Pleasing (H.S)

By white_eyes_

121K 2.9K 457

He is a rockstar, but also her boss. She is a creative director, who happens to work in pleasing. This is the... More

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
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thirty four
thirty five
thirty six
thirty seven
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forty one
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forty three
forty four
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forty six
forty seven
epilogue (Iris' version)

twenty four

1.8K 50 3
By white_eyes_


We are back to America. I didn't miss it at all. I liked how we were back home. We had a morning routine, we ate lunch all together with our friends in London and we even had a night routine, that ended every time with a lot of laughter and smiles.

Emma loved every second of our stay in London and Manchester. She loved that everyone was talking like her and that she had to spend everyday with people that were doing everything she demanded. She told us that she loved Harry's mother and sister because after our time in Manchester, we spend a few time on Harry's mum's home in Holmes Chapel. Anne was so excited to have a little kid on her house after all of those years and she had everything ready. She taught Emma how to plant some flowers and their names and she even let Emma paint the most of her ceramics. Anne is a master in pottery. She's using it as a hobby but I can tell that she is very talented. By the time we left her home, all of her creations were colorful and she was promising Emma that the next time we visit, she will take her with her in a class so she will learn how the plates were made. Emma loved it there. She played with the cats so much that I'm sure the poor creatures are glad that we left. She managed to learn all their names, unlike me who can't tell which cat is named Evie and which Dottie. 

Harry was so happy that he got to take us around his old neighborhood. He took us to the old bakery he used to work, the café that he and his old friends went after school and on the weekends and he even took me to his favorite record store. He has a few friends that stayed in this old town but most of them got a way to get out. There is a conversation that I will never forget. 

We were walking down the road from his mum's house. We were alone, Emma decided to stay with her friend Annie and the cats so we decided to go out for a while because here we aren't afraid that someone may see us. Harry was telling me all of his memories from when he used to live here. I listened to him with attention because his voice was low like he was confessing me a secret. 

"I will never find my way back here." He says to me. "I left so young and now all the people I grew up with are looking at me like I'm a stranger." 

I pout at his words. "What do you mean, darling?" 

He takes a deep breath and tries to find the words to externalise his thoughts. He doesn't even look at me, he is looking in front of him and I swear that he is about to cry. 

"They think of me like I'm Harry Styles and they forget that I'm Harry too. I mean I left when I was 16 and never came back. I didn't go to any of their graduations, not because I didn't want to but because I was miles away. I wasn't here when my friends were breaking up with their partners and when they were finding out that they were pregnant. As the years go by, I lose contact with almost everyone. I'm not invited to the weddings, I'm not invited to Saturday gatherings to the pub down this road. And all of that because I'm me." He confesses and leaves another breath. His voice is trembling. "And now, I'm just standing in the pavement in front of the most beautiful woman I know and I embarrass myself." He says and tries to hide his face. 

"Hey," I try to get his attention the way I use to get Emma's when she's upset. "It's normal to feel like that. I can't imagine how it is because I was the last one of my friends to get away but your feelings are valid, H. You were just a kid and you were overworked. You never had time for "normal" activities. Nobody can understand how it was back then. The actions of the past have a lot of consequences to the future, I know it. Try to find a way of communication with your old friends now that we are here. You can always catch up and let them know. I'm sure that they understand. Don't beat yourself that you weren't there for them, that's just life." I try to tell him and he just hugs me putting his head at the crook of my neck. 

"I'm so glad that it's late and nobody will see me whip like a little kid. You are so good for this world, Iris. I'll try to do that." 

He tried and he managed to catch up with some of his old friends. When he came back home, he was excited. He said to his mother and I that he felt like his old self again. 

By the end of our stay there, I came to the conclusion that the relationship you have with your old town will never go away even if you move thousands of miles away and become someone known, someone who is rich enough to buy the whole town and destroy it piece by piece. You will always feel like home there. Some of the buildings hold your biggest secrets, your favorite memories, your first love. Others hold your tears, your cries for help but somehow you always feel safe there. I mean if you grew up on a safe environment like Harry and I, you feel like that. These roads will always be known, they will always remind you of you. It's a bittersweet memory, it's the one place you left but it will never leave you because that is the place that made you who you are today. 

I am suppose to be working right now but my mind is running miles again. Harry is away touring Europe and I'm stuck in Los Angeles. I was able to stay until his concerts in Wembley in London. Being the boss's girlfriend has its perks sometimes. I never stopped working of course. I was just in another country and not in my office. The other staff probably hates me now that I'm thinking about that. 

Wembley nights were a dream. Saying that Harry was excited to sing in front of 90,000 people is an understatement. He was telling Emma again and again about the other time he performed in that stadium with One Direction. The little monster broke his heart when she asked him who One Direction is. He proceeded to explain that he used to be in a band and they even listened to some of the songs. My daughter can proudly say that she is Steal My Girl's biggest fan. 

Emma is so in love with Harry. She demands to call him more times than before. She misses Oliver as well. The dog is staying at Anne's because we aren't going to be in Los Angeles for a long time. After tour, Harry and I decided to spend the month August in London. We loved how we were there and I think it was good for Emma's mental health as well. We are going to come back when it is time for him to start touring America again and Emma to go back to school. 

I think that we have found the perfect school for the little honey. He only calls Emma that now, completely abandoning the nickname baby honey for me. He just calls me honey. I love it as much, though. Well, Harry, Tonya and I found the perfect school for Emma. Millie is going to go there as well because Chris and Patrick find the other school toxic as well. I don't know what William will do with Ethan but I informed him. He continues to hit on me even though he knows I'm in a serious relationship. 

