Nara: a force untold

By Bee_artstudio24

18K 514 525

It's been years since the first discovery of a female clone. And she has proven to be more than they bargaine... More

Finding Dios
The spice pits
Old friends and flirting skills
Hera ò blaire
Clones make the best pillows
Corporal kyber
Dooku's plan
The effect of others
Bets and blades
Smugglers party
Some orders need to be broken
Nara's mission
A new mission and flying Jedi?
A forgotten mission
A healed wound
Fish in the tall grass
Moon flower festival
The spice pits of Cato
Droid part bouquets
The calm before the storm
"One last glorious day in the grand army of the republic"
The end of an era
The begging of a spark
the spark of a rebellion
Reunion of hope
Mission mayhem
New friends old past
war leave scars some you can't see
A Common Enemy
The shadow of a new threat
Even in darkness there's hope
The inquisitor
Not all Jedi fall gracefully
The empires dark shadow
It takes two to trust
Some things never change even when they do

The rebel and the imperial threat

240 6 5
By Bee_artstudio24

"I understand, sir" Nara sighed with a shaky breath.

Harvey felt an incredible rage towards the senator. A rage he had never felt before;And it bothered him deeply .

" Is that all you have to say?" He snapped.

Everyone's head turned towards Harvey in complete shock, even Nara's eyes widened for a split second.

" She isn't some dog you can beck and call whenever you need her" Harvey growled " besides she just went through hell and back for the last mission we were sent on " he added with emphasis.

" Harvey" Hera spoke up " we all have a duty to protect the rebellion even if ..."

" to damn with the rebellion "! he shouted " she is my priority"!

Hera's mouth snapped shut. The noise in the room suddenly died down.

Harvey sighed and pushed down the guilt of seeing his friend's shocked expression. As he shook his head he turned his eyes towards Nara who now faced him.

He could feel the mixed emotions swirling around her as if she was fighting for an answer.

" I'll do it, " she said through gritted teeth. " I accept the mission"

It seemed she found one.

Harvey eyed her cautiously as if she were a wounded animal. " Nara you don't- "

" I'm sorry, but I've made up my mind" she said putting her hand up to cut him off " if it means stopping this monster for good I have to try" she said heavily. " I won't let him take anyone else"?

Harvey winced " I know you want to avenge Herra and your brothers but this isn't the right way" he insisted

" It may be our only chance and I'm the best option they've got, I possess the skills to get in and out undetected ,It's worth the risk" she insisted.

Harvey felt the weight of the world crumble around him.

" I can't lose you too" he whispered just loud enough for her to hear.

Nara sucked in a breath, the first sign of any emotions she had.

" don't think this is easy for me either" she choked back.

Harveys eyes widened as he saw the tiny tear roll down her cheek


I hope you can forgive me Harvey " she said coldly shoving her helmet on "excuse me"

Harvey reach out for her hand " Nara-"

But it was too late she was gone.

He reached down into his pocket fumbling with the little green box in his hands which he had planned to give her this morning during training, now, now he might never get the chance.

Hera placed his hand on his shoulder " I'm sorry"

Harvey hung his head " like you said, we have duty to the rebellion " he sighed "even if it means giving away our hearts" .

Hera visibility flinched as Harvey pushed her hand away leaving everyone in silence .


Nara felt her stomach turn as she watched the view of Coruscant grow closer. The memories of her old life ran through her mind like a whirlwind, her brothers, her generals, her family , Hera , her old life had changed. She fiddled with the hem of her cloak taking comfort in the feeling of silk between her fingers.

" commander are you all right"

Nara snapped out of her thoughts quickly turning to take in the view of leia frowning up at her.

" your highness my apologies I was just deep in thought"

Leia shook her head " it's daunting isn't it "

Nara turned her head back to the approaching planet

" mam-"

Leia waved a dismissive hand " call me leia you were after all one of my defense teachers, that right hook you taught me has saved me a few times"

Nara grinned " well then leia your right, I haven't been back to her since I was a young officer. This place has-"

" changed" the young princess sighed.

" unfourantley" Nara sighed.


Nara followed behind Leia as the ramp lowered on the landing pad of the imperial palace. She shifted on her feet feeling a deep sense of dread as the view of the old temple met her eyes. What had they done to this place?

The Imperial flag hung over the temple like a blanket of lies. Old scorch marks could be seen along certain parts of the stone walls where struggles had occurred . The tall statues of the temple guards which once guarded the temple steps , where nothing more than piles of rubble surrounded by barbed wire. It was a clear sign the Jedi were gone. However the most overwhelming presence was the imperial forces. The amount of officers, storm troopers and heavy artillery was dominating.

It was all gone she thought , they had destroyed any sliver of the republic left.

" princess, senator organa and?" Nara snapped her eyes towards the deck officer who addressed her.

" she my cousin, Arya Organa from my mother's side and my escort tonight. Unless you have any other unimportant questions I believe we are expected at the dining hall in an hour" leia interjected.

Nara grinned seeing the grimace on the officers face.

" my apologies " he spluttered " right this way " he bowed awkwardly.

" wow I'd hate to be that officer" Nara whispered, earning a slight smile from leia.

" agreed" bail whispered.

