AFTER DARK | naruto

By Xingqiu

128K 7.4K 4.6K

After dark - that's when all those bad thoughts you try to bury away come back to surface. And with no one ar... More

1 | similar to you, but not to me.
2 | similar to me, but not to you.
3 | a warm welcome to the academy
4 | shinobi in training
5 | for the rest of your life
6 | ninja dogs
7 | what you feel
8 | my beloved teammate(s)
9 | chuunin exams
10 | forest of death
11 | deal with a devil
12 | congrats in order
13 | fight to leave a past behind
14 | someone dear to me
15 | severed connections
16 | a quitters resolve
17 | contract bound
18 | whose in control
19 | haunted cliff of konoha
20 | the hidden sand
21 | to your important request: i refuse!
22 | answer to the call of love!
23 | a special chapter to a special boy; happy birthday lee!
24 | the uchiha clan
25 | the many sides of a drunken fist
26 | a reminder of fate
27 | to all those who ever loved me, goodbye
28 | away from home, away from you
29 | to reveal the center of your heart
30 | search for jinchurriki! capture, or captured?
31 | into the akatsukis lair
32 | stronger than we were yesterday
33 | half relevant half not: new years special!
34 | the uchihas curse of hatred. and on a lighter note: reunion with friends!
35 | kakashis wise words and inner turmoil!
36 | the cutest team in the leaf!
37 | legendary hero thief!
38 | feelings over reason
39 | superstition
40 | invincibility and the trouble it causes
41 | loss of a loved one
42 | love that can possibly turn into hate
43 | a true ninja!
44 | Valentines Special! love and friendship!
46 | a dish best served cold
47 | a pill hard to swallow
48 | to see you before i go
49 | eyes opened to reality
50 | watchful eyes in the darkness
51 | lose your mind, lose your way
52 | brink of insanity
53 | homesickness for traitors
54 | fond memories of you and i
55 | Dissatisfactory closure 
56 | fire kings speciality
57 | with war on the horizon, i do what i can for you
58 | ambushed!
59 | rough interrogation
60 | high stake battle
61 | a special chapter to a special boy: happy birthday, Neji!
62 | jailbreak!
63 | madara uchiha was a fraud?!?
64 | fighting fire with fire
65 | my brighter future
66 | a scary special, happy halloween!
67 | the noshowkage!
68 | idolization
69 | into the dream world
70 | into the light
71 | gratitude [END]

45 | starry eyed people

1K 74 40
By Xingqiu

You received quite a few hugs--as well as tears shed for you as they could only question your return. Naruto in particular embraced you and seemed as if he'd never let go. It was understandable, his first ever friend had returned after being presumed dead.

Once coming to the realization that thanks to your weird dragon beast, you came back to life, he wondered if Kurama could do that same. It was never give and take with him, only ever take.

Tsunade gave you a humongous ear full, not that you did something wrong--she simply loves to talk. That has to be it. She said something about no more community service, and that what you did was respectiable--but
'don't do it again'!! She also asked if you had any information on the Akatsuki seeing as they took you. Which you had none. You were dead the whole time.

Shisui, on the other hand, had a plethora of information on them. He swore to Tsunade that he'd tell her everything he knew, but he had things to do for now. --Which was accompanying you every which way.--

Guy Sensei was insistent on treating you to lunch and catching you up on 'everything' you missed after the onslaught of questions you were given. You were gone for less than a week. You also ditched your own funeral, how much did they spend on that? Guy just told you not to worry about it.

He told you that Asuma resigned as captain, despite all suggestions saying he should stay.

Kurenai was given temporary leave as a pregnant woman. Which first of all, you had no idea she was pregnant to begin with!

Kakashi was running around playing captain for a lot of teams as of late, and you already knew of his temporary fill-in, Yamato.

But hey, Guy Sensei didn't plan on resigning sensei status any time soon. And that's why he was forever the best sensei around!

And he also pointed out the scar on your forearm, it circled all around it, and it came to your attention that this was the same spot and arm you had cut off during your fight with Hidan.

Kind of gross... Was your thought process as you ran your finger all around the scar. You didn't feel a thing,

"Heh, I guess a lot has changed..." You laughed sheepishly, eating another bite. Guy insisted on going to your favorite restaurant for your lively return. "... You know Guy Sensei, you really are the greatest Sensei I could've had."

You smiled at him, as genuine as you could make it. "Those best sensei prints were true, you're a good guy and a good sensei... And I just realized that's your name..."

Your sensei was immediately moved to tears, and he put his hands over his mouth. "Your sensei isn't immune to tears!" He wailed.

"Yes--I... I know that, Guy Sensei!" You sweatdropped, the steady stream of his tears catching you off guard when it truly shouldn't have. "No one cries quite like you!"

