Kiss of Death (HOC V.1)

By naydoug

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Volume 1 to Heart Of Chicago More

Mon Amour
Professional Courtesy
One Minute
Hanging On
Rear View Mirror
Two Families
Leaving The Station/It Ain't Easy
Merry Christmas, Etc.
God Has Spoken
Under The Knife/Warm and Dead
A Little Taste
Better To Lie
Fireworks/A Coffin That Small
Ambition/Retaliation Hit
Leaders Lead
Let Her Go
A Hell Of A Ride
Season 2 cast
A Problem House
Prove It
Defcon 1
A Nuisance Call
A Power Move
No Regrets
Rhymes With Shout
You Will Hurt Him
Not Like This
Shoved In My Face
Out With A Bang
Tonight's The Night
Virgin Skin
Keep Your Mouth Shut
A Rocket Blasting Off
When Things Got Rough
Until Your Feet Leave The Ground
A Heavy Weight
A Dark Day
One More Shot
Real Never Waits
Season 3 Cast
Wow Me
Just Drive The Truck
Apologies Are Dangerous
The Nuclear Option
Madmen and Fools
Nobody Touches Anything
Arrest in Transit
Santa Bites
Let Him Die
Ambush Predator/ Three Bells
Call It Paradise
Headlong Toward Disaster
Red Rag The Bull
Forgive You Anything
Forgiving, Relentless, Unconditional
Maybe Ask For Help Once In A While...
Welcome Home...Things Have Changed
I Am The Apocalypse
You Know Where To Find Me
Welcome Arya
Category 5
Season 4 Cast
Let It Burn
A Taste of Panama City
I Walk Away
Your Day Is Coming
Regarding This Wedding
Sharp Elbows
When Tortoises Fly
Short and Fat
The Beating Heart
The Path of Destruction
Not Everyone Makes It
The Sky Is Falling
All Hard Parts
Bad For The Soul
Two T's
What Happened To Courtney
On The Warpath
I Will Be Walking
The Last One For Mom
Kind Of A Crazy Idea
Where The Collapse Started
Season 5 Cast
Thank You!!
The Hose or the Animal
A Real Wake-Up Call
Scorched Earth
Nobody Else Is Dying Today
I Held Her Hand
That Day
Lift Each Other
One Hundred
Some Make It, Some Don't
The People We Meet
Who Lives and Who Dies
An Agent of the Machine
Trading in Scuttlebutt
Telling Her Goodbye
Babies and Fools
Burned Alive
Take a Knee
Carry Their Legacy
Sixty Days
My Miracle

Carry Me

631 21 0
By naydoug

Matt: "Special delivery." he hums, entering the kitchen as he hands Ryan a medication bag

Ryan: "You say that like it's a good thing" she groans "I don't know how many more new meds I can take."

Matt: "It's not new. Just a slight modification to your current ones. Probably didn't help with the whole asking for the voices in your head to stop."

Ryan: "Lucky you for picking the mentally insane one, huh?"

Matt: "You're not insane" he hums, moving to wrap an arm around her shoulders "Well, maybe only a little" he nods, pinching his fingers together as Ryan scoffs, hitting him in the chest "It's only for a little bit. To hopefully help with your feelings."

Ryan: "Yeah." she sighs, pursing her lips into a small smile as Matt presses a kiss to her head, looking at the bottle of pills in her hands with a sigh

Otis: "Hey, I'm not gonna rush into this and end up with some serial killer, okay?"

Cruz: "Then you can pay the extra rent."

Hermann: "What, you guys still looking for a roommate?"

Arya: "In your place? Where would you put them?" she scoffs, looking between the two in disbelief

Cruz: "A three bedroom unit just opened up in our building."

Theo: "Mm, those are great."

Cruz: "Yeah, so Otis said, "Let's grab one. We'll get a third roommate. It'll be cheaper," he said."

