His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu...

By literalsugamama

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Haikyuu!! Fanfiction Tsukishima x OC Ogawa Nakano needed volleyball to live like a fish needs water. She'd b... More

Foreword by the Author
Chapter 1: She Was the Queen
Chapter 2: Enter Sandman
Chapter 3: Killer Queen
Chapter 4: She's Just a Girl
Chapter 5: What I Did for Love
Chapter 6: Kageyama: So Kiss Me
Chapter 7: Let's Get It Started
Chapter 8: I'm Still Standing
Chapter 9: Demons (TW)
Chapter 10: Obsession
Chapter 11: Just One Kiss
Chapter 12: Tsukishima: Only in My Dreams
Chapter 13: Boy, Could He Play Guitar
Chapter 14: Got Me on My Knees
Chapter 15: The Reason
Chapter 16: Tsukishima: A Momentary Lapse of Reason (TW)
Chapter 17: Nakano: The Warrior
Chapter 18: Learning to Fly
Chapter 19: Pressure
Chapter 20: Tsukishima: Ramble On
Chapter 21: Work it Out
Chapter 22: A Moment
Chapter 23: Frustration
Chapter 24: Ladies' Night
Chapter 25: I Think We're Alone Now
Chapter 26: Boys
Chapter 27: The Time of My Life
Chapter 28: Step by Step
Chapter 29: Don't Stand So Close to Me
Chapter 30: Lies, Lies, Lies
Chapter 31: We Are Family
Chapter 32: What You've Done to Me
Chapter 33: We've Only Just Begun
Chapter 34: Dare
Chapter 35: Drowned in Desire
Chapter 36: Love Bites
Chapter 37: Relax
Chapter 38: Weak (TW)
Chapter 39: I Love You
Chapter 40: Brave Face
Chapter 41: You Say It's Your Birthday
Chapter 42: You Wanna Dance
Chapter 43: I Am a Paleontologist
Chapter 44: Passion
Chapter 45: Break Your Walls
Chapter 46: Magic Carpet Ride
Chapter 47: It Was Only a Kiss
Chapter 48: Kuroo: Where Can I Find a Woman Like That
Chapter 49: I'm Coming Home
Chapter 50: I'm Drunk
Chapter 51: All I Ever Needed Was the Music
Chapter 52: Please Let Me Explain
Chapter 53: Nakano: Go Crazy (TW)
Chapter 54: I'm Ready (TW)
Chapter 55: You Did It
Chapter 56: Simply the Best
Chapter 57: A Celebration
Chapter 58: A Hero
Chapter 59: Touch Me
Chapter 60: The Most Beautiful Girl in the World (TW)
Chapter 61: A Kiss From a Rose
Chapter 62: Stars in Your Eyes
Chapter 63: The Rose
Chapter 64: Can't You Come Out to Play
Chapter 65: Let the Music Play
Chapter 66: A Little Drunk
Chapter 67: From Me to You
Chapter 68: Feed Me
Chapter 69: Steppin' Out
Chapter 70: De-lovely and Delicious
Chapter 71: Hinata: Jump
Chapter 72: Nakano: Save Me
Chapter 73: Tsukishima: Stay (TW)
Chapter 74: Tsukishima: Nowhere That I'd Rather Be
Chapter 75: Tsukishima: Never Meant to Cause You Sorrow or Pain
Chapter 76: Isn't it Romantic
Chapter 77: Lay Your Hands on Me
Chapter 78: You Can't Hide
Chapter 79: Get Back
Chapter 80: I Guess I'm Learning
Chapter 81: Goody Two Shoes
Chapter 82: I Won't Give Up
Chapter 83: Up to the Challenge
Chapter 84: Come Together
Chapter 85: Dance With Me
Chapter 86: In Your Eyes
Chapter 87: I Won't Do That
Chapter 88: Eye of the Storm
Chapter 89: Winter Wonderland
Chapter 90: Sleep Now (TW)
Chapter 91: New Year's Day
Chapter 92: Looks Like We Made It
Chapter 93: Rising Up
Chapter 94: Kuroo: This is It
Chapter 95: Bokuto: All Fired Up
Chapter 96: Tsukishima: I Wanna Know What You're Thinking
Chapter 98: Don't Be Sad
Chapter 99: All I Wanna Do (TW)
Chapter 100: Feelings
Chapter 101: Home (TW)
Chapter 102: Take Me Home (TW)
Chapter 103: Try to Remember
Chapter 104: Kiss
Chapter 105: Nothing Else Matters
Chapter 106: Breakdown
Chapter 107: Special
Chapter 108: Kuroo: Same As It Ever Was
Chapter 109: Tsukishima: Two of Us
Chapter 110: Tsukishima: Where Your Destiny Lies (TW)
Chapter 111: You're My Best Friend
Chapter 112: Let's Get Down to It
Chapter 113: Yamaguchi: Welcome to My House
Chapter 114: Kuroo: I've Waited For You For So Long
Chapter 115: Kiyoko: Secrets
Chapter 116: Kageyama: I Know You Care

Chapter 97: Raise a Glass

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By literalsugamama

Tsukishima Kei watched out the window of the taxi cab as Tokyo sped by.  

The tall blonde had his tiny smile on his face, occasionally glancing over at his pretty girlfriend as she and her sister chatted about the dinner they'd just enjoyed with family, and how excited they both were to be on the way to Kuroo's house at last.  

It had been a busy several days.  After their loss out of the National tournament, the team had  decided to remain in Tokyo to watch the semis and then the final.  After all, the hotel had already been booked and paid for, and everyone was excited to see if Bokuto and Fukurodani could make it all the way.  Coach Ukai and Takeda-sensei had let them know that anyone wanting to stay was certainly welcome, but if anyone simply wanted to go home, or had family they wanted to leave with, it was perfectly fine to do that as well, as long as they were signed out.  Takeda's biggest concern had been knowing exactly how many people to expect for the bus ride home.

No one had left early.  Even the Ogawas and Akiteru had stayed on, excited to support Fukurodani along with the Crows.  Kei's smile faltered just a touch as he thought about how everyone on the team had looked around at one another at Coach's announcement.  It was like we all knew that, once we left, once we walked away from this tournament, it would be over.  Really over.  The third years will need to focus on college entrance exams and getting ready for their future.  The second years will need to prepare to step up, to become the leaders of a new version of Karasuno's boys' volleyball team.  And we first years...well...soon enough we'll be the second years, trying to get a new batch of first years prepared and ready to fight our way back to this tournament next year.

And Nakano will be moving on to play for the girls' team.

A small shudder rippled through the boy at that thought.  He quickly set it aside, not quite feeling ready to deal with that just yet.

Tuesday had been a strangely difficult day.  It had felt odd, getting up and getting ready to go to the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium...simply to watch Fukurodani play.  Kei had found himself feeling somewhat jealous of Inubushi Higashi High School - he wanted to play against Bokuto in a real match, much as he had gotten to play against Kuroo.  By the same token, he had felt positively ridiculous thinking that way.  He felt...like a total volleyball idiot.  You'd think I'd be used to that idea by now, Kei thought, a wry smile twisting his lips.

It had been a heck of a game.  Inubushi Higashi had knocked top seed Itachiyama out of the tournament, and everyone expected great things of them.  And honestly, they had not disappointed.  The match had been close the entire time.  Each set was an amazing example of high level volleyball at its finest.

And yet, each time, Fukurodani had managed to pull it out.  They'd won their semi-final match in straight sets.  It hadn't been easy, and it had been absolutely incredible to watch.  Bokuto had been on fire, and he'd truly led his team to an amazing victory.  Even Akaashi had stared at his ace as if wondering exactly who this powerful team leader was, and what they had done with Bokuto-san.  Kei chuckled softly to himself, recalling Bokuto's exhausted flop on to the court after scoring the final point.  And then the exultant yell that had come from his bro as he lay there, staring up into the ceiling lights, gasping for breath.  Kuroo had leapt to his feet and roared his approval, as had Nakano.  Kei had involuntarily leapt to his feet as well, and pumped a fist, but had managed to clamp his mouth shut and not yell.  I don't need to be that much of a volleyball idiot, he chided himself.  

