AFTER DARK | naruto

Av Xingqiu

126K 7.3K 4.2K

After dark - that's when all those bad thoughts you try to bury away come back to surface. And with no one ar... Mer

1 | similar to you, but not to me.
2 | similar to me, but not to you.
3 | a warm welcome to the academy
4 | shinobi in training
5 | for the rest of your life
6 | ninja dogs
7 | what you feel
8 | my beloved teammate(s)
9 | chuunin exams
10 | forest of death
11 | deal with a devil
13 | fight to leave a past behind
14 | someone dear to me
15 | severed connections
16 | a quitters resolve
17 | contract bound
18 | whose in control
19 | haunted cliff of konoha
20 | the hidden sand
21 | to your important request: i refuse!
22 | answer to the call of love!
23 | a special chapter to a special boy; happy birthday lee!
24 | the uchiha clan
25 | the many sides of a drunken fist
26 | a reminder of fate
27 | to all those who ever loved me, goodbye
28 | away from home, away from you
29 | to reveal the center of your heart
30 | search for jinchurriki! capture, or captured?
31 | into the akatsukis lair
32 | stronger than we were yesterday
33 | half relevant half not: new years special!
34 | the uchihas curse of hatred. and on a lighter note: reunion with friends!
35 | kakashis wise words and inner turmoil!
36 | the cutest team in the leaf!
37 | legendary hero thief!
38 | feelings over reason
39 | superstition
40 | invincibility and the trouble it causes
41 | loss of a loved one
42 | love that can possibly turn into hate
43 | a true ninja!
44 | Valentines Special! love and friendship!
45 | starry eyed people
46 | a dish best served cold
47 | a pill hard to swallow
48 | to see you before i go
49 | eyes opened to reality
50 | watchful eyes in the darkness
51 | lose your mind, lose your way
52 | brink of insanity
53 | homesickness for traitors
54 | fond memories of you and i
55 | Dissatisfactory closure οΏΌ
56 | fire kings speciality
57 | with war on the horizon, i do what i can for you
58 | ambushed!
59 | rough interrogation
60 | high stake battle
61 | a special chapter to a special boy: happy birthday, Neji!
62 | jailbreak!
63 | madara uchiha was a fraud?!?
64 | fighting fire with fire
65 | my brighter future
66 | a scary special, happy halloween!
67 | the noshowkage!
68 | idolization
69 | into the dream world
70 | into the light
71 | gratitude [END]

12 | congrats in order

2.7K 162 53
Av Xingqiu

"So... All we need to do now is open the scroll?" Lee asked, the group of you were on the floor, staring down ar the two scrolls you had collected.

"Well, yes. If we deciphered their message correctly, that's what we need to do." Neji nodded, Byakugan activated. He was using whatever Chakra he had left to use it in attempts to see the contents of the scroll. "It's sealed by a summoning Jutsu," You could see him squint, "Covered by a secret binding Jutsu, It's clear this is meant to be kept a secret, even from Byakugan users." He explained.

You reached out for the scrolls, Lee grabbing the other.  Nejis Byakugan deactivated, by far overused now. He'd have to take advantage of the rest of the days your group had to rest, since you all made it in a little over a day, that meant he had at least three or four.

"If it is a summoning Jutsu, then what, shall we throw them?" He asked, toying with the end of the scroll - ready to open it. You nodded at his question, standing up. He followed your example.

"I wonder if all the scrolls summon the same thing?" You wondered, "There's thirteen of each scroll, so if they're all different, what do they summon together?" You ended your questions once you pulled the scroll open, Lee quickly doing the same. Lee chucked as far as he could, while you threw it underhand.

Because of the difference of how you threw your scrolls, whatever was inside stumbled back - hitting the wall through the smoke before they adjusted themselves just in time for the smoke to clear. You recognized her as your old academy teacher, she fixed a stray hair before trying to play it cool.

"Looks like my prediction was on point!" She greeted, eyes shut as Neji stood from the floor. "You guys look a little beat up, but you were the second team to pass... I hope you all know how impressive that is for a group of rookies." She praised. But you were wondering how she was summoned from the scroll, was she inside of the seal, or somewhere else similar to how you conjured people? Lee questioned her; none of the questions you were wondering, but as to why she of all people were there to greet you.

"Once I heard my three cute students we're taking the exam, I just knew I had to be here to congrat you all." She smiled, stepping closer to the group of you all. "But... Seeing all of your Ninja bands now, I guess none of you are my students anymore, huh?" She almost sounded a little disheartened, walking a little closer to the three of you before she pulled you in for a hug.

