AFTER DARK | naruto

By Xingqiu

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After dark - that's when all those bad thoughts you try to bury away come back to surface. And with no one ar... More

1 | similar to you, but not to me.
2 | similar to me, but not to you.
3 | a warm welcome to the academy
4 | shinobi in training
5 | for the rest of your life
6 | ninja dogs
7 | what you feel
8 | my beloved teammate(s)
9 | chuunin exams
10 | forest of death
11 | deal with a devil
12 | congrats in order
13 | fight to leave a past behind
14 | someone dear to me
15 | severed connections
16 | a quitters resolve
17 | contract bound
18 | whose in control
19 | haunted cliff of konoha
20 | the hidden sand
21 | to your important request: i refuse!
22 | answer to the call of love!
23 | a special chapter to a special boy; happy birthday lee!
24 | the uchiha clan
25 | the many sides of a drunken fist
26 | a reminder of fate
27 | to all those who ever loved me, goodbye
29 | to reveal the center of your heart
30 | search for jinchurriki! capture, or captured?
31 | into the akatsukis lair
32 | stronger than we were yesterday
33 | half relevant half not: new years special!
34 | the uchihas curse of hatred. and on a lighter note: reunion with friends!
35 | kakashis wise words and inner turmoil!
36 | the cutest team in the leaf!
37 | legendary hero thief!
38 | feelings over reason
39 | superstition
40 | invincibility and the trouble it causes
41 | loss of a loved one
42 | love that can possibly turn into hate
43 | a true ninja!
44 | Valentines Special! love and friendship!
45 | starry eyed people
46 | a dish best served cold
47 | a pill hard to swallow
48 | to see you before i go
49 | eyes opened to reality
50 | watchful eyes in the darkness
51 | lose your mind, lose your way
52 | brink of insanity
53 | homesickness for traitors
54 | fond memories of you and i
55 | Dissatisfactory closure οΏΌ
56 | fire kings speciality
57 | with war on the horizon, i do what i can for you
58 | ambushed!
59 | rough interrogation
60 | high stake battle
61 | a special chapter to a special boy: happy birthday, Neji!
62 | jailbreak!
63 | madara uchiha was a fraud?!?
64 | fighting fire with fire
65 | my brighter future
66 | a scary special, happy halloween!
67 | the noshowkage!
68 | idolization
69 | into the dream world
70 | into the light
71 | gratitude [END]

28 | away from home, away from you

1.8K 124 133
By Xingqiu

You had snuck into the Sand a month after you left the Leaf—you had no doubts that the Leaf would tell the Sand all about you leaving, because one; it was your hometown. And two, it was their neighboring ally village. Of course, whether or not they'd actually send you back was beyond you—after all, both the sand and leaf wanted the [Lastname] clan on their side.

It was dark, your clans compound was abanonded--which meant there were no lights that lit up the streets. But you knew the way home still, reaching the end of the road to reach your house. You had entered again, looking through every room. Your room as you had left it, your parents room lacking bodies--but the room messy. You didn't take the time to look it through the last time you were here, back then you spared yourself the thoughts and feelings of your clan, but today, you made yourself face it completely.

Now that you looked, you could see the struggle your parents were putting up against whoever attacked. Your mother was the leader of your clan when she was alive, yet she and your step-father got overpowered. Things were knocked off of the shelves, the most noticeable one being an old photo, shattered and ripped, yet you picked it up. It was your mother, and a man you never saw before, you looked at it closely, turning it around to see the back.

It dated sixteen years back, before you were born--and there was text on it. "First date..." You read out loud, and despite the context, your mother didn't look too happy. Your lips twitched, holding the photo by just one end before you shoved it into your bag, stepping over the shattered glass.

Shisui helped you look, and he ended up in your little sister's room. As much of an intruder he felt he was, he was doing it for you--the first thing he noticed was how neat it was, similar to yours when he first got here, because you weren't attacked--or there at all. She had a variety of toys and plushies, of which, he counted a lot of dragons. The next thing he noticed was the unopened journal on the girl's desk, definitely old--and if the dust on it was any indication, it was untouched for a while, too.

Shisui never liked to pry, but he found himself looking through it anyway. Definitely a childs diary, considering the wonky writing and the spelling mistakes—but he took note of the considerable amount of times you were mentioned. Every time you'd train with your mother, she got jealous. She mentioned various times she wished she was born first—or that you weren't born at all. Other times that she wanted to be the one with the dragon, not you. Shisui didn't have siblings of his own, but reading this..

