The Age Of Arma Gedeon

By ShirleyRose777

137 14 4

The reset was nothing like imagined and reality was only one ruler's dream. A new ruler brings a new Age of... More

Chapter 0, Orientation
Chapter 1, Erray
Chapter 2, Urshawn
Chapter 3, Night Wind
Chapter 4, Farsarah
Chapter 5, Barade
Chapter 6, Old Chap
Chapter 7, Were City
Chapter 8, Lovers Duel
Chapter 9, Academically
Chapter 11, The Lorady
Chapter 12, The Lady
Chapter 13, The Influencers
Chapter 14 , The Lord
Chapter 15, The Party
Chapter 16, The Rules
Chapter 17, For the Win
Chapter 18, Where
Chapter 19, Homestead
Chapter 20, Family Dinner
Chapter 21, Castle Stew
Chapter 22, Mud
Chapter 23, Pixies
Chapter 24, Fears
Chapter 25, Home Again
Chapter 26, Rain
Chapter 27, Change
Chapter 28, Lost
Chapter 29, Were Quest
Chapter 30, Wizard
Chapter 31, Dragon
Chapter 32, Treaty
Chapter 33, Braids
Chapter 34, Break
Chapter 35, Rest
Chapter 36, Windy
Chapter 37, Were Forest
Chapter 38, Wolves
Chapter 39, Darkness
Chapter 40, The Queen
Chapter 41, Snuck Off
Chapter 42, The Beginning
Chapter 43, Table Two
Chapter 44, Two Squared
Chapter 45, Recess
Chapter 46, The Staff
Chapter 47, Check
Chaper 48, Wind Were Wilds
Chapter 49, Sunbathing
Chapter 50, Diamonds
Chapter 51, Ready
Chapter 52, Set
Chapter 53, Play

Chapter 10, Work and Pleasure

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By ShirleyRose777

Lauriah jogs most of the way and Erray stays just back to have time to stop if someone is in the way. He enjoys the board and keeping up with so little effort.

Two knights move to block their approach as they near security. Lauriah stops before them.

Erray skates right up beside him, stops and gets off the board, stepping on the end to bring the other up into his waiting hand.

Lauriah compliments, "Nicely done, but no board riding in security areas."

Erray tucks it under his arm, "Wise."

The two knights move back to leaning to the wall.

Lauriah leads him to a desk and signs them in, then to stairs. They go down one level and to a guarded open door.

Lauriah takes the board, "Let's leave it out here." He leans it to the wall by one of the knights, then he steers Erray into the room.

Three walls are lined with benches and twenty knights could easily fill them. The stone room is torch lit.

Urshawn sits on one side, legs out stretched with ankles crossed and his arms relaxed beside him.

On the other side of the room is a tall woman in white trench coat. Her top has no straps and seems to be attached to her pants, they are the same material as the trench coats. Her boots are brown leather and look traveled.

She is musclur as any knight and her features are thin on her round face. Her black hair is cut short, but for the top that hangs to her chin and goes up like a rainbow to the back of her head. Her eyes are warm blue and lined in black. Her pale skin has light random scaring, a hint of yellow tint and resent signs of sunburn.

She sits in the same pose as Urshawn as if she's playing mirror with him.

A knight stands in each corner of the room, watching the two of them wait.

Urshawn smiles as they come in, "You got here quick."

Lauriah teases, "He flies, too."

Urshawn shakes his head and tells the woman, "That's more of his sass."

He gently stands as she tilts her blank express to look over Erray.

Urshawn puts his arm around Erray, "This is Erray, my Sage and the Listener you seek. This is Mayajap, officer of the library from Musk Province and the first to quest to Were Castle in search of you."

Erray questions, "Me? Why me?"

Urshawn turns his hand over at the woman.

She slowly stands causing the corner knights to tense. She keeps her movements small and her voice soft, "Each will come with their own orders from the Wind Master. I have come to stand in body shield of the Great Listener. I hear the wind, but academia is not my task since reset. I retain knowledge of it, but reset took my manhood and gave me the aggressive ego I lacked as a man."

