The rose and the wolf (A sona...

By amilearose

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When a girl named Amy Rose goes into the woods to a beautiful mountain sight on a full moon with many stars i... More

Author's Note
The BIG BAD Wolf..?
First time meeting and Familiar eyes..?
A bit of trouble
My New Wolf Friend
Meeting Sonic's Siblings
My Big Bad(Nice) Wolf
Christmas Party
Dropping Tempretures
Moving in and a Mysterious Guy
Roommates and Mistakes
Big brother, Movie night(afternoon), and Sky
Christmas Day and Troubling Pains
Sonic's complete Transformation and Kidnapping
Lost of a brother and Plan making
THE PLAN and...
An acquaintance of Shadows and Who?
Years Later...
Return of a Familiar Friend
Chaos in the Town and a Rose's rage
Freeing Sky and Abduction
Searching and Plans
Big brother and Sky on a mission
Rescue mission Successful
Taking care of the Rose and Friends
Doctors appointment and Unexpected circumstances
The unexplainable realization
Mrs. Robonik
Slowly building rage, and New help
Running out of Time
What used to be a lab and a New Guy?
The waking Rose and safely returned home
Learning something new and odd happenings
Packing up
Sky's Pain
Sonic's Pain
Hidden Secrets and Strang behaviors
Pain and...A date
Ticking Clock
Revealing Secret and Rage
Sonic's Interest/Crush
A Mysterious gift and Rainy days
Strange behaviors and Plan Making
The confession
Carnival and Secret protector
Author's note

Sleepover at Amy's and Nighttime work shift

479 13 2
By amilearose


Guys, when I tell you I cringed so hard when I read the original chapter for this!! Like what drugs was I on when I was younger? Who let me write this, why did ya'll let me write this!! I'm sitting here thinking this was the best chapter I ever made, and I didn't even remember I wrote this until I reread it!! Just...How could ya'll...

But anyway.

Fun Fact: Ok, I don't know if I said this yet or anything. But Shad and Shadow, both have a taste and bloodlust which causes them to somewhat get out of control.
Though they do try to hide it, and sometimes they do catch it before it happens, but sometimes, it just gets the best of them.


Chapter 42


Night time had soon came around as Amy decided on inviting Sonic and his siblings over to her home, for a sleepover. 

No, she wasn't secretly celebrating her confession to Sonic, no she most definitely had no other motivation for this except. Being able to keep an eye on Sonic, Shadow, and Sonia, nothing more and nothing less.

So, as she wanted for the sibling's arrival she had gone ahead and got prepared for bed, as Shad was downstairs making dinner for everyone while humming a slight tone to himself when his ear twitched "yes, Shadow," he questioned.
"You smell of blood?" the ebony male says while slightly glaring at the server who glanced over his shoulder at the lifeform "so what if I do? Are you upset I didn't share my portion with you? My prince," Shad questioned with a raised brow, to which Shadow growled glaring at the wall instead.

"My apologies, if you want, I have a spare bag in my room. You can take that if you like," Shad soon says to which Shadow clicked his tongue and then left the room without another word.

As Shad chuckled a bit a slight smirk on his face, as his jade-green eyes sparkled with mischief before he returned his attention back to the food he was making though he had a feeling to change up Shadow and Sonic's foods just a bit to not seem suspicious.

He knew why he was changing Shadow's, but he just wanted to test Sonic out a little bit.

Nothing too big or flashy, just small enough that would look normal to others but taste different to him.






When Sonic and his siblings had arrived, Amy had met up with them at the front door as she smiled happily with a huge grin on her face as the blue speedster's face turned bright red.

"Sup, Amy," Manic says as Sonia gave a soft smile and waves to the pinkette "thank you for letting us stay over," the pianist "you're welcome. I'm just glad you've all agreed to stay over," Amy said with joy before she moved out of the way.
"Oh, Shadow and Shad are here too," she soon says "wow, you got Shadow to stay too?" Manic says impressed while Sonic had a different thought in mind as he remembered something when he was stuck in his werehog form. 

Just as Shad walked out of the kitchen "you three arrived just in time for dinner," he says pleased a gentle smile on his face "thank you," Sonia says as Sonic and Manic nod while walking into the house, with Amy closing the door behind them.

"I'll be right back," the pinkette says as she then headed upstairs while the others went to the kitchen.