Well, it made him sad. He frowned, getting to the final entry. 'I met a man today, he said he really liked dragons. I do too, so when he asked me if I knew where the one with the dragon was, I told him that it was me. I know he meant my dumb sister, but I have lots of dragons too." Shisui shut the book, taking another look at the girls room. She was right about having lots of dragons—but he wondered who the man she spoke of was.

He placed the journal into his vests pocket. You had told him to pocket anything he might find useful to what you were searching for—and he figured that even though what he read might hurt you, it was something worth reading. Shisui took one last look at the room, rubbing his arms up and down. For whatever reason, he thought the room to be eerie—despite him being the ghost. He made quick work of getting out of the room and meet back up with you.

You were still going through your parents room, this time you looked under the bed—where you pulled out a box. It was photos upon photos of your mother and a man; you didn't know why she kept them, considering the fact she got married to a completely new man. But you came to the eventual realization that this man had to be your father, you touched your nose, it looked like your inherited the nose-shape of your father.

You looked through each photo, taking in the sight of your father and reading every label—yet none of them gave you his name. But what you got from what you read so far, was that it was an arranged marriage between your mother, the heiress of her own clan, and your father—the heir of his. Though, you had no idea what clan, or what your father was capable of... But if he was your father, you had to have inherited more than just his nose.

"M'lady..." Your head perked up at the sound of your comrades voice, looking up at him. "Sorry, I don't mean to bother, but..." He reached into his pocket, pulling out what it was he found earlier. "I decided you might want to see this—the last entry at least." You reached up for what he offered you, doing as he said. The last entry, about a dragon and a man, dated eight years back.

The photo you were looking at was still in your hand, and you had to seperate what your were holding between both hands, the diary on your left and the photo in your right. You looked between the two and pieced them together, the one behind the massacre of your clan had to be your biological father. But... Was he really strong enough to pull it off? Or were there multiple people that did it?

Well, you weren't sure of the answer--but you felt your grip on the photo tighten, and a frown come onto your lips. Your mother never told you anything about your biological father, which is why you didn't know his name, about his clan, and about the dragons his clan worshipped. Yet you felt it in your heart, that the man you stared at killed your family in search for you.

Despite the anger you felt, what came out was a tear from your eye.

Now that you were here, you missed your family so much. Despire the fact that your sister mentioned in her diary she hated you; you remembered for the most part--she was the only company your age you had when your mother would expose you to pure solitude. Despite the solitude from anyone your age, you remembered all the times she'd go out of her way to train you, fitting whatever it was she taught you to be suitable for a child. And you remembered all the gifts your step-father would get you after a day out in the city, he loved you as much as a biological father would their child. Yet, your biological father killed your family, instead of loving you like one should their child. Another tear slipped, and Shisui put a hand on your shoulder.

To reassure you that he was here, and you found your family in others.

"One day, M'lady. You'll find him." He pieced it together, slowly, but he was sure he got it. The one you looked at wasn't the stepfather he knew of--and considering the grip, and the tears, he figured it had to be someone you never knew either. Your real father, something like that. "And I'll be there with you."

You slowly lifted your head to look at him, and he looked back at you with a soft smile.

He was smiling, yet you frowned. Despite the fact you tried to make him disappear, and dragged him out of the Leaf, his home--he smiled at you. You turned your head away from him, wiping your tears before you stood up. "...If you think you owe me this, you don't..." You mumbled, "You can do what you want, Shisui. You don't have to follow me around like a bodyguard."

"This isn't about 'debt'," He sighed, shutting his eyes. His smile dropped for a second, but it rose again. "I want to do this, because it's what a good friend would do, don't you think?"

You were silent, back turned to him as you looked back down at the items in your hand. You slid the photo under the diary and pocketed them, Shisui was trying so hard with you, he was so kind... Yet you couldn't return it in full as he did.

"Thank you, Shisui..."

Shisui removed his hand from your shoulder, "Any other plans in the Sand?" He asked, "Now that we're here, we can go visit Gaara." He suggested.

You wanted to visit Gaara, but you weren't sure if you should've—the leaf and sand were allies, it was possible they were alerted that you left... But would they return their last [Lastname]? You were all mixed up about it, but for the most part, you were sure Gaara and the others wouldn't tell on their friend like that—but they weren't the entirety of the Sand. You knew most of them would give you up in a heartbeat, or make sure you stayed in the Sand instead.

