Ahsoka X Male Reader

By Ninneko7

52.9K 1.4K 116

Y/N L/N is a soldier who lost his parents. Became a trooper to fight alongisde the Republic. Y/N would excel... More

Ahsoka's Acceptance
Jabba's Son
Mission Accomplished
Rescue Mission
Destroying the Malevolence
Droid Rescue
Ship Raid
A Little Hangout
Anakin's Injury
Defend the Lurmens
The Virus
The Antidote
Ahsoka's First Command
Enemy Breach
Little Competition
Destroying the Factory
Geonosian Worms
Becoming a Padawan
Stolen Lightsaber
Helping Bounty Hunters
Corrupt Government
Ahsoka's Visions
Politics About War
Mysterious Planet
The Paths
Breaking Out a Jedi
Escaping Citadel
Being Hunted
Hunter Becomes Prey
Unfateful Day
Slave Trader
Jedi Slaves
Death Watch
Starkiller's Identity
The Only Love
The Gathering & Pirates
Ex-Sith Alliance
Girlfriend to the Rescue
Quiet Life
Little Reunion
Father & Son
Ending the War
New Life
Thank You

Dangerous Plan

1.3K 34 2
By Ninneko7

After Y/N, Ahsoka, and Plo made their report to the council. Y/N came up with an attack strategy with Anakin to take out the weapon and General Grievous. While Ahsoka and Plo were catching up, Y/N and Anakin decided to hold a meeting with their pilots.

Anakin: This strike force has been commissioned by the Senate to hunt down the enemy's new battleship. As the bulk of our fleets are engaged on the front lines, we'll be on our own. Captain Y/N has prepared our attack strategy.

Y/N: Thank you, General. While our capital ships are vulnerable to the enemy's attack, I want to have a squad of bombers that can out-maneuver their ion weapon. Our target will be the bridge and General Grievous. Our bombers will attack at high speed to evade the enemy's ion weapon. We'll concentrate our firepower on the bridge superstructure, here. We destroy General Grievous, and the ship will fall with him. Any questions?

Clone 1: Just tell us where that metal-head is, sir.

Clone 2: Yeah, we've been waiting for a chance to take him out.

Y/N: All right, men. Settle down. This is an important mission. We destroy Grievous, we can bring the war to a quicker end. Pilots, prepare your bombers.

Plo: Y/N, Skywalker, this is an aggressive plan. Are you sure your squadron can complete this mission?

Y/N: My squad has never failed a mission ever since I started leading them. Especially when it comes to piloting against our enemies.

Skywalker: Well, you heard him.

Plo: I like your confidence.

Y/N: Well, Anakin, let's go get ready.

Anakin: Bossing me around now?

Y/N (whispers) Uh, don't tell Padme.

Anakin: *chuckles* I'm just joking. (walks away with Y/N)

Plo: Y/N and Master Skywalker seem to inspire great confidence in their men.

Ahsoka: They do lead by example.

Anakin: So, how's Ahsoka's flying?

Y/N: Uh...

Anakin: Oh boy...

Y/N: I mean she's going to be flying with you since she is your Padawan.

Anakin: I have R2.

Y/N: Oh, no. Don't be playing that card. You are not having her come with me.

As Y/N and Anakin were making their way to get into their ships. Ahsoka looked really excited and was ready to fly one as well.

Ahsoka: Oh, which one's mine?

Anakin: Well, we don't have enough for you. So, you're gonna fly with me and be my gunner.

Ahsoka: What? Can I fly it instead?

Anakin: No. I'm flying.

Ahsoka: Wait... (looks at Y/N) Did you tell him that I'm a bad pilot?

Y/N: Uh... No. (R2 beeps) R2!

Ahsoka: Wow, thanks a lot.

Anakin: Well, you ready?

Ahsoka: I'll fly with Y/N. Since he doesn't like my flying maybe I can learn something from him. Since he is the "best".

Y/N: What? Anakin.

Anakin: Sorry. She made up her mind. She's flying with you.

Y/N: Wow... Some Master you are.

Yularen: Skywalker, the enemy warship has attacked our convoy of medical transports near Ryndellia.

Ahsoka: Medical transports? Only General Grievous would go after clones who can't fight back.