Yamaguchi had given him the most ridiculously knowing look.  Kei had naturally told him to shut up, despite the fact that his freckled best friend had not uttered a word.

Kamomedai had lost their semi-final, leaving Fukurodani to face Ichibayashi in the final.  Another incredibly hard-fought match, only this one had gone a full five sets, and in the end, Fukurodani had not been able to save it.  Ichibayashi High School became National Champions, leaving Fukurodani as the #2 team in Japan.  Bokuto-san had taken the loss rather well...at least until Fukurodani left the main gymnasium.

The big owl-haired ace had then cried on his bros in the hallway, much to Tsukishima's irritation.  He'd done his best to give his bro some comfort, but honestly, he'd really just wanted to get out from underneath Bokuto's sweaty, smelly arm and let Kuroo handle him.  He was better at that sort of thing than Kei was, though Kei was not unsympathetic to how Bokuto must have been feeling.  It sucks, to lose like that, when you've come so far.  I definitely know how that feels.  Kei grimaced slightly, catching the look on his own face in the window.  

That had been earlier today.  After the game, and the final ceremonies, the members of Karasuno had slowly drifted apart.  Most of them had gone back to the hotel and started the long journey home on the bus, but a few had decided to strike out on their own.  Tanaka, Nishinoya and Saeko headed off into Tokyo, planning on enjoying a final evening in the city and heading home tomorrow.  Yamaguchi and Yachi had made arrangements to go home with Shimada-san, who wanted to take his protégé to a meal and congratulate him properly.  Tsukishima had teased his friend mercilessly when he found out about that one, asking him where he and Yachi were going to be spending the night with just the right amount of leer in his voice to make Tadashi turn a fabulous shade of red.  The boy had stammered and stuttered his way through explaining that after an early dinner, they were all taking the shinkansen home, so there wasn't any worry about sleeping arrangements.  

"B-besides, you should talk, Tsukki.  I know you and Nakano are going to Kuroo's tonight.  How will those sleeping arrangements be working out, hmm?" Tadashi had taunted him in return.  Kei had blushed a bit and turned away, but honestly, he was wondering about that himself.  This time, Kuroo's family would be home.  It did not seem reasonable to expect that he and Naka-chan would once again be given the third floor bedroom to themselves.  He had to confess, he felt a little disappointed.  I could use a lovely, long night of just holding Roses in my arms, he thought, looking over at his girl, it's been a rough couple of days.

The restaurant at which they had had dinner was almost as far from Kuroo's house as you could get and still be in the same city.  Ogawa-san had insisted on taking them all - Kei and Akiteru included - to Privado, a very posh little place overlooking the river from the 3rd floor of the Mirror building.  It was more famous for its alcohol selections than its food, but the meal had been delightful, and the view unparalleled.  The Ogawas had invited both Kuroo and Bokuto as well, but Bokuto was having a celebratory dinner with his team tonight, and Kuroo had excused himself to go home and prepare for his friends arrival later that evening.  Kei had tried to persuade him to join them, as had Amalie, but the bedhead had just smiled and said that he really needed to get home - the house was not ready for guests, and he did not wish to leave that task to his grandparents.  Emiko-san had proclaimed him 'such a thoughtful boy,' and Ogawa-san had shaken Kuroo's hand and made him promise to come visit Miyagi soon so they could treat him to dinner.

The meal with the Ogawas had been a lively affair, and Nakano's family had obviously gotten to know Akiteru well during their time at the National tournament and welcomed him as part of the family.  Their three elders each enjoyed several of Privado's unique cocktails over the course of dinner - Ogawa-san insisting they raise a glass in celebration of Karasuno's achievements, and then Emiko convincing her husband to do so for both Nekoma and Fukurodani as well.  Dessert became a drawn out thing, giving everyone a little time to sober up before heading out.  While none of them had to drive, neither did Ogawa-san intend to let any of them head out into the city without their wits about them.  

Kei, still quite sober, had begun to feel restless.  He'd wished he was of legal age to drink in public - a cocktail would have been just the thing.  Instead, he'd excused himself and gone to walk about the terrace that surrounded the restaurant and allowed for the amazing views the place was famous for.  He'd found himself leaning against the railing, staring out over the river, the air just chill enough to feel bracing - a welcome change from the warmth and closeness in the main dining room.  Unfortunately, the brisk night air had done nothing to quell the thoughts bouncing around in Kei's head.  No, that had taken something else entirely, Kei recalled.

"Whew!  This cold night air sobers you up right quick, huh, little bro?" Akiteru had said, coming to lean on the railing next to him.

"Given that I've not had anything to drink, I wouldn't know," Kei had replied, but there was little heat behind his words, only a mocking sort of lilt that made his brother chuckle at him.

"Fair enough," Akiteru had said, "but come on now, tell me what's on your mind.  I can see something is bothering you, Kei."

Kei had said nothing, just stared out over the river and the lights of Tokyo, caught between wanting to talk some things out and just not wanting to think about them.

"I know you're probably feeling kinda let down right now," Akiteru had said, heaving a sigh, "and that's totally normal.  But you should also be feeling incredibly proud of yourself, little bro.  You were a big reason why Karasuno went from being a fallen powerhouse to one of the top eight teams in the nation this year.  I could see it...heck, even Udai saw it, and he only watched you guys play live in the one game."

Kei had started at the mention of Karasuno's Little Giant, and Akiteru had not missed that fact.  "Ah," he said, running a hand through his sandy blonde hair, "so that's it.  Alright, let's have it.  What do you want to know?"

Kei had scoffed, but then hung his head when he looked into Akiteru's face and saw the care and concern in his eyes, as well as the blush on his cheeks, which might have been the alcohol or the chilly night air, but both brothers knew was more than that.  Kei had looked up, staring out over the river once more.  "So he came to watch his old team, huh?  Wondered if anyone could beat him, did he?  Guess he was disappointed in us."  Bitterness had dripped from Kei's words - he'd been unable to stop it.

"No Kei, it wasn't like that at all.  Udai was amazed at how good you all were - especially the first years.  He was astonished at the level of talent he saw.  He complimented all of you, but especially you and Hinata."


"Yep.  Gotta say, it made me very proud, hearing him gasp in astonishment at some of the stuff you pulled off.  And he wasn't the only one - Saeko, the Ogawas, Takinoue, Shimada - they all recognized what an incredible player you are."

"Guess that felt good huh, hearing Udai praising a Tsukishima."

"Well, yeah...you're my little brother, and I'm incredibly proud of you, man."

"No, no...that's not what I meant...I...well...I guess he must've treated you like crap when..."

"Kei, Udai isn't like that.  He never was."


"He was an incredible talent in his day, yes.  But even then, he was never arrogant about it.  He was basically a nice guy...except when he would get frustrated because he was unable to do something he felt he needed to be able to on the court.  Then his temper would come out - but that was never directed at anyone but himself."  Akiteru had laughed, remembering.  "Heck, he was still calling me Tsukishima-san the other day."

"So...it didn't bother you...seeing him again...after what happened..."

Akiteru had shaken his head gently, smiling at his little brother.  "No.  In fact, it was really nice getting to catch up with him.  I...I never really felt any...animosity towards Udai, even when I was in high school.  At least, not seriously.  In fact, I sort of admired his raw talent, and his incredible passion for the game..."

"Are you telling me you never once felt jealous of him??"  Kei's voice had come from him a bit louder than he'd intended, and he'd rounded on his brother, hands gripping at the cold metal of the railing that surrounded the terrace.

