The protectors of Kanezaka (K...

By Pie78904

71.4K 1.1K 866

For most of Y/N's life bad luck has been surrounding his life. Everywhere he went misfortune would always fol... More

Do you believe in spirits?
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The First Mission.
A Celebration of victory and the Tengu
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The Idea of Family
The Wrath of the Onryo
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The Goddess of Love
A Confession between a Fox and a Crow
Defend the Shrine!
An Old friend
Heir to a Kingdom
Finding Peace
The Fall of the Hashimoto Clan.
Peace returns to Kanezaka
Thank you, Behind the scenes and a QNA
A New Opportunity
New Agents of Overwatch
Escort the Payload
A Bank heist filled with Explosions
Family Reunion
The Cursed Man and the Witch
The Invasion of Ilios
The First of Talon's Elites
A Funtime in Busan
An Old Battlefield
The River Spirit
Gladiators of the Colosseum
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The Imposter

Arriving in Kanezaka

9.7K 97 58
By Pie78904


Location:A train heading for Kanezaka

I would look outside of the window. I was sitting inside of a train with many people inside of it.

I was heading for a small town known as Kanezaka. The many people that are surrounding me are mainly tourists. But for me I'm moving to Kanezaka.

Most people usually described me as bad luck. Like I've had some sort of negative energy, I don't believe in such superstition.People think that I'm cursed because i was born on Apirl 4th and 4 is an unlucky number apparently.

I would take out a guide book on Kanezaka,i would read through the many sites of the town and what it has to offer. The town is mainly well known for being protected by the Fox Spirit which is usually celebrated by the locals of the town.

I would take a look at my phone. I was mainly listening to Lucio's newest album release for most of the trip.

Soon the train would finally stop,most of the passengers would stand up. I would also stand up and grab most of my luggage.

I would exit out of the train and make my way out of the station. I would soon trip over some stairs and drop my luggage opening up my suitcases and dropping some of my items.


I would immediately kneel down and begin trying to pick up some of my items and trying to put them back into the suitcases.

???:Hey buddy do you need some help?

I would look up and see a man who was wearing a black suit. I was happy for his generosity.

The man would immediately kneel down and help me put my items back in my suitcase.

Y/N:Thank you so much!

The Man in the black suit:It's no problem,that'll be 6,603.26 yen!


The Man in the black suit:You heard me,I don't work for free kid!

Y/N:But you only helped me with putting back my luggage together.

The Man in the black suit:Yeah and i expect payment!

He would then grab me by the collar of my shirt.

The Man in the black suit:You don't know who we are don't you?

That's when another guy in a black suit would approach us.

Guy in the black suit 2:Hey dumbass let go of the tourist!

He would slap the the guy that was holding me by the collar. Which would cause him to let me go. He would then look at me and hand me my luggage.

Guy in the black suit 2:My apologies for my friend here. He's new to working at the station and has a little bit of anger problems. Please be on your way and we hope that you enjoy your time here at Kanezaka.

He would have a smile on his face,i would scratch my head for a little bit. I was confused by the situation.

Y/N:It's alright.

I would then chuckle and wave the two men goodbye.

I would then walk out of the train station

3rd POV

The other man in the black suit would look at the other.

Man in the black suit 2:Dumbass what were you thinking attacking the tourist like that!

The man would slap him again.

Man in the black suit:I-I'm sorry!

He would grab him by the collar and give him a warning.

Man in the black suit 2:Don't you know that tourism is the only thing that's keeping this shitty place alive! The tourists only want to hear about the crappy fox spirit,not that the Hashimoto clan has taken the place hostage! Now get out of here!

The man would push his fellow clan member away for being a fool.

The man would take out a cigarette and smoke it.

The Man in the black suit 2:Dumb fool,trying to put a stain on the Hashimoto clan's reputation. Most of the tourists don't even know that we even exist.


The encounter with those guys was weird,but i just simply shrugged it off.

As i exited out of the train station. I would see Kanezaka's beauty.