Erray finds her very feminine, but also terrifying. He hopes it is not prejudgment of her residency, "Thank you? I'm not sure I need body shield, there are knights everwhere."

Urshawn explains, "Their loyalty and priority are on me. Hers is on you. Belle has cleared her.

"I've ordered process for wind listener to come to learn from you.

"I don't think I should order how you instruct them. I think you should.

"I've aid applicants lined up for you. You can have them all or choice the ones you want as soon as Lauriah clears them."

Mayajap softly states, "I wish to as well."

Urshawn nods, "Reasonable. I would imagine you'd like to clear his work places and sleeping space, too."

She nods slowly, once, "Yes. A map of castle and city would help me greatly."

Lauriah shakes his head, "I don't allow castle maps. I can instruct you in layout, but no maps."

She requests, "Can you spare me a knight until I learn where everything is?"

Lauriah agrees, "Sure, when I can find you one that won't pee himself if you sneeze."

She keeps her laugh in, but her amusement is the first expression Erray sees on her face.

He comments, "You're less scary when you smile."

She tilts her head, "Good to know. My Great Sage, I want them to fear me. I tend no man's ego or accept a he to me. It saves me effort if they are too scared to bother with pursuit of my skin. I am not comfortable with it, why should anyone else be?"

Erray shrugs his shoulders than shares openly, "I was a woman before the purple fog. It was a lot of change. Very odd at first.

"Acceptance is the most powerful force in a mind. You can't get comfortable with something you can't accept.

"It happened.

"That's the first thing ya have to accept to really live this life.

"You are a beautiful and deadly woman now. Accept that, that has happened and more of who you are now will open up and make you more comfortable. Like coming in to a warm fire from the cold rain."

She has a deep breath, "You are wise. I will try, but clearly I have a lot to learn from you."

Urshawn squeezes Erray to him, "We all do.

"My Love, what format do you want us to set up for your students?"

Erray laughs his nervousness, "I'm no teacher. I just write about what I hear in the wind."

Mayajap gently tells him,"It happened. Acceptance is your first step."

Everyone laughs as Erray frowns up at her.

When they settle, he happily fusses, "Oh, I see. One bit of wisdom and your the teacher now.

"Fine, have it your way. All I need is a place for writing where there is wind."

Urshawn considers, before he says anything, Lauriah suggests, "What of the Hive's courtyard? Belle said when he starts classes they'll want to go sometimes. That keeps them from upseting security trying to track the Seers."

Urshawn nods, "That's a good idea. Won't be too much trouble getting bigger tables up there. Not far from his room either. Take them to see it and outline a route we can open up for civilian traffic."

Lauriah frowns at him, "Only one route. They will have to use the outer stairs. The inner ones are only for you. No one else can open that door or fit in the Seers' doors."

Urshawn is amused, "Good points. Take them to see it then. Erray can let me know over dinner if it will do.

"Get Mayajap a place and get Erray to the east sitting room, then you can go see if you recognise your apartment."

Lauriah crinkles his nose, "Laugh it up. I'm the only one getting her stew now."

Urshawn laughs, "For now. I'm going to try to talk her into running my kitchen."
He turns Erray to him and leans down to give him a strong kiss. "I'll see you for dinner."
He starts to move, but comes back to take another kiss. "I forget to ask if you have everything you need? Did you see your room?"

Erray feels silly as he nods, "Yes. I saw my fancy room. Saw the Lord and the Lady tricked me into kissing her. It's been an interesting day."

Urshawn cups his face, "I can't wait to hear about it tonight." He kisses Erray again and leaves.

Erray's cheeks feel warm, "He keeps making me forget there are other people on Aden."

He gets some nervous laughs, but Lauriah laughs the strongest, then he directs them out the door.

Erray grabs his board.

Lauriah leads them to stairs as they go up he explains, "Easiest route from anywhere is up to the seventh level. Then to the closet outer wall. Find any up going stairs. Then out on the roof." They follow him up.

At the seventh level, the four knights don't follow up the stairs. Erray asks, "Why aren't they coming?"