"No... We're leaving." You answered turning to leave the room, "We got what we were here for, no need to stick around any longer."

Shisui put his hands on his hips, following behind you with a sigh. "M'lady... Don't try to act all dark now," He teased, smiling. "If you want to visit your friends, we should. They haven't don't anything to betray your trust, have they?" You've noticed that Shisui had been acting a lot more playful these past weeks—possibly to get you to snap out of whatever emo ploy you were playing at.

"Well, no..."

And before you could speak more, Shisui put both his hands on your shoulders, pushing you out of the room. "Then what's the problem? I'm sure Gaara is dying to see you, too." He winked. You attempted to turn your head to look at him, but he used his hand to push the side of your head gently—making you look back in front of you. He had always been the one pushing his friends to do new things, but this wasn't new to you—you were just trying to act tough.

And no matter what, he'd make that facade crack.


"Come on, Lee! Keep going!" Guy noticed Lees slacking performance, though yesterday he'd been doing great as usual—today he was struggling to keep up with the hand walking laps Guy did.

"Yes, Guy Sensei..!" Lee pushed forward, sweat dripping off of his face as he tried to catch up. Guy knew well what it was that was on Lees mind—today was a special day, after all. The weather matching the day and month it was—it was your birthday. While Lee always went out of his way to make it spectacular, it was the first time you weren't there for him to celebrate. The last time you all celebrated a birthday was his fourteenth birthday, where you gave him a kiss on the cheek.

It was no surprise Lee thought of you, but today you were all he thought of. Not of how to improve his Taijutsu further, but the teammate he hadn't seen in almost over a year. Today you would be turning fifteen, and Lee would have to miss it. Not that he wanted to—if you were here now, he'd go out of his way to make your birthday as spectacular as you made his.

It was Lees last lap, and instead of telling Guy he could for a hundred more, he allowed himself to fall onto the floor. Flat against it while Guy stood normally.

"What's the matter, Lee? Giving up already?" Guy asked.

Lee looked up at him before he sat up, panting. "Sorry, Guy Sensei.." He panted, "But I am just thinking of something, it is bothering me..."

Guy nodded, he already knew what it was about; "Today's [Firstname]s birthday." He answered for Lee, filling in the gaps. His student nodded, it'd been a while since Guy called for a team meeting—after all, there was a student missing, and it felt incomplete that way.

"That is right..." Lee answered, lowering his head to look at his bandaged hands that kept him up. "Ever since we were seven, we always celebrated each others birthdays, no matter what was happening..." He remembered how you, Neji and Guy all rushed the finish the mission in time to celebrate the last birthday you all spent together. "It seems that even though I try, I cannot put my all into training, because I cannot stop thinking about her."

Deep down, Guy knew that Lees performance would slack today—after all, Guy knew all about how Lee felt for you. Close friends since the academy, and the first time Team Guy celebrated your birthday, Lee was the one to give the idea of your favorite places to go to. And today, it was almost a year since you were gone, and a year since the last time you all celebrated your birthday.

"... She is my precious student," Guy nodded, "To be completely honest, I'm bummed that I won't be there to celebrate her fifteenth birthday..." He lowered his head, raising  his fist. "A girls fifteenth birthday is important!"

Lee sighed ever louder. "And I cannot be there..."

"And you think [Firstname] would want us moping on her birthday?" Lee quickly looked up at his sensei—who had his hands on his hips and his brows furrowed.

"N-no, Guy Sensei!" Lee stood to his feet.

"As celebration for [Firstname]s birthday, we'll do double the laps, triple the training, and quadruple the enjoyment!" Guy declared, throwing up his hand in the air to point at nothing but the sky. "Are you with me, Lee!?"

"Yes, Guy Sensei!"

"Say it louder!"

"YES, GUY SENSEI!!! FOR [FIRSTNAME]S BIRTHDAY!!" Lee said louder, balling his fists before he began to run.

"That's the spirit, Lee!" Guy called out before he began to run as well.

"Brother Neji, are you feeling alright?" Hinata noticed the small changes in her cousin. Despite the fact that Neji had only barely begun to open up to Hinata--she noticed his lacking performance during training. She figured she should find the root of the problem before someone like her father did. But she did have a general idea of what is was, the two of them sat at the training field of their compound.