Y/N:I guess they didn't lie this town is truly beautiful.

There's so much to do in this town. Mainly because I'm in a new environment.

I would take out the guide book again and begin to read through it. I would mainly look at the map section of the town.

Since I'm moving here,i better find a place to stay and call home.

I would look around the area. Many people were celebrating the current Fox Festival that was going on.

I would walk while reading the guide i wasn't  paying attention to where i was going.

I would soon bump into somebody and we would both fall down.


Y/N:I'm so sorry!

I would open my eyes and see a girl with Green hair. She was wearing an outfit that looked similar to a shrine maiden's.

Y/N:My apologies,i wasn't looking where i was going.

I would stand up and offer the girl my hand. She would grab it and pick her self up.

???:No it's my fault.

She would laugh a little bit and get a good look at me.

???:I don't think that i've seen you around here. Are you a tourist?

Y/N:No I just barely moved over here.

???:Ah,Sorry i thought that you were a tourist. This town usually gains alot of tourism,especially during our festivals!

Y/N:I can see that. I'll probably head over to the festival later in the day.

???:It's really fun! The people of Kanezaka enjoy celebrating their traditions. As the fox spirit continues to protect us!

Y/N:That's really interesting to hear about.

She would then murmur something to herself.

???:Except when the Hashimoto clan ruins everything.

Y/N:What was that?

???:It's nothing. I hope that you enjoy your stay in Kanezaka

She would have a smile on her face. She would then walk away from me.

I would then make my way towards an apartment.

Kiriko's POV

There was something about that guy that i just met.

I would turn around and notice 凶 on his back.  That's the Kanji symbol for misfortune. I wonder if he knows about that. But he surely has gained my attention.

What was i going to do again? Oh yes i was gonna buy donuts!

I would think about buying the donuts. But i would immediately think about the Misfortune symbol on his back.

I hope that i can see him again.


I would walk into the apartment and pay for my apartment. I would then immediately begin to walk towards an elevator so i can reach the floor to where my apartment is.

I would take the elevator to the floor that my apartment was located at. I would hold my bags and walk into the hallways. I would try to look for my room,I would then spot an old man who was on a ladder he would then notice me. He would then climb down the ladder

Old man:Hello there,i haven't seen you before?

Y/N:I just moved here. L/N Y/N by the way

The two of us would shake each other's hands.

Old man:Mr.Yoshida it's nice to meet you.

Y/N:It's nice to meet you Mr.Yoshida.

I would notice a little girl who was with Mr.Yoshida.

Mr.Yoshida:This is my granddaughter Akari.

I would watch as Mr.Yoshida would do hand signs towards her. I would immediately recognize this as sign language.

Mr.Yoshida:(Sign Language) Say hi to him.

Akari:(Sign Language) It's nice to meet you.

Y/N:(Sign Language) it's nice to meet you too.

Mr.Yoshida:It was nice meeting you Y/N. I hope that you enjoy your stay here at Kanezaka.

Y/N:Thank you.

I would grab my suitcase and begin walking towards my room. I would then enter my room and begin to unpack.

Y/N:I guess this is my new life now.

I would look outside of the window and see the many people that are celebrating the fox festival.

I was amazed by the celebration of the festival. Perhaps I'll join in later.

I would lay down on the bed and look around my apartment. I do have more unpacking to do. But I'll probably unpack tomorrow.

I would take a little nap after the long trip to Kanezaka.

As i was napping i would soon get flashbacks of events that people said were caused by me and my "bad luck".

I would soon hear the voices of people blaming me echoing in my head.

Voice 1:Because of you the event is ruined!

Voice 2:Y/N you are nothing but bad luck!

Voice 3:Why don't you leave L/N-Kun. Before your bad luck impacts us all!

I would continue to nap. I didn't want to let those voices ruin my nap. As i said before i never had believed in such superstitions

But i would wake up from noise that was being made from the outside.

I would soon hear some muffled noises from the walls of the apartment.