Shisui had been silent the entire time, letting the two of you reunite without interruption, but he couldn't help but disagree. When he was first introduced to your team as a ghost, he could hardly tell the difference between Guy and Lee. His biggest deciding factor back then was their voices--which were vastly different, but now Shisui could tell by the cheekbones. The eyes hardly helped when the two constantly cried with closed eyes.

At your words, Guy grinned--his tears completely disappearing as he rubbed his chin with his hand. "So you noticed... Tears aren't to be shunned--they're to be shared! Tears are a display of your youth!"

I guess he was right... You never saw any grown man or woman outside of Guy Sensei cry so much--or cry in general. "...Yes, Guy Sensei." was the only response you could think of giving. "What about Lee? And Neji?" You didn't see them at your funeral. Which was very offensive.

"Oh, right. Your teammates went on a mission to avenge you." That was the most unexpected news of the day. You were wondering where they had gone, but that wasn't a conclusion you came to. "Along with Shikamaru, they all said they knew exactly where to go." He said in between big bites of the food he finale began to eat.

"What!?" You blurted. The last time Shikamaru went against an Akatsuki member, he nearly got blown to smithereens. But he was a smart guy...

A smart guy who better bring your teammates back...

"Well," You sighed, leaning against the table and reaching out for what you assumed to be your cup of water. "He wasn't all that strong, really... I was just being dumb..."

You lifted your face, your cheek pressed against the table as you let out yet another sigh. "But I'm still worried... He was a real son of a bitch."

You sat up, bringing the cup of 'water' up to your mouth. "But with embarrassed like Neji and Shikamaru, they'll be fine." You took a sip.

"And Lee is full of youthful vengeance!" Guy added for you, reaching out for his cup of Saké. But... It wasn't there. He immediately looked down, and then up to you--who had already taken a sip.

Oh no... He looked mortified. He had never seen you drunk--but he had been given the conclusion that you were also a natural user of the drunken-fist... Which was no good. He took a few seconds to take a good look at your reaction.

When you lowered the cup, even Shisui turned toward you.

Your brows were knitted--your eyes half lidded, and a barely noticeable tug of your lips that gave the impression that you just ate something sour.

Okay, well, it might night even be that big of a deal... You probably just didn't like the take of Saké, like most underaged people did...

Though, that didn't explain the hiccup.

"What're you staring at?" You blurted, standing up from your seat.

Ah, shit. Definitely drunk. And that line sounded like something Lee would say.

You then turned toward Shisui-- who was staring. However, he quickly looked away. The last time she accidentally drunk, she slapped me so hard I swore I died again... He recalled vividly, taking a sip of his drink as he looked away. Lesson learned, M'lady.

"And you... You look as pale as a ghost, when were you brought back from the dead? Ha!" You laughed. Simply because you truly believed you got him good with that one--but it actually happened to him.

"A few weeks ago, I think." He answered you.

You stared at him--squinting your eyes. "Oh, real funny, huh?" You murmured, but didn't exactly look impressed.

Shisui gave you quite the nervous grin, looking out for your expression. Or a reaction. Anything that might seal his fate.

"...I'm looking for Akamaru and his owner.... Do you know where they are!?" This happened last time, too. You were set on finding a dog to make sure he was okay. If Shisui wasn't mistaken, Akamaru was what used to be the little white dog, and his owner was the guy who you kept misnaming.

... Shisui couldn't offer you an answer. People who were masters of the drunken fist were like whole different people when they were drunk.


"Are you sure you do not know who took her?" Lee asked, looking down the big hole that Shikamaru had blown up with tons of explosion tags.

"I said I don't know a damn thing! I'll remember your frog face, and I'll chew out of this dirt and come for you and your stupid friends!" Hidan yelled back, his head managed to survive the blow completely so he could scream his heart out.

"Frog face?" Lee gasped lightly. "That is very rude, especially for someone in a hole. Take that! Ha..ha!" He pointed a finger down at the dismembered man. "Sorry. I take it back."

"Lee, leave the fool alone." Neji sighed, hands on his hips as he too, looked down at Hidan. "Hasn't anyone ever told you to respect dead?"

"Right, Neji." Lee sighed, standing up.

Any more of Hidans chatter was ignored, the three of them burying him under the dirt. "That was a waste of time." Shikamaru sighed. "His partner was killed, too. And that girl with the black hair, it seemed like she knew who took her."

Wavish black hair... With black eyes.

Lee and Neji both thought it through for a moment. That description wasn't to specific, but it gave enough clues. Who was it? All they could think of was your ghost friend, Shisui. But that wouldn't make sense--if you were dead, how would he have saved if you, if you were the only [Lastname]?

Well, chances were becoming that you weren't the last one.