Otis: "One third of more money is less than half of less money. That's just math." he hums, making the others shake their heads at him

Cruz: "So we moved in and lined up Levantini."

Otis: "From first shift."

Cruz: "But his girlfriend asked him to move in with her, so now we're screwed. This was supposed to save me money, not cost me money." he sighs, Hermann turning to face Otis for an explanation

Otis: "Leon is starting community college in Florida, and Cruz is footing the bill."

Cruz: "I got this new bouncer gig and that helps, but..." he shrugs

Brett: "What about me? For a roommate. 'Cause I've been going nuts trying to find a new place within my price range before my landlord doubles my rent, so it would really help me out. And you know I'm not a serial killer, so..."

Otis: "Do we?"

Brett: "Just think about it."

Arya: "People in this house really can't help moving in with each other, huh? It's like a compulsion." she scoffs, shaking her head as the others turn to give her an incredulous look

Cruz: "Says the woman who moved in with both SC, Casey and Theo."

Hermann: "Weren't you the one who invited Severide to stay with you after he moved out of Casey's?"

Arya: "That was...different."

All: "Oh. Yeah." they hum in disbelief

PA: Squad 3, Engine 51.

Arya: "It was."

Hermann: "Oh, yeah, waga, waga, waga."

Cruz: "Big difference." he hums, doing an exaggerated move with his hands as he hurries to the rig

PA: Structure fire.

Kelly: "Capp, Tony, you guys vent. Cruz, through the back, Ry and I'll take the front" he hums, jumping out of the rig as they arrive in front of a house, furrowing their brows at a stack of boxes sitting on the ground "Hello? Fire Department! Call out! Hello?" he calls out, the pair turning a corner into the kitchen where a fire is spreading over the stove

Ryan: "Hey, 51. We're gonna need a line in the kitchen."

51: "Copy that, Squad 3."

Ryan: "Ma'am?" she hums, looking over at where a woman stands in a doorway, coughing into a rag "Ma'am, hey, you're gonna have to come with us" she motions, the pair exchanging an incredulous look as she shakes her head, closing the door to into room "Or you know, just, burn alive. Your choice." she scoffs, shaking her head as Kelly sighs, moving towards the door

Cruz: "Lieutenant!" he calls out, motioning the two over to where a pair of legs stick out from behind a couch "Ma'am! Can you hear me? We gotta get you out of here!"

Ryan: "Come on. We got you."

Woman: "No. No, I'm okay. I'm okay." she rasps as Kelly and Cruz help her to her feet, the four heading towards the exit
Kelly: "Fire's headed for the eaves. Get a line on that back roof."

51: "Copy that, Lieutenant."

Ryan: "Here. Lay down. We got you." she hums, helping set the woman onto a gurney

Kelly: "Running from firefighters? A couple pictures aren't worth your life."

Woman: "That house is my whole life."

Kelly: "We'll save what we can." he assures, giving her a soft look

Woman: "Thank you." she pants

Matt: "It's not right. Kannell did everything he should have, on the call and after." he sighs, standing beside Ryan who does an equipment check on the rig

Ryan: "You think that lying about how the call went down was the right thing?"

Matt: "To protect his lieutenant's good name? Absolutely" he declares, making Ryan shrug in agreement "I'd do it for Boden in a second if...God forbid."

Ryan: "Me, too."

Matt: "He can't just give up."

Ryan: "Maybe he's not giving up. Maybe he's just...burnt out." she shrugs, making Matt turn to face her, giving her a knowing look

Matt: "You think you're burnt out?"

Ryan: "Could be."

Matt: "Ry..." he sighs

Ryan: "What? It's possible" she shrugs "I hear that alarm go off and I think "Here we go again. Just another day". It doesn't excite me like it used to. I'm actually praying for days where it doesn't go off."

