Attack on Titans: Fallen Comr...

By jdinjz1

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2 sides of the same coin. 2 identities. 2 lives. What happens when (Y/N) is not only Humanity Strongest Soldi... More

Chapter 1: Past (P1)
Chapter 2: Past (P2)
Chapter 3: Last Memory
Chapter 4: Departure
Chapter 5: 96th Cadets Corp
Chapter 6: Dinner
Chapter 7: Aptitude Test
Chapter 8: Graduation
Chapter 9: Mike Squad
Chapter 10: Veracity
Chapter 11: Divulgence
Chapter 12: Glamour
Chapter 13: Mission Report
Chapter 14: Virtue
Chapter 15: Despondency
Chapter 16: Ruination
Chapter 17: Querida 🍋
Chapter 18: Warriors Unit
Chapter 19: Attornment
Chapter 20: Truth
Chapter 21: Favour
Chapter 22: Kenny
Chapter 24: Blossom
Chapter 25: 104th Cadet Corps
Chapter 26: Challenge
Chapter 27: Notebook
Chapter 28: Onwards
Chapter 29: Rubble
Chapter 30: Interrogation
Chapter 31: Ignormaus
Chapter 32: Behold
Chapter 33: Redemption
Chapter 34: Miss
Chapter 35: Lovesick
Chapter 36: Fight
Chapter 37: Reconcile
Chapter 38: Star
Chatper 39: Focal
Chapter 40: Late
Chapter 41: Come

Chapter 23: Family

919 21 5
By jdinjz1

(Y/N's POV 845)

"Your stomach is getting really big why is that?" Historia pointed out to Frieda with her finger, as Historia held both of your hands walking around the farm. Historia really was an innocent child. In some aspects that is.

Frieda blushed with a tint of red on her face, attempting her best to find a suitable answer.

"A-Ah it's pretty hard to explain. . ."

"She's just getting fatter." You simply said.


"Ow! What was that for?! That's not very ladylike of you." You had just felt the hard impact that Frieda had left your head in, looking at you with a pissed-off look.

"You could've said it in a nicer way, so I returned what you said to actions and in doing so hit you because you deserved it." She scoffed.

You nervously nodded your head, as you were frightened for your life, girls could be really scary.

As you arrived at your location, you let Historia roam the area for a bit leaving you and your soon-to-be wife sitting on the ground together, as she leaned onto your shoulder.

"Do you think it's going to be a boy or a girl?" She looked up at you, as you saw Historia doing her usual clumsy stuff. You were too busy watching Historia and having fun, as Frieda poked you, breaking you out of your trance.

"I think. . . it'll be a girl." You flashed a smile at Frieda.

"I think so too." She returned your smile.

You continued to look at Historia for a bit, continuing to speak.

"Do I really have to get married? We're still a bit too young don't you think? I mean I already invited everyone I wanted to the wedding event." You questioned her.

"It's a family tradition." She looked down at the ground for a bit. "I know I brought this upon you, due to my selfish decisions. . . b-but I think I'll be the perfect wife for you."

"Huh? Why do you think that you, Frieda Reiss, will be the perfect wife for me." You chuckled.

She cupped your ears whispering to you.

"It's because whatever you do, no matter what happens in the future if you decide to destroy this island or not, or kill me one day to get the Founding Titan. . . I will always support you."

She smiled at you, as she pressed her lips against your cheeks.

You were stunned by the words she had just said to you. She truly was love-stricken, no. What she had for you was more than just love, it exceeded that level.

"Huh! Are you too in love?" Historia interrupted the moment you were having with her as she turned red like a tomato.

"L-Love? Historia. . . I don-"

"Yeah. . . I guess we are." You looked at Frieda.

The words shook her a bit, as her eyes widened with tears in her eyes. It wasn't sad tears, but they were happy tears.

This was the first and closest time you had openly admitted that you loved Frieda Reiss. Sure you didn't say the classic words of I love you.

But to her, it was good enough. It was all that was needed for her to stay by your side forever to the day you died. Of course, she was going to do that originally but this was further cemented through your words.

Historia jumped at both of you, not too hard but enough to make you feel something as you all chuckled to one another like a big family.


"Frieda, do you take (Y/N) to be your wedded husband to live together in marriage? Do you promise to love him, comfort him, honour and keep him for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and health and forsaking all others, be faithful only to him so long as you both shall live?" My father who took the role of marriage officiant asked you smiling.

"I do." I simply said that's all I ever wanted to say to (Y/N).

"You may now kiss the bride."

(Y/N) smiled at me and cupped my face as perhaps when his lips touched mine, time stood still, but the flutter only grew stronger. My knees grew weaker, and my heart hammered in my chest. I was only able to concentrate on how smooth he was against my mouth and how completely he assaulted my senses.

Although it was still obvious that I had imagined this moment into existence, his fingers curled around mine with obvious intensity. (Y/N) kept his eyes half open, guiltily peering at me every time he returned for air to make sure this wasn't something he was dreaming up.

Once we were done a strand of saliva was between us, as the people cheered and clapped for what they had witnessed.

After a while chattering and bickering with peers had occurred as I walked over with Historia who was the flower girl holding my hand to my now husband (Y/N) who was talking to the peers he had invited. (Y/N) had noticed us, waving us over.

"These 5 here were talking about how stupid I look wearing this." (Y/N) said, as the group surrounding him continued laughing.

"Because it is!" Nanaba and Gelgar laughed hysterically. "But no offence to your tradition." They both said together to me.

I chuckled softly as I too sort of agreed with their statement.

"It's nice to meet you my name is Erwin, Erwin Smith the commander of the Survey Corps it is finally nice to meet you, Frieda Reiss." I shook his hand.

"I'm Mike Zacharias, nice to meet you as well, I've heard a lot of great things from you, especially from him over here." Mike ruffled (Y/N's) hair.

"It's great to meet you, anyone who's friends with (Y/N) is a friend of mine." I bowed to them, and I noticed two figures who were far away from each other but I was good enough to recognise one of them.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go somewhere quickly," I said, just before I went (Y/N) grabbed my hand.

"Take care of yourself."

I nodded in response.


"You know you don't have to stand beside a tree, you can just join in, Kenny." I smiled at him as I approached him.

"Ya know I can't do that Frieda and anyways that rascal doesn't know who I am after all." Kenny looked at the group of people that were talking with (Y/N) laughing at one another.

"(Y/N) really has changed a lot but for the better." I smiled to myself.

"That rascal has, Frieda how long did you like (Y/N) in that way before?"

"Since the beginning," I said with no hesitation, that was how much I loved him and the company we had together.

"I always knew that, but thanks for this conversation you can go now." He chuckled as I let him be, still standing looking over at (Y/N) but this time he was smiling.

The second figure at first I was worried about who he might be, but I felt as though he had a connection with (Y/N). He somewhat resembled (Y/N) in a way with his black hair, but he was way shorter than (Y/N).

All I could think right now was me and (Y/N) was going to have a. . .


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