Inevitable Withdrawal - cash...

By crystellethemage

95.7K 3.3K 1.9K

Falling in love with the temperamental and demanding Senator Nash Grier was not Cameron Dallas had planned. B... More

Through A Glass Darkly
Blue Monday
Bad Romance
Permanent Stain
Walk Away
Who Am I, Comparatively
Against the Wind
Love Is A Twisted Dance
And If You Stay
All This Time
Locked in a Haze
In A Perfect World
The Tension is Here
Life Is A Dream
The Desire of My Heart
In Oceans Deep
City of Delusion
Flicker in the Night
Say Something
Beauty in the Breakdown
Inevitable Withdrawal
Best of Me

A Walk to Remember

2.6K 119 30
By crystellethemage

I'm so nervous, I'm practically shaking. Nash is driving us to his parents house for dinner and I keep checking myself making sure I don't look like an idiot. He's only i trouncing me as his assistant but I still want them to like me. I hope they don't look down on me by considering me the help. Nash has a hand on my thigh and he's rubbing it gently, his touch keeps me grounded. He turns and pulls into a massive driveway of an equally massive mansion.

"This is where you grew up?" I ask in shock, it's so different than the small townhouse I grew up in, in Chino Hills. Nash nods and I swallow at the though of entering that house. "Please don't leave me alone."

Nash squeezes my thigh and then pulls away. "You'll be fine, Cameron."

He gets out and I take a deep breath and follow him inside. The house is beautiful, the inside is immaculate and decorated quite tastefully. A fat pug comes racing down the hallway and I smile as he attacks Nash and scratches his pants, begging for attention. Nash bends down and pets the dog, scratching it's head and making cooing noises at it. A regal looking woman comes down the stairs and smiles widely when she sees Nash.

"Nash, darling I'm so happy to see you." She says in a warm tone and Nash straightens up and hugs her. She kisses both of his cheeks and then steps away. She looks at me and her eyes take in my appearance. She gives me a tight smile and I feel nervous because it doesn't seem like she likes me just from my looks.

"Mother this is my assistant, Cameron. Cameron, this is my mother, Elizabeth." Nash says and she holds out her hand which I shake slowly.

"I didn't know you were bringing company, Nash. I'll have Angelica set another seat at the table." She says and Nash shrugs at her.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Mrs. Grier, Nash has told me so much about you," I say trying to kiss her ass a little bit. I want her to like me. She ignores me and continues to look at Nash. My heart pangs sadly at her cool treatment of me.

"I didn't realize we were having a formal dinner," he explains.

"Of course we are, our son has finally come for a visit. It's a joyous occasion, I had Angelica make all of your favorites.

"Thank you, mother." He replies and she leads us into the living room. I sit next to Nash and straighten out my shirt while Elizabeth is not looking. Nash glances at me and his expression tells me I need to relax but that's almost impossible.

"I was very upset to hear about your divorce, Nash. Lea is such a beautiful woman. Why didn't you tell me? I had to hear it from one of the ladies at the country club, it's rather embarrassing but I managed to play it off as if I knew," she tells him and Nash sighs.

"She cheated on me with an art model, mother. I refuse to remain married to someone who clearly does not care about me. Appearances aren't everything to me. I'd rather be divorced than be in an unhappy marriage," he explains and she tilts her head at him as she studies him critically.

"Hm, well you are an adult and it is your choice but your reelection might be hard." She comments and Nash sighs softly, I guess he's used to her personality.

"Well, I'm already divorced, mother so what's done is done. There's no going back," Nash replies firmly and his mother makes a small noise of discontent.

"Have you found a suitable woman to replace her?" She asks after a few minutes of awkward silence. I feel so disconnected right now, the conversation doesn't include me and it's really not my place to say anything because to them I'm just his assistant.

"No." He says and doesn't elaborate at all.