"Nothings wrong, Lady Hinata." Neji answered, sparing her a small smile that quickly faded away. It'd almost been a year already since you left--Neji received that letter you mentioned, and without you, things felt different. He changed, his hair had grown out again, and Hinatas hair was getting noticeably longer. He also got rid of his headband buckles, he figured he should've taken the hint to get rid of them the moment you and Lee kept messing with them—putting your fingers through the buckle and practically yanking it off of him. With those changes, he couldn't help but wonder what you looked like now.

Hinata knew--the people she liked left too, but she felt it to be different. In Nejis case, it was his teammate. His teammate he had a close connection with, she knew that you were one of the main reasons why Neji had changed. "It's about [Firstname], isn't it?" Hinata asked, and Neji finally looked at her.

His face was plain, but he cracked. ".. I suppose it is.." He answered, looking up at the sky, he thought the weather fit the day and month it was. "Today is her birthday..." He explained, closing his eyes. "I only wished that I..." He stopped, exhaling through his nose. Nearly every day, for a year and a half, he was with you. Of course, it was because you were on a team with him, but you became such a normal thing in his life--and now, you weren't there and the missions 'Team Guy' was called for were at an all-time low.

"That you could be there?" Hinata asked, practically finishing his sentence. "... I'm sure it must be painful, knowing the one you love suddenly left." She mumbled, looking down at her lap. She was fond of you too, but on the level of her cousin? She was sure she couldn't compare, as overwhelming as Hinatas silent fondness was, Nejis was even higher.

"Love...?" Neji repeated, he didn't look at his cousin--but he looked like his cousin; seeing the way a soft blush creeped up his face slowly, starting from his neck. "I wouldn't go as far as to say that..." His blush settled to only a coloring on his cheeks, "As far as I'm aware, she can be a traitor to the village... Besides, the one you liked left, too."

Hinata smiled for a second--he didn't deny the part about his liking toward you, infact--he encourged that part she mentioned. But her smile quickly dropped into a frown. "You really think she'd do something like that? Betray the Leaf? I mean... Even when the Sand, her home village came to attack--she fought for the Leaf. That's what I hear, at least." Nejis blush settled a bit, thinking back at how strong you were. Although he wouldn't admit it then, he would now. In team Guy, not including Guy himself... He was sure you were the strongest. Hinata continued to speak, "I could also tell that your team got along well, Neji... [Firstname] was always kind, and even though she left almost the same time Sasuke did, they never shared any similarities."

Neji thought back to the incident during the Forest of Death, someone mentioned that Orochimaru wanted you. The same man Sasuke had chased after, he had said it back then, "You're mistaken if you think the Ninja of the Leaf would stand by and let their comrades be taken by the enemy", something like that. By comrades, he had meant you--and you were gone.

Feeling it wasn't enough, Hinata finished with one last sentence. "She'll return, Neji. I just know it. Think back to what she last told you, and have faith."

Neji took her words at face value, and thought of the last interaction the two of you had--he didn't realize at the time, the look of sadness in your eyes, but he realized a little while later, that your worsa were still genuine. 'I love you two from the bottom of my heart...' He always felt his own heart swell when he thought of it.

"Let's get back to training, Neji. I'm sure wherever she is, she's getting a lot stronger too." Hinata suggested, standing up. "You said you wanted to try something new, right? You found out you had another Chakra release?"

Neji nodded, standing up as well—"That's right... My performance during training has been slacking recently, I need to train hard, too." He said, lose hairs framing his face. He left his hair in a similar state as the time you called him handsome... For no particular reason. "Along with my Wind release, I've learned I'm capable of fire and earth as well..." He looked down at his hands, there weren't any Fire or Earth jutsus he thought would fit his style of fighting, but he had seen you incorporate fire into hand-to-hand. And that thought made him think of you again—where you were and what you were doing.

Well, since it was your birthday, you had to be celebrating, right?

"M'lady, that's enough!" It was already almost a year since you left the village, and your anger for Kibaki didn't subside. Which was the reason you were kicking at the mans side, with him on the floor as you were standing. The man didn't defend himself, he didn't tell you to stop--despite the pain of your kicks. Because for once, he felt alive.

"He'll be fine!" You said, kicking the man so that he lay on his back--and you kicked at his chest instead, hard. "He knows a good deal about pain, don't you?" You looked down at him, your brows furrowing. Ghosts felt pain in this state, even though it didn't actually affect them--he'd walk out of this just fine. Shisui had to grab you by the arm and pull you back, leaving the ghost heaving as he sat himself up.

