It's Time To Go // Criston Co...

By rissarosewrites

174K 7.8K 1K

Aislynn Hightower tried to help her little sister Alicent, while she navigated the capital. But Aislynns husb... More

1. I Don't Bet On Losers
2. I'm Not Asking To Marry Him
3. Amoret
4. Shameless
5. Stay
6. Sister Superior for Sale
7. Give her a Cookie not a Cock
8. What Were you thinking? Dragons
9. La, La, La, I can't Hear you
10. Never Find Love
11. Moody Lil Bitch
12. Broken Like Me
13. People You Know, To People You Don't
14. Eat my Desires in Chocolate
15. Should Have Been A Warning
16. Drunk Dark Night
17. Don't Be Honored
18. Pride Not Prize
19. No One Likes a Little Dragon
20. Sweet Talker
21. Back To Bitch
22. Vicious Lies
23. A Good End to a Bad Day
24. Soft Hearts
25. I Can Be Quick
27. The Unknown
28. That Hurt
29. Sexy & Stupid
30. Clearly Terrified
31. Searing Passion
32. Hostile Womb
33. Everybody Can Go To Hell
34. If Looks Could Kill
35. Venom
36. On Your Knees
37. Could've Fooled Me
38. You're a Dumbass
39. Thinking of You
40. The Test
41. Brotherly Bonding
42. Awkward
43. Fight Amoret
44. Pretend for My Sanity
45. Suspicious
46. This is Why Dresses Need Pockets
47. Playing With Fire
48. Shameless
49. Why Her?
50. False Claims
51. Power & Protection
52. How Dare You
53. Hightower Greens
54. Lie to Me
55. Nuts
56. Needy
57. Say It
58. You Like It Rough
59. Totem Pole
60. Fuck Your Princess Privileges
61. Shimmer
62. Bullseye
63. Suddenly Sober
64. Moment of Weakness
65. Mine
66. Respectfully, Beat Your Ass
67. Foecking Chickens
68. Wide Awake
69. I'm Good At It
70. Stripping in the Foyer
71. I'm A Bad Gypsy
72. Best Fake Sex
73. Kick Gorilla Ass
74. Ransom Notes
75. Not In The Mood
76. I Am The Heir
77. WTF Harwin
78. Complete and Utter Muppet
79. Tiny Pecker
80. Don't Make Me The Bad Guy
81. Send You To Hell
82. Open The Wine, Larys
83. Hold Your Ego
84. Vendetta
85. This is a Funeral. Less Laughing
86. Over Inflated Ego is Blocking My Sun
87. That's What You Are
88. Refuse to be Silenced
89. Scars Are Sexy
90. Cherry
91. Hightower
92. Alright, I'm Single Again
93. Let Them See Me Claiming You
94. Candy apple
95. Wanderer
96. We Can Get You A Snazzy Hat
97. In Fact
98. Honeymoon Phase Never Faded
99. Hideous
100. I've Been Dying To Use
101. Only Child
102. I've Seen Worse
103. What of My Apology
104. Say it Again, It Sounded Good
105. Smells Like Death
106. Wouldn't That Be Grand!
107. Queen of Hell
108. Queen Bee
109. If That Isn't Love
110. I Promise
111. Stale Oaths
112. The Hightower's Send Their Regards
113. Bend, Break, Fly

26. Not Your Whore

1.7K 75 1
By rissarosewrites

Harwin kissed along Aislynn's shoulder and she practically purred into him. 

His fingers grazed along her spine kissing her shoulder blade again before getting up. Aislynn smiled back at him watching him as he got dressed for the day. Aislynn could get used to this. He kissed her again before she flopped back into the pillows falling back asleep. 

Who needed sleep when Aislynn had a husband that looked like Harwin?

''Did sleep flee you as well this morning?'' Rhaenyra offered as they had set sail for home.

''I needed to see you, Princess.'' Criston remarked approaching her slowly, a plan, a mission on his mind. He was stupid, idiotic really, fucking the princess but here they were and he needed to try and make things right, even if it wasnt what was really wanted, who he really wanted. It was the honorable thing to do.

''I confess I had a similar desire.'' Rhaenyra admitted.

''You have confided in me now and then over the years of our acquaintance. I feel, forgive me, that I, I know you... a bit.'' Criston remarked.

''You know more than a bit.'' Rhaenyra agreed

''I've heard you say so many times how you loathe the lot of your position, that you are to be married off at your father's whim with no thought given to the yearning of your own heart, and... now the day comes. Ser Laenor is a good and, and decent man, but you, you did not choose him. He was chosen for you.'' Criston remarked.

''That's true.'' Rhaenyra agreed

''If there were another path... one that led to freedom... would you tread it?'' Criston offered and Rhaenyra stared back at him. ''Rhaenyra, before I came here, I was a knight in the Storm lands. I have deep knowledge of the port at Sun spear where I've seen the ships of Essos setting sail with their hulls full of oranges and cinnamon and I've always wished to see where they went.''

''Are you asking for leave?'' Rhaenyra questioned confused.

