Rise of the teenage mutant ni...

By superheroleslie

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Adopted by senior Hueso, a 14 year old yokai who has spent most of her life in the hidden city finally meets... More

Chapter 1: meeting the turtles
Chapter 3: meeting april and splinter
Chapter 4: the gumbus
Chapter 5: Mrs. cuddles
Chapter 6: al be back
Chapter 7: Karaoke night
Chapter 8: pizza pit
Chapter 9: Hot soup: the game
Chapter 10: Evil league of mutants
Chapter 11: A bad day
Chapter 12: A good day
Chapter 13: bullhop
Chapter 14: Shadow of evil
Extra: making out
Chapter 15: Portal jacked
Chapter 16: warren and hypno, sitting in a tree
Chapter 17: Sparring partner
Chapter 18: You got served
Chapter 19: how to make enemies and people bend to your will
Chapter 20: Training (short chapter)
Chapter 21: Mystic library
The names in Leslie's phone
Leslie's name in their phone
Chapter 22: Man vs sewer
Chapter 23: the mutant menace
Chapter 24: Snow day
Chapter 25: Cloak and swaggart
Chapter 26: Jupiter Jim Ahoy
Leslie's relationships with the turtles
Chapter 27: insane in the mama train
Chapter 28: End game
Chapter 29: Many unhappy returns
Chapter 30: Breaking purple
Chapter 31: Repairin the Baron
Chapter 32: Pizza puffs

Chapter 2: bug busters

157 6 1
By superheroleslie

I was riding in what the turtles call the turtle tank going to stop oozeflies because they invited me and I accepted because they are actually kind of fun.

" Donnie I need an update" Mikey said

" okay, one more time: Baron Draxum created ooze and put it in carrier bugs that bite people and turn them into mutants, and for some reason, it's up to us to stop the whole situation" Donnie told him.

" no, I need an update for my phone."

I slapped my face

Raph interrupted that little conversation " Focus. The news said this hotel was full of oozesquitoes. We're suited up so let's get down to business"

We drove to the hotel where people were screaming and running out of the hotel.

" Definitely in the right place" I commented

We busted in, ready to face off against the bugs

" okay, bugs it's just you and me" said Raph

" and me. I'm here too" a random guy clarified

We blinked at the guy and Leo swept towards him " Do not fear, sir. We are unlicensed amateurs, and we have the situation mildly under control."

I rolled my eyes

The guy looked at Leo " ew, your skin's all green"

" relax, sir. It's a perfectly normal side effect of all the chemicals we use"

I chuckled " I, for one, wouldn't really trust him with this"

He glared at me " why are you here again?" I shrugged " I was bored"

We then went to Raph who was going over the plan " All right, remember the plan. Attract, smash. Zap, smash. Bash, smash!"

I made a wtf face " t-that's a horrible plan!"

Meanwhile the guy was trying to stop us from trying to break anything which was then being chased by the oozebugs.

" I say we revise Raph's plan to make sure this guy doesn't get mutated." Leo clarified.

" Stick to the plan! If we capture the oozesquitos, nobody gets mutated. All right, Mikey, you're up." Raph counterbacked.

Mikey jumped In with his happy go lucky attitude " Roger, skipper! Honey based distraction released" and poured it over himself.

While Mikey was trying to get the bugs, the rest of us were trying to help the guy, well mostly I was trying to protect the guy, they were trying to get the bugs but that ended super well🙄 ( sarcasm) and he ended up getting electrocuted by Raph " not me, the bugs!"

Leo then popped up with his green gas " Get behind me. My trusty cloud of noxious gas will save you"

I groaned " actually, it's kinda suffocating him" I looked at the guy who was having a hard time breathing.

Raph looked over to Leo and scolded him " Leo, you're wasting it. We need that for the bugs."

They got in each other's faces " I'm protecting this guy" I then got in his face " you're doing a poor job of it"

He scoffed at me " whose side are you on?" I scoffed back " not yours, obviously🙄"

The 3 of us then started tackling over the guy and then Donnie accidentally let his big purple orb thing loose trapping all of us inside.

" plan is really coming together, Raph." Leo sarcastically said " No more honey next plan " he finished.

As we were trapped in the orb, the guy got bit and turned into a bull running out of the hotel.

" well, that worked perfectly!😄🙄" I faked smiled then rolled my eyes.

Raph glared at me then growled at Leo " Leo, if you just listened to me, we would have gotten the bugs and been hosing Mikey down by now."