The color on Akiteru's face had intensified, and the older Tsukishima had given out with a sad little chuckle.  "Alright...I'd be lying to say that I never felt jealous of him - of course I did.  He was this crazy little maniac on the court, and here I was this really tall guy, a hard worker, and yet...he blew me right out of contention.  He was that good.  So yeah, I was jealous."

"Good," Kei had responded, a note of smug satisfaction coming to his tone.

"But I never blamed Udai for what happened to me.  That was not his fault, Kei.  And - while I might have been envious - I was never angry with him.  With myself - oh yeah, I had plenty of anger for me.  But I couldn't blame Udai for being who he was.  Or any of the other players on my team.  We had a deep, strong team back then.  Strong enough that a player like me wasn't really essential.  It wasn't that I wasn't good...just...a whole bunch of them were better."  Akiteru had looked over his brother, noting the hunch to his shoulders and the blush on his face.  "Your battle with Hinata is yours, Kei..."

"This isn't about Hinata!"

"It...it's not?"

Kei had sighed, releasing his death grip on the railing.  "I...I want to hate him, Akiteru.  To hate Udai.  Because...well...he hurt you, and me, in a way that I'm still coming to grips with, even though he didn't know that.  But...if you can't even be angry at him...then how..."  Kei had trailed off, frustration and sadness evident on his face.  Akiteru had stared in shock at his brother.  "You didn't deserve...I mean...if he'd at least been a dick about it, then..."

The laugh that had escaped Akiteru caught Kei completely by surprise.  Suddenly, he was wrapped in his older brothers' arms, Akiteru's body warm against the January night.  "Little bro, thank you.  I love you, too, you know."

Kei had stiffened.  "I...what..."

"Don't even try, Kei.  You basically just told me how much you care about me...so much so that you're willing to dislike a guy you've never even met, just because you think he might have been mean to me in the past.  Thanks for that.  But please, let that go, okay?  I'm fine, really.  Especially now.  I don't spend my days wishing Udai Tenma had never come to Karasuno.  I'm grateful he did.  All these experiences...they make us who we are.  And it seems to me the Tsukishima boys turned out pretty darn well."

Kei had been amazed to hear his own words to Nakano echoed back to him by his older brother.  A weight had slipped from him at that moment...so much so that he actually had given his brother a brief hug in return, despite the public location. "Now, look...you and Hinata..." Akiteru had begun.

"Don't worry, I'm over that."  Akiteru's only response had been a dubious look.  "Really.  At least - I'm over the intense jealousy, anyway.  We've...learned and worked together too well, we...I...I've come to rely on that little lunatic on the court.  And I've promised myself I'll never, ever, put Nakano through that again.  I mean it, Akiteru.  I'm done with being jealous of the Shrimp."

Another laugh had rung from his brother, and Kei had been unable to stop his smile.  "Good.  I'm proud of you, little bro.  Not just because you're an incredible volleyball player, but because you're really becoming an incredible young man.  Mom is proud too...and I know Dad would be."

"Shut up, Akiteru," Kei had said, his tone of voice betraying his pleasure at hearing the words, "Come on, let's get back inside.  It's freezing out here."

Kei smiled as he looked unseeing out the window of the taxi.  It had felt good, letting go of the last of the pain from his middle school days.  And now here he was, headed to his best bro's house, to celebrate again his volleyball achievements as a high school first year.  All in all, this has been a pretty good five days, he thought, smiling as he felt a gentle, warm hand creep into his.  He turned and gave his beautiful girl a kiss on the cheek as the taxi carried them through the bustling city streets towards their destination.  


It was coming up on eleven o'clock at night, and Kuroo was waiting outside for a taxi to pull up.  He'd gotten Tsukki's text telling him they were about ten minutes away, and he wanted to make sure he was ready to greet his guests.  Be the charming host.  Help his friends with their bags.  Welcome them to his home with the grace and style they'd all come to expect from Kuroo Tetsuro.

But this was no ordinary visit to his home.  He needed to prepare them, especially his...date?  It seemed completely inadequate to call Amalie his date, since this evening was going to be far more involved than a 'date.'  Current hookup?  That was truly horrible - he in no way wanted to simply hook up with Amalie - this was definitely more than that.  Girlfriend?  He wasn't sure if he could actually call Amalie that at the moment.  They'd gone out three times now - he'd taken her out around Tokyo after Karasuno's loss the other day.  That had been a fabulous evening, one that had made Kuroo long to hold the girl in his arms all night again as they'd done on their first evening out together.  And now, she and her sister and one of his best bros were about to arrive at his house...to spend the night.

And to meet his grandparents.  That, more than anything, had Kuroo's mind whirling.  He could count on one hand the number of girlfriends he'd brought home to meet his family.  Not that he had any problem with his family...he loved them, in fact, very much.  But they could be...a lot.  And in this case, Amalie wasn't even officially his girlfriend yet - at least, he'd not yet asked her to be.  Having Tsukki and Nakano there would help a bit...but they'd also never met his family before.  All in all, Kuroo was feeling a bit nervous as the car pulled up and three familiar faces came into view.

"Hey, guys!" Kuroo sang out excitedly, "Welcome!" He went for the safest option first and folded Tsukki into a bro-hug, which his blonde friend completed in his usual quiet way.  "Glad you guys were able to stay," he murmured.

"Yeah, me too," Tsukki replied, "I'm not really sure I'm ready to face being back at school yet."

Nakano was Kuroo's next target, and he gave the setter a warm hug.  "Hey girlie," the boy mumbled, squeezing his strawberry blonde friend extra tight.

"You okay, Tetsu-chan?" Nakano replied softly, "You seem a little...keyed up."

Kuroo chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, his nerves very evident.  "It's...uh...just that I...well...none of you have ever..."  Kuroo trailed off as he looked up into the emerald eyes of Ogawa Amalie.  He moved gently in the girl's direction.  "Hey, lovely," he said, smiling, "Really glad you're here."

Amalie gave Kuroo a kiss on the cheek.  "Really glad to be here, Sexy Tree."

Nakano and Tsukki exchanged a little grin that made a faint blush pop to Kuroo's cheeks.

I'm being ridiculous, Kuroo chided himself, I'm not twelve anymore.  I'll be heading to college in a few months, possibly with this beautiful lady right here.  It's not like my grandparents have ever given me any indication that they would disapprove of my friends, or of anyone I chose to date.  And yes, my family can be a bit odd...but no more so than I am.  And I know these guys all care about me a hell of a lot.  Why the heck am I so nervous about this?  Is it just because this relationship with Amalie is still so new?  Get a grip, Tetsuro, and quit acting like a shy little boy!

Kuroo took a deep breath as he opened the door to the house.  "Come on inside, everyone.  Let's get you guys all settled.  We're gonna take everything down to the man cave, okay?  Tsukki, Nakano, you know the way."

"Man cave, huh?  Sounds sexy," Amalie said, the leer evident in her voice.

"Wait 'til you see it, Ama," Nakano gushed, "It is just about the most amazing room I've ever seen.  Are we gonna stay down there tonight, Kuroo?"

"Yeah, if that's okay.  I figured that might be...uh...easier.  My dad sends his regards and his regrets.  He's already gone to bed - he's headed out on a business trip very early tomorrow morning - and I thought that if we all stayed down in the man cave, we wouldn't have to worry about waking him up or anything."

"Sounds like a plan," Nakano said briskly, sensing that Kuroo was feeling a little awkward about the whole thing, "I certainly won't mind staying down there."  She gently elbowed her slightly pouty boyfriend, who was clearly a little disappointed at the communal sleeping arrangements.  So much for cuddling Nakano all night, the blonde thought, though I guess I wasn't really expecting that to happen this time.  Maybe we can still cuddle anyways...although that's definitely gonna be a little weird with Amalie right there in the same room with us.  Kei tried to settle his features to their usual bland expression again as they made their way down the stairs.  