"Iris." Molly tells me and I jump a little. "Where is your mind these days, girl?" She asks rhetorically. "No. Don't answer, I know where it is. How are you?" 

"I'm fine. I miss him like crazy but I manage. We haven't been apart for that long ever again." 

"There's only a couple of weeks until he's home." She tells me and it's true. 

We are currently on mid-July so I'm going to see Harry in a two weeks exactly. "I know. Emma misses him too." 

"Oh, the father-daughter dynamic." She says and then looks at me with wide eyes. "Sorry, I wasn't supposed to say that. It's like I'm invading your privacy." She tries to apologise. 

"Don't worry. I can tell why you are thinking of that." 

"They are really close. I mean, I've seen Harry with other kids but he doesn't have a bond with any of them. He loves you and your child so much." I nod but before I get to reply, someone knocks the door of my office. Jessica comes in with two coffees at hand. 

"Oh, hello Molly. I didn't know that you are here. I will call to order another coffee." She tells her best friend. 

"Don't bother. Sit, we are talking about her boyfriend." Jessica doesn't know anything and it's my time to look over at Molly weirdly. "You haven't told her? God, when will I learn how to shut up?"

"You've got yourself the baby daddy we were talking about before your trip in London?" Jessica asks me excitedly. 

"First of all, don't worry Molly. I would have told her but I didn't have the chance yet. Second of all, Jess, keep your voice down. We don't want anyone to hear." 

"Why? Is it someone that we know?" She asks me again teasingly. Molly giggles and I look at them shaking my head. It's like in the university once again and my roommates and I stay up late at night to talk about boys. 

"Yes, he is." I confirm and her smile becomes even wider. "I'm in a relationship with Harry." 

"I know, Iris. I've seen the way he looks at you every time he comes here. He loves you so much and I can tell that the feelings are mutual." 

"Is it that obvious?" I ask and both of them laugh. 


I'm back at home and I cook while I wait for Emma and Florence to be back from the Auntie and Emma day. Florence came out with that name a week ago because now that Tonya is home she takes care of Emma while I'm at work. Florence has to be at her office because the magazine she works for are making plans about the film festivals that are going to take place this autumn all over the world. I learned yesterday that Florence is going to attend the Venice film festival. 

"Mumma, we are home." Emma shouts as Florence opens the door with her key. We are doing that on each other's apartment every so often. "It smells yummy." 

"It's pasta darling. How was your day?" 

"I had fun, auntie Flo is the best." She tells me. 

"I bet my love. Go wash your hands so we can eat." I say to her and she runs to the bathroom. "How are you, Flo?"

"I'm fine. I missed my time alone with her. She's like therapy, you know."

"Will you stay with us to eat?" 

"Yes, let me call Tonya to come too." 

Tonya comes immediately and we are all eating while discussing our summer plans. Emma is excited to go back to Nanna Sophie, Annie, Oli, the cats and Harry. Florence and Tonya are going to spend their summer here because they are working. They will go to San Francisco for a few days but nothing more. They don't have the time. 

After dinner, Tonya and Florence leave me and Emma alone. We are sitting on our sofa and we are playing with her dolls. 

"Mumma, I miss Harry." She tells me, being about to cry. 

"I know darling, I know." I put the Barbie doll down and take my daughter into my lap. "Don't cry, little love. We are going to see him soon." 

"Are we?" 

"Yes, Em. Two weeks and we are going to be with Harry again." 

"Can we call him?" She asks me and I look the time on my phone screen. It's ten o'clock here so about 7 in the morning for Harry. He is going to be awake, I'm sure. I call him on facetime and we both wait for him to reply. Emma is still crying and I know that she can't control her emotions. Harry answers the phone and he looks like he just woke up. 

"Hello, my loves." He says and smiles. He looks at the screen a little concerned. 

"Have we woke you up?" I ask him. 

He shakes his head. "Don't worry. It was about time to wake up. I have to go to the gym today. But, I see that my little honey is sad today. What happened?" 

"We miss our best friend." I tell him and Emma looks at the screen for the first time tonight. She smiles when she sees Harry smiling and waves at him. 

"I miss you too. Little honey, there is one two weeks left. Then we are going to be back together." He tries to calm my daughter. 

Emma simply nods. "I miss you, Harry." 

I can basically see Harry's heart breaking. He loses his smile and his eyes start to water too but he tries to hide it so he won't upset my daughter any more. "I know, I miss you more. I can't wait to hug you, my little honey. Why don't you tell your mother to get you to bed? I'm going to sing you to sleep. It will be like I'm there." 

Emma nods and she stands up, giving me her hand to grab. We go to her room and we both lie down on her bed. I place my phone against the wall so Emma can watch Harry clearly. 

"What do you want me to sing?" He asks her, his voice a little broken. 

"Creature." She whispers and I repeat her words. Harry smiles and he begins to sing. 

"Sweet creature

Had another talk about where it's going wrong

But we're still young 

We don't know where we're going

But we know where we belong"

Emma slept immediately but Harry stopped didn't stop singing in fear of waking her up. I try to take my phone as gently as possible and get out of the room. 

"I hate seeing her upset." He tells me when I'm on a safe distance and we are sure that we won't wake her up. 

"I do, too. You are upset as well, though." I tell him. "Did something happen?" 

"No, I just miss my girls." 

"Two weeks, Harry. And then you'll be home." 

"Hey, stop quoting my songs." 


Sorry that it is just a filler. 

We are going to Venice in the next chapter. I'm excited! I have half the chapter ready so I think that it will be up before Sunday. 

Also, thank you for the 10k.. I can't believe it. When I started writing this story I never expected that even a single person will read it but there are so many of you. Thank you❤️

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