"Sonic, you can sit right there, you two can sit wherever you like," Shad informs the three as Manic began snickering into his hand as Sonia giggled softly since her brother was the only one who was being told to sit in a specific seat, but they soon took their seats.
Then moments later Amy had came downstairs with Shadow following right after her "I got him," the pinkette said happily earning the group's attention.

"Wonderful, Shadow please sit here," Shad says while pointing to a seat as Amy looked at the last two seats before she decided to sit between her brother and Sonic as she smiled softly while lightly kicking her feet making sure, she didn't kick anyone.

As Shad started passing out the plates for them to eat.

"So, Amy, any plans for tonight?" Sonia asked with a soft smile on her face as the rose started thinking as she hummed a bit.

"No, sadly. But I thought it would be good to all hang out together since we need to keep an eye on these two," Amy says while pointing to Shadow and Sonic who looked away when Manic snorts "dam, that's not new," he commented under his breath, only to be kicked under the table causing him to yelp.

Sonia looked at him concerned as Shadow turned his head away smirking while Sonic snickered just as Shad sat down finally with his own plate.

"Dude, that was uncalled for," Manic says offended as Sonic leaned against his hand "what was, I didn't do anything," the blue speedster said with a confused look on his face when Sonia shook her head.

To which Shad cleared his throat as Amy giggled while Shadow just began eating as his ear flicked to the side.

Then the others began eating as well, though Sonic seemed a bit unsure at first until he started eating as well when his ears perked up before he lowered his head down slightly as his eyes glowed a bit.
When seconds later Amy's necklace began glowing as well earning her attention as Shad watched the blue speedster with a curious gaze in his eyes though he continued eating.

While the others looked at the rose curiously well, except for Sonic who was busy dealing with his own problems at the moment while trying to remain calm and completely fine as to not further worry the others.






Everyone was now finally in bed with Sonia and Amy sharing a bed together, as Sonic took the floor in Amy's room due to his sister wanting him to be there for them (yes, Amy agreed to this) while Manic took the couch...



Once everyone was sleeping, Sonia had begun to wake up as she slowly opened her eyes which were now a lifeless blue as she sat up slowly without disturbing the resting rose.

Carefully getting out of bed, and making her way to the door when her ankle was grabbed startling her out of her trance as she glanced down to see Sonic looking up at her "where are you going?" the hero questioned.
"Huh?" the pianist questioned confused noticing she was out of bed "I don't...know," she said confused before it turned into concern.

"I don't know what's going on," Sonia whispered as she got to her knees while Sonic sat up and carefully pulled her into a hug "it's ok, just get back to bed. I'll make sure you get your rest and not go anywhere," the hero says when he earned a small nod.

"Ok, thanks," Sonia replied as she soon got up from the floor and moved back to the bed to return back to sleep as Amy rolled over nuzzling her face into her pillow.

As the blue speedster sighed knowing this might be a long night since well, for starters he couldn't go to sleep as he was feeling restless at the moment, then the dinner he had earlier...

Not to mention his sister is now sleepwalking, which is a new thing in itself as he soon huffed in annoyance as he then curled up in a ball to try and get some sleep.

Then a few hours later he heard mumbling, which earned the speedster's attention as his ears perked up "Sky..." a small voice whispered "Sky...please..." the voice whispered once more after a while when the hero lifted his head up and looked towards the voice.

To see Amy sleepily reaching out for someone, she looked like she was having a nightmare so, he carefully moved closer to the bed, and bowed his head down under the pinkette's hand nuzzling into it, as Amy began petting his head.
While he closed his eyes, he figured that since 'he' couldn't be around at the moment he would fill in for 'him' even if it was just small gestures.

Until he felt a gentle scratch behind his ear causing him to instantly lean into her touch lifting his head up high when her hand moved to scratch him under his chin as he blushed slightly when he began purring until he noticed that Amy was actually awake.

Further making him embarrassed until she began speaking...

"I missed you so much Sky...Thanks for coming back boy," Amy whispered, with a dazed/tired look in her jade green eyes before she carefully leaned forward placing a kiss on the hero's nose before petting his head once more then slowly going right back to sleep.
As if nothing happened while he hide his face into the side of the bed his ears lowering out of embarrassment.

"I can't believe this," he mumbled to himself as he soon sat down on the floor and put his back to the bed, facing the room door and feeling Amy's hand slightly going through his fur causing his tail to start wagging.

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