"Oh my gosh would you look at this," Amalie said as she entered the basement area, "Now this is what I call a man cave."  The girl came to stand in roughly the center of the room, sweeping her gaze around and smiling approvingly at all she saw.  "We've got a bar, a kitchen, entertainment, cozy couches and recliners...oh yes, this is gonna be one hell of a sleepover."  Amalie chuckled at the large amounts of pillows and blankets she saw scattered about the room.  "We can make one doozy of a pillow fort with all this," she said, an excited gleam coming to her eyes.

A warm ringing laugh came floating down the stairs, followed by the sound of two pairs of footsteps.  "Now that is a delightful idea.  I've always loved a good pillow fort, ever since I was a little girl."  The owner of the voice was a dignified-looking older woman with gorgeous blue-black hair shot through with steely grey.  Everything about her seemed perfectly prim and proper...except her eyes.  Her eyes were Kuroo's, and they danced with merriment as her grandson made his way over to her.  Following behind her was a tall gentleman who graced the group with his fatherly smile.  His eyes were as kind as his wife's were mischievous.  It was immediately obvious that these could only be Kuroo's grandparents, and the three guests in the house bowed and murmured polite greetings to the older couple.

"Obaa-chan, Ojii-san, please, let me introduce my friends.  This is Tsukishima Kei, and his girlfriend Ogawa Nakano," Kuroo said, indicating his bro and his girl, and then finding his voice beginning to catch in his throat, "...and...uh...this is Nakano's sister, Ogawa Amalie...she's...uh..."

"A young woman of excellent taste, since she immediately considered making a pillow fort," Kuroo's grandmother said with a grin, "Not to mention, I believe you told me you've been on three dates together so far, hmmm, Tetsuro?  So there's another point in her favor, in my book - she clearly knows a good man when she sees one.  Welcome, all of you.  Please make yourselves entirely at home.  We're very glad to have you visiting with us.  Amalie-chan, we're especially glad to meet you.  Tetsuro doesn't often share much about his personal life with us, so you must be very special to him."

Nakano and Tsukki exchanged a glance as Kuroo Tetsuro, sly captain of Nekoma and generally considered to be the most dirty-minded of all their friends, suddenly blushed right down to his very socks.  Amalie chuckled.  "Well, that's nice to hear.  He's very special to me too.  It's quite a pleasure to meet you, Kuroo-san."

"Too many Kuroo-san's in this house," the woman said with a little laugh and a wave of her hand, "Obaa-san will do just fine.  I'm certainly old enough to be grandmother to you all.  Now, Kosuke and I will be up on the second level of the house tonight should you all need anything.  And the house is well constructed, so you needn't worry about disturbing us with whatever you all might be getting up to down here..."  The lilt in the woman's voice was unmistakable, and set Nakano and Tsukishima's cheeks to heating up as well.  Ogawa Amalie, however, simply tossed her head back and laughed, looping her arm through Kuroo's.  

"Obaa-chan!" Kuroo said, trying to regain a little of his usual sass, "Whatever are you implying?"

Kuroo's grandmother was chuckling right along with Amalie.  "Simply that if the four of you don't spend at least a little time tonight making out, then you're not proper teenagers.  This space was tailor made for being a little bit naughty, don't you think?"

"I like the way you think, Obaa-san!" Amalie replied.  

"I think that's enough, dear heart," Kuroo's grandfather said, his voice deep and pleasant, "You've embarrassed the children plenty for the evening.  Though I must say, it's a rare thing to find a young woman who can keep pace with you."  He turned a gentle smile to Amalie, who blushed prettily.  "I apologize for my son, who would very much like to meet you all, but his business obligations prevent that.  He insists, however, that the four you and young Kotaro and his girlfriend go out to dinner together tomorrow night.  He has made all the arrangements for you."  The four teenagers looked excitedly at one another as the gentleman moved to the bar and one of the wine refrigerators.  "Now, before we take our leave, I have a little gift for you to enjoy this evening."  Moments later, the man placed a large bottle of champagne on the bar.

"Ojii-san...that's...that's a Jacques Selosse magnum," Kuroo choked out, clearly stunned, "We can't have..."

"I watched the tournament, Tetsuro.  You all deserve to celebrate in proper style.  I insist that you enjoy this together.  Please."

It was Kei who found his voice, bowing to the gentleman.  "Thank you very much, sir.  You really are altogether too kind to us.  I have had the pleasure of being on the receiving end of your generosity before, and I am very grateful."

"Tsukishima-kun, you are entirely welcome.  Now, we'll take our leave.  Please enjoy your evening, and we will see you all in the morning."  Kuroo's grandfather took his wife's hand, leading her back up the stairs.  

"Goodnight children, you behave yourselves!" the woman called to them in a voice that clearly indicated she expected them to do no such thing as she closed the door to the man cave at the top of the stairs.

In the silence that followed, Kuroo blushed again, his hand creeping to the back of his neck once more.  "I...uh...my obaa-chan, she..."

"She's awesome!" Amalie gushed, cuddling Kuroo's arm tight.  Nakano and Tsukishima just chuckled.  "It is now entirely evident where you get that naughty streak of yours from, Sexy Tree."

"Right?" Nakano chimed in, "Stop looking so worried, Kuroo-bro, your grandparents are amazing.  And very kind.  As is your dad!  I'm sorry we won't get to meet him on this trip!"

"I wonder where we're going to dinner tomorrow night," Tsukki mused as he began to move the bags they'd brought down off to the side for later use.

"Yeah, I'm curious about that too," Kuroo remarked, helping Tsukishima with the bags, "He didn't say anything at all about that to me earlier - just that he wished he didn't have to leave so early in the morning, and to be sure to give both you and the Boku-bro his congratulations."  Kuroo suddenly grinned at his blonde bro.  "So...congratulations, Tsukki-bro," he said heartily, giving the lanky boy next to him a powerful slap on the back.

Tsukishima staggered a bit under the force of the blow.  "Did your dad also tell you to attempt to knock me over, Kuroo?"  Tsukki gave his senpai a rather dour look.

"Hmmm...not that I can recall, no."  Kuroo smirked at the blonde.

"Ah.  So that was your idea.  Then allow me to return the favor."  Kei suddenly shoved Kuroo in the side, knocking him into one of the recliners.  The bedhead flopped into the chair sideways, yelping dramatically.  The blonde leveled a rather superior smirk at his victim.

"Are they always like this?" Amalie asked her sister, giggling.

"Not infrequently," Nakano replied, shaking her head at the two boys.

"Awwww, come on," Kuroo drawled, getting to his feet effortlessly and tossing an arm around his blonde bro, who grimaced.  "We're adorable, no?  Of course we are.  Just look at us."  Kuroo looked at his cohort, who was not at all looking adorable.  "Come on, Tsukki, you can do better than that.  We're going for adorable here."  Kei just rolled his eyes and did his best to look slightly less annoyed.  Nakano could not help but giggle, and Amalie broke down in peals of laughter, making Kuroo's smile broaden.

"Well, adorable," the older Ogawa sister said, "all I know is that there's a chilled bottle of champagne sitting on that bar slowly getting warm.  What do you say we have some of it, hmmm?"

"Your wish is my command, lovely," Kuroo said, letting go of Kei and making his way to the bar.  He began the process of getting four champagne flutes ready for the group, deciding to place the bottle in a chill bucket and bring it to the couches where his friends had settled.

"Have you ever had champagne before, Ama?" Nakano asked her sister, snuggling against her boyfriend on the couch.

"I have," the brunette replied, "but I don't think it was anywhere near the quality of this bottle, given Kuroo's reaction to it."