" We did listen to you, Raph, and that persnickety guy was ironically mutated into a clumsy bull" Leo responded.

" hey! About we continue this classic Raph-Leo argument outside the trap?" Donnie suggested and inactivated the orb ball thingy.

Mikey was holding a vase and looked around " look at this mess, we gotta do the right thing, guys, and get out of here." He threw the vase to the ground.

Just then the eleventh dinged and out came and oddly hot looking woman ( look, she is okay don't come at me, I can't help it🤷🏼‍♀️)

Her guard type guys rolled a red carpet and carried her down the stairs. *scoff* extra much?

She looked around " well, you've turned my hotel into quite the fizzy winkle."

I blinked " huh?" What this B say?

Raph chuckled nervously " you sure that was us? I tell you what, we totally human exterminators will waive our usual fee and~"

" don't fret" she interrupted him " My people will sort out this crackadoo" she clapped her hands and her guys got to work.

" well since you have this under control, we'll be heading back to our human office like humans do" Raph clarified.

I skidded beside him and nodded my head... smartly?

" No need for flim-flam. You're amongst your own kind" she clapped her hands and every single one of the mean turned into yokai.

Oh, that's actually kind of a relief

The turtles and I were astonished " woah! Mutants can work here?" Mikey asked surprised.

" Mutant? What strange words you use"

" no stranger than the words you use, lady" I commented.

She glared at me with like an evil type look and then cleared her throat " we prefer to call ourselves yokai. Come I'll give you the grand tour"

" Okay, anyone else think we shouldn't follow a stranger we just met into who knows what now?" Leo asked skeptically.

" yep" I agreed with him.

He looked at me and smirked " did you just agree with me?"

I rolled my eyes " come on" and we followed his brothers " she's a nice lady, Leo and Leslie. What's not to trust?" Raph asked.

We got in the elevator and became like magic, it was actually kind of beautiful.

We stopped at the level 5 floor and we were admiring the place.

" Did Draxum create everyone in here?" Raph asked the woman known as Big Mama.

Seriously, what kind of name is big mama, just sounds like someone who has a big ego, like Leo, but at least he doesn't go around calling himself, most magnificent Leonardo.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes at the thought

" I'm sorry, you've never heard of Baron Draxum? Tall, ugly dude with talking gargoyles for shoulder pads? Likes to make mutants I'm his spare time? None of this is ringin a bell?" Leo asked

Crap, I missed what she said.

" hmm, sounds fascinating. No, we yokai have existed for thousands of eons. Most live in the hidden city, but my hotel gives them a chance to kick up their flippers and stretch out their hollydoos."

With the flick of her wrist a sort of magical door opened up and we were honestly astounded. " this place is amazing! Winston is it?" Mikey said with joy then asked.

" our sporting lounge, where you can take in the ferocious fights of the battle nexus"

We looked at the screen and honestly that made me feel a bit uncomfortable.

" sounds scary" Mikey commented

" Heavens, no, unless you're put off by blood curdling battles where warriors are ripped limb from Limbity limb" she giggled

I gulped and was kind of spooked by this and held Leo's arm in support, he looked at me and smirked and I just did a very weird pout that basically said ( don't ask, this doesn't mean anything).

He stopped smirking and turned to Mikey who started talking " hey, guys, remind me not to ask any more questions"

We then followed big mama and into her office and me and Leo looked at each other with a skeptical look on our faces.

" so this Draxum's oozesquitoes are causing quite the fizzy tassel by creating all these new mutants. Oh, so troubling. Gives us yokai a bad name. I prefer a low profile, excuse me while I slip into something a little more comfortable."

Then she turned into a spider.

" Spider!" I exclaimed.

" mutant arachnid!".

" Ladybug!".

Leo made a fist and pumped it up " Oh, I knew it. Not that specifically, but there has to be something.".

" I see my true form shocks you" she sighed all sadly.

As much as I don't trust her, I still believe in manners.

" you would hurt a nice spider lady's feelings, wouldn't ya, Leo?" Raph scolded him.

Mikey booed him and I joined in cause why not🤷🏼‍♀️.

" you know, come to think of it, perhaps could be of use in catching the bugs. I have no means to splort them around town, but surely a genius like you~" she pointed to Donnie, " can create a clever device to use them to capture the bugs" Big mama offered.

" Okay, I know what you're doing. You're just trying to flatter me with the truth, and I love it!" Donnie exclaimed.

