Pleasing (H.S)

By white_eyes_

121K 2.9K 457

He is a rockstar, but also her boss. She is a creative director, who happens to work in pleasing. This is the... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
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thirty three
thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
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thirty nine
forty one
forty two
forty three
forty four
forty five
forty six
forty seven
epilogue (Iris' version)

twenty five

2K 55 11
By white_eyes_


"Iris, we are going to be late." Harry yells to me. We are currently in his house in New York city. I flew here yesterday so we can fly together to Venice. I am currently really anxious about all of this. It's the first time that Emma is so far away from me and it's the first time that everyone will see us and eventually know about Harry and I. 

His management thinks that it's for the best to let the world know about us on this event. There were a lot of photos of us here and there throughout the summer as we were together most of the time. There were only a few days that we were away from each other because I had to work. The new year will be really exciting for pleasing. There are so many new colors that we are going to launch, as well as some really exciting secret items too. We try to find the best way to advertise everything and Molly and I are spending way more time in the office than the rest of the staff. We are a great team though. Our ideas are impressive and I can't wait to present them to everyone on our next meeting. But for now I am going to Italy for the first time and our stay there will only be for about two days because Harry has to be back here for the rest of the tour. 

Emma is staying currently with Tonya. Florence is already in Venice and she calls us everyday to tell us how exciting it is to meet all these famous people and interview them. She will interview Harry and Chris Pine too, and Harry and her have already practiced the questions. I am sure though that Harry is going to mess it up due to his anxiety. 

He didn't like the whole experience with the movie. He had a fall out with Olivia during filming and he isn't on speaking terms with Florence Pugh too. Florence and Olivia had a fight the last day of filming and they hadn't talk ever since. They even drop hints about hating each other in interviews. Harry being Harry wanted to distance himself from all that chaos. But then, Olivia started to send him messages, flowers and even showed up to the house he was staying in Palm Springs in order for him to try her infamous salad dressing. I mean, who does that? I have so many questions and no one is able to answer them. What is so good about that damn salad dressing that Harry had to try it?

Harry and Florence Pugh aren't on speaking terms because of the whole Olivia situation. They hadn't great chemistry on set and they somehow fell apart before they even become friends. I was so sad when I learned about that because Florence is one of the most genuine people I have even met. I met her a while ago when I was working as a personal assistant. Mariah and Florence were staring together in a movie a few years ago and I had the chance to witness her talent. She even knows my little girl, I had Emma on set with me a couple of times when no one could take care of her. 

Harry was so shocked when I told him that I knew Florence. He then proceeded to remind of the Theory of Separation and how we would have met even if I didn't work for Pleasing. I can't understand that theory but I know that Harry and I would definitely meet sometime in the future. I would still work as a personal assistant and he wouldn't even look at me because I would be too ordinary for him. I am sure. We had a little fight about that but he said that he probably would be scared to talk to me and he would just admire me from afar. 

I am the only one awake in this private jet right now. I always forget how ridiculously rich Harry is and how he can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Harry is sleeping next to me with is head on my shoulder and I know that when he will be awake he is going to be grumpy about it. Jeff is sleeping two tables further than us and then there is Tom who is sitting alone and is replying to some emails. I just sit there and reminisce about the summer that has passed.

Harry, Emma and I spent two weeks in London. We didn't go anywhere, we just stay in the house and we had a great time. Anne, Gemma and my mother came to visit us. They even got to know each other and my mother and Anne are more alike than I expected. They share the same love about gardening and even the same trauma. My mother was the first one to open up about my father's death.

My father was a great man. Emma is named after him because he was so excited when he learned that I was pregnant. His name was Louis and i bet that him and Emma would be the best of friends if he was alive. I learned how to copy with loss, Tonya and her advice helped a lot but there is always going to be that feeling that something is absent. I will always be sad about that, I will never find the missing piece but I will get used to this feeling one day. I wish I could tell Emma all the cool stories I have with him but I'm going to traumatise her even more. I wish she had a father, only because I want her to have the same memories I have.