Anakin: The Ryndellia system, near Naboo. Isn't that where our medical base is? I'll bet that will be his next target.

Plo: There are many star clusters in that area. With a ship that big, he will be unable to chart a course that's less than ten parsecs.

Y/N: Well, looks like we're gonna have to take a shortcut. Admiral, warn the station of what's coming. (Yularen nods and walks away)

Plo: This journey may be treacherous. If you lose any ships before you reach the target...

Y/N: We won't lose anybody. I'll make sure of it.

Plo: I will come along and fly fighter escort.

Anakin: Any help is welcome, Master Plo. Just try not to fall behind.

Ahsoka: I had a feeling you'd be coming along. Your ship has already been prepped.

Y/N: Come on, Ahsoka.

As Y/N and Ahsoka got into their ship. Of course Y/N wasn't going to let her fly after the rescue mission they had earlier. Anakin was leading the way and Y/N followed behind him as their crew set off into space with them.

Anakin (radio): Shadow Squadron, tighten formation. Call in.

Y/N: Captain Y/N standing by.

Shadow 2 (radio): Shadow 2 standing by.

Shadow 3 (radio): Shadow 3 standing by.

Shadow 4 (radio): Shadow 4 standing by.

Ahsoka: So, what do you think?

Y/N: About what?

Ahsoka: This mission that we're going to be doing.

Y/N: Hmm, what do you think?

Ahsoka: This is gonna be a tough one?

Y/N: Yes it is.

Yularen (radio): This is Admiral Yularen. You are cleared for hyperspace jump. Good hunting, sir.

Y/N: All right, men. Let's jump!

Y/N, Ahsoka, Anakin, Plo, and their squadron all went into hyperspace to get to Anakin's shortcut route that he wanted to take.


As Y/N, Ahsoka, Anakin, Plo, and their squadron all arrived to the Nebula. Ahsoka got a little worried since this was something that she had never experienced before.

Anakin (radio): Okay, if we can just manage to navigate through my shortcut, we'll be all right.

Plo (radio): A nebula can be very unpredictable. I advise caution.

Shadow 2 (radio): Don't worry about us, Master Jedi. We can hold our own. Right, Shadow Squadron?

Shadow 3 (radio): Copy that, Shadow 2.

Ahsoka: Does anyone care what the Padawan thinks?

Y/N: Of course we care, Ahsoka. But we're still going through that nebula.

Ahsoka: Wow, thanks. Made me feel a lot better.

Then they all flew into the nebula to start their shortcut journey. But they had to stay on their guard.

Ahsoka: (scanner beeps) Hey, the scanner is acting up.

Y/N: It's not going to work because we're in the nebula. This is old-fashioned flying. We just gotta stay close together and we'll be fine.

Ahsoka: Stop making yourself sound old.

Y/N: Hey, I'm just repeating what Anakin told me when he taught me how to fly.

Plo (radio): Captain Y/N is right, Ahsoka. Clear your mind, young one, and you will see the path.

Ahsoka: Right now, I can't see anything at all.

Y/N: Don't worry. It'll clear up soon.

Ahsoka: So, how did you and Skyguy know about this shortcut?

Y/N: It's an old smuggler's route. The pilots used to talk about it on Tatooine.

Ahsoka: Smuggler's route?! Huh! That makes me feel better.

Anakin (radio): They call it the Balmorra Run.

Plo (radio): Balmorra Run?!

Ahsoka: (scanner beeps) I think I'm picking up a contact.

Plo (radio): Skywalker, listen to me. We need to turn around.

Anakin (radio): We can't. Not if we're gonna catch Grievous.

Ahsoka: Another contact! This one's much larger.

Plo (radio): Skywalker, Balmorra's the nesting ground of the giant neebray mantas.

Ahsoka: Another. Another! (looks to see a neebray mantas flying towards them)

Anakin (radio): Take evasive action!

Y/N quickly maneuvered the ship past the neebray mantas. Even the others did the same.

Ahsoka: Those gas-gulpers are huge!

Plo (radio): Don't shoot or they'll panic!

Ahsoka: They'll panic?! I'm about to panic!