"This is indeed an excellent bottle.  Grandfather has really given us a marvelous gift this evening," Kuroo said as he settled on the couch next to Amalie, handing the flutes to his friends.  "If I may be permitted to offer the first toast..."  The others looked expectantly at him, holding their drinks at the ready.  "Although he isn't here, I offer the first toast tonight to Bokuto and Fukurodani.  The number two boys volleyball team in Japan.  Congratulations to them on their impressive showing in the National tournament."

"To Bokuto and Fukurodani!" the other three cheered loudly as all four brought their glasses together.  Kei smiled as both Nakano and her sister giggled at the sound of the four flutes ringing against one another.  Kuroo turned to Amalie, intending to convince the girl not to toss the champagne down as she had done with the sake punch at the Christmas party.  Instead, he stopped short as he watched the girl sip delicately from her glass, her face lighting up in a joyous smile.  She took a gentle sniff of the liquid, and tasted it carefully again.  "Good heavens, this is extraordinary," she breathed out, taking a slightly larger sip and savoring it.  "I do love champagne, and this is the most incredible one I've ever had!"

"It is very flavorful," Kei remarked, sampling his glass again, "I had no idea that champagne could have this complex a flavor.  And the scent is...faintly...like oranges, I think."

"Satsuma," Nakano offered, "although I don't really taste it, I can smell it."

"This does have an incredible nose, and indeed, some champagnes can be remarkably complex in their flavor profile.  I'm glad you're all enjoying it," Kuroo said, sipping from his own glass once again.

"My turn," Amalie said, raising her glass towards Nakano and Tsukki, "To Kei and Naka-chan and the Karasuno boys' volleyball team.  A top eight finish is an extraordinary accomplishment, and you should be extremely proud!"

"Hear, hear!" Kuroo added, raising his glass high, "To Tsukki-bro and Naka-chan!"

The two younger teens both looked at each other and blushed, murmuring thanks to the older couple and quietly drinking from their flutes.

"Hey, there's no need to be shy!  You worked hard, and achieved incredible things!  I don't know much about volleyball, but I heard the talk in the stands.  Apparently no one thought much of Karasuno's chances here, and you guys shattered people's expectations.  You really did go from nobodies to a big deal in one season!  That's awesome!"  Amalie gushed at her sister as Kuroo refilled everyone's glasses.  "And don't give me the 'I didn't do anything' shtick, little sis.  I know you were a big help to your team, so forget the modesty and be proud!"

Nakano laughed as Kei slipped his hand into hers.  "She's right, Naka-chan, you were a big part of the team's success this season."

"So were you, Kei, and I am proud - amazingly proud of all my boys and what they were able to achieve.  And so grateful to have been part of this team," Nakano's eyes looked a bit misty as she once again drank of the champagne.  

I don't want to think about the fact that she isn't going to be a part of the team next year, Kei thought to himself, draining a bit more of the bubbly this time.  He raised his glass, giving Kuroo a little smile.  "To Kuroo and Nekoma.  Friends, mentors and rivals.  Congratulations on your journey this year, and thank you for all you taught us."

Now it was Kuroo's turn to look a bit misty-eyed as they toasted him and his team.  Coming from Kei, that means a lot, Kuroo thought, giving his bro a warm grin.  Playing against him on the National stage was extraordinary.  There's not a damn thing about that game I would change...though it would have been nice to win.  The sly captain busied himself with topping off the glasses once more.  

Amalie was looking expectantly at her sister.  "You're up, Naka-chan."

"Oh!  Well then, if it's my turn..."  The strawberry blonde lifted her glass.  "To the Bro-sketeers!"

The two couples continued on this way, toasting each other as well as their friends and teammates and rivals, chatting and laughing and getting progressively more silly as the level in the champagne bottle grew lower.  By the time Kuroo was pouring the last of the champagne into Nakano's slightly wavering flute, all four teens were decidedly quite tipsy and enjoying themselves immensely, having finished off the entire magnum in the space of about an hour or so.  Nakano was leaning heavily into Tsukishima, her hand gently caressing his leg.  Amalie was equally cuddled into Kuroo, tipping back the last of her champagne into her mouth.  The two gentlemen were both manspreading on their respective couches, grinning goofily at one another.

"Did we really finish that whole bottle?" Amalie asked rhetorically, laughing.

"We did, lovely," Kuroo tipped the bottle over Amalie's face as the girl opened her mouth, still laughing.  "See?  All gone."  He set the bottle aside and leaned in close to the girl's face.  "How 'bout something else instead?"  Amalie surged forward, capturing Kuroo's lips with her own.

"Well, they seem to be getting along very well, don't you think so, Naka-chan?" Kei asked, grinning at his girl, "if that kiss is anything to go by."

Nakano was all little giggles and tickly touches.  "I think Ama-nee and Kuroo-bro are in looooooove..." Nakano's voice was gently blurred with the alcohol she'd consumed.

Kuroo looked almost dazed as Amalie broke away from kissing him.  "Shut up, Naka-chan!" the girl's sister cried.

"Man, you give the best kisses, lovely," Kuroo said.

Kei scoffed.  "Not better than Naka-chan's."

"Oh no?" Kuroo asked, "Prove it, bro."

"What are you talking about, Kuroo?"  Kei queried.

"Prove it.  I want you to prove to me that Naka-chan's kisses are better than Amalie's."  Amalie was beginning to laugh as Kuroo challenged his blonde bro to some kind of kiss-off.

"How?" Kei asked, "I told you bro, I don't share.  You are not getting a kiss from Naka-chan, so forget about it."

"No no no," Kuroo said, "I'm not trying to get to kiss Naka-chan.  Let's get our respective ladies to kiss us, while the other watches, and rates the kiss.  Then we'll see who's better."

"That's stupid," Kei scoffed again, "If you go first, you'll deliberately rate Naka-chan's kiss lower than whatever I rate Amalie's.  And do you really expect me to rate Amalie's kisses better than Naka-chan's if we go first?  'Cause that would probably just earn me a hell of a smack, and not the kind I enjoy, Kuroo-bro."

Kuroo broke into hyena laughter at that, and Amalie stared at her sister, eyes wide in mock surprise.  "Naka-chan!  Whatever have you been doing with that boy!  Is my sister some kind of kinky vixen?  Have I fallen into some kind of wicked sex dungeon here?"

Kuroo looked at Amalie, his eyebrows wiggling impressively.  "Would you like it to be, lovely?  Clearly my bro is into the idea."

"What? I never said that, Kuroo." Kei complained.

"You said you liked being smacked, dude!" his bro shot back.

"I did not.  I mean, that wasn't what...I didn't say that, exactly.  What I meant was...it's just that..." Kei tried to explain himself and failed as Kuroo and Amalie just broke into laughter again.  The blonde gave vent to an irritated huff, and began to pout, when his pretty sweetheart turned his face toward her, capturing his attention.

"How about we ignore them and just make out, gorgeous?" Nakano said, "isn't that what obaa-san said we should do?  We wouldn't wanna ignore her instructions, would we?"

Kei smiled at the girl, and kissed her by way of answer.

Amalie grinned as she watched her sister kiss her handsome young man.  "Well dang, I guess she's pretty good at kissing after all.  What to do you think, Sexy Tree, can we beat them?"

"We can sure as hell try, lovely," Kuroo said as he leaned in to kiss the girl once more.  


Tsukishima Kei sighed contentedly.

He had no idea what time it was, as there were no windows in the man cave.  All he knew was that he was warm and cozy and that the main source of that warmth was the softly rose-scented girl he had cuddled in his arms.  The girl he'd ended up snuggling all night after all, much to his great pleasure.

He was also reasonably sure the warm thing draped over his back was Kuroo's arm, but he decided to ignore that possibility for the moment.