Lauriah opens the large wood and metal door outward, "Only officers have roof access." He holds the door for them.

Erray's steps slow as he takes in the walled level. There are towers on each corner and shorter ones in the middles between them.

In the center, is a three level high box of a building made with stone, masonry, marble and wood. The little windows and balconies seem to be six levels. It is taller than the shorter towers. Out of its roof is a tower, five levels up to a room with wrap around balcony.

Erray catches his breath as it seems to touch the sky, "Wow. Is that the power tower?"

Lauriah gets him moving, "Yup, it's on the Hive. The Seers live in there. Stairs are on the south side. Use the board, we'll race you."

When he gets it going, Lauriah runs. Mayajap runs alongside Erray. He goes faster, but she stays with him as they catch up to Lauriah.

Erray wins in the last few feet, he stops smooth and steps on his board to collect it. He surprised neither one of the is winded at all.

Erray catches his breath as Lauriah starts up the stairs, "Nice. That thing really moves."

Mayajap follows Erray up, "It seems dangerous."

Erray assures her, "I've good balance. Worst thing is running into someone."

Erray feels more tired than after a full day's work on the homestead as they come out on the marble roof.

There are Seer sized tables with chairs, large floor planters of grass, potted trees, lattice arches of vines and swings.

There are twenty Seers about on things and five of them are playing tag. Their clothing, faces and eye color vary greatly, but all are a shade of gray and have no hair.

As they look over the space, one hoots exactly like an owl, getting all the Seers attention. He calls out, "It's Erray. He's early."

All the toddler sized Seers move too quickly to gather around.

Mayajap moves nervously, Lauriah orders, "Relax, stranger."

A girl Seer in a dress with pants under it, pats Mayajap's leg. When she looks down the Seer giggles, "You have very pretty hair. You got here a day before we expected you. Congratulations."

Mayajap nervously says, "Thank you, Great One."

All the Seers giggle unique sounds, then stop at once.

The one that complimented her tells her, "I am called, Mary. I'm not even an influencer. Thanks just the same though. I guess you were trying to be polite. We really don' like polite."

One pats Erray's hand, "We like sassy."

Lauriah happily tells them, "We came to see if this would be a good place for Erray to meet with his students."

There is murmur as they all look about at each other.

A Seer in jumpsuit moves too fast to them, "Alright. Leave him alone or he won't like visiting."

The Seers that had rushed them all take turns touching Erray's hand then zip away.

When he is the only Seer left, the jumpsuit one rubs his bald head awkwardly, "I am Jack. Belle has got lead on Erray. She has not cleared the Hive for interaction.

"Sorry and suches. She said you would be here tomorrow. Guess she forgot to carry Lauriah again.

"Do what you like. I will see you tomorrow." He zips away.

Erray laughs and feels like a child, "I love them. I'm so picturing Belle carrying you around."

Lauriah huffs, "Funny. So you like this spot than?"

Erray nods, "It's perfect, but don't change a thing. We just need pen and parchment."

Mayajap suggests, "We should see the whole space."

Lauriah walks them full round the power tower.

Little faces with sideways eyelids peep at them from little windows, as they come back down the Hive's outer stairs, Lauriah begins questioning Mayajap of her needs for accommodations.

Erray rides his board across the roof just staying with them at whatever pace they like.

When they've reached the roof door, it's been decided she will take a suite.

Lauriah suggests they drop Erray off on the way to get her a room because they will both be going to their residence.

At the east sitting room, Lauriah offers to take the board and drop it off when Mayajap is verifying Erray's suite. He agrees and they wait for him to go into the room.

Erray finds all the candles and the fireplace have been lit. Fresh flowers are about the room and incense has been burned.

There is noise out on the balcony, but he doesn't make it across the room, before a knight brings Lord Herpaul in.

Herpaul has changed his clothes to better fitting ones. The purple tinted blue of his silken shirt looks amazing against his dark skin. His black pants are cut to his form and his black leather shoes shine. His hair is freshly brushed and his crown, perfectly centered.