Lee yelped at the suddenty of it, he was only used to sudden hugs from Guy. Neji grumbled something out, he was never a fan of hugs, especially ones from people he hardly knew. You were silent, being in the middle meant you were pressed against her chest. "Seeing kids I've known since they were only five makes me emotional!" She only knew you since you were seven, but you understood the point she was making. "I'm guessing you all managed to dechiper the code, too?"

Neji grumbled out a 'yes', explaining the writing on the wall that he managed to figure out. "If you lack heaven, seek wisdom. If you lack earth, run in the fields, seek advantages. Heaven and earth referring to one's physical and mental strength. If you have both of them, success in even the hardest of missions will be made easier. These rules will guide a persons extremes." You were grateful having Neji on your team,  he was the genius of it. Being able decipher that message down to the last detail wasn't something easy - you had helped him with small parts of it, but he got the big picture.

Your teacher smiled before letting you all go. You were still stunned into silence, but you listened. "You all passed on the first day, so I won't hold you up any longer..." She smiled, "Get some rest while waiting for the others, there's only one other team in there as of now. From the sand." You could feel your body jolt. "Scary little guys... But with the Chunnin motto in mind, I'm sure you guys have grown just a little more. That's all... Don't push yourselves to hard." And like that, she disappeared. So... What was the point of summoning her?

You sighed, lowering your head. Out of all of you, Lee was the most beat up, Diaval had managed to heal every single one of your injuries when he revived you - but not any of the energy you used. Neji was also low on Chakra. You hoped whatever waiting room you were put into had some sort of food as a 'congratulations, you survived' gift. But you found yourself not wanting to enter, not when you knew that the only other people there were from the sand. It was inevitable they'd see you - as your group was approaching the waiting room, you could almost feel yourself dragging your feet. Of course, it could be anyone on the other side, not necessarily Temari and her two brothers.

Neji took note of your nerves, but let Lee speak on it for him. "Do not be nervous, [Firstname]! I know that the people on the other side are from your old home town, and it is impossible that they would not see you enter, but it will be okay!" Neji glared at Lee in a way of telling him to shut up, but he didn't get the hint. Not seeing the way it disheartened you more. "And if they are to inevitably confront you, it-!"

"Shut up!" Neji yelled, "To think, all you do is talk, yet you can't take a hint."

Lee's hand lifted to his face and stopped a little ways away from his mouth, surprised that his words didn't go the way he wanted them to. "Oh, I am sorry!" He apologized loudly, but you were already halfway through the door - deciding it was best to face your fears head-on. Those beyond the door were two people standing, a blonde of course, with that familiar hairstyle - and a hooded person. They were blocking you from seeing the last one, who was sitting down. The hooded one was turning to see who entered; but didn't get the chance to - Lee had thrown himself onto you, knocking you over. He remembered you had mentioned during your hunt for food that there was a blonde sand ninja during the written exam that you thought you knew, so the moment blonde hair came into his vision it was like his way of thinking flew out the window.

"Oh, ow! Why would you push me, Neji!?" Lee excused, getting up off you and sitting in front of you in a fast movement - he nonchalantly turned his head toward the group in front of him. "Oh, look. A group of people we do not know. You embarrassed me, Neji!" He whined, looking back to see his teammates. You were face first on the floor, silent, and Neji was glaring down at him.

"You're the embarrassing one." Neji scoffed, turning his entire body to the right before walking off into the room. He had sat in a part of the room covered by a wall - which made Lee starry eyed. He quickly turned toward you, calling you by a name he made up on the spot before sprinting toward the other side. You were glad for his unnatural speed at anything, but the entire situation that took place made you want to drop dead. Again. When Lee sat you down on one of the seats, he looked proud of himself at the act he put on, sitting down next to you. Neji sat across, arms crossed as he shut his eyes.

You were silent, blinking before your eyes fell shut. You could hear Lee beside you get up and wander off, he returned a few moments later, whispering your name. Opening your eyes, you could see Lee standing in front of you - plate in hand and smile on his face. "There was nothing to spicy, but I know you are not a picky eater. I bought you some things I thought you might like." He placed the plate on your lap. "I brought a lot, because I thought we should get as much as we could before the others came. But I cannot deny the guilt in my conscience...!"