Anne and my mother, Sophie, became friends. They even decided to go on a trip together in some village I didn't even knew the name of. Harry said that he is so happy that our families like each other, and I am too.

Emma is attached to Harry, and Harry is attached to Emma. They even have matching clothes and they wear them at any given chance. There are a few photos going around that a man, who looks like Harry Styles, was seen with a little girl dressed the same. Harry's management team does its best everyday to not let any of those pictures to go around in the internet. Harry does his best to protect Emma's privacy, as well as mine.

We went back to America a little earlier than expected because I had to work. Harry literally begs me to work from home but I don't want anyone to think that I take advantage of the fact that he is also my boss. I don't and it shows.

I feel Harry moving. "My neck hurts so bad." It's the first thing he says, his voice raspy due to the fact that he was sleeping. "Are we there yet?" He asks like a little kid.

"You sound like Emma, babe. We are going to be in Venice in a couple of hours."

"I wish I could avoid this circus." He says and then gets up so he can go to the bathroom.

"He's so grumpy about that." Tom says and I look at him. He has closed his laptop and he is ready to fall asleep.

"I know, he doesn't even want to be there."

"Olivia was a pain in the ass during the whole filming. Florence is a hero." He says. "We visited him a Sunday and she was already in his little house trying to tell him that Florence is so wrong. Harry didn't even care. He wanted the role so he could be a part of My policeman." He rants and I know that he tells more information than it is needed.

"I don't know what happened but it makes him sad."

"He's a smart guy. He will get over it."

"What do my favorite people talk about?" Harry asks us when he comes back.

"I asked Iris if you are bold. People continue to speculate and you have to answer one day." Tom tells him and I chuckle.

"Hey, you two. You know that I am not bold."

"We know nothing, H. Now, please be quite. I have to sleep." Tom announces and Harry sighs.

"He has an obsession with that stupid joke."

"It's only a joke, darling. He is going to be obsessed with something else in two days."

"I know. I hope it is something positive."


If I had to go back, I would tell him to not be so optimistic. Tom is currently obsessed about the This movie feels like a movie quote.

During the press interview and the few interviews Harry and Chris Pine gave after the first one, I swear Harry hadn't a single thought in his mind. He was saying whatever he could think of that moment because as he said, when he came back to the hotel room, he didn't care.

But let's take it from the start.

Harry, Tom, Jeff and I arrived together to the airport but Tom and I managed to avoid the paparazzi. Tom is invited to the premiere by Olivia's team because he helped Harry compose and produce a little song that is going to be on the film. He didn't want to come either.

So, Tom and I went straight to the hotel without a single photo of us be taken. Harry and Jeff came a little later. Harry was pissed and I know that our 2 days here are going to feel like hell. He is grumpier than ever and no one can change his mood, not even me.

Then, Harry got ready and went straight to the press interview. Florence was texting me the entire time. Tom and I watched it live on Twitter and we can tell that when Harry saw Florence in the crowd he relaxed a little bit. They even joked during the interview when some of the others was answering their questions.

But then it was the time that Florence and him met for the interview. Before the cameras started rolling, Harry said to her that he isn't going to answer a simple question seriously and he was accurate.

When he said THE quote Tom immediately wrote it down so he wouldn't forget it. He even sent it to Mitch, Tyler and the other Tom, wanting them all to make fun of my boy.

When Harry came back to the hotel room, he was exhausted. The interviews took all of his energy. Tom only teased him a little but when he understood that Harry didn't have that much of an energy he stopped and we all had a serious conversation. Tom ended up that he doesn't like Olivia and I completely agree.

Today is a new day, though, and I try to be the positive one for Harry's shake. He is on edge all day and I haven't seen him more anxious.

"It's my first time on a festival like this one." He tells me as we shower together.

"Oh, what a coincidence. It's my first time too." I joke and he laughs. "Are you anxious?" I ask him.

"I am, yes. But I will have you on my side. Thank you for doing that for me."

"You don't have to thank me, babe. I'm here for you whenever you need me. I'm glad that I will get to experience this with you. You really bring the pop to the cinema."