"I know a few families with eligible daughters, I can set up a date-"

"No, mother. I don't need your help and I won't be dating any of your friend's daughters. Especially considering the fact that Lea's parents were family friends and she just used me for money and status." He cuts her off and I can hear a bitter undertone in his voice. I ache to comfort him, even a small touch but it would be strange to do that. We can't give them any hints that we are together.

"Hm." She replies and stands. "Your father should be home soon. I'm going to check in with Angelica and make sure the food is ready to be served," she says coolly and she leaves us alone in living room.

"Are you okay, baby?" I whisper in his ear. I take the opportunity that we're alone to rub his back gently.

"She can be frustrating at times, she so caught up in appearances that she forgets I'm human too." He tells me quietly and I want to kiss him, comfort him any way I know how.

"Let's go to the bathroom," I whisper and he nods. We stand and head to the bathroom upstairs, he chooses one in the corner so that no one sees us come out of the same bathroom.

I lock the door and immediately press my lips against his in a soft kiss. I run his sides up and down as I try to comfort him quickly.

"We just have to make it through a few hours and then we can go back to your house, we can be ourselves and be free from judgment." I murmur against his lips as I give him soft kisses on his lips. I continue kissing him and he rests his hands in my back and rubs it tenderly.

"I love you so much, baby." He mumbles into our kiss and I pull away and begin to give him soft kisses all over his face. I don't dare give him a hickey, that would be noticeable and they might wonder who it's from.

"I love you too, Nash." I reply and I give him one final kiss before I move away. We make sure we look fine before he steps out and a few moments later I step out. As we're walking down the hallway to head back down I notice his mother is coming up the stairs.

"Oh, Nash. I was looking for you, your father is home and dinner is ready," she says to him and she still acts as if I'm not there. I feel invisible.

"I was just showing Cameron some of my trophies," he lies and she nods as she turns back to go downstairs. We follow behind her and enter the dining room. It's a beautiful dining, it's a different style than ours is going to be but still tasteful and not overdone or gaudy.

He sits down and I sit next to him. His father enters the room and I stiffen because I've heard how much of a hard ass he is.p

"Hamilton, it's about time you visit your family," he says as he sits down at the head of the table. Nash's jaw clenched, he hates being called Hamilton and I know his father is aware of that. He's just being difficult.

"I've been busy, father. I have a bill that's coming up for voting in the senate and I had to secure the votes. It kept me very much occupied," he says and his father's eyes turn to me. He and Nash have the same eyes.

"And you are?" He asks and I swallow nervously.

"I'm Cameron Dallas, Nash's assistant." I tell him and he immediately looks away, I feel dismissed.

"You brought your assistant to a family dinner?" He asks as he looks back to Nash. He's talking as if I'm not even in the room.

"Yes I did, clearly." Nash replies and I have to hide a smirk. Dinner is served by Angelica and it's very tasty. The Griers maintain a quiet conversation that doesn't include me. I had a feeling that this would happen but I had hoped that they would have been more welcoming.

We don't stay long after dinner and as soon as we're in Nash's car I let out a sigh of relief.

"Thank god that's over with," I comment as he drives us to his house.

"I'm sorry about their treatment of you, baby." He replies and I shrug because he can't control their actions.

The rest of the weekend goes by without a problem and we drive back to D.C. instead of taking a plane. Nash spends the night at my apartment and I love him for slumming it with me. He's closing on our house tomorrow and the furniture I bought is waiting to be delivered as soon as he signs the papers.

He takes Monday off as we head to our new home, we want to get settled in as quickly as possible. I have movers coming to empty my apartment and I'll be handing over my keys this evening.

Nash sits with the realtor and signs all of the paperwork necessary to make this house our home. As soon as the last paper is signed the realtor congratulates him and hands him all of the keys to the house.

She leaves to file all of the paperwork with the county and I'm brimming with excitement. We have our own home and we're ready to spend the rest of our lives together. I'll never have to kiss him goodnight and we don't ever have to return to that hotel room.

He takes me into his arms and kisses me deeply.

"Welcome home, babe." He whispers.

a/n- short and a filler.

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