Rise of the teenage mutant ni...

By superheroleslie

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Adopted by senior Hueso, a 14 year old yokai who has spent most of her life in the hidden city finally meets... More

Chapter 1: meeting the turtles
Chapter 2: bug busters
Chapter 3: meeting april and splinter
Chapter 4: the gumbus
Chapter 5: Mrs. cuddles
Chapter 6: al be back
Chapter 7: Karaoke night
Chapter 8: pizza pit
Chapter 9: Hot soup: the game
Chapter 10: Evil league of mutants
Chapter 11: A bad day
Chapter 12: A good day
Chapter 13: bullhop
Chapter 14: Shadow of evil
Extra: making out
Chapter 15: Portal jacked
Chapter 16: warren and hypno, sitting in a tree
Chapter 17: Sparring partner
Chapter 18: You got served
Chapter 19: how to make enemies and people bend to your will
Chapter 20: Training (short chapter)
Chapter 21: Mystic library
The names in Leslie's phone
Leslie's name in their phone
Chapter 22: Man vs sewer
Chapter 23: the mutant menace
Chapter 25: Cloak and swaggart
Chapter 26: Jupiter Jim Ahoy
Leslie's relationships with the turtles
Chapter 27: insane in the mama train
Chapter 28: End game
Chapter 29: Many unhappy returns
Chapter 30: Breaking purple
Chapter 31: Repairin the Baron
Chapter 32: Pizza puffs

Chapter 24: Snow day

61 1 0
By superheroleslie

"🎵Snow day, hooray! So magical and new, there's so much we could do🎵" Raph sang as he pushed a big snowball down the snow hill.

"🎵Snow day. No training, only fun we've only just begun. I'm glad I'm here with you🎵" Leo sang as he picked me up and spun me around and kissed my cheek.

I giggled " 🎵Snow day, a beautiful day it is to be spending it with you🎵" I sang as I tackled Leo in to the snow.

"🎵Snow day, hooray! Barometric pressure is so low, but my heart is all aglow, revving up my tech-bo🎵" Donnie sang as he cut the snow around Mikey making a snow-man.

"🎵Snow day, our snowman is the best. Jupiter Jim fans will attest. Omigosh, my coat's a vest!🎵" Mikey sang as he put clothes on the Jupiter Jim snowman and the sleeves of his coat fell off.

"🎵Snow day, hooray! We all should be so proud. Snow day, all together sing out loud🎵" April sang.

All singing: 🎵Snow day, hooray!🎵.

We all stood proud of our snowman " great job, fam. And Donnie, I guess" Leo smirked at the last part.

" if I weren't so enchanted by the beauty of our replica Jupiter Jim, I'd probably say something like, 'look over there' push" Donnie said as he pushed Leo in the snow.

I chuckled and me and Donnie high fived/threed.

Raph smirked at the snowman " and for the cherry on top, this flag from Jupiter Jim sails the seven Galaxies".

" best 'JJ' movie of all time, baby!" Mikey exclaimed.

" eh, I've seen better" I mumbled.

" what the what? Hold up, Skip." April said as she threw the flag on Raph's face.

" Jupiter Jim's 'Pluto vacation 4' is the best JJ movie of all time" April replied confidently.

" Ranked. By us. Just now. So...it's basically official no arguing" Donnie said.

Mikey and Raph laughed and Leo chuckled " Jupiter Jim's Pluto vacation 4? Where JJ spends the entire movie searching for ice before realizing the surface of Pluto...is ice?" Leo asked with his smart ass voice.

" Uh, yeah! And every time we watch it, you three laugh your heads off" April said.

" because Raph always falls asleep and breaks something with his face!" Mikey laughed

" it's always entertaining to see" I snickered.

" Uh, yeah! My face takes damage like a boss! Leo, hit me!" Raph exclaimed.

Donnie had his tech-bo held up high " Oh, please let me!".

Leo, Mikey, and Me: No!

We tackled him to the ground and then we got off of him Raph had the flag and was holding Donnie back.

" I'm the oldest. My flag wins. The end" Raph bragged, then he got hit by a snowball.