Muffled voice:Your son owes us alot of money.

I would then hear a muffled voice that sounded like Mr.Yoshida from earlier.

Mr.Yoshida:I... Already told you. I don't know where he is.

I would hear another muffled voice that was screaming.

Muffled voice 2:You think that is a game! You think the fox spirit is going to protect you!? WE ARE HASHIMOTO SON!

What the heck is a Hashimoto?

I would then walk out of the apartment. I wanted to see what was going on.

I would see two guys and two omnics they were pinning Mr.Yoshida against a wall.

I was curious what was going on. But i was also furious on a group of assholes picking on an old man.

Y/N:Hey what's going on here!?

The group would all look at me and they would stare at me.

Hashimoto Clan member 1:Listen kid this doesn't concern you. Let us be as we only have business with this old fool.

I would watch as the goons would continue to pin Mr.Yoshida. I would look at Akari's face. She had a fearful expression as she was worried for her grandfather.

Y/N:Seems to me that a bunch of punks are picking on an old man.

They would look at me with an expression that pretty much said that i was a dead man.

Hashimoto Clan member 2:You must be new here. So i will tell you who we are. We are the Hashimoto clan and we rule this damn city! Do you really think that the Fox spirit is going to protect you while you are playing hero!

I would then hear the sound of a crow's caw. As the gang member would continue to talk.

Hashimoto gang member 1:Let me tell you something brat. Not even the tourist know that we exist! Only the citizens as they owe us many things.

Y/N:So you're going to go around threating innocent people for profit?

The Hashimoto gang members would look at each other and laugh.

Hashimoto gang member:Let's teach this kid what it means to play hero!

The ladder that Mr.Yoshida was on earlier would collapse on fall down on one of the omnic gang member.

Hashimoto gang member:What the hell!

They would look at each other and then look at Mr.Yoshida.

Hashimoto gang member 2:Was it you old man or was it your little brat!?

I would soon notice that something that the lights were flickering.

Hashimoto gang member 1:You stay with the old man and the brat. I'll deal with his "hero".

The Hashimoto gang member with the pompadour would walk up to me.

Y/N:Hey the 1980's called they want their hairstyle back.

Hashimoto gang member:You won't be laughing till I'm done with you.

He would then trip and fall down.

Hashimoto gang member 2:What the hell was that!?

Hashimoto gang member:Shut up!

He would get up and continue to apporach me. I would take my hands out of my pockets.

I'm rarely fought as i wasn't trained. But I've always had a type of attitude where i would speak before i would think.

The Gang Member would then approach me.

Hashimoto gang member:This is what happens to "heroes"

He would immediately throw his fist at me and i would dodge. I would immediately kick him in the face.

Hashimoto gang member:You little shit!

He would throw a couple of more fists at me. I would try to block them,but more a fist would hit me in the gut.

Hashimoto gang member:You are an amateur at fighting aren't ya!

Y/N:So what? Doesn't mean that i can't kick your ass.

Both the Hashimoto gang member and I would continue to exchange blows at each other.

I would then feel a sharp pain coming from my stomach.


I would immediately collapse and fall to the ground. I would hold where the stab wound is.

Hashimoto gang member 1:Hehehe i got you where i want you.

He would then begin to kick me in the head multiple times.

Hashimoto gang member 1:Come on Hero! Where was your spirit earlier! All i see now is a weak pathetic little shit!

He would continue to kick my head. I would then hear a crow's cawing again. Where was that damn thing coming from.

Hashimoto gang member 2:Finish him off! Make him a warning to all those that try to mess with the Hashimoto clan!

The gang member with the pompadour would take out a submachine gun and point it to my head.

Hashimoto Gang Member 1:Say goodnight "hero"

Then all i would hear is clicking as if the gun was jammed.

Hashimoto gang member 1:Huh! Why won't this damn thing fire!? It's jammed!

I would notice that the lights would immediately turn off. The hallway was no fully dark. I would notice that the Hashimoto gang members would turn around and see someone. She felt so familar.

