Rise of the teenage mutant ni...

By superheroleslie

2.8K 74 11

Adopted by senior Hueso, a 14 year old yokai who has spent most of her life in the hidden city finally meets... More

Chapter 1: meeting the turtles
Chapter 2: bug busters
Chapter 3: meeting april and splinter
Chapter 4: the gumbus
Chapter 5: Mrs. cuddles
Chapter 6: al be back
Chapter 7: Karaoke night
Chapter 8: pizza pit
Chapter 9: Hot soup: the game
Chapter 10: Evil league of mutants
Chapter 11: A bad day
Chapter 12: A good day
Chapter 13: bullhop
Chapter 14: Shadow of evil
Extra: making out
Chapter 15: Portal jacked
Chapter 16: warren and hypno, sitting in a tree
Chapter 17: Sparring partner
Chapter 18: You got served
Chapter 20: Training (short chapter)
Chapter 21: Mystic library
The names in Leslie's phone
Leslie's name in their phone
Chapter 22: Man vs sewer
Chapter 23: the mutant menace
Chapter 24: Snow day
Chapter 25: Cloak and swaggart
Chapter 26: Jupiter Jim Ahoy
Leslie's relationships with the turtles
Chapter 27: insane in the mama train
Chapter 28: End game
Chapter 29: Many unhappy returns
Chapter 30: Breaking purple
Chapter 31: Repairin the Baron
Chapter 32: Pizza puffs

Chapter 19: how to make enemies and people bend to your will

39 1 1
By superheroleslie

We decided to spend the rest of the night smelling a bad smelling plant and it was very disgusting.

Raph was going to smell it and we were all chanting " smell it, smell it, smell it, smell it, smell it.".

I had a mask over my mouth and nose to cover the smell getting in my nose.

" what do you say, Raph? Do you have the guts to sniff the stinkiest plant on earth, the corpse flower?" Donnie asked.

" some say it smells like a mummy wrapped in a zombie dipped in long forgotten milk" Leo said.

" yeah, I say... that it just kills your nose smelling senses" I shrugged.

Raph smirked " I'm gonna sniff it...LIKE A BOSS!".

He went all the way in smelling it and and he threw up after that and I winced from that and held onto Leo " I hate that noise".

" all right, he worfed. Me next, me next, me next." Mikey said excitedly.

Just then, foot recruit came out the bushes " FOOT CLAN! Vermin, prepare to taste my wrath".

Instead of getting us, she accidentally sliced the plant and went in.

She coughed and gasped " this was a trap".

I shook my head " nah, you were just unlucky".

" wow, she went all in on the stink. Nice work, frenemy" Mikey said.

She then started chasing Raph and Raph just wanted to get away from her and the smell and Leo held me back.

We then heard an alarm and I covered my ears " why in the world is there an alarm system in a freaking garden?" I asked confused.

" I will grind you into fertilizer" Foot recruit said intensely.

I was trying to help in some way and while foot recruit was facing against Raph " You will never stop us from collecting the dark armor" she said.

" woah, hold on,? Stinky feet. That's what you're doing here?" Leo asked.

" because we are not here for that" I clarified.

Just then, a foot ninja came through the glass and flew into foot recruit.

We looked out the window and saw the foot against the Gardners and Raph said " uh, yeah, guys. I think that's the fight we should be focusing on".

We all left to help and went to fighting the foot.

While they were fighting, some were trying to get after me and I flew up.

Ugh, I'm horrible at fighting, it literally does nothing.

" Tonga power jitsu!" Raph battle cried.

" Archimedes" Donnie said.

" Odachi bomb!" Leo battle cried as he slammed against the foot co-leader.

" I know you get nervous when I rush you, but we've gotta hurry" The foot co-leader said to the leader.

The leader scanned the statue and got a find " Got it. It's in this one".

I jumped him and he fell on the ground and he pushed me off him and I tried facing off against him but kinda failed.

We then saw a mutant smelly plant " jumping juniper. I'm in full bloom!".

He attacked everyone with his plant things and I flew up to avoid it.

" smelly plant? Cool. Smelly plant with legs? Not as cool" Mikey said.

" get off the geraniums. Let my people grow!" Stinky plant guy said.

He then threw stinky acid out of his mouth and Mikey blocked it with his spinning mystic weapon thing, also getting fire bits everywhere.

Raph stomped on it " Michael, what did we say about mystic flaming highly vegetated areas?".

" oh, right" Mikey realized.

He then got stunk on as did everybody else, except me, I flew out of the way.

I went down to the guys and Leo was miserable as well " this is worse than Raph's 'I found cheese in the bottom of my shell' stink".

Mikey groaned " this stink bomb guy is my favorite and least favorite mutant all at once".

" that's a pretty good name for him" I said.

I then heard Donnie gag " now to future self. Equip tech-bo with nose plugs".

Stink bomb then sprayed the foot clan with the acid spit and everyone gagged and then I saw foot recruit and Baron Draxum going towards the statue.

I flew up " hey!".

Draxum looked at me and sighed " I'll deal with this".

I cracked my knuckles and I got close enough to scratch them and I was in the moment of fighting, that I didn't see Draxum's vine go into the side of my stomach, making me bleed.

" Ahh!" I held onto my side and went down.

" Leslie!" The guys yelled.

I was clutching my side and moaning in pain, the guys went over to me and they all looked worried, especially Leo.

My vision started to get blurry " l-Leo?" I passed out.

Leo's POV:

I picked up leslie and we started running out of the garden " Donnie, will she be alright?".

Donnie sighed " hopefully, we have to take her home".

Timeskip, still Leo POV

We got to Leslie's house and knocked on the door, Señor Hueso opened the door and immediately his eyes went wide " what the hell happened?".

I explained to him what happened and he gave us gauze and and patching equipment and I laid her on the bed and sighed and cleaned the blood of her and I patched her up.

After I was done, the others looked at me, especially Señor Hueso and I sighed and smiled " the cut wasn't so deep, it will hurt for a bit but not too much".

I looked at Señor Hueso " I didn't mean for this to happen".

He sighed " I know. I don't blame you, she wanted to help y'all out".

Timeskip back to leslie POV

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned and I felt a hand on me " hey, hermosa".

" hey" I smiled.

The guys hugged me, well, Donnie patted my head " we're glad you're alright".

I sighed " once again, I was useless".

" you weren't useless, you've fought before" Raph said.

I scoffed " even then, I was still bad at it, you guys are better than me, you have your own weapons, I don't want protection anymore, I want to learn how to fight".

Leo held my hand " hermosa...".

Tears started coming out " please don't, Leo. I would like to be alone".

He sighed and kissed my head and they left and my uncle came in and sat by me and I started crying and He rubbed my head through it all.

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