The Veela's Vampire

By ilovemymfsleep159

118K 3.9K 498

Harry is a Creature. So is Draco. What happens when lies are uncovered and drama erupts? Will Harry be able t... More

Draco's Inheritance
Harry's Inheritance
Gringotts Bank
Before going to school
First Day
Slytherin Party
"Harry Potter?"
Malfoy Manor
What is this feeling?
A Dilemma
The Whole Time?
Returning to Hogwarts
The Duel
Author's Notice
"He's... different."
Go fuck yourself.
I warned you.
Why didn't you tell me?
Enough is enough
He's terrifying...
A surprising development
His Reign of Terror
Author's Note


1.9K 76 16
By ilovemymfsleep159

Draco shivered against the freezing cold air. Christmas was growing nearer and he'd been dying to go to Honeydukes to buy some presents for his friends. Xavier had finally been able to escape the Gryffindorks and was finally able to hang out with his real friends. After Xavier had caught up with them, he'd confessed that he was so tired of hearing Seamus and Dean whine to Ron about having to share a room with him. He didn't mind Neville as he usually kept to himself.

"They're always fucking complaining and it's getting pathetic at this point."

Xavier immediately shuddered when they entered the Three Broomsticks. Everyone stopped talking and looked at the four new arrivals. Xavier looked at all of them and walked up to the barmaid.

"May I please have Five Butterbeers Madame Rosmerta?"

She nodded and began to pour them.

"We'll be in Booth seven."

They walked over to the booth and sat down, draping their winter robes over the back of the chairs. Once Madame Rosmerta had given them their drinks, they began to talk about everything that had happened over the time they hadn't seen each other. Xavier told them about how he'd managed to almost completely master wandless magic.

"Snape's making me start on Wordless magic tomorrow. He's sped up the process since Dumbledore's stopped feeding me potions."

Theo stared at Xavier in amazement.

"Dude! I can barely cast Expelliarmus wandless and you're complaining about almost mastering it?!"

Xavier turned red.

"It helps that Dark Angels don't usually use wands to perform spells. Or words either really."

He looked down at his hands and sighed.

"I just want a little break. Snape's been on my back about everything. He's more of a father then my actual father who just makes sure I'm still on his side of the war every few days."

He yawned and crossed his legs. They all kept ranting about school life and other things, until a certain red head traipsed over to them.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. The Deatheaters and their little Dark Prince. How are you Xavier? Still pretending to not be friends with these guys I see."

Xavier smiled and clapped Ron on the shoulder.

"Calm down Weasel. I'm just enjoying a Butterbeer with my old roommates. Now scurry along to your girlfriend, I know she wouldn't want you too far away. You might come to your senses and stop being pussy-whipped."

The four slytherins chuckled at Xavier's words. Enjoying the look of rage that crossed the Redheads face.

"Listen here Riddle. I don't like you. You're father is a murderer and you are no better then him. He probably doesn't even love you."

Xavier smirked and raised the cup to his lips, chugging the rest of it.

"Just like he didn't love your filthy inbred mother."

Xavier froze as did everyone else in the Pub. They looked between the two boys. Xavier slowly stood up and glared at Ron, who just looked back at him with a shit eating grin. Though he'd never had the opportunity to actually speak to his mother, he remembered moments where she would swaddle him and sing songs to him. This weasel had no clue what or who he was speaking to. Xavier felt his magic bubbling up inside of him. Like he felt that day in the forest. Draco gasped as Xavier's eyes went black and his teeth grew, sticking out form under his top lip. He grabbed onto the front of Ron's shirt and brought them closer together. Xavier's magic poured out of him and everyone suddenly felt cold.

"Say that again, you pathetic excuse for a human."

Ron's lips quivered as he repeated his sentence. Xavier growled and was about to punch Ron in the face when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Draco had grabbed him and was looking at him.

"He's not worth it. He's just a blood traitor who knows nothing. Leave him be."

Xavier grit his teeth but put Ron down. He sighed and cleared his throat.

"Get out of my face. You're not even powerful enough for me to waste my magic on. Hell, you couldn't even beat me in a unfair duel that was tipped in your favour."

Ron's face turned red again. Xavier and the other slytherin's were halfway out of the door when Ron screamed.


Xavier stopped himself and turned his head so that he was looking at Ron through out of the corner of his eye.

"Are you sure you want to do that Weasel?"

Ron nodded and crossed his arms.

"You, me, outside in thirty minutes. I'll give you a few minutes to get warmed up. Maybe you can try and learn some useful spells."

Xavier contemplated for a few minutes before he sighed. If he turned down the duel in front of all these people, it would make him, and by extension his father, look weak. He cleared his throat and turned toward Ron fully.

"I accept."

The Slytherins walked out of there and no one said anything. Until Theo cleared his throat.


They all stopped and looked at Theo.


Theo rubbed his arm.

"Is there still the option to pledge my allegiance?"

Xavier raised his eyebrow and looked at him.


Theo smiled at the groups collective surprise.

"I uh, I've noticed that the light side has become far more aggressive in the war lately and the way you explained it. It made sense. Muggleborns shouldn't be going to Hogwarts. They are so inexperienced when they come here that it causes all of our educations to suffer. We're forced to learn things that I already learned at home when I was eight years old with a private tutor. THe only problem I have is that I don't think they should all be murdered. Just that they shouldn't go to Hogwarts. Maybe all the Muggleborn's could go to a different school."

Xavier looked Theo up and down.

"Well, if you would like to I would not turn it down. But are you sure about this?"

Theo nodded and took a knee in front of Xavier.

"I, Theodore Nott, give you my loyalty to your cause. Xavier Riddle."

Xavier smiled and tapped the boy on the shoulder. He felt a little stupid being bowed to but he guessed it was a formality that was seen as respectful.

"Well then, my first command is for you to come up with a name for my disciples. I'm going to try my hand at recruiting and I need a name. Preferably something better than Deatheaters."

Theo nodded thoughtfully as they walked around for the next half an hour. Xavier sighed and pat down his pockets.

"Damn, left my wand at the castle."

He smiled and held out his hand.

"Accio wand."

He stood there for a few minutes and was satisfied when his wand landed with a small smack.

"Time to teach that weasel a lesson in manners."

They all walked into the town square and saw that a small group was milling around. Mostly Gryffindor's. Weasley was standing there with his arm around his girlfriend. She looked less than impressed with him.

"Well, well, well. Look who showed. Thought you were gonna bail on me for a minute there Riddle. Nervous?"

Xavier smiled an icy grin. He took off his cloak and handed it to Draco.

"Of course not, but you should be."

They stared at each other for a little longer before walking towards each other and bringing their wands to their faces. They flicked their wands to their sides and Xavier bowed. Weasley did not. Xavier was reminded of how Voldemort had duelled him in Year 4. Using the Imperius curse to make him bow so Xavier frowned and turned to Weasley.

"Did your father not teach you how to duel Weasley? You're supposed to bow."

Ron rolled his eyes and shook his head.

"I will never bow to you."

Xavier's eyes twinkled.

"I was hoping you'd say that."

They walked a few feet away from each other and turned. Pansy walked forward and sighed.


Xavier tensed and slid his tongue between his teeth.


Weasley shuffled on his feet, tensing.


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