Rise of the teenage mutant ni...

By superheroleslie

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Adopted by senior Hueso, a 14 year old yokai who has spent most of her life in the hidden city finally meets... More

Chapter 1: meeting the turtles
Chapter 2: bug busters
Chapter 3: meeting april and splinter
Chapter 4: the gumbus
Chapter 5: Mrs. cuddles
Chapter 6: al be back
Chapter 7: Karaoke night
Chapter 8: pizza pit
Chapter 9: Hot soup: the game
Chapter 10: Evil league of mutants
Chapter 11: A bad day
Chapter 12: A good day
Chapter 13: bullhop
Chapter 14: Shadow of evil
Extra: making out
Chapter 15: Portal jacked
Chapter 16: warren and hypno, sitting in a tree
Chapter 17: Sparring partner
Chapter 18: You got served
Chapter 19: how to make enemies and people bend to your will
Chapter 20: Training (short chapter)
Chapter 21: Mystic library
The names in Leslie's phone
Leslie's name in their phone
Chapter 22: Man vs sewer
Chapter 24: Snow day
Chapter 25: Cloak and swaggart
Chapter 26: Jupiter Jim Ahoy
Leslie's relationships with the turtles
Chapter 27: insane in the mama train
Chapter 28: End game
Chapter 29: Many unhappy returns
Chapter 30: Breaking purple
Chapter 31: Repairin the Baron
Chapter 32: Pizza puffs

Chapter 23: the mutant menace

52 1 0
By superheroleslie

I was on Leo's lap and he had his arms around me as we were watching a video.

/birthdays ruined. Parks destroyed. Museums vandalized. Tonight on Cybersleuth, I reveal the culprits. Beware the Mutant menace!\.

" Mutant Menace! Ohmigosh! They're talking about us!" Mikey freaked out.

" I can't believe we're getting blamed for this!" Leo exclaimed.

" to be fair, that all is kinda y'all's fault and sometimes along with me... just saying" I said.

" yeah...but virtually everything in there was somebody else's fault... I think" Leo tried to defend himself.

I kissed his cheek and then patted his head and got out of his lap.

Donnie scoffed " So unfair. Although it is a boost for my emotionally unavailable bad boy image. Yello".

I put sunglasses on his face and he smirked and did finger guns and I did the same.

Raph jumped in the conversation " look guys. I think this might be an opportunity to turn a dark cloud into a silver lining".

He pulled out a book " you fellas ever read this fine piece of literature?".

" horrible wolfie the harmless wolf pup?" Donnie read.

" yes, it's the touching story of a kid wolf who shows up at a town full of humans who all want to run him through with a pitchfork" raph said.

I snickered " a-and that's s-supposed to be touching?" I asked while trying to hold my laughter in about how casually he said that.

Raph continued the story " but wolfie didn't run away. He performed loving deeds for the hateful townfolk, and they welcomed him into their hearts! So that's what we'll do. We'll get in our giant tank and smash people in the face with good deeds!".

" Yeah! We are good-doers!" Mikey cheered.

" something about that story is just very sus" I shrugged.

" oh, this is gonna look great on my college application!" Donnie exclaimed.

" any votes for staying home during the anti-'mutant panic? No? Okay, leggo!" Leo said.

I groaned " this is gonna backfire real quickly".

Leo came back to me and picked me up and went to the tank.


" now each time we do a good deed, we'll leave behind one of our friendly calling cards" Raph explained.

Mikey held up a card " this good deed brought to you by the 'Mutant Menace'. Winky face! Who wouldn't love this?".

I chuckled and rubbed his head and then we came to a stop, when a fire hydrant was having a water fall, so Donnie measured this and then blowtorched it.

I facepalmed.

A cat then wanted inside, to which Leo let him in, then we cleaned the road and created a new one.

" boys and Leslie, we're good doers. And what do good doers do? They good-do, and they good do it well!" Raph said.