Matt: "You're not burnt out. You went through something traumatic and it might seem like it's taking a while, but you are healing. You get up everyday and you walk in here, wanting to help somebody" he hums, giving her a soft look as he squeezes her shoulder in comfort "I know it's hard to push through. I've been there myself. But if we quit because of the ones that don't make it, we quit on all the people we could save in the future. I know you love being a firefighter. It's in your blood. And I know for a fact that quitting is not who you are. You certainly didn't quit to get me back. And I was a hard sell."

Ryan: "Please" she scoffs, shaking her head "Need I remind you, once again, that you were the one who proposed we got back together."

Matt: "Details, details" he hums, waving her off as she slightly chuckles "What do you say we take a little break? Get out of town for a bit, clear our heads. A little pre-wedding honeymoon."

Ryan: "I'd like that" she nods, a smile coming over her face "As long as there is no fishing boat anywhere near our vicinity."

Matt: "Oh, there will be a fishing boat. It's a Casey family tradition." he declares, chuckling as Ryan shakes her head, turning to walk off

PA: Ambulance 61. Person injured from fall. 725 Barrington Avenue.

Aidan: "You guys, over here" he calls out, motioning the group over "I don't know what happened. I thought I had her. The rope slipped out of my hands."

Theo: "Let me take a look."

Arya: "Hey. What's your name?"

Laurie: "Laurie."

Arya: "Hey, Laurie. I'm Arya. This is Gabby, Sylvie and Theo." she hums, shining a light in her eyes

Brett: "This place is closed. What are you guys doing here?"

Aidan: "We snuck in. Thought it'd be fun."

Laurie: "It was my idea, not Aidan's."

Aidan: "You-you guys aren't gonna call the cops, are you?"

Dawson: "Hey, Hayes?" she hums, motioning to Laurie's ear "Spinal fluid. Separation between her skull and her C-1." she hums, making Arya sigh

Arya: "All right, Laurie. I want you to do me a favor. I want you to squeeze my hand as hard as you can, okay?"

Laurie: "Uh-huh." she hums, Dawson moving over to steady her head as Arya looks down at her hand, face falling a little when her fingers don't move

Arya: "Good job." she assures, slightly shaking her head at Dawson

Dawson: "Okay, so Laurie, it's possible you have something called an internal decapitation. I need you to stay completely still. I'm gonna be right here to help you so that you don't move at all."

Laurie: "Okay." she breathes

Arya: "All right, we can't risk putting her on the backboard. Theo, grab the scoop stretcher, head rolls and spider straps."

Theo: "Yeah."

Arya: "Stay calm. Stay calm for me." she hums as Laurie begins whimpering

Dawson: "So how long have you guys been together?" she hums, making Aidan give her an incredulous look

Aidan: "Uh, yeah, like, a month." he shrugs, stuttering a little

Laurie: "We met on Saint Patrick's Day, but he didn't text me for, like, three weeks."

Arya: "Uh-oh. Sounds like a player."

Laurie: "No, he's sweet."

Brett: "Alright, Aidan let's step over here." she hums, pulling him away as Theo returns

Dawson: "You're doing great. Just stay calm for me."

Arya: "Ready?"

Theo: "Yeah."

Arya: "Really slow and gentle." she cautions as Theo gently straightens her leg, the pair clipping the bottom part of the stretcher together

Laurie: "I'm scared."

Dawson: "I know you are, honey, but you're doing great. Okay, guys, on my count. One...two, three" she counts, the pair connecting the top part of the stretcher "Head rolls."

Arya: "Doing a good job. Almost done" she assures "Alright. Let's secure her with the spider straps and get her to Med."

Ryan: "You okay?" she hums, moving to lean against the doorway of Kelly's office, watching as he tosses a pen onto his desk in frustration

Kelly: "Yeah, I'm just... just looking up stuff for Anna."

Ryan: "Homeopathic? That's pretty far out for you." she hums, leaning against the back of his chair to take a look at his laptop

Kelly: "She's just always so damn tired. She's barely eating."

Ryan: "Chemo side effects?"