The halls of the place were cold and uninviting leaving a hollow feeling in a persons gut. Nara noticed that leia nudged closer to her and her father as they moved through the halls to their rooms.

Perhaps she wasn't the only one who noticed.

" the guest rooms are down the hall , dinner will be severed in a hour" the officer spoke " you may get settled till then"

Nara frowned , It may have been an hour but it felt like a lifetime.


Nara sipped her beverage, a simple maloorun champagne that tickled her nose with the sparkling bubbles. She shifted on her feet feeling the sway of her skirt, a simple blue dress with swirling ribbons that twisted around her arms. Her hair twisted in a pile of braids that where woven together with blue and white lace . She felt like a prized lamb up for the slaughter. Leia stood beside her dressed in a white gown cinched at the waist with a craved silver belt , her hair piled in a bun with one long braid that ended at her feet. Much better than a ball of ribbon. Senator Organa stood beside his daughter with a stern look on his face, probably his best accessory in Naras opinion.

" his eminence emperor palpatine".

Naras spine stiffened as the ugly beast reared his head.

Papiltine slithered through the room surrounded by his entourage of beasts. Lord Vader towered behind him like a silent shadow, beside him his twisted offspring of inquisitors. On each side of a set of imperial guards. Nara instinctively moved towards Leia as the emperor eyed them, making his way towards the podium.

" Good evening everyone, I am so glad you could all make it to tonight's event," he said. Nara swore she felt the air turn rigid, even leia shivered slightly.

" it is my honor to announce the successful mission on onderon, the rebel alliance is no more"

Cheers could be heard through the crowd as images of rebel soldiers being transported into holding vehicles appeared on the screen, they looked half dead. Nara winced seeing the visible brutality on the faces of the men and women and even children who were forced into their cells. This hadn't been a peaceful end to the fight.

Leia moved closer to Nara gripping her hand, Nara gave a slight squeeze of reassurance not that she had any.

" I would like to present admiral lieutenant thrawn" the emperor smiled devilishly.

A tall dark blue figure with raven hair emerged from the crowd, in a shiny clean white uniform. Nara however was drawn to his eyes. They were a dark blood red that held an intelligent gaze . She recognized a threat when she saw one and he was a masterpiece from mustafar

Thrawn bowed his head. " My emperor," he said slowly.

Palatine grinned " I have noticed your efforts on onderon and have decided to reward you for your efforts . " a small medal was pinned to his suit by one of the royal guards " Rise you are here by know as grand admiral thrawn"

Thrawn bowed his head before rising to his feet. " I shall serve the galaxy on your behalf"

Nara felt her blood turn to ice as Thrawn turned his gaze towards her, the crowd erupting in celebration.

" I intend to serve my emperor"

She had no doubt in her mind that he wouldn't.


The celebration of Thrawn's new promotion had started up with both senators and important military officials making small talk or dancing on the ballroom floor. Emperor Palpatine had made himself comfortable on the throne, while Vader stood beside him in the shadows like a trained guard dog. She'd never admit it but she couldn't help feeling sorry for the man behind the mask, it was almost as if he were a walking ghost. A feeling all too familiar to her some days.

" may I have this dance"

Nara turned, feeling dread creeping up into her stomach as she gazed into the pools of blood that were thrawn's eyes.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and bowed her head.

"I would be honored grand admiral" she placed her glass on one of the passing trays and took his hand.

His cold finger gripped hers as she led her towards the dance floor.

" May I" thrawn asked as he went to place his hand on her lower back.

" Well at least he's not a total prick," Nara thought, nodding.

He placed his cold finger across her lower back and took her other hand in his left.

She grinned up at him " may I" she asked, referring to her other hand".

Thrawn seemed to be amused as he grinned " I would hope so, otherwise this will be an awkward waltz for the both of us and we wouldn't want that".

Nara nodded, placing her palm on his chest. She almost flinched when she felt a heartbeat, expecting him to have a blackhole where his heart should be. The music began as the two began to sway around the room to the beat of the music.

" I must say miss-" he raised his brows in question.

" organa, Arya, organa. Cousin of Princess Leia and niece of his majesty bail organa" she said, allowing him to spin her around.

" Well then miss Organa, I must say you are quite the excellent dancer" he mused.

Nara fought the urge to puke " likewise".

He gave a half hearted laugh. " I appreciate you humoring me, however I cannot help but notice your discomfort. Is the dance not to your liking" he asked, noticing her frown.

Nara shook her head inwardly cursing herself. " my apologies, I didn't mean to offend" she sighed " I simply have no interest in fancy gatherings, they make me nervous" she added.

This seemed to satisfy him " I understand, though there is nothing to be nervous about". He assured

" old habits die hard I guess" she sighed as they continued with the dance earning the attention of the crowd around them.

He nodded in agreement " yes they do".

As the music came to an end the crowd cheered as the two bowed to one another. Thrawn placed a kiss upon her knuckles, clearly he had done this before.

" thank you miss organa until we meet again" thrawn grinned.

" the pleasure was mine admiral" she bowed, making her way towards Leia who looked slightly bored.

Thrawn eyes narrowed, his false smile now gone. He beckoned one of the guards over towards him.

" tell the grand inquisitor that I am in need of his sister's services" he said, eyeing Nara as he sipped on his champagne " it seems I am in need of her expertise".

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