I shook my head and Donnie rubbed his hands together " New York is going to adore us".

He turned on the news /in local news, a team of heartless pranksters dubbed the 'mutant menace evil winky face' are wreaking havoc across the city. We go live to unpaid E-reporter, Cybersleuth\.

/a fire rages. A canary flees for its life. A Maltese is trapped in concrete. What do these tragedies have in common? The horrible villains called the Mutant Menace!\ Cybersleuth said.

" What?" Raph asked freaked out.

I groaned " NOOOO... the name was supposed to Be a joke".

Leo kisses my head and rubbed it and Raph was kinda freaking out " that's why we used just kidding quotes and winky face!".

" Raph, you know I love you, but people don't focus on punctuation when they're stuck in concrete" Leo said.

I groaned " this is what I get for caring".

" there's something familiar about that disguised voice" Mikey said.

I rolled my eyes" duh, it's-".

/no doubt you're wondering who I am. I am none other than boy genius Baxter Stockboy!\ he revealed himself.

Leo and Mikey: What? Baxter stockboy!

I rolled my eyes " literally what I was about to say".

" I am not looking forward to whatever that highly skilled under-achiever has in store for us" Leo complained.

" never fear, New York. I will expose these monsters for what they are! I have been tracking them from the stock-N-shop blimp" Baxter said.

" he's tracking us?" Raph freaked out.

I scoffed " what? That ugly obviously insecure kid doesn't have anything better to do?".

" hey, we look like a giant turtle!" Mikey exclaimed.

" yeah, everybody was saying 'go stealth, go stealth' but come on, look at us. We all kinds of bad!" Donnie exclaimed.

/you, too, can track the mutant menace by accessing the Baxter Stockboy live stream, available for a reasonable fee\ Baxter said.

" we can't let anyone see us. We need to get home muy rapido" Leo said.

I sighed " kore wa shijou saijou no nichi desu" (translation: this is the worst day ever).

Leo gave me a behind hug and relaxed into him and Raph pressed on the the pedals and went and we ran into a crowd with pitchforks throwing tomatoes at the tank.

" you know, you don't normally see pitchforks in mud town Manhattan" Leo said.

I hissed at the people inside the tank.

" oh, mama, people are getting rustic out there!" Mikey said.

" we were trying to be nice to them. Have they never read ' horrible wolfie?'" Raph asked.

" ah, force shields down 50%" Donnie said.

" wait... this has force shields?" I asked.

" we do not" Donnie deadpanned.

We just gave him 'are you serious' look.

A fake wizard then flung himself on the window of the tank " you shall no pass!".

Raph then freaked and drove out of the crowd and then the driving got a bit wack and going kind hard.

" oh, Raph-a-la, would you mind easing up on the gas, dear friend?" Donnie asked intensely.

" I can't, the throttle's stuck or something" Raph defended himself.

He tried pushing on the brakes " No brakes, no steering! Donnie, what's going on?".

" Oh, no, oh, no! Ah, okay, whew. Good news, guys. My engineering is fine. Oh, and something's taken control of the turtle tank" Donnie explained.

" look out!" Mikey warned us.

" I'm trying the taxi rockets!" Raph pressed a control.

He pressed the turbo rockets and we moved through the crowd so amazingly.

" wow, nice work, Raph. But we can't keep this up forever. Those rockets have limited fuel" Donnie said.

Leo looked out the window " trapped?".

He then brought his head back in and sunk back in his chair " I knew being nice to people would get us in trouble".

I nodded my head " I feel that way all the time".

Then a robot thing chomped it's way into the tank and held up a phone screen.

" chell-o?" Mikey called out.

I hissed at the call the turned to Mikey " Mikey, do not Chell-o the enemy!" I scolded him.

Then Baxter Stockboy appeared on the screen " Oh, mutants, you no doubt have noticed my microbots are in control of your vehicle".