The knight takes up guard stand, just to the side, inside the door.

Herpaul comes to stand by Erray, "I was not expecting to be summoned to dinner. I imagined he'd be with you tonight."

Erray is still feeling overwhelmed by the Lord's vibe and doesn't have a chance to answer. Parmaria comes in followed by a knight, he takes up guard with the other as she comes curiously to them.

Her hair has been curled to long drips of curl, her makeup is lighter and not glittered. Her dress is as if a wide piece of powder blue fabric was given a hole on one end for her arm to go through, then it was wrapped around her in only needed places. Then fine white lace was used to fill in the rest required to call it a full dress. It only goes to her knees. Her legs are bare and so are her feet, with painted toe nails.

She comes all the way in to them, questioning, "All of us for dinner? Anyone have a guess?"

Herpaul adds as they look to Erray, "This is a meeting for sure, but why here?"

Erray questions, "How would I know?"

Parmaria's eyes look about, "Wait. You said Belle told him something had to wait for sunset. That's starting now. What was it?"

"My issues of touch." They all turn to see Urshawn standing in the balcony archway, "Please, my Loves, join me for dinner."

Parmaria moves first, the Lord and Sage follow her.

Urshawn stops her for tender kiss on her way out to the balcony.

As she goes out, Urshawn catches Herpaul's hand. "Not mad are you?"

Urshawn pulls him close, "No, I'm just glad you decided to join us." He kisses Herpaul twice on the cheek and two long presses to his lips.

Herpaul grips his shoulders, then slips out to the balcony.

Erray moves to Urshawn, "You should set up a booth and charge for kissing you, there's already a line forming."

Urshawn pinches at Erray's shirt, "You start picking on me and I might not kiss you."

Erray shrugs, "If you don't want to..."

He laughs hard as Urshawn scoops him up cradled in his arms and takes him out on the balcony, "You sassy brat."

The balcony stretches the whole side of the castle, the walling and furnishings are the same as the suite's.
A table has been set by the wall, between torches and set for four.

The Lord and Lady laugh at them as Urshawn fusses Erray in his arms effortlessly, "Always have a sassy come back, don't cha?"

Erray playfully struggles, "I'm not a woman anymore, put me down."

He stops struggling as Urshawn brings their lips together. Erray forgets they're not alone and gets his hands in Urshawn's hair.

Urshawn lets go of Erray's legs to hold him properly. He doesn't break the kissing up, until Erray's feet have completed a slow journey to the floor.

Erray is lost looking into Urshawn's desire staring back at him.

Parmaria sighs, "That was too lustful. Me next?"

Herpaul laughs, "Alright."

He scoops her up cradled and she laughs, "Not you, you giant."

Herpaul teases, "Now which end do I drop?"

He dips her head back and she kicks her feet, squeaking, "Don't drop me. Someone save me."

Herpaul sets her on her feet, "I'd never drop you, no shoes."

Urshawn laughs as he moves to the table and pulls out a chair, "My Lady."

She hurries to sit and he tucks her in.

He goes to the next chair, "My Lord."

Herpaul sits and he tucks him in.

Urshawn goes to the next chair, "My Sage."

Erray hesitates, then sits and Urshawn helps him scoot in.

Urshawn sits in the last chair, "Let us share a quiet meal in the sunset, as the Lord and Sage perfer quiet meals. Than I would like to outline my hopes to you and ask for your help."

Herpaul shakes his head, "We can not eat if you are in need."

Erray rushes his words, "Belle said not until the sun was gone."

Parmaria worries, "Was there any mention of consequence? If not that it's just poetry, cause that's how she thinks."

Urshawn clears his throat with a single cough, "Yes, she said, a crown would be enshrined. "

Parmaria's eyes fill with moisture, "That's her fear. The circle breaking."

Herpaul sounds worried as he questions, "What circle? Explain, Parmaria, I don't work with a Seer."

She presses her lips in a clear effort not to cry.

Urshawn takes her hand, "My Lord, this circle of love. She fears breaking this circle of love. A crown at this table, being placed as memorial. No, the sun will leave us first. I will not risk a head I've crowned."