You looked down at him still and Shisui kept his grip on your arm, sweatdropping. "... Calm down, M'lady. This isn't doing anything to help your training, as bad of a person he is." Shisui reasoned. He was still able to see the part of you that he knew, the child you were, that was more than just her clan. Which is why he was still patient with you, because he too was determined to help a friend as you were.

He felt you loosen up as you accepted his touch, not flinching at the Hyuuga that suddenly stood. Maybe if he wasn't dead, and he wasn't someone you conjured and made visible--you'd be in serious danger. But everytime he tried to attack back, you'd make him go invisible again. So every attack he threw phased through you, and the second you sidestepped out of his range, you'd make him visible again with a strong punch to the stomach. Which very well could be the reason for him on the floor now.

"Right..." You mumbled, slipping your arm out of his hold and turning away from the both of them. You had stopped in the middle of your movements because Kibaki said something that pissed you off--which wasn't uncommon, and he provoked you into a fight.... Which we initiated of course. But as the [Lastname], you had the upper hand. Kibaki went invisible to the human eye--most days he was in his ghost-like state. While Shisui stayed visible nearly 24/7, you always had a way of playing favorites. It must've shown in the scene that just played out, seeing as Shisui quite literally grimaced at the state the other ghost was in.

But he was quick to turn away from the ghost, and toward you. You were walking away, back turned toward the two of them—the group of you were taking refugee in Kirigakure, or 'the hidden mist village', which as the name suggested—was full of mist. Shisui quickly caught up with you, it wasn't that the group of you were inside the village itself, but in the surrounding area, away from the public. The reason you were here was for any more information about your clan, of course--the sand would be the better option, but... It made sense for Tsunade to put out a wanting for you to your hometown, and the Leafs allies at that. Sneaking into a village you had no association with would be your best bet, because no one knew who you were, or where you were from.

Of course there was the fact that the Mist village was dangerous--after all, it was nicknamed the 'blood mist village', though, for the most part, you were sure they exaggerated. Though, that may have been because there was virtually no one in the mountains.

Shisui was having trouble--he knew what day it was, but he wasn't sure if you knew. He was following behind you, struggling to find the right time to being it up. After minutes of silence, he decided to just blurt it out. "Happy birthday, M'lady." He was suddenly next to you, holding up a flower. You had to do a double take, steps faltering as you looked at him--you hadn't even noticed that it was your birthday today, but Shisui did.

You turned your head to look at him, grabbing the flower from his hand gently, a look of confusion on your face as you recalled the date. "It's... My birthday..." You said out loud, holding the flower tenderly--it was clearly picked out from the ground given a few minutes ago, but the sentiment was appreciated. You looked up at Shisui, who smiled at you. For the past year, he was determined to get you out of your stupor of sadness and get you to smile... And it seemed finally he managed it, you smiled back at him, soft and small--but it still had the ghost internally cheering.

"I forgot it was my birthday..." You confessed, "Thank you, Shisui..."

His smile grew a little wider, it almost looked like a teasing one as he got a little closer. "I didn't buy you a gift, M'lady... But maybe I can give you a birthday kiss, too?" He winked playfully, referring to the kiss you gave Lee for his birthday. You were silent, thinking initially you heard him wrong, but you were sure you weren't mistaken.

"Huh...?" You blinked, trying to find the right words—but before you had to chance to answer him, you were on guard, pulling out your Kunai to reflect the one thrown at you. It came from higher up in the mountains, although Shisui was on guard too—he got interrupted at the wrong time.

You activated your Poltigan, while Shisui activated his Sharingan. The two of you looked toward where the bushes rustled, you held your Kunai tight, while Shisui pulled out a few of his own--throwing them in the direction the attack came from. The thing about the Uchiha--was that their skills with Kunai throwing were almost unrivaled.

Whoever it was that attacked quickly surrended, exposing themselves from the bushes with a loud; "I'm sorry!" It was a girl, who looked to be a year younger than you. For whatever reason, you slowly lowered your guard, along with your Kunai. She had two long pig-tails, the color of which you couldn't decide was blue, or purple. Her Ninjaband rested on her neck, similar to Hinata. Her eyes were brown and she wore a green dress—strange and foreign fashion to you, but you figured thats what people of the Mist wore.

