Chapter 19

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 You're kidding, aren't you? - Question shocked Eyra, watching Aemond having her same expression, anger mixed with wonder.

-Do I look like I'm joking? I'm serious Eyra - says Alicent

- Never, I refuse, I prefer to feed myself to Viserion, rather than marry my brother- says Eyra enraged.

- You are right, we will not get married, rather I lift my remaining eye- exclaim Aemond; Alicent was surprised by the reaction of her son.

-As an excuse- indignant question Alicent

- You heard us well mother, we will not get married- says Eyra angry.

-There is nothing you can do about it, it is already decided- says Alicent.

-Does Dad know? - asks curious Eyra; Alicent doesn't answer, on the contrary, she doesn't even look into her eyes anymore.

-Your silence explains everything. Wait for Dad to find out, he won't allow such a thing- he points out Eyra, then turns to his grandfather and says:

- You suggested it, didn't you. I should have guessed, you lured me here, made me think Dad had gotten worse, what vile people you are. Listen to me, I will never be your pawn, you will not use me for your purposes, you know very well that if I had to choose I would go with Nyra. You and Mom were never my family! - exclaims Eyra.

Otto does not answer her, gets up, goes to where Eyra is sitting and, as soon as he reaches her, punches her in the face. Eyra falls from her chair, as she tries to get up, she hears Haelena screaming:

-Ra, are you okay? Come on, let me see-

-I'm fine Lena, don't worry it's not good for the baby- she responds as she feels the metallic taste of blood in her mouth 

-I'm fine Lena, don't worry it's not good for the baby- she responds as she feels the metallic taste of blood in her mouth 

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- Guards, escorted my niece to her room, will remain there until her tempers have calmed down- orders Otto; two guards approach to take Eyra but she pushes them away and screams:

-Don't you dare touch me, I can get to my room on my own-

That said, she leaves the room, looking badly at her mother and grandfather as her brothers look at her with compassion.

The girl arrived in her room, a guard positioned himself at the door to avoid letting her out.

Eyra, however, was a clever girl; she had already been punished in this way other times and, moreover, it was not the first time that her grandfather beat her; to escape these punishments Eyra had learned to know and turn, easily all the steps of the castle.

So, after taking care of the cut on his lip, he starts in the passage leading to his father's room; as soon as she arrives, I wait for his mother to leave the room, before entering

-Kepa (dad), I'm Eyra, I've come to see you and bring you the medicine- says the girl

- My sweet dove, your mother told me that you would not come because you were not well- says Viserys

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