The four of them were all curled up in the pillow and blanket fort they'd made last night...well, more properly, much earlier this morning.  After a rather extended session of making out for both couples, Amalie had suddenly declared it was time to make a pillow fort, because obaa-san would be so disappointed in them if they didn't.  Kei sighed softly to himself as he recalled the silliness that had ensued.  Between being both love-drunk and still at least a little bit actually drunk, the four of them had been entirely ridiculous, hitting each other with pillows, tossing blankets over each other's heads, and laughing so hard that Kei had blurted out (as he was inclined to do when drinking) that they had to stop for a minute so he could catch his breath and use the bathroom or he was gonna pee right then and there.  This had cracked up the other three so much that Kei had gotten his opportunity to slip away to the bathroom, earning himself a kiss and a cuddle from his still-laughing girlfriend when he returned.  He sincerely hoped no one would bring that up to him later today.  Tch, he scoffed to himself, they will.  Kuroo will not let that opportunity slip by, damn him.  The blonde couldn't help it, he began to smile softly.  But I guess I can live with that.  It's Kuroo-bro, after all, and we've already been through a lot with each other.  I'm glad the Boku-bro will be joining us later today...I kinda miss him.

Suddenly the arm on Tsukki's back moved, and the owner of that arm grunted and shifted himself against the blonde's back.  "Mornin' bro," Kuroo drawled sleepily, "You awake?"

"Mhmmm," Tsukki hummed in reply, "Mostly."

"Well, it finally happened, didn't it?"


"Here we are, honestly waking up in the same bed having slept together all night.  Naka-chan's been trying to avoid this for ages," the bedhead chuckled.

Kei returned the sound.  "'Bed' might be a bit generous, bro.  And she's been trying to avoid a foursome with the Three Bro-sketeers...she's never said anything about avoiding one with her sister."

Kei grinned proudly as he listened to Kuroo attempting to stifle his laughter...he'd clearly gotten his bro good.  "Oh my gods...the incestuous foursome...that's even worse, Tsukki-bro."

"You started it, dude."

"Guess I did, didn't I?"

A small silence fell between the boys, during which they each carefully moved to lie on their backs, trying hard not to awaken the girl they were holding.  Both Ogawa sisters muttered in their sleep and cuddled into their respective warm boy.  "So alike...and yet so different..." Kei mumbled, smiling fondly at the object of his affection.

"They are, aren't they?  It's rather amazing."

"I guess you and Amalie are getting along pretty well, huh, Kuroo-bro?"

Kuroo gave an equally soft smile to the brunette sleeping in his embrace.  "Yeah, I think so.  She's something else, Tsukki.  I really owe you for introducing me to her.  We've been out three times now, and I...well...I'm really taken with her, bro.  She's incredible.  She has a joy in her that I've never seen in anyone else...not even her sweet little sis."  He carefully moved a strand of Amalie's brown hair away from her face.  "And yet, she's also been through a lot when it comes to relationships...kinda like me," Kuroo whispered, his words barely audible to the boy lying next to him.

Kei remained silent, amazed at the tone of his friend's voice.  He really did sound a man falling head over heels in love.  "You don't owe me a thing, Kuroo," Kei said softly.

"Yeah, I kinda do, man.  I...I was really starting to think that...well, that maybe...it was me.  Maybe I simply wasn't cut out for relationships.  Maybe all I could attract were...vapid, idiotic girls like the groupies...or...terrible people who just wanted to use me...or...well, you know.  That I'd never find..."

"Kuroo, shut up.  You're a loudmouth pain in the ass who has a knack for getting people to do shit they know they shouldn't...but underneath all of that, you're a damn good guy, and a really good friend.  And I've said it before dude, if I could get a girl like Naka-chan to love me, then surely there'd be someone out there for you."

Kuroo scoffed quietly.  "Thanks, bro."

"What time do you think it is?"

"Probably time we got ourselves out of this pillow fort and made ourselves presentable.  Pretty sure my grandparents would like to get the chance to chat with us beyond late-night pleasantries.  But first...tell me about this kind of smacking you enjoy, hmmm?"

"Shut up, Kuroo."  Kei suddenly profoundly wished his senpai would go ahead and tease him about announcing his need to pee last night instead.

Kuroo chuckled quietly at the irritation in his kohai's voice.  "Like to get a little kinky, huh Tsukki?  Enjoy a good spanking, do you bro?"

"I mean it, Kuroo, shut the hell up."

"Come on, dude, I'm only teasing."

"Well don't."

"Hey man, you know...there's nothing wrong with it.  A little kinkiness is a good thing, I think.  Keeps life interesting."

"Kuroo, I do not particularly want to discuss my sex life with you...and I definitely don't want to discuss what Nakano and I do together in Amalie's hearing.  So can you just drop this please?"

Kuroo chuckled again.  "Sorry, Tsukki.  I guess that's fair.  I just didn't want you think that I was...I dunno...judging you or anything."

Kei sighed.  "Look, Kuroo, I promise you...Nakano and I...we talk about this, and we agree on what we want to do before anything happens.  We're happy, and we're safe and we're careful.  And you can judge me all you want, 'cause I don't give a damn what you think.  Nakano's feelings about it are all that matter to me."

"Well said, bro."

"Mmmmm...boys are loud," Nakano groused as she stirred in Tsukki's arms, "Shut up and cuddle."

Kei turned to his pretty lady, focusing all his attention on her. Kuroo chuckled again, gathering Amalie close to him once more and wondering if his relationship was destined to be as amazing as the one between his two blonde friends.  


It had been a strange, delightful, and chaotic day.  The two couples had finally gotten themselves upstairs just in time to enjoy a delightful brunch prepared by Kuroo's grandmother.  Kuroo had to laugh at his earlier nervousness - it became very quickly obvious that Amalie and his grandmother were two of a kind.  The two ladies were soon thick as thieves - and their main goal in life seemed to be to get Kuroo to blush as much as possible.  Kei and Nakano merely smiled and sat back and watched the fun.  Kuroo's grandfather occasionally stepped in to stop his wife from going too far...and Nakano might have glared intensively at Amalie once or twice, making the setter look surprisingly like Emiko-san.  Kei commented on this fact softly to the girl - which had earned him an equally intensive glare.

Eventually, the older couple had taken their leave, declaring that they were going to visit friends and would be gone overnight, leaving the house to their grandson and his guests.  Not long after their departure, Bokuto and Mako had arrived, completing their little group and bringing the Bro-sketeers together once again.  Bags were rearranged and couples assigned their own rooms, and before long, the three ladies had retreated to Nakano and Tsukki's traditional third floor bedroom to 'freshen up' before the car arrived to take them to dinner.  Kuroo was pretty sure the ladies simply wanted the chance to chat without the boys being around.  Well, he thought, two can play at that game, and invited his bros down to the man cave to await the return of the girls.

"Hey hey hey, Kuroo-bro!  We gonna pre-game before we go out?  I mean, we can't drink at the restaurant, so..." Bokuto said as the trio came down the stairs.

"I think we should pass, bro," Kuroo replied, "the four of us had plenty of champagne last night."

"Aw man, no fair!  I didn't get to have any champagne!"  Bokuto deflated, looking sad and pouty and for all the world like an owl who had gotten caught out in the rain.

"We did toast a time or two in your honor, Bokuto-san," Kei said, trying not to laugh at his senpai.

"You did?" This immediately perked the big ace back up again.  "Like how?"

Kuroo had slipped behind the bar and seemed to be busily mixing up something.  I guess maybe we're drinking again after all, Kei thought to himself as he recounted to Bokuto the toasts from last night that had involved him or Fukurodani in some way, I think I'll take it very easy on whatever it is Kuroo is making.  One evening of drinking myself silly per weekend is generally enough for me. 