Kelly: "Yeah. One says acupuncture. One says massage, one...Ginger milk thistle, uh...ah!" he grunts, standing to his feet as he begins pacing the room, stopping in front of his window

Ryan: "Rule #1. Never look up anything medical on the internet. Might find yourself worse off than when you started" she hums, giving him a soft look "When I was at the clinic, everybody had a different theory about how to get through it. You know, drink lots of water, don't drink lots of water. Blah, blah, blah. Know the one thing that helped? Hamburger and French fries. Every day." she hums, watching a small smile comes over Kelly's face

Kelly: "Wonder what gave you that idea." he hums, the pair exchanging a soft, knowing look

Ryan: "Give Anna my best. We're all thinking about her over here." she breathes, Kelly nodding as he blinks away tears

PA: Truck 81, Squad 3, Ambulance 61, Engine 51, structure fire...

Ryan: "Boden's stuck in a meeting, so I'll run point" she informs as they arrive at the building "Building's a red zone. No one goes in. Truck, Squad, sweep the area, make sure no one's hiding in there. Otis, Mouch, get the aerial in place in case we need to vent the roof. 51, prep the hoses. We'll hit it from outside."

All: "Copy that."
Matt: "North side of the building is clear."

Ryan: "How's that water coming?"

51: "We have a problem. There's no water coming through the main line."

Ryan: "What?"

51: "The hydrant's dry."

Matt: "Building's scheduled for demo" he hums, pointing to a notice taped to a wall in the distance "Must've been shut down."

Ryan: "Otis, get on the line with utilities. We'll use the engine to wet down surrounding structures. Squad, how's your sweep looking?"

Kelly: "Not seeing anybody. Got a shopping cart full of plastic bottles, tin cans, placed at the entrance." he shrugs, making Arya perk up

Ryan: "Alright. Prepare to wet down the surrounding structures in case we gotta let this one go."

Arya: "No, no, no. There are people inside. I repeat there are people inside."
Ryan: "What makes you think there's someone in there?"

Arya: "You said a cart filled with bottles and cans, right?"

Cruz: "Yeah. Placed by a door and then a bunch of other cans surrounding the area."

Arya: "Those are makeshift burglar alarms."

Kelly: "You sure?" he hums, watching as Arya turns to give him a look, raising a brow which makes him nod "Point taken."

Otis: "There's someone coming out of the building." he hums, pointing to where a kid falls out from a window onto the ground

Kendall: "Somebody take him. He doesn't like being carried, but he'll get over it." she rasps, helping the kid to his feet

Ryan: "It's okay. We're here to help you. Hey, what are you doing?"

Kendall: "There are five more kids in here about to burn alive. Little help?" she hums, jumping down from the window as Ryan sighs, glancing at Kelly and Matt for a moment before the three follow behind her

Kendall: "How am I so much faster than you? It's your job" she scoffs, leading the groups down a hall "I don't even have a job."

Ryan: "Hey!" she grits, grabbing hold of her arm to stop her from continuing forward "What's your name?"

Kendall: "Kendall."

Ryan: "Kendall, believe me, my team knows how to rescue your friends safely, and it is not safe for you in here."

Kendall: "You think? I know where they hide. You don't. We sleep in here in the day. When I smelled smoke, I could barely wake up myself. We have to find them."

Ryan: "81, check out those rooms ahead."

Matt: "You got it. Hermann, Kidd." he hums, motioning each person to a room

Ryan: "Squad, stay with us."

Kendall: "Pick up the pace! Over here!"

Cruz: "We got 'em."

Kendall: "Sean, you okay?"

Sean: "I'm good. Hey, don't touch me. I don't know you."

Kelly: "Easy. Come on" he hums, motioning Sean to his feet "All right, there's no time for intros, kid. Come on." he sighs, pulling Sean into his arms

Sean: "Put me down!"

Ryan: "Come on! You're leaving, too!"

Sean: "Drop me!"

