Dance of souls

By Bebbagol

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Eyra Targaryen is a very special little girl, she has long white hair like milk, pale skin like snow and red... More

author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Capitolo 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chaptet 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's note
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's note
Chapter 39
Author's note
Chapter 40
Author's note
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Author's note
Author's note
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's note
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's note
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note
Chapter 54
Author's note
Chapter 55
Author's note
Author's note

Chapter 43

613 11 3
By Bebbagol

TW: Slight smut, if it bothers you skip the part

The ceremony was beautiful, the Bergs, the Albions and the Sandstorms were present, as soon as Luke saw Eyra was moved; when they joined the blood Eyra cut her left hand and Luke the right, it was not a very comfortable position but the boy's left hand was bandaged so they could not do otherwise.

At this time they were in the banqueting hall and they were having dinner, dancing and singing, and for a moment they had forgotten about the coming war; the hall was beautiful: there was a large oak board that was placed in front of three fireplaces and there was a beautiful dance floor. 

-Will you allow me this dance my lady wife? - asks Luke, offering his hand to Eyra

-With great pleasure my handsome husband- replies Eyra taking the boy's hand

The music begins to play, it is a very beautiful melody, a popular music with a rhythm not too strong; the two boys begin to dance under the eyes of all, from the lords to the soldiers who get off the track to give way to the two lovers.

Eyra and Luke are dancing and it's like time has stopped, there are only the two of them in the room and everything else disappears.

-Iksā gevie (You are beautiful) - says Luke

-iksā tolī gevie, se timpa ao (You are more beautiful, the white gives you) - says Eyra

-Kirimvose ñuha jorrāelagon, yn ao umbagon se olvie gevie isse bisa tistālion (Thanks my love, but you remain the most beautiful in this room) - replies Luke kissing Eyra on the forehead.

During the years the two had changed a lot but, the only thing that remained the same was the height gap between the two, in fact, Luke was taller than Eyra but the two of them did not care.

-Will you allow me this dance my lady wife? - asks Luke, offering his hand to Eyra

-With great pleasure my handsome husband- replies Eyra taking the boy's hand

The music begins to play, it is a very beautiful melody, a popular music with a rhythm not too strong; the two boys begin to dance under the eyes of all, from the lords to the soldiers who get off the track to give way to the two lovers.

Eyra and Luke are dancing and it's like time has stopped, there are only the two of them in the room and everything else disappears.

-Iksā gevie (You are beautiful) - says Luke

-iksā tolī gevie, se timpa ao (You are more beautiful, the white gives you) - says Eyra

-Kirimvose ñuha jorrāelagon, yn ao umbagon se olvie gevie isse bisa tistālion (Thanks my love, but you remain the most beautiful in this room) - replies Luke kissing Eyra on the forehead.

-Ao gīmigon bisa iksin se grēza Emelyn naejot zirģla dīnilūks (You know that this was the dress that Emelyn wore at her wedding) - notes Eyra

-Nyke ziry pār bisa iksis se grēza bona Daeron rȳ zȳhon dīnilūks. Yn iksis daor ziry ģrda? (I had imagined it, since this is the dress that Daeron wore at his wedding. But isn't it tight?) - asks Luke

-Daor kesrio syt Lesy ivestretan nyke bona skori pōnta dīnilūks Daeron se emelyn īles (No because Lesy told me that when they married Emelyn was pregnant) - replies Eyra

-Drējī yn emi daor udir hen bisa riñar (Really? but we have no news of these children) - notes Luke

-Lesy ivestretan nyke pōnta morghūltan paktot tolī sikagon, yn ziry vestretan olvie skori nyke eptan zirȳla lo zirȳla muña se Emelyn sia olvie (Lesy told me they died right after birth, but she seemed very nervous especially when I asked her if her mom and Emelyn were very close friends) - replies Eyra

-Ziry sepār zirȳla hen zȳhon muña konir sagon skoro syt īles, gaomagon daor (She simply reminded her of her mother that's why she was nervous, don't worry) - Luke tries to calm her down and says:

-Ao gīmigon, nyke gīmigon iā ñuhoso kostā jurnegon sesīr tolī gevie (You know, I know a way you can look even more beautiful) -

-Kessa? skoros iksis ziry? (Oh yes? And what is it?) - asks Eyra

-Gō nyke, nakêd moaning ñuha brōzi (Lying under me, naked moaning my name) - replies Luke

-Pār skoros issi ao syt, Iksan kesīr syt bisa (Then wait, I'm here for this) - Eyra says brazen when the music ends.

After that, Luke takes Eyra by the hand and brings her near the others:

-My wife and I retire for the night- says Luke and does not wait for the response of others to drag Eyra out of the room.

The two boys run through the corridors of the fortress of the phoenix (the castle was so called because of the sun that when it rose and set it illuminated it like a phoenix) and go to their rooms; as soon as they arrive in their room Luke nails Eyra to the door kissing her neck making the girl place her hands in her hair.

The kiss warms quickly and, in no time, the two were lying on the bed naked with Eyra riding Luke

-I can't wait for this bandage to come off- says Luke, grabbing Eyra's hips with his good hand and guiding her and saying:

-So I can finally get you on this damn bed and not make you walk for a week-

The boy, in response, receives only moans of pleasure from Eyra; the two continue for another two hours before falling asleep clinging to each other.