" Hey! Who did that? Was it mayhem?" Raph accused.

" Raph, you were looking right at us" April deadpanned.

" what a convenient excuse, April" Leo smirked.

I snickered " yah! I can't believe you would do that" I teased her.

" yeah! I can't believe you would weaponize snow just to prove your flag is better than ours" Raph said.

I rolled my eyes and snickered " oh, god" I couldn't help but laugh at this petty argument.

" glad to hear you agree our flag is better" Donnie said.

Mikey scooted next to him " our flag eats your flag's lunch money for breakfast".

They then went up against each other and looked up at me and I rolled my eyes " I'm not apart of this".

They then chuckled and declared a snowball fight and i shrugged " eh, I can get behind this".

" Last player standing gets to fly their team's flag" Raph declared.

April smirked " Okay. We're up for a friendly game. No safe base, no weapons—No mercy!".

I chuckled and put a thumbs up " heh, love that".

" and no ice balls, no slush slappers, no horse hoppers, pepper poppers, liberty launchers, downtown hammers" Mikey was listing all the no-no stuff while Leo was writing it down.

"Dream hackers, thrashers, no Freddie Prinze Juniors, *clears throat* no corked snowballs of any kind. We aren't savages".

Raph turned to me " what team are you on, Fluff?".

I shook my head " I'm on no team, I'll just watch".

Leo held my claws " you doing alright?".

I nodded " y-yeah, don't worry about me, I'll just ruin your fun".

I saw the concerned looks on Raph and Leo and I kissed Leo and patted Raph's cheeks " Please, I'll be fine".

Raph smirked and nodded his head and hugged me " feel better".

They went to their places and I just stood by a tree close by them.

Raph smirked " Ready...set...snow".

They all hit each other with snow balls, and we're having a super fun time...without me... I quickly wiped the tears I felt stinging on my face.

Then raph called a break and we were having hot coco and I sat in Leo's lap and his chin was on my shoulder.

" You got me good back there, Donnie, but the game ain't over yet" Raph said.

"Yes, but when it is my team's flag will grace our statue and wave like a queen to her subjects" Donnie bragged.

"How elegant" I said.

We heard a scream, then Mikey falling in the snow.

" Mikey?" Raph asked concerned.

Mikey did a happy pose " Snow day hooray, baby!".

" Dude, that was incredible! What was your hang time? Like, two, maybe three sequences?" Leo asked.

" yeah, nice job, mikester" I complimented him.

He smiled and hugged me, knowing I needed it and I smiled and patted him on the back and he let me go.

" yes, sweet sledding, Angelo. And may I say, this cocoa is exquisite! Do I detect a skosh of maple malt syrup?" Donnie asked.

" if you paid attention to 'Jupiter Jim sails the seven galaxies' you would know what the secret ingredient is" Mikey sassed.

" um, you and Leo always interrupt the movie by fighting over who gets to wear the Jupiter Jim costume" April reminded him.

" woah! You've never seen the end? That's why you and Donnie don't get why 'seven galaxies' is so much better than the movie you like" Raph said.

Leo and Mikey: Preach!/I hear that!

" trust me. Our flag totally deserves to be up there" Raph said as he was on Mikey's neck who was Leo's neck trying to put the flag up.

" Uh, what now? Mayhem!" April called out.

Mayhem then teleported to Raph and scratched his face and made him fall down.

" Oh, that is fun for me" Donnie said sipping his hot cocoa.

" Break's over! Game on!" Raph called.

April then threw a snowball at his face and they threw snowballs at each other and then we heard a roar.

" huh?" I asked.

" did anyone hear, like, a really sick bird, or something?" Leo asked.

Just then a white mutant bear came out " Pean-a-boo, losers!".

All except me: Ghostbear?

I popped out from the group with eyebrow raised " who?"

Raph has stars in his eyes " Ooh! Love the new look! Ooh! Hey, can I get a quick selfie?".

Raph got pictures with him and Donnie groaned " ugh! Every time with this guy".

Ghostbear growled " how about a scar to remember me by?"

