Chapter 4

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The young princess was a very intelligent girl who loved to read and above all smart, if you did not give her something she got it anyway.

She was now in the dragon's pit searching for Viserion, the most imposing dragon since Balerion, to see if she could ride him.

-Damn! This place is a maze- exclaims Eyra.

-Viserion should be here somewhere - walking did not realize she had crashed a dark hallway, so after a few minutes she found himself in the largest pit she had ever seen.

She could make out very little in that darkness, and what she saw was thanks to the moonlight seeping through an opening at the top; while she was exploring the pit she found two sapphire eyes in front.

She could make out very little in that darkness, and what she saw was thanks to the moonlight seeping through an opening at the top; while she was exploring the pit she found two sapphire eyes in front

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She immediately understood that he had found Viserion, and having gathered fear and concern, she approached the imposing beast.

- Ao issi raqagon issa - (you're like me).

- Ao issi tolie zaldrīzes, nyke ropatas se perzys zālagon isse ao - (you are other than other dragons, I feel the fire burning in you).

Viserion was surprised by Eyra's fluent valyrian, even though he didn't seem to want to hurt her, he seemed intrigued almost as someone reminded him.

- Sir nyke dāez ao, nyke jāhor daor dīnagon va ao nykeā kesrio syt ao istan āzma dāez se upu jāhor umbagon hae bona - (now I will release you, I won't put a saddle on you because you were born free and you will remain so) says Eyra.

The dragon looked her more and more surprised and intrigued.

-Nyke jāhor daor sagon aōha azantys yn nyke jāhor sagon aōha raqiros se aōha mīsio isse zōbrie jēdi - (I will not be your knight, I will be your friend and your protector in dark times) continued Eyra as she approached to caress his face, which the great dragon allowed and gratefully accepted.

That said, Eyra released Viserion from his chains and he lowered his neck to make her rise and she said:

-Sōvegon Viserion - (flies Viserion). With this the two took flight and went higher and higher until they reached the opening of the pit; they flew near the keepers of the dragons who looked at each other frightened and, together with the guards, ran to warn the king. 

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