because Karen had left him to tell her since her phone was gonna be off for the first few hours of this trip so she could focus on Nikki's well-being.

Because she knew that Faith was about to be calling her non-stop once she found out where they went trying to interrupt them through the phone calls.

Once, Drew walked into the house his lips was already pursed seeing that Faith was already just chilling on the couch just waitin' to interrogate somebody.

"Hi." Faith said with her arms folded.

"Hey?" Drew said as if he ain't know what to do because he knew how Faith could lash out but all he knew was that she betta not have lashed out at him.

Then they started talking like normally but Drew was just waiting for that question.

"So, where my mama and my sister at?!" Faith asked him and Drew just turned his head for a minute like he had something important to tell her but he didn't really want to tell her and here it was.

"Well I did drop them off somewhere." He said. "But they will be back in a few days 72 hours or a little bit more if you wanna count hours to make it shorter." Drew said knowing that the days might be a little too much for Faith.

"Oh?!" Faith said dryly trying to act as if that didn't bother her. "They just gonna leave without me?!" Faith rhetorically asked him. "They didn't want me to go?" Faith questioned him asking as nicely as she could even though she was getting madder by the minute.

"Well they kinda already had this planned before you came." Drew told her trying to cover for them and Karen had told him what he was gonna say just so she won't over react in that moment.

"Yeah right." Faith said not believing him and folding her arms angrily and pouting as if she was a toddler. "I'm calling my mama." Faith said pulling out her cell phone already and calling her but she didn't get anything but Karen's cell phone and Drew just looked away from her while she had called them. "I know you lyin'." Faith said calling her mama again after hearing her voice mail. "Why she not pickin' up?!" Faith bout panicked.

"She's with Nikki right now but we can do something together?" Drew had suggested and Faith was trying not to burst out in tears.

But then she called her sister's cell phone and Nikki didn't answer her either after calling them four times in a row, back-to-back.

Then she had decided to text Nikki:

"Aight you doodoo head you playin' with the wrong one." Faith texted her sending it to her and while Nikki was with her mother she felt her phone vibrate and looked at her text and laughed.

"Faith knows." Nikki said not caring because she didn't have to deal with her bull until she came back.

"Don't worry about her she'll be fine." Karen said not knowing how bad her daughter's temper is.

Back at home after, Drew tried to talk to Faith about what they could do together she just reluctantly agreed to it so she could keep her mind off of them.

While she was out with Drew she did learn a little bit more from him but at the same time she kept checking her phone to see if her sister or mama had called or texted her back. It was like Nikki didn't even text her a clapback and Faith felt really offended by that she didn't understand that Nikki was trying to be mature and trying to give Faith a break. But she didn't accept that.

So, while Faith went on a shopping spree with Drew she was planning her revenge in her head what she thought was acceptable.

Once they had came back home from there first Father-daughter day, Faith had put all of her stuff away and waited some more thinking that her sister was gonna text her back by tonight. But now it was 6:30pm and she still didn't even get a text from her.

"Okayyyy." Faith said nodding her head and getting up out of bed going into her sisters room looking around for stuff.

"Since they wanna play I can play too!" Faith said rolling her neck and kicking her sister's room door open.

"I'm a get them back." Faith said being evil as could be.

So she went into her sister's neat room and starting trashing it everywhere throwing the trash out on her bed which wasn't a whole lot nothing but papers and tissues and what not but it was still discussing to see.

Then not only that she went ahead and found some artwork of Faith's not knowing what it was and not realizing nor caring if it was important to her sister or not because if anything she felt as if they didn't care about her then she's not gonna care about them and so, Faith did what she did throwing the ripped up pieces of paper all over Nikki's floor and her bed completely trashing her room and her art portfolio which was why Nikki would hide her stuff somewhere safe in her room. She thought it was safe only to realize later on that it wasn't and especially not when her little sister was out to seek revenge.

So, here Faith was completely destroying her sisters property not knowing that Nikki was already going through some hard trauma and she didn't need anything else getting in her way of it. But Faith did not care about any of that especially since she didn't know. But they thought that if she did know then Faith would more than likely use that against her which was also why they had kept that to themselves as well just waiting for the right time to tell everyone else what was going on with Nikki because at this point nobody else needed to know.

While at the beach, both Nikki and Faith was just relaxing for the first day of their trip not having any worries just trying to get their minds right and clear.

But they never would've thought that they would even be pregnant at the same time. Nikki had to admit it at first it was very weird finding out that she was pregnant at the same time that her mother was pregnant but she was trying to get used to the idea not be so weirded out by it because she didn't want anything happening to her baby.

"Her baby." Nikki thought to herself as she had finally placed a hand over her stomach feeling it move inside of her. "It moved." Nikki freaked out and Karen popped up after laying out in the sun enjoying the warmth for no reason at all.

"Did it kick?!" Karen asked her getting up from her seat to go sit next to her daughter and Nikki didn't know but she just said yes because that kick felt strong. 

And then the baby just started kicking away once, Karen placed her soft hand on it.

And that was a moment that they shared together.

Because even though the twins weren't kicking nor moving for Karen at least Nikki's baby was very active. But even though at first, Nikki didn't want the baby and wasn't even sure about keeping it feeling it move made her feel some type of way about it.

She couldn't believe that her baby was actually making her change her mind about not keeping it. But she still wasn't sure yet because she was just as nervous as she wanted to be. But she kept that to herself not wanting to tell her mother just yet because she had needed to weigh all of her options about keeping this baby. If anything she didn't want this baby ruining her life as she already had felt like she did. But she didn't even tell anyone about that yet and she had so badly wanted to talk to her mother and so, she was glad that she came on this trip with Karen so she could talk to her about baby stuff and what not and what to do.

Because even though, Karen didn't get the chance to raise her kids like she had wanted to she was gonna get the chance to raise her twins and so they were probably gonna be learning together about how to raise them.


What did y'all think about this chapter?

What did y'all think about Faith finding out that they had left her and didn't even answer her phone and how Nikki didn't even text her back?

What did y'all think about Drew suggesting the father-daughter day out? And yes they actually went and Faith enjoyed herself but y'all know she's very vengeful and petty.

Do y'all think that Faith over reacted?

What did y'all think about what Faith did to Nikki's room and her art portfolio? Because let me tell y'all sumthin' that was a very IMPORTANT art portfolio that Faith had ripped up.

What did y'all think about Nikki's baby kicking and Karen not being jealous of it?

Thoughts or Comments?

Thanks for reading!

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