Kendall: "No, no, no. We-we still need to find Tori and Brian." she pants, bending over as she begins violently coughing

Ryan: "Here, use this. Big, deep breaths, then we're going. 81, talk to me."

Matt: "We haven't found anyone else yet. But without water, we need something to buy us more time in here."

Ryan: "Capp, Tony, sprinkler system. It's off, but it's got its own water supply. We just need to find the access valve."

Capp: "Copy that."

Kendall: "That valve you need, I'm pretty sure I've seen it. In the breaker room! Come on!"

Ryan: "Enough! We will find it! We'll find your friends, but first we need to get you out of here. I swear, if you don't come with me right now, I will throw your scrawny ass over my shoulder and carry you out."

Kendall: "Okay" she hums, pushing Ryan forward a little before taking off down the other end of the hall "But not before I get you that valve."

Ryan: "81, backtrack to me. Our runaway's run away again." she sighs, following after Kendall

Sean: "Get away from me. I'm fine."

Theo: "Just let me listen to your breathing, all right?"

Sean: "Get off me! I don't need you!"

Theo: "I'm not gonna hurt you. Just-just let me help, all right?"

Sean: "Don't!" he grits

Arya: "I got it." she hums, Theo nodding as he moves to help one of the other kids

Sean: "Don't touch me."

Arya: "Look, kid, your hands are severely burned. Not to mention that cough tells me you got smoke in your lungs. You'll feel a lot better if you let me help."

Sean: "I said back off!" he exclaims, fighting against Arya

Arya: "Okay, okay, okay" she breathes, moving to stand behind Sean, wrapping her arms around him "It's okay. It's all right. I got you. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay. You're gonna be alright. I've got you. I've got you." she assures, tightening her hold on him as his breathing begins slowing

Kendall: "It's close to here, I swear. It's in here somewhere."

Hermann: "Hey! Careful there!" he warns, stepping back as she tosses a chair to the ground, pulling on a door handle

Kendall: "I live here, remember? Can you check to see if anyone found Brian or Tori yet?"

Matt: "Severide, what's your status?"

Kelly: "Circling back your way."

Matt: "We're looking for two more kids. Names are Tori and Brian."

Kelly: "Copy that."

Ryan: "Okay, I appreciate you bringing us here, but you and I are leaving right now." she hums, turning to face Kendall who bangs on the door, trying to pry it open

Kendall: "But my friends are still lost here somewhere. I am turning these sprinklers on."

Stella: "Hey! Is that the valve?!"

Matt: "Hermann, give me a hand."
Cruz: "The smoke is getting thicker."

Kelly: "Yeah, with fires popping up all over the place."

Cruz: "We've gotta find these kids fast" he huffs, perking up when hearing coughing in the distance "Over here!"

Kelly: "Tori! Are you Tori?! Brian?" he hums, watching as the pair nod, violently coughing into their hands "Ryan, we found them, but we're losing visibility in here. I can barely see my drop-bag line."
Kendall: "They found them? Are they okay?"

Ryan: "They are. And you will see them outside. Let's go." she hums, beginning to push her towards the exit

Kendall: "What, no. I-"

Ryan: "Kendall! If I have to drag you out by your hair, I will. Now move your feet" she orders, making Kendall sigh "You guys good here?"

Matt: "Go!" he grunts, working to turn the valve

Kelly: "We could really use those sprinklers."

Matt: "Stand by. Kidd." he grunts, motioning her over to help with the valve

Arya: "Can I take a look?" she hums, motioning to Sean's hand as he sits on the back of the ambulance with a breathing mask over his face

Sean: "I told you, back off."

Arya: "I'm not gonna ask you questions, Sean."

Sean: "Good. So you can leave now."

Arya: "I didn't say that. You got a burn I need to dress so it doesn't get infected. And I'm not going away until I feel good about your oxygen levels."