They are served soup and salad, then steak and eggs, with hot buttered bread. They eat as the sun sets and no words are spoken.

The waiter is still clearing the table, when another comes to Erray with a silver tray.

Erray is very happy to see his mother's kettle. Erray takes it and the four cups to the table as the waiters leaves only the candles on the table.

Erray pours them each a cup.

Urshawn takes up the first filled while he's still pouring. Urshawn sips the coffee, "Your mother is thoughtful. Coffee is a blessing tonight. Easy with it, Herpaul. It can effect your stress level. Best go slow 'til we know if caffeine likes you or not."

Parmaria sips her cup, "Oh, that's so much better than I made."

Erray has a good long drink as Herpaul sniffs, then blows on the really warm, but not hot coffee. He has a cautious sip, then reports, "Pleasant. The sun is fully gone, my Lorady. Please, how may we aid you?"

Urshawn has a long drink, then sets his cup down, "It's more complex than fetch me a towel."

He stops and seems to only worry, so Erray helps, "She said something about your issues of touch."

Urshawn nods and his effort to admit it is visible, "Being a Lorady is not as simple as common knowledge will tell you. There was a time when I was all masculinity.

"Sure, I was less enlighten, but in was a simple thing to have work and pleasure. Neither are simple for me now."

He goes for another drink as Parmaria speaks gently, "You need not worry. We will give and do everything for you."

Urshawn leans to the back of his chair, caressing the warmth of his cup. "I do know, my sweet goddess. Yet, that gets at the point.

"In my head, there are questions... do you do for me for the sake of the folk of Were? Do you kiss me because the reset said you were for me? Do you stay with me for prestige and security?

"Like the Sage said, the mind can know a thing full well, but the heart only feels."

Parmaria fusses, "No, Urshawn, don't doubt. It is love of who you are, how you love and your eminence friendship."

"But, I haven't been very friendly to you lately.

"Does Herpaul see it as you do? He hides from me and sometimes I don't see him for days even when I'm home with free time.

"What of Erray? It all whirls about in my head.

"And when it gets beyond organizable, I get issues and my Loves, you let my ego blame you instead of admitting my troubles."

Herpaul drinks from his cup as Parmaria sighs, "I see. We compensate for you instead of making you handle your doubts. No wonder we're so worried all the time. We need to relax and get the royal factors out of our relationships."

Urshawn laughs in his throat, "Yes, please. And maybe stop acting like there are only bubbles in your head. I know better now."

She smiles softly, "There are a lot of bubbles in my head. I've just started to see, I don't have to be good at the same stuff. I can be my own person and do my own thing without loving you less."

Urshawn sets his cup on the table, "Yes, please do. I apologize if I ever made you feel you couldn't."

She admits, "I made me feel that way. It wasn't your fault."

Urshawn takes her hand and kisses her fingers. He lets go and looks to Herpaul.

Herpaul frowns, "You know my devotion is yours as lover. Through that you hold me as Lord. Blame whatever you wish on me. I am at your disposal."

Urshawn pours himself more coffee, "Help me out here, Erray. How do I explain to an academic?"

Erray considers for a long moment, he gets an idea he doesn't like, but nothing less comes to him. "I don't think you'll like my help."

Urshawn sips his coffee, "I think I have to take it."

Erray nods a little, "Alright. First you should know, such things are either simply understood by academics or they must be learned the hard way."

Urshawn puts his coffee on the table and worries, as Erray gets up. He goes to a bench and steps up on it to step up on the wall.

Parmaria is on her feet fast, "What are you doing? Get down from there."

Erray walks the outer edge as Herpaul and Urshawn get up and fuss the same.

Erray explains, "This is walking the edge line. I can see the city lights, the dark forest, castle and the waking stars. All factors in a Lorady's worry filled mind."

They walk with him, worries over him.

He stops and faces out with his feet half over the edge, "It really is beautiful. "

Parmaria fusses a tearful sound, "Make him get back down here, Urshawn."

Erray starts walking again, "Oh, what's that over there?"