He was going to punch Raph but his fist went through him like a ghost and he pulled back " I can switch between bear and ghost?" He then chuckled darkly and punched Raph to the tree.

" he hit Raph so hard, he almost went straight through our snowman!" April said.

" but our snowman's okay, right?" Leo asked.

" uhh... and Raph?" I crossed my arms and flew over to him, making sure he was okay.

Ghostbear then smirked " So it's the man of snow that you love? Then I will destroy it!".

I rolled my eyes " get a hobby, dude".

He growled at that and Leo gulped " mayhem?".

He teleported to the lair to get their weapons and Ghostbear started attacking us.

" Leo, sacrifice yourself to buy us time!" Donnie said. (That...that did not age well).

Mayhem came with their weapons and Raph smirked " Nobody messes with our snowman! Now let's beat this bozo bear like Jupiter Jim beat those space pirates!".

" How dare you use this dire moment to plug your obviously lesser movie—huh?" Donnie stopped talking when Ghostbear jumped on us.

The snowman was also destroyed and ghostbear laughed evilly and Leo pointed his sword at him " You're a monster—not because you look that way".

Donnie jumped in " but because you ruined something that we collectively cherish! Humbug upon you, sir, humbug!"

I rolled my eyes and mumbled " it's always humbug on this Holliday".

" yeah. We all love Jupiter Jim. Which movie is better doesn't even matter! If I'm being real, I love how Donnie performs all the musical numbers when we watch PV4" raph said.

Donnie rubbed his hand behind his head " and I do like how a Raph gets stuck in a pirate accent after we watch seven galaxies".

" I try to stop, but it be too hard" Raph said in a pirate accent.

" villain over here!" Ghostbear called out.

I threw a snowball at him and he fell down " No one cares about you".

April smiled " it's watching the Jupiter Jim movies together as a family that makes them so special".

" bring it in" Raph brought us in a big hug.

"Aww! I'm tearing up over here" Mikey said.

Ghostbear was behind us " oh, how sweet".

He then attacked us again and we got up and Raph encouraged us " That's it. Mad dogs, ahoy!".

We all tried attacking him but he kept turning into ghost mode and so we decided to have a little advantage by hiding.

" tortugas and doggy, come out to play!".

I growled and Leo whispered " Leslie! No!".

I came out of hiding " WATASHI WA INU DE WA ARI MASE NICHI!" (Translation: I am not a dog!).

I started to fight him but he kept turning into a ghost and it was only getting me hurt and then he finally slashed down the tree that the turtles and April were in.

Raph seemed pipe up after being down for a moment " I got it! You guys stay close enough so he's attacking and stays solid. We'll use our icy environment just like Jupiter Jim did!".

Donnie popped up " Wow, full circle".

Me and April went behind him and both called out to him and April smirked to mayhem " Mayhem, do your thing".

Mayhem teleported to him and put the flag over his face.

Mikey then used his weapon " Cowabunga!" And wrapped it around ghostbear.

" I'm afraid of the dark!" Ghostbear freaked out.

Raph broke the fire hydrant and Leo used his sword to teleport it directly to ghostbear and Donnie smirked " let's see you phase through my hexagonal crystalline solid, AKA ice".

Long Ice freeze later and they did it and Raph praises us " Awesome job, fam-o!".

April smiled " Raph, for the cherry on top, why don't you put your flag up there?".

Raph smiled " I've got a better idea".

We all put our signature bandanas on the pole " since we all love Jupiter Jim equally and we all worked together as equals to put ghostbear on ice, our flag should represent all of us".

Leo then asked " Wait, wait, wait. How come Raph's is on top?".

I patted his shoulder " just let it go".

He sighed and smiled and picked me up " y'all, let's go home".

They all agreed.

Heyo, I wanted to explain Leslie's behavior in this, so you've read how she's acted, she's not really depressed but she's not that sunshine and rainbows either, she's in between, her life is kind of a mess, and she doesn't really care for Christmas, since it was the day her life crumbled, her parents leaving her and she has moments where she just needs some time alone.

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