We get out of the shower and a couple of minutes later a whole crew comes in the room in order to help us get ready for the red carpet. The only thing that is making me relax is the fact that Harry and Florence, Tonya's Florence, are going to be there.

I'm not going to sit with him though. As Jeff informed me, our seats is a couple of rows behind Harry's. I hope that there won't be any photos of me inside the cinema. I don't like dystopian movies that much and I already have made a bad critique on my mind and I don't think that anything is going to make me change it. I mean, the cast doesn't even like each other, how will the movie be good when there is so much drama surrounding it?

But, the best advertisement is defamation so I think that it is the technique they chose to go with. If my cast didn't like each other, I would do the same. It's a technique to attract people's interests into your work and a lot of professors said that to us when I was a uni student. 

The crew helps us to get ready and I feel like a princess. There weren't a lot of times that someone else helped me to get ready, usually I helped Tonya and Tonya helped me. Harry, on the other hand, looks so bored of the whole process. 

Harry Lambert enters the room with two assistants behind him. "Hello, to the most beautiful couple." 

"Hello, Susan." 

"Hi, Lamby. How are you?" Harry and I say in sync. 

"I'm fine. I see that you are almost ready. Harry, Adam and Ursula will help you get dressed as soon as Mary ends whatever she is doing with your hair." I look at my boyfriend. I don't see him like that a lot, he usually wears pajamas or track suits when we are together, but even in those he is pretty.

The I look myself in the mirror. My hair is slicked back into a low bun, that isn't that stylized so I don't look like a bride. My make up is simple too. It's just a baby blue eyeshadow, or Louis blue as Lambert likes to call it, and a shimmer eyeshadow on top. The make up artist added false eyelashes and I swear that I look so different. I have never seen myself that pretty and I hate that I believe that I am the prettiest version of myself now that I have make up on. 

Harry gets up and he goes to the second room that our suite has so he can get dressed. Lambert sits on the chair my Harry was sitting and he looks straight at me smiling. "You look so pretty, Iris. I wish I could dress you up more often but you don't let me even play dress up with my bestie Emma." 

"She's four, Harry. She can't understand what Gucci is but I can and I don't let you do it." 

"Alessandro will do this on his own then." 

"Alessandro?" I ask, knowing the answer. 

"Michele. Harry and I have talked about Emma to him and he is so excited to see the little girl in Gucci." 

"No, he isn't. If I have to fight with mister Gucci himself, you know that I'll do it." 

"I know. Now, stand up. Hannah and I will help you get dressed and then we will call Harry in to see you." 

Hannah and Lambert help me get the beautiful dress on and I look myself in the mirror once again. I look so pretty, I like that dress looks on me. We have so many options but we decided to go with that one because I am not someone involved in the film and I don't want to outshine anyone. I want to just match with the suit Harry is going to wear. I have worn so much blue lately and I believe that it is my color after all. 

"You are like a goddess. Harry will lose his mind, I'm sure." I blush and Lambert calls out Harry's name. Harry comes out of the room in his dark blue suit and and he immediately looks at me. He is so handsome, blue is a color that compliments him as well. He looks like someone with power, someone who knows that they are unstoppable. He is his Harry Styles persona right now and I think that it is the first time I'm in awe because of that. 

"You are so pretty, Iris." He says and I smile like it is the first time. 

"You are so pretty, H." I tell him and he opens his hands for me to hug him. I hug him tighter than ever without caring that our clothes are going to crease. 

"I can't wait to come back here," he whispers so only I can hear him, "I will show you how pretty you look." He ends his sentence and then leaves a kiss on my neck.

"Come on, Lloyd has to take some photos so I can upload them to Instagram." I try to distance myself so Lloyd can take Harry's photos. "Where do you think you are going?" Lambert asks me rhetorically. "You better stay by his side, I will post a photo of the both of you. I got bored posting only him." He says and points at Harry who acts like he is insulted. 