Shisui didn't lower his guard, standing beside you. People of the Mist were to always attack, and if they were ever captured, the were commanded to commit suicide. So Shisui didn't believe for a second that this girl could be so carefree, he gave the girl a look as she stumbled out of the shrubs—and tripped, rolling all the way down the rest of the hill before she landed at your feet.

You looked down at her, a lot more confused compared to Shisuis plain-face.

The girl lifted herself up with a groan, looking up at the two people that looked down at her—their respective Kekkei Genkais had her wailing. "I'm serious! I don't want any problems, really! If you let me live, I promise I won't tell anyone you're here!" She put her hands together, kneeling on the floor.

"It's uh..." You were at a loss for words—the girl seemed relatively harmless, but she was from this village. So you weren't going to trust her so blindly, but something made you feel close to this girl.

'Strange, I know this chakra...' Diaval spoke, he was a lot more silent these days—but still put his unnecessary input in at times. 'It's the same Chakra as Kaida..' He chuckled, 'Don't tell me she was sealed into this dumb girl? I almost feel lucky now...'

"Diaval if you don't shut up, I'll twist your insides out..." You whispered under your breath, shutting your eyes—deactivating your Poltigan.

"HUH?!" The girls eyes went wide, standing to her feet. "A-attacking you was just instinct, it's what I've been trained to do all my life—but I really don't want to hurt you, or want you to hurt ME!" She shivered, shutting her eyes tightly as she kept her eyes together.

You opened your eyes, sweat dropping. Maybe you answered Diaval at the wrong time.

"It's fine." Shisui answered for you, deactivating his Sharingan. "We were actually just leaving," He excused, shutting his eyes and grabbing your shoulders, ushering you away from the girl. "Please, don't mind us."

'Go back to that girl, I need to see something...' Diaval requested, and you stopped moving your feet along with Shisui who was pushing you away from the girl. You side stepped him, leaving him holding nothing as you went back to the girl—Shisui turned to look at you, lowering his arms.

"Hold on..." You said, leaning a little close so that Diaval could get a good look at her. She opened her eyes, jumping back at the fact that you stood so close all of a sudden.

"Y-yes...?" She sweatdropped.

'... Take a sniff, then that'll confirm it.' Diaval instructed—you rose a brow at it, but you got a little closer, taking a sniff. And Diaval laughed, but what you heard over that was the girl's guttural yell of horror, falling onto her butt at the shock. Shisuis blinked, caught off guard by the action, but his expression changed as he began to laugh aswell.

'Idiot... I was just joking, I already knew this was Kaidas host the moment I saw her.'  Diaval was laughing, and you could feel your anger bubble, you'd answer him, but you'd probably scare the girl off.

"Sorry..." You immediately backed up, and just as it always happened when you were embarrassed--the temperature picked up. "You're the Wind Dragon Jinchuuriki, right?" You asked--and Shisuis laughing stopped. He was interested now, too. He stepped up to you side, he wasn't sure how you could tell, she looked like a regular girl to him. Maybe it was some sort of power Jinchuurikis had, a Jinchuuriki spotting Jinchuuriki power...

The girl lowered her guard, "...How did you know...? Please don't tell me that's public information wherever you're from?!" You weren't wearing your Ninja band right now, but Shisui was wearing his—on a pretty hard to miss spot too. So she assumed you were from the Leaf as well.

You pointed at your head, "He told me."

"Eh...?" She blinked.

"Diaval, that fire dragon?" You clarified, and her eyes went wide, standing to her feet.

"Seriously!?" She gaped, "You're the Jinchuuriki of the fire dragon? I've never even met another Jinchuuruki, and to think the first one I did meet was the one with none other than the fire dragon king!" She was practically staring at you with stars in her eyes. "So cool, I'm honored!"

"King?" You repeated, an eyebrow raised. Shisuis ears practically twitched at the sound of the small laugh you let out, not only did you smile, but you laughed on the same day. It seemed your birthday was going better than he hoped. "Please, don't stroke his ego any further. He can hear you right now." You said, holding up your palm.

Her jaw dropped, and reached out to hold your hand. "I'm Wendy... We can be friends, right?" She asked, shaking your hand within hers gently. "I'm sorry for the outbursts earlier, I've just been really on guard..."

You nodded, removing your hand from her hold—and she continued to speak. "I don't know how you got into the Mist... It's pretty dangerous for foreigners..." She looked around, now that she reminded herself what she was doing out here, she was on guard. "May I ask you what your doing here?"