The tank skidded and I swear I heard a guy fall off of it.

" what's your angle, Stockboy?" Leo asked.

Stockboy evil laughed " Just watch!".

Then he appeared on all of the screens of New York City.

" New York, I will deliver the mutant menace to the steps of city hall in five minutes! Subscribe and donate to my live stream to witness the spectacle! Or see it in person if you dare. Premium tickets are for sale on my website".

I hissed probably for the third time today " are we going to just ignore that we're being outsmarted by a kid, an ugly one at that?" I sank into my chair.

Leo shook his head " Nope. What is with this kid? He's going to expose us all to New York just for money?".

" yeah. We don't have any money and we get by just fine." Raph said.

" I mean, I have money" I said and got looks from the guys, " just saying" I shrugged my shoulders.

" yeah, yeah, yeah, we are poor as dirt" Donnie said as he was counting money.

The turbo then went out and Raph was still trying to steer " I can't steer and I can't stop!".

We were going to run into the people and Leo smirked and pushed Raph away from the controls.

He got out his sword and swung it around " step aside, it's portal time!".

We were all freaking out over that and it actually kinda worked, but we were going into the mouth of a big monster and Leo created a portal again into a street of New York.

" hey, one of Leo's portals didn't work, we all totally expected". Donnie deadpanned.

" don't listen to him, boo, you did good" I kissed him and he kissed back.

Donnie rolled his eyes then spotted something on the ground " Oh, Newton's Apple! How could I forget the floor hatch? I can just shimmy our and see if-".

Raph pulled him away from it " no time for that. I'll go".

Raph went head first and was stuck and apparently kept getting hit by cones " Make this hatch bigger! Ow, ow, ow!".

" I made it to your specs, but that was when you were in your 'doing sit-ups every day' phase" Donnie mumbled.

The tank was still skidding and into city hall /three minutes to the reveal of the Mutant Menace!\.

" what do we do, what do we do, what do we do?" Mikey freaked.

" we send this gasbag on the highway to helium!" Donnie said as launched bowling balls into the sky and into the blimp.

Me and Leo pulled away from kissing/making out and Leo went to sit in the chair.

" Okay, we're out of jet fuel, we're out of bowling balls, and we're going to be exposed to New York smelling like the inside of this tank!" Leo freaked out.

I growled " I swear, when I find that kid, I'm going to rip him into pieces".

" relax, Leo and Leslie. We still have nature's bowling ball. Me!" Mikey said as he popped into his shell and went to the launching catapult.

" launch me Baby!" Mikey exclaimed.

We did and he landed on a pole and managed to shift the tank around so the people wouldn't see us.

We landed safely in the water after going off the rails.

Mikey came down the window.

I chuckled " nice one, Mikey".

" you see that, Raph?" Leo asked as Raph's head was still stuck and gurgling up water.

" Um, hey, Donnie, we're sinking and Raph is swallowing the Hudson River." Leo said.

" Do you really think I would've built this tank without an amphibious mode?" Donnie asked.

He pressed a button, but, it was a happy birthday mode " Oh, that is the wrong button. Here we go.".

He pressed the right button this time and up came the amphibious mode and we finally got Raph out of the latch.

" well, I guess we'll never get people to accept us for being good-doers like wolfie" Mikey said sadly.

" Maybe not, Mikey, but we'll keep trying, because we're the 'mad dogs' winky face!" Raph exclaimed.

Donnie was holding the wolfie book " Hey, uh, Raph, did you ever finish reading your book here? Because turns out after the villagers accept Wolfie into their hearts, he eats them all".

" A-ha. I knew there was something sus about that story. Moral of the story... never help people" I said.

Leo just pulled me into his lap and peppering kisses on me.

" I gotta start reading stuff to the end" Raph said.

I sighed " let's just go back to your home, I need cuddles after a long day".

Leo smirked " and kisses".

I chuckled " and kisses".

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