Lloyd takes some photos and then he tells me that he has to take a few of Harry alone in case Gucci wants them. I always forget how famous Harry is and how much Gucci likes him.  Lloyd and Harry Lambert leave the room a few minutes before we have to. 

"You are so beautiful, Iris. You are beautiful everyday but today you are shining, and I know that it isn't from the fancy dress and make up." He tells me and I nod. 

"I'm just happy that I can accompany you somewhere and not be backstage. It's the first time that I am going to hold your hand without being afraid that someone will see us." 

"It's the only thing I am excited too. I am done with playing hide and seek, I am going to shout from the roof that you are the love of my life from now on." He tells me and gives me his hand to exit the room together. 

"Are you afraid?" I ask him as he closes the door behind him.

"A little, you?" 

"I am, I am afraid of your fans' reactions. I don't care about me, I only care about Emma. It is going to be devastating for her to hear mean things from strangers." 

"Darling, I am going to protect the two of you so much. And please, you should care about yourself too. You are important, you know. Haven't these affirmations taught you anything?"

We both laugh and we exit the lift we have taken a few minutes ago. "There are some paparazzi in front of the cars, Jeff is already out and waits for us. Are you okay?" I nod and he opens the door so we can eventually leave the hotel. There are a lot of cameras and men that are screaming Harry's name. Harry gives me his sunglasses and he guides us to the car that Jeff is standing in front of. 

When the three of us are inside I take off the sunglasses. "That was a little intense." 

Jeffs chuckles. "That was nothing. You should have seen other crowds. The worst when there are fans there and those jerks push them so they can take the perfect photo." He says. 

"Stop. You are scaring her off." Harry says and immediately grabs my hand. "It isn't always like this. Only in events." 

"Uh," Jeff looks up from his phone. "Janet told me that the first photos of the two of you are out. Congratulations, you don't have to hide anymore." He teases us knowing how tiring it is. 

We arrive at the place the festival is being held. There are so many people standing there, not only the paparazzi. I can hear Harry's name being shouted from everywhere and I look at him. He is so used to it that he doesn't even flinch. One day, a couple of months ago, he told me that he got bored of his name. He is hearing it so often that it actually sounds strange sometimes to him. He is a part of our pop culture now, though, and he is forced to hear it. If he could he would exchange everything for a couple of months so he can enjoy anonymity and calmness. 

"Are you ready?" Harry asks me again and I nod. One man opens the door and my boyfriend comes out first. He waves at the cameras and then he holds out a hand for me to grab. I hold his hand tight and we start walking towards the main part of the red carpet. Olivia, Gemma and Chris Pine are already here, as well as a couple of other actors and actresses. Jeff walks in front of us without stopping for pictures. He told me that he is going to wait for me at the end of the carpet. 

"Who is she, Harry?" 

"Harry here." 

"Harry, Harry, Harry." 

These was the things that I was hearing. Everyone was screaming his name. We walk almost all the carpet together taking photos here and there. I try to leave his hands, so they can take a few photos of him alone but it only caused him to take my hand back and kiss it. I look at him smiling. "You have to take a few photos alone, H." 

He nods and lets my hand free. I walk towards Jeff, who was waiting for me along with Harry Lambert and Alessandro Michele. Florence texted me a while back, saying that she is already inside and seated, waiting to see the movie once again. She saw it in the critics premiere yesterday morning and she wasn't that excited. I walk towards the three men with confidence. All of the people, who are here right now, are rooting for things like this so I have to give my best performance. I see a few cameras on my way but nobody knows my name so I don't hear it being said by guys that I don't want to know. 

I walk inf front of Olivia Wilde, who is already looking at me, and I just smile at her. I know that I can't look at her differently because tabloids will have a field day tomorrow. I have to be careful. I have a daughter and a Harry to protect. 

"You are already a star." Lambert says to me. "You walk like you own the place, love." 

"Shut up, I don't. Hi, I'm Iris." I try to give my hand for a handshake to Alessandro but he hugs me. 

"Oh, love, I know you. You look like a goddess. I love that dress on you. You have to become my muse. I can see you in so many of my creations." He tells me and looks at the dress he designed. "This dress is so powerful on you, and it's so simple. You made me fall in love with it again." 