Bokuto was beaming ear to ear by the time Kuroo placed upon the bar a pitcher of something that looked suspiciously similar to the sake sangria he'd made for them once, only without the fresh fruit.  The tall captain handed each of his bros a glass about half full of the liquid.  "Alright, Boku-bro, since you weren't here last night for the toasts, I guess we do kind of owe you one.  To Fukurodani, number two team in the nation, and her Captain, our dear Bokuto!"

"To the Boku-bro," Tsukki intoned solemnly.

"Aw guys...thanks!" Bokuto replied, a little blush dusting his cheeks.  Three glasses came together, and the boys sipped as one.  Bokuto swallowed down about half his glass in one go, smacking his lips.  Tsukki sipped carefully, tasting mostly an interesting mélange of fruit flavors. There was only the barest hint of a bite...honestly, calling it a bite was generous.  

"What is this, Kuroo?" Tsukki asked, "It tastes very fruity..."

Kuroo chuckled.  "That's because it's mostly fruit juices.  Basically, it's the mildest of sake punches.  In that whole pitcher there's less than a cup of sake.  Because I knew the Boku-bro would do that," Kuroo hooked a thumb at his bro as the owlish ace downed the rest of his glass.  Tsukki chortled softly as Bokuto looked a bit chagrined.  "Don't look at me like that.  I know you well, dude, and that's why I made something that barely qualifies as alcoholic.  Feel free to have another glass, if you want, but save some for the girls."

Bokuto chuckled and poured himself a second glass, joining his two bros in the recliners.  It was Tsukki who broke the contented silence.  "I'm sorry we never got to properly play against one another, Bokuto.  But congratulations on an amazing run in the Nationals."

"Thanks, Tsukki-dude!  I wish we coulda played against each other too.  It would have been awesome!"  Bokuto grinned a sly grin at his blonde bro.  "Maybe someday we'll face off against one another after all.  'Cause now that you've tasted how sweet it can be to win at volleyball, I don't think you're gonna give up on it any time soon."

"I don't plan to give up on it, no, but it'll be a while before we might be playing in the same league again, if ever.  I mean, I assume you're gonna go pro at the end of this school year..." Tsukki began.

Bokuto sipped his drink and looked thoughtful.  "Actually, man, I'm gonna be taking the college entrance exams."  Tsukishima looked entirely shocked.  Kuroo stifled a hyena laugh.  Bokuto simply chuckled.  "Surprised, huh?  Guess I kinda was too.  But...I realized that even if I do play volleyball professionally, that isn't something I can do as a long term career.  At least, not as a player.  I'm gonna need something to fall back on.  So I think I'm gonna study to be like a sports trainer or something...something I can do to still be involved in volleyball when I can't be a player anymore.  So that means in two years, we can play against each other again, Tsukki-bro!  'Cause I know you're gonna play college volleyball, dude."

"Or maybe we'll all play on the same team," Kuroo chimed in, his Cheshire cat smile gracing his lips, "Ever think about that one?"

Bokuto's eyes seemed to glow from within.  "Oh man....that would be...SO AWESOME!!!"

Tsukishima tried to wrap his mind around that one...the three of them, all college men, all playing for the same team, attending the same school.  He couldn't quite decide if this was the best idea he'd ever heard...or something he should try to avoid being involved in at all costs.  Something told him the reality of such a thing would probably be a generous mix of both.

"Where do you hope to go to school, Bokuto?" Tsukki asked, trying to shake off the image of Bokuto dragging him around to classes on a college campus.

"Well, Kuroo-bro and I are both gonna try for a couple schools here in Tokyo, but we're also both gonna see about getting into Tohoku University, right bro?"  Bokuto asked.

"Oho?  Interested in Tohoku now, are you, Kuroo?  Hmmm, I wonder why that might be?"  Tsukki raised his eyebrows at his dark-haired bro, who suddenly seemed to be fascinated by the liquid  in his glass.

"'Cause our bro's got a girl, Tsukki my man, and he is in looooooove," Bokuto said, his eyebrows dancing.

"Come on, I was looking into Tohoku even before I met Amalie," Kuroo tried to scoff, but found he couldn't quite pull it off - mostly because his bros were entirely right.  He hadn't really been too serious about Tohoku until he'd suddenly found himself thoroughly entranced by a girl who happened to attend that school.  "Besides, what's wrong with wanting to go to the same school as the girl you're dating?"

"Absolutely nothing.  Nakano and I hope to go the same school, of course.  What about Mako, Bokuto?  Does she plan to apply to Tohoku?"  Tsukki asked.

Bokuto sighed.  "I don't know...I guess we've not really talked about that yet."

Kuroo looked up, suddenly realizing something.  "Dude, is Mako upset with me, do you think?"

"Wha?" Bokuto barked out, looking confused.  "Why would she be upset with you?"

"I mean, the last time we did something like this, I was going out with Kaori, a friend of hers.  Now, I'm going out with Naka-chan's sister.  I mean, I know she's Nakano's friend too, but...do you think she's...mad at me, for not continuing to date Kaori?"  Kuroo looked genuinely distressed. 

"I don't think Mako would be like that, Kuroo," Tsukki spoke up, "Nakano thinks highly of Mako, and I can't imagine her liking someone who would act that way.  You didn't do anything to deliberately hurt Kaori.  In fact, you were trying very hard not to hurt her.  I think Mako knows that.  Heck, dude, we all know that."

"Of course she does, bro.  Mako isn't mad.  And Kaori isn't either, just so you know.  She's still your friend.  I mean, I had to ask her if she was okay, after you decided you just weren't able to date her.  And she was sad a little...but she totally understood.  And I'm really glad you met Amalie and hit it off with her!  I'm excited to get to know her tonight!  I mean, she's Naka-chan's sister!"  Bokuto raised his glass to his bros.  "We're gonna have an amazing time tonight!"

The three boys toasted each other, all agreeing that their upcoming evening was bound to be incredible.  

Nakano watched nervously as Mako and Amalie chatted in front of the mirror over the dresser in the third floor guest room.  Well, this is a little awkward, sorta, the setter thought, last time we did this, it was Kaori going out with Kuroo - someone who was already part of our wider circle of friends.  Now, I've got to find out if Amalie can fit into this part of my life.  A part she's never really been involved in before.  Of all the girls for Amalie to meet first, Mako was probably the best, as she could be almost as forthright as the elder Ogawa sister.  It's strange, thinking about having my sister here on an evening out with the Bro-sketeers, Nakano mused, but, maybe it's also a good thing.  Maybe this is my chance to more properly reconnect with my older sibling.  Kei and Akiteru had a much harder road, and they were able to do it.  We're older now, and that makes all the difference, perhaps. The difference between sixteen and nineteen is not nearly so wide a gulf as the difference between thirteen and sixteen.  Nakano began to smile softly as she watched Mako and her sister giggle over something Amalie had said.  I'm glad she's here.  And I'm really glad she's making Kuroo happy.  But there's one thing I need to check in on.  Come on Ama...

"Hey little sis, do you where the bathroom is?" Amalie asked, as if on cue, turning to face her sister.

"Of course...down the hallway on your right," Nakano said as Amalie made her way to the bedroom door.

"Be right back, ladies!" the elder Ogawa sang out as she left the room.

"Your sister is something else, Nakano," Mako said as she brushed out her hair, "I'm glad she's coming along with us tonight."

"Mako," Nakano began, keeping her voice soft, "Are you okay with this?  With...with Ama dating Kuroo, I mean.  Is Kaori gonna be okay with this?  I don't want there to be any hard feelings..."

"Hey, settle down," Mako said, turning to face the setter, who was wringing her hands and looking a bit concerned.  "Kaori and Kuroo talked it all out when Kuroo told her he just didn't feel right going on a second date with her.  Kaori was a little hurt, but she understood.  Even she admits that she kinda got caught up in the dazzling web of Kuroo Tetsuro.  He's...an enigmatic sort of guy, you know?  It took Kaori a little thinking, but even she now admits they are probably better off as friends.  So please, don't look like you've betrayed a friend by introducing Kuroo to your sister.  Kaori is fine...I promise."

