Dance of souls

By Bebbagol

80K 1.4K 84

Eyra Targaryen is a very special little girl, she has long white hair like milk, pale skin like snow and red... More

author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Capitolo 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chaptet 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Author's note
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Author's note
Chapter 39
Author's note
Chapter 40
Author's note
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Author's note
Author's note
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Author's note
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Author's note
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Author's note
Chapter 54
Author's note
Chapter 55
Author's note
Author's note

Chapter 34

893 23 0
By Bebbagol

The last thing Eyra remembers is being pushed, by Luke, down from Arrax and the two of them falling into the void then turning black.

The girl, slowly, begins to open her eyes and notices that she is in a room unknown to her: it was very large and bright, this was probably due to the windows placed on the walls in front of her; above them there were beautiful red curtains.

Eyra was sitting on a dark wooden canopy bed, the blankets were white with gold embroidery; to the left of the bed was a desk with antique books on it and a dressing table with a mirror in front of the bed. 

Eyra, still stunned and weak, tries to get out of bed but a voice stops her:

- Princess, you should rest, the fever has weakened you much- says Mary

-Mary, am I dead? - asks doubtful Eyra

-No, thanks to the gods Viserion took you before you two touched the water- explains Mary

-He caught us? That means Luke is alive! - exclaims Eyra, happy to get up from bed, but as soon as she put his legs on the ground, she fell on the floor

- What I told you princess- says Mary rushing to help Eyra get off the floor and put her bed back on

- Sorry Mary, I just want to know how Luke is- Eyra replies embarrassed, then she touches her stomach and asks:

-Is the child okay? -

-Yes my princess, you and the child are well- responds Mary

-And Luke, how are you? - anxious question Eyra

-Let's do this: now eat what I brought you then I accompany you to see it- proposes Mary

-All right, but you did not answer my question- notes Eyra

-All in due time my princess- speaks Mary approaching the door

-Okay. Mary! One last thing- says Eyra

-Yes my princess- reply Mary

-Where we are- question Eyra

-We are in Arcadia princess- replies Mary exiting the door

Eyra was shocked, after all the years of research she was finally in Arcadia and, above all, the legends her kepa told her are true.

The young Targaryen eats quickly, but without suffocating, the food that Mary brought her; as soon as she had finished she got out of bed, careful not to fall, and goes to get her dressing gown to put over her nightgown.

She the dressing gowt on her and approached the mirror and noticed her beauty: the nightdress she wears is a light blue as the sky instead the robe is a light gray, the edges are a darker gray adorned with gold embroidery. 

The more Eyra looked at herself in the mirror, the more she noticed that the bruises on his face had disappeared and that his stomach had enlarged.

-Who knows how long I slept- wonders Eyra.

-For two weeks now, my Princess- has spoken Ser Erwin, who had just entered the room.

-Erwin! - The girl screams, rushing to embrace the knight.

- You're fine, as I'm glad- the girl speaks and Erwin returns the hug.

-I'm glad you're awake; I brought you something from King's Landing- says Erwin detaching from the embrace and pulling out of the sheath Blackfyre

-Blackfyre! - exclaims Eyra taking his sword from the knight

-Where did you find it? In my room it was gone- explains Eyra

-He was in your mother's room, before releasing Viserion I picked her up- replies Erwin

-Release Viserion? Why? - Question Eyra

-The guards had locked him in his pit with chains, so you did not find him and you took Arrax; fortunately that Viserion took you in time or... I do not even want to think about it- explains Erwin.

- Yes, Viserion was not there and so we caught poor Arrax, if only I had looked into his grave, now Luke would be fine and Arrax would be alive- Eyra speaks in broken tone

-It is not your fault, princess; you just did not think that they could go this far. Do not regret- explains Erwin

-Thank you ser Erwin, but if you had thought about it now we would not be in this situation- speak Eyra 

- Of course, you might be alive or dead; we don't know that, Luke is a stronger boy and he will recover. Why don't we visit him? - proposes Erwin

- That would be a wonderful idea. Thanks again ser Erwin, without you and Mary at this point Luke and I would be swimming with fish- responds Eyra and two are headed to the boy's room.

The journey was silent, Eyra was observing the surrounding environment, the palace was made of the finest marble, with beautiful stones, the windows were decorated with figures in colored glass; the girl found this place magnificent.

As soon as they entered the room they saw the boy lying on the motionless bed.

-Oh my God, how is he? What happened- exclaims Eyra running from the boy but stopping suddenly seeing the master who fixed the boy's arm

-He has a broken arm, now I have fenced him and bandaged him, he should heal but he has lost a lot of blood because of the wound on his back. Do you happen to know how he got it? - asks the teacher

- Vermithor grazed us, he protected me and took the cut- replies Eyra with tears in her eyes

-Well, it will heal the important thing is to keep it clean and disinfected to avoid infection; I leave you an ointment to apply morning and evening but I can not tell you when he wakes up; sorry- explains the teacher approaching the door.

-Thank you for saving him- says Eyra, the teacher stops and says:

-No, thank you, princess; it has been a long time since the ancient phoenix was seen flying over these lands. You have brought us hope, it was the least I could do- replies the master leaving the room

-If you are worthy to pass the phoenix you will fly- speak Eyra

-What are you saying princess? - asks Erwin

-That's what the riddle on the big door said, then my sister told me that I had to die first and then be born again. As far as the phoenix travels- question Eyra 

-From here to the seven kingdoms, fly even to King's Landing, then return to Arcadia- explains Erwin

-Is it possible that Luke and I have Emelyn and Daeron's blood flowing through our veins? - asks Eyra

-I strongly believe so, after all you managed to open the door: besides you and Luke look almost identical copies of the two of them. You must never doubt yourself, you have more Targaryen blood than Hightower flowing in your veins- speaks Erwin in kind tone

- Thank you Erwin, I am grateful to you. As soon as the phoenix passes on King's Landing my grandfather will know what he has awakened - says Eyra

-Now I leave you alone with Luke- speak Erwin

-Thanks ser Erwin- thanks Eyra I was selling ser Erwin out of the room

- Issa āeksio, nyke sīr, bisa daor emagon massitas (My lord, I am so sorry, this should not have happened) - Eyra speaks, starting to cry, sitting on the bed and stroking his hair

- Nyke jāhor ao se Arrax lo ziry iksos se mōrī mirre nyke gaomagon (I'll avenge you and Arrax, if that's the last thing I do) - says Eyra then kisses the boy's lips and heads off to explore the castle.

The girl was walking around the castle until she reached an arch that looked out onto the outside, she was stunned by what she saw: in front of her, in the distance, there was a beautiful garden and to get there she had to walk a magnificent path surrounded by a thick, but cured, vegetation.

The path was flanked by trees and flowers and in some parts of the latter there were beautiful stone arches with statues on them; the girl walks along the path admiring flowers never seen before until she reaches the heart of the garden.

A fountain was placed in the center and had the shape of a flower with four petals; in the center of the latter there were dark green bushes; Eyra sat on the edge of the fountain and put her hand in the water moving it up and down. 

- Bisa dīnagon iksos gevie (This place is beautiful) - says the girl.

The peace of the garden was interrupted by a voice that said:

- Mōrī ao se Luke māzingon, īlon emagon issare umbagon syt ao syt nykeā bōsa jēda sir (Finally you and Luke arrived, we've been waiting for you for a long time now) - 

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