"Thank you, but I'm not a model." I reply to his statement trying to be as polite as possible. 

  "You can always be." Before we can reply we hear everyone screaming. We watch at the opposite direction of where we were standing and we see that Florence Pugh is here. Everyone learned that she isn't going to attend but she came fashionably late with her grandmother on hand. This woman is really an icon. Florence walks like she owns the place and nobody can take their eyes off of her. She is stanning. 

She walks through all the carpet and she even lets her grandmother alone so people can take a few photos of her. As the paparazzi are taking photos of the Florence's grandmother, Florence goes to the cast of the movie. Harry is on the other side, signing some things and Jeff is following him. I'm sure that Jeff is telling Harry that this isn't a meet and greet and it is only a movie premiere. Florence hugs all of the cast members, not including Olivia who is talking with her assistant. Then she watches around trying to think what she has to do next. Her eyes are on me and I can see her shocked face. She walks by my side and I just wait for her with open arms. 

"Iris, what a surprise. How are you?" 

"Hello, I'm fine, you?" 

"I'm all good, exhausted but good. What are you doing here? Is Mariah here?" She tries to find my ex boss but she only sees Lambert and Alessandro. She hugs both of them while I answer to her questions. 

"No, I don't work for Mariah anymore. I'm here actually as Harry's date." Her face is even more shocked. 

"You and Harry are together? Oh my God." I nod laughing at her reaction. "You guys are one of the most good looking couples that I know. I have to sign some things but you have my number right? Call me when you are back to L.A, we have a lot to catch up." She tells me and after another hug she leaves me. 

"How many celebrities do you know? You are more useful than the boy over there." Lambert points with his head at Harry, making me laugh. 

"I have connections through the industry. I've told you." 

After half an hour, and a couple of the most awkward moments of my entire existence, Harry comes to me. He takes my hand and he hugs me immediately, trying to find comfort. "I don't like public affection but I really needed to hug you. She is unbearable." He whispers with his hand in front of his mouth in case someone is taking a video. 

"A few hours left and then we are going back to normal." I tell him and let him guide me inside. "I like when you are like that." I tell him when we walk alone, further that anyone. He doesn't understand completely what I mean. "You walk like you own the place and you know what you are doing." 

"I have something in mind for later." He tells me and I feel the heat between my legs. 

I sit two seats behind him, near Jeff. Harry Lambert and Alessandro Michele are on the other side. The movie is a great movie, not something special. Florence was exceptional and Harry did a great job considering that it is the first time he has taken a leading role. The highlight of my night was when Harry and Nick Kroll decided to kiss just like the one scene in the movie. 

We are back at the hotel room and Harry is ordering room service because neither of us want to go out. Tonya has been texting me about the red carpet and she is telling me how beautiful I am. But, she recommended to Harry and I to stay offline for a few days. I just know that the hate has just began. 

"Did you have a great time?" I ask Harry as we eat the food he ordered. 

"I did, only because you were there darling." 

"I love you, Harry. You know that, right?" 

"I do. And I love you so much. You make me so happy and you give me will to live the best life possible." 

"You are very romantic. You should consider poetry." I try to joke. 

"That's a great idea. Everyone will know then how much of a muse you are. Now my muse, let me show you the other side of my love." 

"What do you have in mind?" I ask him, sitting on his legs, kissing his lips. We had taken off the premieres clothes as soon as we arrived to the hotel and we changed into something more comfortable. Harry is in just a pair of shorts and a white tshirt and I just wear my black satin nightgown. 

"Let me show you." I nod. "I need words, Iris." 

"Yes, Harry. You can do whatever you want to me." He kisses me again and I let his tongue enter my mouth. My lips are getting tired already and I just moan his name. 

"Let me have a taste, please." He says as he lays me down on the bed. I nod and his head is already between my legs. 


I had so much fun writing this so I hope you liked it. It's not my favorite chapter but I like it more than others. 

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. 

What do you wanna see in the next chapters? 

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