"I...I just don't want anyone feeling hurt..."

Mako suddenly laughed brightly.  "I will bet you anything you want that Kuroo is saying the same thing to the boys downstairs right now."

Nakano started, then laughed.  "You're probably right.  He's probably worried that you might be angry at him for turning Kaori down, while you and Bokuto have continued to go out...and then starting to date another girl like a month later."

"Under all that smarminess and over-the-top charm...there's a nice guy.  I'm sure Bokuto will let him know that everything is fine.  I know he talked to Kaori...he had to make sure she was okay, you know."

Nakano giggled, checking her makeup briefly in the mirror.  "Yeah, Bokuto would do that - Kaori is like a little sister to him."

"Looking good, ladies," Amalie called as she re-entered the room, "Are we ready to go dazzle the boys?"

Mako laughed.  "Well, I'm ready to sample whatever it is Kuroo has for us to pre-game with.  Shall we?"  The three girls headed down towards the man cave.

Amalie leaned over to her sister.  "Do you guys always drink this much when you're together?  I'm kinda shocked, Naka-chan!  I never thought you'd be such a party girl!"

The blonde elbowed her dark-haired sister.  "Shut up, Ama, we don't drink that much."

Amalie gave her a look that spoke volumes.  

"Alright, we drank a fair bit last night.  But my guess is that Kuroo will keep any alcohol consumption under tight rein tonight for that very reason.  He's naughty..."

"...but he's awfully nice about it." Amalie finished for her.  "Actually, sis, I'm glad to see you seem to not have any serious hang-ups about drinking or being around people who drink.  I worried about that for you, ya know?"

"My only requirement is no driving, Ama.  It's not drinking I take issue with.  It's driving when you've been drinking that I have no tolerance for."

"Understandable," the brunette replied, "and I agree completely."

The three girls were soon entering the man cave to find the boys waiting at the bottom of the stairs for them, glasses of something in hand for each of them.  

"Told ya Kuroo would have something for us to pre-game with," Mako said, accepting a glass of the sake punch from Bokuto, "Naughty cat that he is."

Kuroo grinned as he handed Amalie her glass.  "Now Mako, this is just a little refreshment before we head out to dinner.  Something with which we can properly toast to the success of all our teams at Nationals this year."

The six friends cheered and toasted one another and their teams, chatting and laughing until the car arrived to take them on to the next stage of their adventure for the evening.  


Tsukishima Kei permitted himself a small smile as he and his friends made their way back towards Kuroo's house after a long and luscious meal.  The young man was feeling rather full, and a post-meal lassitude had begun to creep over him.  His girlfriend was cozied up warm next to him, and if it hadn't been for the fact that there were four other people in the car with them - all of whom were rather more alert than he was - he'd probably already be dozing.

Dinner had been truly extraordinary.  The car had arrived and whisked them all away to Kikko - one of the finest kaiseki restaurants in Tokyo.  Amalie had almost cried when they arrived, and she was immediately concerned that they were all vastly underdressed.  But the staff had welcomed them all and ushered them to a private room - a very cozy space decorated in traditional Japanese style.  A kotatsu was ready for them, and beautiful classical Japanese music and the warmth and coziness of the atmosphere had soon set all of them at ease.  A five course meal had been served to them, and every single course had been more fantastic than the last.  The shiizakana was hot pot, and the group had lingered over it, talking and laughing and preparing tasty tidbits for each other.  The gohan had included fugu that was brilliantly prepared, it being in season.  Mako had been thrilled, thanking Kuroo and telling him to thank his father over and over again.  Kei had to admit that it had been incredibly tasty - he'd had it once before, quite a few years ago, at some special family event.  He couldn't remember what the occasion had been, only that everyone had been excited to eat the unusual delicacy, much as his friends had been on this occasion.  

The best part of the meal, at least, in Kei's opinion, had been the mizumono course.  Strawberry awayukikan.  The 'light snow jelly' had been the absolute perfect texture and was rich in strawberries.  Kei had savored his, absolutely refusing to speak until he'd cleaned every last morsel of the treat from the bowl.  His friends had teased him terribly, but the blonde had not cared one bit, since his pretty girlfriend had felt badly enough for him to share some of her dessert to make up for the teasing he'd had to endure.  And thus, he was full, and happy, and sleepy as the car made its way back through the streets of Tokyo.  

"Well friends, I don't know about all of you, but I thoroughly enjoyed that.  I'll have to make sure to do something extra nice for my dad when he gets home," Kuroo said, stretching languidly.

"Oh yeah, bro, that was an amazing dinner!  Your dad is tops!" Bokuto replied enthusiastically.

"Did your dad get to see any of the games, Kuroo?" Nakano asked.

"Not in person, sadly, but he did watch as much as he could on television.  He watched all of our games, and tried to catch as much as he could of Fukurodani and Karasuno, since I've told him a lot about my bros."  The lilt in Kuroo's voice made Tsukishima wonder a bit about exactly what information Kuroo had shared with his father.

"I bet he was so proud of you," Mako said, smiling at the bedhead.

Kuroo laughed.  "Well, Nekoma did pretty well this year.  I was proud of our showing too.  Fukurodani, of course, was amazing..."  Bokuto effected a sort of squashed, seated bow at his bro's praise, making everyone in the car laugh, "...but I gotta say, the real standout was Karasuno."

"What makes you say that?" Amalie asked the young man with his arm around her shoulders, "I mean, not that I'm not super proud of them, they did amazing, but Fukurodani went all the way and almost took the top spot."

"Well, because Fukurodani has been in the National tournament the last seven years," Kuroo began, "Not to slight the achievement of the Boku-bro, but they were kind of expected to give a good showing.  Karasuno hasn't been at the tournament in quite a long while.  In fact, at the beginning of this season, no one even had Karasuno in mind as a possible contender for anything at all."

"That's right!" Bokuto chimed in, "They went from being pretty much nobodies to a top eight ranked team in one season!  That's amazing!"  Bokuto suddenly looked extremely proud of himself.  "I'm sure all the training I did with my protégé Hinata was a major factor in their rise to the top." 

Kuroo snort-laughed.  "Hinata is a hell of a player, that's true, as is Kageyama.  But let's not forget the incredible contribution of this big guy right here," Kuroo gave his blonde bro a gentle kick to the leg, and Tsukishima just clicked his tongue.

"Don't say stuff like that, Kuroo," Tsukki muttered, "I didn't do anything all that extraordinary.  I'm a middle blocker - I just did my job."  Nakano looked up to see a slight red flush to her sweetheart's cheeks, which made her smile.  That smile slid away, however, as she noticed his honey brown eyes would not meet hers.  "Besides," Kei went on, voice growing louder, "if you want to praise someone for getting Karasuno as far as we did, praise Naka-chan.  She's an amazing coach, and we wouldn't have come this far without her."

As her friends began praising her with vigor, Nakano kept her sharp eyes trained on Kei.  Dammit, he thought, noting the intensity of those bright blue eyes, I don't think I was fast enough.  She knows something is up.  But it's true, Roses, I don't deserve half the credit that you do.  And now, you'll be moving on...just like the third years.  Kei shoved his thoughts away, forcing a smile on to his lips and praising Nakano along with his bros.  I don't want to think about this right now, he insisted to himself, right now, I just want to enjoy this time with my friends.  Volleyball is over for the season, so it can just wait.  

Kei leaned over, giving his pretty girl a sweet kiss on the cheek, much to the delight of his friends.  Nakano giggled, smiling once more as the three couples made their way steadily back to Kuroo's house.

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