Y/N: Squadron, just keep avoiding them.

Ahsoka: These things are going to make a meal out of us!

Y/N: Calm down, Snips.

Ahsoka: Oh, don't start calling me that.

Y/N: All wings, line up behind me.

Once Y/N took the charge everyone followed his lead and they all avoided the neebray mantas as they were able to get out safely without losing anyone.

Y/N: Nice job everyone. Now, we're close to getting Grievous.

Plo (radio): Shadow 2, what's the damage on your ship?

Shadow 2 (radio): Just a scratch, sir. Nothing, major.

Plo (radio): We must not take anymore unnecessary risks. If we lose even a single ship, our mission is that much closer to failure.

Y/N: Understood, General Plo. But we didn't lose any ships, and I didn't-

Shadow 3 (radio): Sir, another contact. It's a ship. It's the Malevolence.

Y/N: (Malevolence appears) Everyone prepare for battle!

Ahsoka: We got fighters coming in!

As the enemy fighters all attacked Y/N and his Squadron. Ahsoka was shooting them down perfectly thanks to Y/N's steady flying.

Ahsoka: Ion Ray, incoming!

Y/N: Make towards the edge of the ray now!

Anakin, Plo, and their Squadron all followed Y/N's lead as they flew up to avoid the Ion Ray. But Ahsoka was closely watching everyone else on the scanner.

Ahsoka: Shadow 2, your speed is dropping. What's wrong?

Shadow 2 (radio): Nothing, sir. Just trying to keep it together.

Y/N: You can make it, Shadow 2, hang on.

Shadow 2 (radio): AHHHHH!!!!

Suddenly Shadow 2 and Shadow 4 wiped out after making contact with each other.

Y/N: Shadow Squadron, check in.

Ahsoka: We lost, Shadow 2 and 4. Shadows 6, 7, and 10 were caught in the ray.

Ahsoka noticed that Y/N wasn't saying anything but she wanted to say something to make him feel better but decided to remain quiet. Y/N, Anakin, Plo, and their Squadron made their way to the Malevolence but had to avoid enemy fire.

Ahsoka: Y/N, we need a new plan!

Y/N: We can make it, Ahsoka. Hang in there!

Anakin (radio): Watch those towers boys!

Then suddenly Shadow 5 was shot down and they crashed into the enemy ship. When Ahsoka gasped loudly Y/N knew that he lost another.

Ahsoka: Y/N, you and Master Skywalker can make it but everyone else is getting shot down!

Plo (radio): If we can do enough damage the weapon may overload when Grievous tries to fire.

Y/N: Shadow Squadron, new target. We're taking out the starboard ion cannon.

Y/N and the others all changed their course to the new target as Y/N, Anakin, Plo, and the Squadron shot their torpedoes at the ion cannon dealing enough damage. As the ion cannom was about to fire it exploded destroying the Malevolence.

Plo (radio): Good work, Shadow Squadron.

Anakin (radio): Nice job, Ahsoka.

Ahsoka: Y/N? (Y/N doesn't answer)

Three warships appeared as Y/N, Anakin, Plo, and their Squadron flew past the warships to finish what Y/N and the others started.

(Medical Hangar)

Y/N and everybody else returned but he looked around and saw the amount of ships that landed. Y/N got down and Plo stood in front of him.

Plo: Nice job, Captain Y/N. Your leadership skills are most impressive for a person so young.

Y/N: Thank you, General. Now, if you'll excuse me I have important things I have to tend to.

As Y/N walked away and he walked into the room by himself. Ahsoka wanted to follow but couldn't. Anakin pushes her forward and smiles at her. Ahsoka nodded and quickly followed Y/N into the room and saw that he had taken his helmet off and saw that he was crying. She even saw that the wall had a dent with a fist that created it.

Ahsoka: Y/N...

Y/N: It's my fault... Because of my plan I got them killed... What kind of Captain am I if I can't even keep my men alive...

Ahsoka: (walks up to Y/N & hugs him) Don't say that. If you say that then it hurts me too. Let me take some of the pain for you too.

Anakin was watching Ahsoka comfort Y/N and he smiled. He quickly left to rejoin with Obi-Wan in which they were still chasing after Grievous.

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