They rush to keep up with him and Urshawn walks right into a planter. That stops him and Parmaria and Herpaul bump into him.

They apologize and Erray sits on the wall with his feet swinging inside the balcony.

He harshly fusses, "You can't apologize to him. It was my faullt."

Herpaul frowns, "No, we weren't watching him."

Erray debates, "You were watching me, so my fault."

Herpaul shakes his head, "It's not the same. I see what you did. You got us to mess up and blame yourself."

Erray hops down, "Maybe your not as smart as I thought."

Erray kneels to help Urshawn righting the plant they knocked over.

"Thanks, Erray. I think she's okay."

Parmaria gasps loudly and covers her mouth for a moment. "Oh, briskets. I didn't even realize we knocked it over."

Erray stands as Urshawn pats the earth back to the plant.

Erray walks back for his coffee, "That was the point. Urshawn is incapable of not noticing something not right within his responsibilities. That has to add up.

"Not even a Lorady can handle everything themselves. He has to delegate and assign values, even in his own mind.

"I would guess, knowing Barade as much as I have, his own wants would have no ability in him to come before anyone in his scope of duty.

"That is what you have let him blame you for."

Urshawn turns in his squatted position to look at Erray drinking his coffee, "Never gonna get away with such again, am I?"

Erray puts his empty cup on the table, "I dare you to try."

Parmaria fusses, "Now, I'm confused. What is it, Herpaul? I can see in your face you know now."

Herpaul swallows then puts his arm around her, "It wasn't us. It wasn't our fault. He hasn't stopped loving us. He's overworked and worrying too much for romance."

Parmaria leans to Herpaul and softly crys.

Urshawn stands as he moves to them. He hugs her to Herpaul, "I'm so sorry, Loves. I've been so selfish to blame you for my impotence. I do love you both passionately. I just couldn't figure out how to manage all I am."

Parmaria pushes out from them and rushes Erray. She grabs him by the shirt with both hands, "Tell me how we fix this or I drowned you in a bubble bath."

Erray smiles at her for a moment, "You're silly. You already did. Didn't you see... The fire in the east sitting room is burning bright."

She lets go and grabs his face, "More likely it was you, you beautiful man." She kisses him for a second, then jumps back, "I'm not a rapist now, am I?"

They share a warm laugh at her.

Erray feels heat in his cheeks as he tell her, "Your affections are most welcome with me, my Lady. Yeah, I'm shy and you might have to be patient with me."

She comes back to him and wraps her arms around his shoulders. She presses to him and speaks on his lips, "I don't like waiting. I'm spoiled wrotten."

She kisses him with lustful passion, undulating her body to his. He takes ragged breaths as she slips from him, "Not tonight though, sweet Sage. I've other plans."

She moves back to Urshawn as Herpaul wonders, "Where would you rather be than here?"

Urshawn leans down for her lip press, "I have a night lesson with Belle. See me soon, Urshawn."

He touches her face, "I will."

She hurries into the closest room, "Night, guys. Have fun."

Herpaul tilts his head over onto Urshawn's shoulder, "What can I do, Urshawn?"

Urshawn kisses his head, "Be you, cause I love who you are."

Herpaul turns Urshawn into his arms and looks with love down into Urshawn's eyes, "I'm not sure I remember how. My obsession with you has ruled me for so long. I never thought I would even look at another man with love's lust. Imagine my surpise."

Urshawn smiles up at him, "I know what it's like when he comes out of nowhere. So, I have a good guess. Makes you feel alive in your soul like the first time."

Herpaul runs his tender touch over Urshawn's hair, "It feels so good to hold you again. I've missed you so."

He brings a slow, gentle kiss to Urshawn's lips.

They indulge for a long moment, then Herpaul retreats, "I don't think it's as simple as a lit fireplace. It will take time to rebuild our fire from the ashes of neglect.

"I will bow out tonight, too, and leave the spoils to our sensual hero.

"I will be coming for you. Expect my pursuit." He gives Urshawn a long, slow kiss. Then he walks into the closest room.

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