" well, then allow me." She threw a trash can to Donatello and he looked up at her and she spit her webs at him.

" as fascinating as it is *gag* hideous *gag* oh, I hate it." Donnie proclaimed.

We also all blehed, that is supppeeer gross.

" Once you catch the oozesquitoes, bring them to me and I'll safely return them to the hidden city." She made a deal with us.

" you got yourselves a deal." Raph said.

Me an Leo looked at each other and he went to Raph " Raph, what are we getting into? In case you haven't noticed, these mystic types have a nasty habit of trying to kill us."

I also went to Raph " look I'm going to have agree with Leo, and you know how much I hate agreeing with Leo, so you know it's bad"

Raph just brushed us off " you guys are being crazy. She's helping us catch the oozesquitoes, Don't look a gift spider in the mouth".

" never look her in the mouth" Donnie shuddered.

I pat his head and we left.

Timeskip brought to you by Leo actually being right half the time😉.

" I looked it up. Bitey bugs from phylum Arthropoda are attracted to carbon dioxide." Donnie told us.

" Leo, let it loose" Raph yelled to Leo who was on top of the roof of the turtle tank with oxygen thing.

I put my head my head out the window " hey Leo! How's it being up there? Haha" I taunted him".

" I don't want to talk about it" he mumbled.

Donnie then came up " Genius powers,go!" He threw a box and out came like a flying motorcycle type of thing".

Which led to chasing the oozesquitoe, which he then caught and put in a jar.

But after that, he just kept missing by getting Leo, a cantaloupe, a pro basketball player. I groaned " You're wasting it!" " I'm not trying to!" He told back at me.

Of course after a while we did get more.

" you know, big mama was smart to believe in me because I am killing it."

" nice work, team. We must've got a hundred of em, good thing we didn't do Leo and Leslie's idea of being afraid of spiders," Raph laughed.

I hissed at him.

" I don't know. I still don't trust her." " same" I yelled to him.

The turtle tank stopped at the hotel and we we went inside then into the elevator and there was an imitating big owl guy.

Gulp, i don't have a good feeling about this.

" so other guy's day off?" Leo calmly asked.

I looked at Leo with a worried look and he gave me a comforting smile which this time I did not brush off cause that would be rude, and I don't feel like being rude this time.

When the elevator opened again, a fox guy and a seal guy and the guys were humming a song with actually a nice toon.

Then we reached her room and it left me feeling very odd.

" Greenie boos, doggy boo, gifts for big mama?"

" wha-dog?" I questioned.

Doggy boo? Bitch- I'm not a fucking dog! ( way to keep it child friendly😂)

" oozesquitoes. But we're almost out of web goo" Raph told her.

" fantumptious" she said.

Seriously, what is up with the words she uses?

" and look at that marvelous device you've built me." She looked at Donnie's bike thing.

"oh, glad you like it, but, uh, actually, it's mine, and why are your extra large bellhops standing so close to us all of sudden?"

I gulped, crap, this is bad.

I looked at Leo with a worried look and he looked at me with the same look and we slowly walked away and quickly got into an elevator and I peeked our behind Leo's shell as he kept pressing the button to close the elevator door.

I looked at Leo and cleared my throat " so, uh, how are we going to save them?".

He shrugged his shoulders " I do not know, we just roll with it" I slapped my forehead " I think I had a better chance of staying with your brothers".

" look, hermosa, just stick with me and I'm sure we'll find a way to get them out, I am their champion after all" he smirked like a bright was shining on him.

I groaned " Watashi no hiro" ( translation-my hero)

He looked at me with a confused look on his face and I sighed " do you not know what Japanese is?".

He shook his head and I just groaned " no puedo creer que estoy atrapado aquí contigo" ( translation: can't believe I'm stuck here with you).

He then put his arm over my shoulder " ahh, but you're not stuck with me, we're stuck together". He smiled proudly.

I rolled my eyes " oh, so you know Spanish but not Japanese".

Timeskip to them actually going inside a vent.

" come out to the mutant hotel. We'll get together have a few laughs. I knew we couldn't trust that spider lady" Leo ranted.

We heard the elevator ding through the vents and looked into the room of the vent we were in and that fox guy was carrying the jar of the oozesquitoes.

He pressed into a wall out came looking liking a vault and the code was all 1. ( wow...basic much🙄😂).

" I can't wait to save Raph so I can rub it in his face." Leo said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes " I can't wait to rub your face in something" I mumbled.