Having someone like that I'm the enemy team wasn't leaving a good taste in their tongues. An enemy that can use the dead for their own gain, any dead person.

And as it happened, most of the strongest people were dead. And some of the worst people, the Akatsuki, had the ability to bring them back. How could someone like that be defeated?

"By the way, now that we have the time..." Shikamaru started--he never really was the curious type, but how could he not be when Nejis curse mark was completely missing? Something like that didn't even seem possible.

Neji seemed to catch onto his curiousity quickly, not offering him an answer the second it was asked... Now that you were presumed dead, that New Years memory of you became bittersweet--even if he'd always hold it dear to his heart.

"It was [Firstname]." He answered plainly. "Her Poltigan got rid of it."

Shikamaru already learned to not doubt you or the Poltigan, but how'd you learn to do that? Now he wondered what kind of training you had gone through in those 2 years of you leaving the Leaf.

A silence settled between the three of them now that your name was brought up--to them, you were still quite dead. So it was a sore topic in a way.

"She was capable of lots of things, huh?" Shikamaru tried to be as careful as possible on the topic of Neji and Lees teammate. He still had a feeling you were alive, but how cruel would it be to lead your teammates to believe you were alive on a blind whim?

He knew that if it were his teammates, or his sensei, he wouldn't want to hear it, either.

"Yes, you are right. [Firstname] was a very capable Kunoichi." Lee answered him.

"...No need to stall here, we're leaving." Neji spoke up, "Back to Konoha."

A breeze of wind passed through them as they jumped away. A girl had been watching from afar. Blueish purple hair... Brown eyes... If they turned around, they'd recognize her.

"Wendy, any report?" Came a voice from the girls communication device.

"... They're headed back to the Leaf, ma'am." She answered back, "It seems Hidan has been defeated." 

There was no response for a little while, before her voice finally picked up in her ears. "Come back to base." It was a command, simply not up for negotiation.

Wendy stood. She didn't look like a ghost, not even one that had the Phantom-Touch jutsu used on them. She looked... Alive. It didn't make much sense, if the only [Lastname]s left alive were you and your sister, how was Wendy back to seemingly full health.

"Lord [Father]s health is deteriorating, I need you to come heal him once more."

Wendy was silent. "Lord [Father]" AKA, her deadbeat dad--he had been on the verge of death, but [Sister] had hooked him onto some cruel looking devices. "Yes, ma'am." Wendy spoke back, disappearing from her previous spot to head back to base.


Shisui decided to let you destroy havoc you wanted in your drunken haze, as he head back to your apartment. He hadn't been there for a while--but not much changed, at the very least. What had caught his eye was a new book you had on your shelf, ragedy and torn--nearly looked as if it'd been through hundreds of wars. It looked more like a journal than a book, and it took all of his willpower to not look through it. A book about the [Lastname] clan wasn't something he needed to get himself involved with, no matter how curious.

The front page itself read: "The starry eyed people of the [Lastname] clan." The starry eyed part made sense, considering your Poltigan.

He had various questions: Where'd you get it from? Who gave it to you? What did it say inside? Had you even read it yet? Should he read it?

"You're quite snoopy." Shisui couldve nearly jumped out of his skin at the sound of a voice. He had only been revived weeks ago, but he truly must've been getting old if he didn't know someone else was here.

He looked down at the source of the voice. It was only a cat, well, one that stood on two legs. "I have never seen you before." It crossed its arms. "I don't think [Firstname] likes intruders."

Was this cat even aware that you were having a funeral today? Well, Shisui wasn't going to be the one to break the news, since you were fine, anyway.

Shisui stared at the cat for a second. He had to think... You had mentioned getting a cat, but he imagined a more... Lax, quadrepedal, calm and not speaking animal. But he supposed his imagination failed him, looking at the cat now.

"Oh," Shisui rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "I'm her... Roommate." yeah, roommate will do. He had been so since he was a ghost.  "M'lady told me your name was Pickles."

Yes, you told him you called him Pickles, but got it rudely rejected.

"I am not a Pickles!" The cat quickly defended itself, "I'm far to noble for such a name. You see, I'm a fearless hero by the name of Puss. I'm sure you've heard of me."

How did Shisui break it to him that he had never heard of him? Well, his mind told him to not tell the cat that. "Oh, right. Fearless." Shisui smiled at the cat.

His smile didn't last long, a searing pain distracted him--he dropped the book he held first, a hand coming up to his face. More specifically, over his eyes. The cats reflexes kicked in, and he had jumped back--talk about fearless.

Shisui was was less concerned about the sudden pain, he was more worried about the book that he had dropped.

With a book as old and damaged as that, a sudden drop had to have done the trick into destroying it. He knelt down, ignoring the worsening pain in his eyes.