You smiled softly while thanking him and suddenly his doubts were gone. He went on a tangent about not hesitating to ask for anything else before he turned toward Neji. "I got a plate for you, too." He announced, Neji slowly opened his eyes into a squint.

"I know you are a fan of savory things, and I had no idea what to get you... But I hope this is enough." He lowered the plate, letting Neji grab it into his own hand. Although he wasn't sure what he was expecting, he was expecting more than a broccoli sprout. There was a twitch in his eyebrow before he shoved it back toward Lee. "I don't want this. I'm going to get ask much rest as I can." He shut his eyes, brows furrowed.

Lee ate the Broccoli sprout himself, staring at Neji. "If you sleep angry, you will get wrinkles by the time you are eighteen! Neji, that is the opposite of youth!"

"Shut up!"

Lee did so, sitting back down. You turned to look at him, his ear still had blood leaking from it, and seeing as none one of the three of you knew any sort of medical ninjutsu, he couldn't get healed. Well, none of the three of you did, but it didn't have to be limited to the three of you. You grinned, your Poltigan activating in your eyes - all you had to do was reach out and tune with someone who knew of Medical Ninjutsu. There were many dead people in the forest of death; at least one of them knew it. And a medical ninjas instinct was to help, not injure, so you let them take control of you. An absent minded hand placing itself on Lees cheek, turning his attention toward you as your hand glowed green. He stared at you - whoever possessed you stared back before a look of horrific confusion plastered itself onto your face. You were relying on the surprise of it to shock whoever it was away, and it seemed it worked - they had quickly wandered out of your body, and left you with a teammate in better condition than before.

And with a very excited you - you were smiling wider than you think you ever had. Lee stared at you wide-eyed before smiling too. First time you had ever been possessed and it was a complete success, no overturning backstabbing power grabbing ghosts trying to take full control. The shock did that to ghosts. The blood leaking from his ear was entirely gone, whoever had worked their Jutsu did it efficiently. Your Poltigan deactivated, leaving you with plain eyes and very happy teammate. You deemed it as 'payback for the food,' to which he said he'd grab you a million and one more plates for you. Though, the two of you only ended up falling asleep like Neji.

"To think, the people right after us were a group of rookies." The group on the other side began to speak, the blonde one with hands on her hips. "They didn't seem all that impressive, those who decide to play around in front of the enemy are weak. Don't you think so, Kankuro?"

"Give them the benefit of the doubt, Temari. They probably picked off somebody's extras. I mean, with a group as weak looking as that-"

"Shut up." A rough voice cut them off, making them turn their attention to the last one. "In terms of whose weak, the two of you have no place to speak.." He looked up at them, making a shiver jolt up their spine. "If you say anything else, I'll kill you."

"Gaara..." Temaris's voice came out in a warning tone, but she was fearful. Gaara tended to threaten the two of them, but even as often as it was, she took it to face value each time.

"... Wouldn't hurt to listen to your big brother once in a while." Kankuro mumbled, sitting down a little ways from him. Temari sat next to him, leaving Gaara in his own space.

"I have never thought of you two as blood. You will never be my siblings."

You hadn't heard any of them, but you had a dream about your sister that night. The one that had died along with the rest of your family all those years ago - unlike you, who had grown up, she stayed as a child. You almost forgot what she looked like, the image in your dream a mix of what you believed she was like. But looking into her eyes, you were sure you were wrong - the uncertainty cemented itself when you reached your hand out toward her, your hand fading away before you could touch her face. When you opened your eyes to reality, all you saw was Neji. Awake and eating whatever it was he could get his hands on last minute. He seemed to notice you wake the moment you opened your eyes, his spatial awareness was always phenomenal. Unlike yours, clearly. You hadn't even noticed that you and Lee were lying on each other when you had fallen asleep.

"It's about time you woke up. We only have an hour left before the third phase starts." That's when you noticed the new people around, there wasn't much - but definitely more than two teams now. You recognized one of them, a team with a black-haired one that had practically told you to shut up during the written exam. That was the only other team in your section of the room, they probably appreciated the fact that your group was asleep and silent - so you wouldn't even notice them. Because now that two of you were awake, they seemed alert.