"We're looking for my father..." You answered honestly.

"Oh... I see." She nodded, "...Is he from here?"

"Not sure." You shrugged. Wendy sweatdropped, maybe you didn't want to talk on this topic--so she changed it.

"Well, I don't think staying out here is a good idea. You can get caught at any moment." She explained, "You can come with me! The Cait Shelter is really kind to people not from here... They're actually the ones that took me in and made me a ninja of the mist."

You and Shisui looked at each other before looking back at the girl. "We're not looking for citizenship or anything..." Shisui explained, looking at you. "But... It would be better than staying out here—wouldn't it, M'lady?" He smiled.

You looked over at him too, and nodded. "I guess so..." You looked back at the girl, "We'll trust you if you say so... But my friend here will use his Susanoo if you try anything." Shisui sweat dropped at the wild claim, shaking his head.

"Maybe not that much.." He denied, "but the two of us combined are plenty strong... So your chances of winning might not be so high." Shisui was always so humble, after a year and a few months with him, you learned that he was a prodigy of the Uchiha clan—with a Mangekyo Sharigan, and a famed Susanoo... All that and he was still only fifteen and a few months—dead, too.

"Oh no," Wendy quickly shook her head, holding her hands up. "I don't want any problems, really! But I want to know a lot more about the only other Jinchuuriki I've ever met!" She took a few steps back, and she was suddenly in the air. "Follow me!"

You and Shisui shared a similar expression; jaw dropped.

Wendy looked down at the two of you from where she was before lowering herself. "Oh... You can't fly?" She asked, and you shook your head.

"No way! I think I'd know if I could!" You quickly answered, looking toward Shisui and whispering to him. "Have you ever seen someone fly like that?" You asked. To which he whispered back; "Never in my life and afterlife until now, M'lady!" The two of you looked back at the girl at the same time, silent now.

"Sorry, I just thought all Jinchuurikis could since I can." She answered sheepishly, looking away from the two of you with a blush on her cheeks. "But don't worry, I still have a fast way to get there." She looked toward the bushes, and called out someone's name... But what came out was a horse. You'd never seen one so close before, not even on missions—so to suddenly see such a big animal charging toward you was enough to freak you out, but you managed to keep your cool.

Wendy patted the side of the horses head softly, looking at you with a smile. "This is Carla..." She introduced, looking at your uneasy expression. "She's very nice, don't worry! She won't bite, right, Carla?" She looked at the horse—and as anyone would expect, there was no answer.

Wendy brought her hand up to the horses jaw, opening and closing it to pretend as if it were talking. "Of course not, Wendy. They're safe with me!" She mocked, her voice changing into one 'suitable' for a horse. You and Shisui were still silent at the display—the stupidity of it actually managed to ease your nerves.

She was blushing now, embarrassed. "Please... Just get on..." She plead.

You weren't sure how to get onto such a big animal—or how to ride one at that, but you got on with a jump, Shisui behind you. He wasn't sure where to place his hands initially—but he ended up placing them on your waist. He really didn't want to fall off, and to make sure you wouldn't either—he held you tightly.

Though, once you started moving—you began to feel sick. Not any type of sick you'd ever felt before, one that increasingly got worse over time—but one that immediately had you holding your mouth shut. "I feel like throwing up..." You told Shisui—voice muffled due to the hand over it, he put his head on your shoulder in an attempt to get a look at your face, but it didn't exactly work.

"... Are you gonna be alright, M'lady?" He asked quietly, but you were to busy covering your mouth to answer him. He had to reach in front of you to grab hold of what Wendy said was 'reigns', and stop the horse from moving. Only was it then that Wendy looked down at you too, stopping once again to get back onto the floor.

She sweat dropped at your condition—which she quickly identified as 'motion-sickness', but you were in Motion all the time, so why now did it finally hit you? Because it was your first time being carried by something other than yourself—well Shisui gave you a piggyback ride too. Well, you weren't sure—and you didn't want to waste more of your energy thinking about it. Wendy had used a Jutsu on you, one Shisui eyed suspiciously—but he figured the green glow was trust worthy enough, and it managed to make you feel a little better.

Shisui had taken your place as the one taking the reigns, and now it was you clinging onto him—a lot tighter than he held onto you. Your were practically laying on him, but he didn't mind—in fact, he found horse riding to be one of the funnest things he'd done in a while.

And although you might've felt sick... He felt like doing this over and over again.

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