The book had fallen flat open, and looked down at it. Was that drop of blood already there, or was it fresh? Considering it's color, it was most definitely fresh. Shisui slapped his hand over his eye again to prevent it from happening.

A/An [Lastname] with the a blood-bond contract done can make the ghost do its bidding. No matter how cruel or unjust, the ghost follows orders without complaint.

His eyes trailed farther down.

A revived ghost receives the ability to use the Poltigan. Whatever abilities the ghost may have, the [Lastname] receives as well.

In very off cases, the [Lastname]s Poltigan has been reported to mutate into a 'Seishingan,' based off of certain Kekkei Genkais being combined. With information on it's abilities and powers being classified.

However, a ghost has been reported to resist in the case of-- the rest was smudged thanks to Shisuis bleeding eye. Given the chance, Shisui would go back in time and beat the crap out of himself for managing to smudge the rest of it. 

Being able to be controlled by someone else. Maybe it was payback for Shisui controlling both your sister and father.  And killing your father. Your sister would've been dead too if it weren't for the fact that they were tied by a blood bond. He wasn't scared of dying.

He just didn't want to die without seeing you one more time, that's why he had refrained from more bloodshed than he already had.

He reached his hand out, dabbing the blood away with his sleeve before shutting the book, putting it back into it's original position. He'd have to explain that to you later.

He wiped the rest of his blood away, listening as the door was unlocked. You had come in a lot earlier than he expected.

You were still for a moment, having gotten used to there being no one home, you were a little freaked out so see someone standing there. "Oh, Shisui..." You sweatdropped. "You scared me."

Based on the fact that Shisuis hand was up to his face, and he seemed to be rubbing his eyes, you assumed he was crying. The only reasoning you had in mind was because he happy to be home, surely.

... Well, it made sense if you convinced yourself hard enough.

Shisui had ever been so grateful to his black shirt until that moment, it didn't leave a hint of blood. He turnt to you with a smile, his eyes closed. "I've learned to not intrude, M'lady. Your cat nearly clawed my eyes out."

"I did no such thing!" The cat denied, shaking it's head.

"Oh, sorry about him." You shut the door. You had been sobered up in the most humilating way, so you'd be grateful for Shisuis silence on the matter. "I swear he's not usually violent, you probably scared him, too."

"Probably." He answered.

... Well, Shisui would usually say a joke or two in a situation like this. And those were clearly missing.

You lifted the cat into your hands, it seemed he was curious about your roommate, because he didn't offer any resistance. "...Are you alright?" You asked hesitantly.

Shisui took the chance, and opened his eyes. He didn't miss the look of confusion on your face and the silence only added onto it. There was no blood, his vision was clear. There wasn't anything blatantly wrong, but it there was something very different.

A star. A simple, plain, unoriginal star. You almost could've mistaken for some sort of Mangekyo Sharingan if it weren't for the fact that the colors of it reminded you more of a Politgan than a Sharingan.

You knew that a [Lastname] and a ghost shared abilities after the blood bond was sealed, so you were sure it was a Poltigan, but it looked so much different than yours. It was there only a few seconds later before it was gone.

Without a word, he pulled you in for a hug. The cat in your arms struggled between the two of you, but you didn't pull away from the hug. You weren't sure you had to heart to do so, considering the fact that you were under the impression that he had been crying.

But there was one thing plaguing Shisuis mind, that page he had read in journal like book earlier. A ghost under the blood bond of a/an [Firstname] does their bidding.

Shisui didn't like the sound of that, especially considering it seemed your sister had it out for you.

Whatever feelings he had for you, he had to let them go.


Y'all rlly thought it was all sunshine n rainbows 😈😈

I don't wanna be rude but pls pls plsss don't leave comments or dm me telling me to update it's so condescending and I still got writers block 😞😞

Lmao but any other questions are good I love seeing ur guys comments and dms!!!!! It's just like im trying to update but I got stuff to do too 😞 also, 500 pages!!!?????!!!

And so off topic but genin neji probably loved flipping people off idk what its abt I just got this dying feeling

And another one ik im just talking out my ass atp but im sooo hype for a certain fight in this book 😫😫😫 lemme think of the pacing 🤔🤔 yeah no I don't do math. Maybe in like 4 chaps if I skip emaybe even 2 maybe even 1 maybe even now maybe even

OK LAST ONE ive been thinking abt renaming the poltigan cuz lemme me real I put no consideration into it and I alr have the opportunity to rename it without having to go back and change everything 🤭

Also just occurred to me I never showed the poltigan inspiration pic on wattpad only quotev oops

I hate putting photos in wattpad idfk why ugh gross anyway the star thing is supposed to be the first stage where u just see ghosts and the first black ring is like the 2nd where u can summon them red one is making them visible and the 3rd one is uhhh the rest of them ig

Worlds longest author note bye

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