You sat up, your movements making Lee wake up too. "An hour..." You mumbled. "I slept off four days of food..." You sighed, turning toward the plate Lee had gotten you. None of the food had gone bad, and there wasn't a chance in hell you were going to miss it. So you lifted it up, eating them one at a time. You offered some to Lee, who took it hesitantly. He did not want to take from you; but you were offering, and he was hungry. And how could he ever reject you? The last hour was spent in silence, all of you focused on replenishing as much energy as you could in an hour. Though, it wasn't exactly an hour. It was cut short due to the last tram making it through; which happened to be team seven. You figured being in Kakashi team meant they had eyes on them - which meant they've let peoples expectations down. This also meant people were going to doubt them - except for Sasuke, everyone looked forward to an Uchiha fight...

You sighed, the group of teams gathered into the next room you were waiting outside of for days. It was big, there were a multitude of Jounin there to congrat the people on making it this far; your group was near the front, only a team away from Temari. You were sure they'd scope out who passed - they'd see you. It was truly inevitable.

The third hokage was the one honored to explain the rules, but instead went off into a tangent about allied nations. As a replacement of war - you wondered, did being the last member of a prestigious well known clan from the sand in the leaf mean any problems for any side involved? You could already feel yourself beginning to overthink it as the Hokage continued to speak. Neji had jabbed his elbow to your side to get you to snap out of it - which worked. You looked at the old hokage and listened to him speak for the first time in the long minutes that passed.

"This is not only a test, but a battle of life or death. With your dreams, your country's, your clans prestige on the line." You were silent, taking in his words before a new voice distracted you. Low, mean and demanding - something you never heard from anyone before, yet you found yourself recognizing it, turning your head to look at who it was, but someone from the crowd shifted, blocking who it was. You leaned forward, trying to see who it was, but was stopped by another sudden entrance. A sick looking man introducing himself as Hayate Gekkou entered, explaining rules and asking if anyone wanted to quit. This far into the Chuunin exams, you believed no one would want to, but you were proved wrong by the white-haired boy beside you. He was quitting, apparently it wasn't the first time either.

You almost found yourself wanting to quit, you could feel your heart heavy. You had no clue what was going to happen, maybe you would die, but Diaval would just make another contract you'd forget about. But that contract had you nervous, what could you have agreed to in your time of desperation? There was always the possibility of your teammates being killed - the Hokages speech of villages and countries felt as if it was building up to something more. With the amount of churning your stomach was already doing, you weren't sure you could handle much more.

"We've cut the amount of people participating by a good amount... We can now conduct ten matches." The proctor spoke, "There are no rules in a real battle, just like this one... Unless someone quits and admits defeat, even killing goes... So admit defeat if you don't want to die, and feel a little mercy if you don't want to kill." Those were two things neither of your teammates could do, Lee didn't quit - and depending on who it was, Neji didn't show mercy.

"But, uh, we can step in if we feel we don't want another corpse around. So there's that." It did little to ease your nerves. "Well, this is sudden, but we'll be announcing the first two competitors." You could feel your nerves spike as you looked up, hoping to whatever was out there that your name wouldn't appear on the screen.Your attention was diverted from that, the feeling of someone's eyes on you as you warily turned your head. One of the Jounins looked back, with long hair and narrow eyes looking back at you despite being at the back of the group. The white haired one beside you stayed in place despite having quit a few minutes ago. All of your nerves were surfacing before you shut your eyes, silently burning them away as you followed the rest of the groups up the stairs.

'Someone's got their eye on you, you're in danger.'' Diaval warned, you ignored them. Your nerves were so high you completely blocked them out of your mind in that second - they couldn't hear, see, feel anything you were experiencing in that second. Whether for better or for worse, you couldn't say. Nobody else in your team had noticed the bubbling trouble, or your silence that they deemed normal. You had stayed by the wall, leaning on it to keep yourself upright while your team stayed by the rails to watch the battle taking place.

Whatever impending doom your gut was warning you about; you felt there was nothing you could do as you stood.

What you hadn't noticed was that Guy Sensei had completely picked up on your behavior just a few seconds after being around you. After all, what kind of Sensei would he be if not mentally in tune with his precious students? He had placed a hand on his hip, trying to solve what the root of your problems was. Whatever ailed his students ailed him, and his students happened to have a lot of problems. But he couldn't think of the right approach, do it now and risk your teammates listening in, or wait until after you battle to take you elsewhere and risk you be in lower spirits than you already were? The struggles of being a good sensei were far to much.


I love the dynamic I made between team Guy and Mc lol I love 'em

Anyway updates might be less frequent now becuz I believe something bad is going 2 happen ummm 😒😒 anyway love u guys let's hope I update soon 😍😍

Fortsett Γ₯ les

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