It was still very early and Eyra, after waking up, could no longer fall asleep; she was lying on Luke's chest, her hands were tracing circles on the boy's chest that, despite not being poorly trained, was toned.

The girl loved to listen to his heartbeat because he always calmed her; after seeing that she would not go back to sleep, she decides to get up to go see Viserion.

So she puts on her shirt and her robe and gets up trying not to wake Luke, although it was almost impossible because the boy had a very deep sleep, and with her candle in her hand she ventures through the corridors.

Eyra is walking through the corridors of the fortress, being careful not to wake anyone, she had almost reached the staircase leading to the beach, where Okrom and Viserion slept, when she heard a strange noise coming from her right.

Eyra turns and laughs when she sees that a gust of wind that had caused a tapestry to move to the top of the staircase that was to her right; the girl was about to leave when she notices something: behind the tapestry was a wooden door.

So, Eyra goes up the stairs to check, her conscience is telling her to move on but she, being a very curious girl, goes on and, as soon as she gets to the top, she notices that she needs a key to open the door.

Initially, the girl thought about going back down since she didn't have a key but then she changed her mind.

-It costs nothing to try, at worst the door doesn't open- says Eyra to herself.

Doing so, she grabs the door handle and turns it around and, to her surprise, the door opens revealing a beautiful bedroom.

Eyra enters the room but, being very dark, she can see almost nothing but notices a torch located to her left and, thanks to the candle, lights it; in front of her is a beautiful room whose colors were mainly red, probably to remember the Targaryens.

It was very large with sofas and a beautiful bed, the light that filtered through the window behind the bed made the room magnificent; while Eyra looked inward she came to the conclusion that the room belonged to Emelyn and Daeron. 

Continuing to wander around Eyra sees that a sheet is placed right next to a picture, intrigued, Eyra approaches notice an engraving on the frame that says:

- "To my beloved friend, happy birthday" -

After reading the engraving, Eyra's curiosity got the better of her, she grabs the sheet and pulls it down; in front of her there is a beautiful painting depicting two smiling women: a blonde, who must be Emelyn and the other brunette, which must be Jocelyn since he looks a lot like Melesy. 

Eyra wanted to analyze the painting a little more but, when she heard footsteps coming in this direction, she had to hide behind the sofa; the girl sees a person entering but, at the moment, she cannot distinguish who it is because it is very dark.

Then, the mysterious person lights up a torch and turns out to be Melesy heading for the painting and as soon as she sees the sheet on the ground she says:

-Nyke gīmigon īlen pirta naejot dīnagon se ziry va (I knew I was wrong to put on the sheet) -

-Nyke ao iā, nyke tolī se tolī aōha mijegon hae lo īlen ñuha jelevre. Ēdi byka jēda naejot sagon hēnkirī (I miss you a lot, I feel more and more your lack as if I missed my breath. We had little time to be together) - speaks Melesy looking at the picture.

Eyra can't help but feel sadness because even though her mom hates her, she would be very sad if she died.

-Nyke zirȳ, se valītsossa hen, issi zirȳ se issi keskydoso hae ao se Daeron, ēzi keskydoso vyguēsin, pōnta care tolī syt tolie syt pōntāla. Kesan mīsagon zirȳ, daor ivestragī keskydoso run massigon naejot ao (I found them, the guys of prophecy, they are them and they are the same as you and Daeron, they have your same nature, they care more for others than for themselves. I will protect them, I will not let the same thing happen to you.) - explains Melesy and adds:

-Ao gīmigon, Visērion ēza daor arlinnon mirrī, issa keskydoso renigon zaldrīzes īles skori īlē. Ziry biarves lēda eyra, ziry jorrāelagon zirȳla sepār hae ao jeldan zirȳla, ziry kipagon zirȳla mijegon iā se ziry jorrāelagons zirȳla; ziry zirȳla hae iā raqiros se hae iā lentor se daor hae iā buzdari (You know, Viserion hasn't changed a bit, he's the same touchy dragon he was when you were alive. He found happiness with Eyra, he loves her just like you wanted him, she rides him without a saddle and he loves that; she treats him as a friend and as a family and not as a slave) - 

-Nyke kivio ao bona kesan mazverdagon zirȳ sit va se dēmalion hen perzys, dohaeragon zirȳ naejot maghagon se arlie dārion hen Arcadia arlī naejot zȳha jaqiarzir, skoriot lyks se lyka isse, se Hightower kessa addemmagon syt skoros pōnta gōntan naejot ao (I promise I will make them sit on the throne of fire, I will help them to bring back the new kingdom of Arcadia to it's former glory, where peace and tranquility flourished in abundance, the Hightowers will pay for what they did to you) - ends Melesy then exits the room.

Eyra stays a few seconds behind the sofa before coming out and approaching the painting and says:

- Konīr iksis daor ñuhoso īles naejot Emelyn, ēzi issare morghe syt toliot mēre gār jēdri (It is not possible that she was referring to Emelyn, she has been dead for more than 100 years) -

- Istin ivestragon bona melesy se riña isse se mirre jurnegon bē hēnka (Although I must say that Melesy and the girl in the picture look almost identical) - notice the girl looking more closely at the picture.

In the end, feeling tired, Eyra leaves and leaves the room with more doubts than before.   

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