Sean: "What do you care anyway? I'm nobody. And I don't need help." he scoffs, making a soft look come over Arya's face

Arya: "It's pretty scary, huh? Being all on your own?" she hums, moving to take a seat beside him, grabbing hold of a kit "The worst is at night, right? Real late, when it's too quiet to think about anything else? Hold these" she hums, handing him a stack of bandages "You can't do everything on your own, as much as you might want to. Put the ointment on twice a day, don't bandage too tight, and use the slick side of the pad so it doesn't stick to your skin. All right?" she instructs, passing him a couple packets of ointment, watching as a soft look comes over his face "You know, I used to sleep in a place just like this one. Before that it was a tent on the ground. I hated asking for help. Still do. But, I've learned over time you don't have to do things on your own. It won't kill you to trust somebody."

Sean: "You said don't do the bandage too tight." he speaks up after a moment of silence

Arya: "You want me to show you?" she hums, holding her hand out as Sean slowly places the bandages on it, Arya watching with a soft smile

Cruz: "They're too weak. They can barely stand."

Kelly: "Come on. Come on." he mutters
Walking down a hall, a drop of water from the sprinkler lands on the ground, igniting a small flame which quickly disappears, gaining Ryan's attention who spins around in her spot

Ryan: "Did you see that?"

Kendall: "See what?" she shrugs, looking around in confusion

Glancing around the room for an exit, Kelly perks up as a few more drops of water land on the ground, more flames igniting for a second

Kelly: "Woah, woah, woah!" he exclaims, jumping back "There's some kind of accelerant in the pipes!"

Cruz: "Accelerant?!"

Kelly: "Casey, do not activate! I repeat, do not activate!" he warns just as the three turn the valve, water beginning to spray out

Ryan: "Get down!" she exclaims, pulling Kendall into a room as flames shootout, surrounding the building, a small explosion going off

Stella: "What the hell just happened?" she pants as Matt quickly shuts off the water

Matt: "I don't know. Severide, do you copy?"

Kelly: "Yeah, we're here.We're okay."

Cruz: "Damn it, I'm out." he huffs, tossing an extinguisher to the ground

Kelly: "This is Severide. Cruz and I are here with two civilians. We're trapped. We do not have an exit. Repeat, we do not have an exit."

51: "Water's coming in less than two minutes. Hang tight."

Kelly: "Copy."

Matt: "Ryan, do you copy? Ryan?"
Slowly sitting up from her spot, Ryan looks around in a daze. Quickly shaking herself out of it, she moves over to where Kendall lies on the ground, taking in harsh gasps as she struggles for air

Removing her mask to place over Kendall's face, Ryan freezes in her spot when seeing the scared, helpless look on her face. Images of Allison flash through her mind for a second before she shakes out of it, quickly securing the mask over her face

Ryan: "You're okay, okay? Just breathe. Don't panic. I'm right here. I'm not gonna leave you, okay" she assures, watching as Kendall shakily holds her hand out, Ryan reaching over to squeeze her hand in comfort "I'm right here." she nods

Kelly: "Arya!" he calls out, motioning her over with a gurney as he carries Tori in his arms

Matt: "Where's Ryan?" he hums, looking around for said woman

Theo: "She hasn't come out yet." he hums, moving over with Brett to take a look at Brian

Matt: "Ryan, do you copy? Ryan, come in."

Standing in a tense silence for a moment, Matt and Kelly exchange a look before placing their masks back on, heading towards the building. Watching a side door be kicked open, they halt in their steps as Ryan stumbles outside with Kendall in her arms. Rushing over to the pair they watch as Ryan falls to the ground, letting out harsh coughs

Ryan: "I'm okay." she hums, moving to remove the mask from her face

Arya: "Shut up and breathe." she orders, placing the mask back over her face as Ryan sighs, nodding at Kendall who sits on a gurney

Ryan: "How are you? Breathing easier?"

Kendall: "Yeah. But, um, not really" she hums, sighing after a moment as she looks towards the group of kids "We're gonna get packed up and sent away. Only plus is if they send us to the hospital first. At least we get a free meal."