???:I'm going to kick everyone of you in the face.

I would immediately collapse. Before i would be able to hear any of the fighting.

Timeskip of Kiriko kicking them in the face.

Kiriko's POV

After the Hashimoto clan members have retreated and saving both Mr.Yoshida and Akari. I would notice something odd.

The ladder that had collapsed on one of them. It had a  凶 symbol on it. I would immediately investigate it.

I would notice that one of the guns that one of Hashimoto gang members left behind. It also had a 凶 symbol on it.

I was confused at it. Where are all of these misfortune symbols coming from.

That's when i would feel a tap from Akari. I would look at her and she would immediately begin using sign language to bring something to my attention.

Akari:(Sign Language) Kiriko look over there!

I would look and notice a body on the floor. Oh no did one of the Hashimoto gang members kill someone!

I would immediately rush towards the unconscious body. I would then sense something coming from the body. It was spiritual energy.

Kiriko:Mr.Yoshida who is this?

Mr.Yoshida:That's Y/N,i believe. He just moved in here. He heard the Hashimoto clan members asking me about my son and tried to fight them.

I would continue to feel the spiritual energy coming from his body. I would then come closer and notice the huge 凶 on his back.

Wait he seems familar. I would then turn him around and see his face. He was the guy that i bumped into earlier.

Kiriko:Mr.Yoshida where is his apartment at?

Mr.Yoshida would point at a door.

Mr.Yoshida:The last time i spoke to him he went in there and he came out of that door when he tried to save us. So i believe that's his apartment.

I would immediately grab him and take him to his apartment. I would put him on his bed and look at his wounds. I would notice the stab wound and the blood coming out of his.

Kiriko:It's no worries. I've done this before.

I would take out one of my ofudas and put it on him. I would partially heal his wounds.

I've found this odd. As most of the time my ofudas would immediately heal the wounds.

I would then feel the sense of the negative spirit energy that's surrounding him is starting to weaken.

I would then remove the ofuda from him and feel the negative spirit energy starting to return.

I found this odd,but interesting. I would put the ofuda on him again and watch his wounds would partially heal again. The negative spirit energy would once again weaken.

I might stay here for a little bit. As i am really curious when it comes to him. I would wait as my ofuda's would slowly begin to heal his wounds.

Timeskip 2 hours

I would finally notice that his wounds would finally heal. I would remove the ofuda again, and feel the negative spirital energy once again begin to flow through his body.

His body reacts to my ofuda's in a different way. I want to know if this man is filled with bad luck?

I would immediately notice as his eyes would finally begin to open up.


I would open my eyes. I am back in my apartment. I would look around and notice that everything is normal. The last thing i remember was losing my conscience after my brawl with those Hashimoto clan members.

I would notice that the stab wound is gone. But yet i still feel the pain

???:Nice to see that you are awake.

I would immediately get startled by the voice. Someone is in my apartment with me.

???:No need to be scared. I'm not going to hurt you.

I would recognize the voice. That voice was the last thing that i heard before i passed out.

I would look to the side of my bed and notice that girl who i saw earlier. She's there.

???:You need to relax Y/N.

Y/N:H-H-How do you know my name?

???:Mr.Yoshida told me. It's alright I'll introduce myself,the name's Kiriko.

Y/N:Well it's nice to meet you Kiriko.

Kiriko:It's nice to meet you too Y/N. Now i have a question for you?

Y/N:What is it?

Kiriko:Do you believe in spirits?

To be continued

Hello my dear readers. I am your conductor for this trainwreck of a book.

I hope that all of you will enjoy to reading this fanfic.

So if you are confused with what the main character's ability is. It's just causing simply bad luck and misfortune.

Also if you are wondering about Y/N's past. Don't worry when we get further into the story you'll learn more about him and how his misfortune followed him for most of his life.

Anyways i hope that you all will enjoy reading the Protectors of Kanezaka.

Anyways i will be seeing you all soon in

Do you believe in spirits?

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