''I'm asking you to come with me... away from all of this. From the burdens and indignities of your inheritance. Let us leave it all behind and see the world together... where we'll be nameless, and free... free to go where we like, to love as we like. In Essos... you could marry me. A marriage for love, not for the crown.'' Criston reasoned.

''I am the crown, Ser Criston. Or I will be. I may chafe at my duties, but do you think I would choose infamy in exchange for a bushel of oranges or a ship to Asshai? It is my duty to marry a nobleman from a great house and Ser Laenor will make a fine husband. But my, um... my marriage... does not have to be the end. Ser Criston, Laenor and I have an understanding. I've granted him leave to pursue his own interests... and in turn, he's granted me the same.'' Rhaenyra offered hopefully.

''So you want me to be your whοre?'' Criston spat. He had his honor, he wouldnt be anyone's whore. He wanted love, he wanted to find that one day, not be a hidden side piece.

''I want us to continue as we began, with you as my sworn protector, my white knight.' Rhaenyra corrected

''I took an oath. As a, as a knight of, of your Kings guard. An oath of chastity. I've broken it.'' Criston said in desperation.

''I won't tell anyone..." Rhaenyra assured

''I-I've, I've soiled my, my, wh... my white cloak. And it's the only thing I have to my fսcking name!" Criston reminded her.

''I, I thought if we were married, I might be able to restore it." Criston rasped. 

"The Iron Throne looms larger than me, larger than anyone in my family. Aegon the Conqueror united the Seven Kingdoms and put them on a path... Ser Criston.''


With a labored breath Viserys stepped out of the carriage only to collapse to the ground.

''Fetch the Maester!'' Harrold shouted.

''Get back.'' Lyonel demanded.

''Get Mellos! Get back!'' Harrold demanded.

'Prepare the crucible. We'll need leeches.'' Mellos remarked. Alicent watched as her husband fell to the ground, hoping for death. It was like Aislynn knew. Alicent looked to her as she held Helaena bouncing her gently on her lap.

"He's not dying." Aislynn offered. 

"I didnt say anything." Alicent corrected. 

"Right but you were thinking damn if he dies wouldnt that make life easier." Aislynn countered innocently. 

"I need to speak to Ser Criston." Alicent declared. "I need to know. I need to know Rhaenyra wasnt lying." 

"She was lying." Aislynn corrected. "Mabye not about Daemon but the moons teas... yikes. Glad I dont need to worry about that now that hubby and I are so happy."

"Are you?" 

"Why did you say it like that?" Aislynn countered. 

 ''Ser Criston... you've been summoned.''

''I left the Princess just minutes ago.'' Criston countered

''Not the Princess, ser. The Queen.''

"Ser Criston, Your Grace." A handmaiden said as the door swung open, Criston took cautious steps into the queens chambers.

''That will be all.'' Alicent agreed. Criston looked between Aislynn and Alicent as he came in.  ''I fear I must question you on a, on a delicate matter, Ser Criston.''

''I am your servant as always, my Queen.''

''It concerns our dear Princess Rhaenyra. Please.'' Alicent pat the spot next to her and waited for him to sit next to her. hesitantly he removed his sword from his hip and sat stiffly next to her. His gaze shifted to Aislynn but she offered a coy smile as she rocked Helaena innocently as though this wasnt a lose your head conversation. 

''You are her sworn protector and rightly loyal to her.'' Alicent remarked.

''I am.''

''The night of Daemon's return... there's been a rumor... or rather, my father received an accounting of... a lapse of morals that may have occurred between... It is, of course, unthinkable for me to question the virtue of the Princess, whom I hold in highest regard, but, I-I, I did, however, wonder if... I'm not unaware that in flush of youth... there may be errors made...'' Alicent didn't know how to say it but she needed to know her father was a good and right man. Alicent let out a long sigh as she looked to Criston. ''breaches in resolve, breaches, or rather lapses...''

"Did you fuck Rhaenyra?" Aislynn simplified. Alicent opened her mouth to object but yes that was what she wanted to know. 

''It happened, Your Grace. The sin you allude to. I have committed it. At her instigation, it is true, but that should... It is no excuse.' Criston agreed as he stood up. 

"Oh honey no, her? Moody little dragon." Aislynn tsked teasingly. 

 ''My oath has been broken. I have dishonored myself. I deserve no consideration. But if... as a clement Queen, you are inclined to pity... I would ask only this... that rather than gelding me and having me tortured... you would sentence me mercifully to death.'' Criston offered.

"Mercifully." Aislynn repeated looking to Alicent impressed that a man took such responsibility. "Off with his head!" Aislynn declared. Criston looked eyes with her and her lips curled up into a smile.  

''Thank you for your honesty, Ser Criston. You may go.'' Alicent informed him and he stared back at her but she seemed content. 

"Let me walk you out." Aislynn agreed. 

"I dont understand." Criston whispered. 

"Thank you for your candor Criston. Lets talk under better circumstances next time." Aislynn offered before closing the door on him. 

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