Ryan: "Ask for the extra jello behind the nurse's desk. There's always a stash."

Kendall: "I told them they could trust me. It was my job to take care of them, and...look what happened."

Ryan: "You saved them. You ran inside a building you had no business being in, by the way, just to get them out. You were very brave. Not too many people would do that."

Kendall: "You do." she shrugs, making a soft look come over Ryan's face

Ryan: "You know, you could, too."

Kendall: "Please. People like you don't want kids like me on your team."

Ryan: "I'd be lucky to have a kid like you on the team" she declares, watching a small smile come over Kendall's face "Give me a call sometime. Tell me how you're doing. Maybe you can come by the station once you're recovered and see what we do. Here's my cell."

Kendall: "You're kind of clingy" she hums, breaking out into a smile "But I might."

Ryan: "Okay." she chuckles, patting her leg as she turns to walk off

Boden: "Ryan, come in."

Ryan: "Go ahead, Chief" she hums, stepping off to the side, a fallen look coming over her face as she looks at where Kelly stands "Kelly" she calls out, motioning him over as she moves to the ambulance "Hey, Kelly's gonna ride with you."

Kelly: "What? Why, I'm fine."

Ryan: "It's Anna" she breathes, a knowing look coming over everybody's face "Get him there fast."

Arya: "Yeah" she hums "Let's go." she calls out, knocking on the window as Kelly hops in

Standing in Kelly's apartment, the groups silently talk amongst each other as Kelly stands at his window, solemnly looking out before moving to take a seat in a chair

Matt: "Hey, guys, let's clear out. Give Severide some space." he hums, motioning the group as they nod, beginning to head out

Ryan: "Call if you need anything." she hums, leaning down to press a kiss to his head, squeezing his hand in comfort as he nods

Grabbing hold of her bag, Arya slows in her steps, looking over at where Kelly sits with his head thrown back. Watching as the door shuts she moves to take a seat beside him, the pair sitting in silence for a moment as she gives him a soft look, pulling a packet from her bag

Arya: "It's everything from her bulletin board. Her dad said she'd want you to have it." she hums, watching as Kelly flicks through the stack of photos

Giving him one last soft look, she stands to her feet, patting his shoulder as she moves towards the door

Arya: "Knock, knock." she hums, sticking her foot inside a tent, stepping back as Sean pokes his head out

Sean: "What are you doing here?"

Arya: "You know, I gotta say. This is definitely a step down from the warehouse."

Sean: "Come here to gloat?" he scoffs, shaking his head, furrowing his brows as she holds out a key

Arya: "This is for the hotel near Med. It's paid up for the next four months. You get back into contact with your friends, you guys'll have a warm place to sleep. With a bed. And a door that locks" she hums, watching a soft look come over his face "Maybe use this time to find something you're good at. Something that makes you money. Cause despite what you think, you're not nobody Sean. You just got dealt a bad hand" she assures, reaching over to pat his arm "You ever need anything, you know where to find me."

Giving  him one final look, Arya turns to walk off as Sean watches her, looking at the key in his hands with a soft look on his face, his mouth twitching into a small smile

Matt: "Couldn't help but notice you got your mojo back." he hums, laying beside on the couch as they watch a movie

Ryan: "Well, what can I say, you give a hell of a speech. You should really think about going into politics."

Matt: "I'll think about it" he chuckles "So, I guess no more talk about wanting to quit" he hums, brows furrowing when not hearing a response "Ry?"

Glancing down, a soft smile comes over his face when seeing her eyes closed, a peaceful look on her face as she takes in slow breaths. Grabbing hold of a blanket, he places it on top of the pair, shifting to a more comfortable position as he tightens his arm around her, turning his attention back to the movie

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12.7K 584 35
[ CLOSED ] A collection of Brian 'Otis' Zvonecek oneshots and prompts [ This book has been closed, any new oneshots/prompts will be posted on my tumb...