I heard Leo chuckling " maybe, I'll let you, hermosa"

I puffed my cheeks and made a mad sound.

We then saw a yokai putting dirty laundry in a basket then we jumped and Leo knocked the guy out and open locker door and we instantly gagged from the smell.

I covered my nose " oh, boy, dirty laundry is not gonna be fun". Leo chuckled " those guys are sooo going to owe us".

We then went down the chute and landed in that dirty laundry basket cart thing, and underwear landing on Leo's head.

He groaned " Ugh, I'm just gonna tell myself this is a t-shirt.

I chuckled " even though it isn't". He looked me pleading, and I sighed " ok, it's a t-shirt".

We then went into the vent again and rolled the cart into the hall and we heard one of the henchman say " All right, now hold up. Laundry bin in the middle of the hallway?" " Classic trap. I shall investigate" another guy said.

He started picking through the clothes, me and Leo smirked and he started trying to make a portal.

The owl guy started stepping back " step back, step back. Yes! Now step back into my trap, you~" Leo was interrupted when we fell out of the vent and into the portal where the his brothers followed.

We landed on a different floor, " you're welcome for saving you" Leo said.

" if y'all hadn't left us, we all could've saved ourselves together".

Me and Leo scoffed and heard a howl, and a spiky dog yokai came running at us.

We started screaming.

" Now, that's a dog!" I yelled.

Mikey then distracted him with a game of fetch.

" I'm sorry, who was that?" Leo asked.

" Gus was sent to eat you" Donnie responded.

I chuckled " he needs to do a better job, we're still in one piece"

" in that case, maybe it's time to blow this balloon factory, once we're safe at home, I can brag how right leslie and I were, and, in turn, how wrong you were, so let's do it".

" I got it, but we're not going without Donnie's bug slapper and the oozesquitoes. We can't leave them in Queen eight legs' hands" Raph told Leo.

" well, since we indubitably have no idea where~" Leo was interrupted by Raph.

" spill the beans, Leo. Every time you say indubitably, I know you're up to something"

Leo just glared at Raph, " Leooo" I said with a stern voice.

He sighed " fine, everything's in big mama's office and we can risk our lives getting back right now".

" And that's exactly what we're gonna do. Guys, Stealth mode!" Raph yelled that last part.

I put my hand my face, that was so not stealth mode.

" or, stealth mode." Leo and me both whispered to him.

We both fist bumped.

The elevator opened to big mama's room and silently, we went in and Leo looked at a picture and put his fingers on it and out came the vault.

" this calls for the delicate touch of a genius" Donnie started saw whirring the vault to get it in.

I covered my ears, it was just soo freaking loud.

" I'LL COVER THE SOUND FOR YOU!" Mikey yelled, and threw a vase on the ground.

I just slapped myself.

" WE SHOULD BE THROUGH IN A COUPLE OF HOURS!" Donnie yelled back to us.

" OR WE COULD DO THIS." I yelled and pulled down the one on the vault to open it and Leo smiled at me then smirked at his brothers.

It opened and they got their weapons and we heard growling and we peeled to see who it was, it was gus...

" don't start a game of fetch you can't finish"
He told us.

" Oh, no, no, no, no, no, dears. This simply will not do" big mama turned her chair around.

I turned my to the side " were you there The Whole time?" She cleared her throat " if there's one rule big mama has~"

Leo: is it forgive and forget?

Raph: is it don't chew on the guest slippers?

Mikey: is it no using Raph's toothbrush?

Me: is it never call a yokai a dog when they clearly aren't?

Donnie: is it ohm's law?

Big mama " NO!"

She then transformed into her spider form and she webbed all of us, she webbed me in the same web with Leo.

He smirked at me " Heyyy, hermosa".

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

" my rule is no stealing from big mama" she said. Then the window shattered and a weird looking dude came out " and my rule is, no stealing from me!".

" Mr. sheep to the rescue!" Mikey said.

" And that's a good thing?" Donnie asked Mikey, " He tried to destroy us last time we saw him"

Huh, so that's Baron Draxum, not really that ugly🤷🏼‍♀️.

" Scramulent to see you again, Baron Draxum, but you really must learn to use the dimbally door." Big mama welcomed him.

" You must learn to use real words" he told her.

" ha, I know, right!" I said.

" huh, they know each other. If only one of us had seen that coming." Leo said to Raph.

" you are a poor winner, Leo" raph said back.

" Those are my property. Fetch them. My pets" baron pointed to the oozesquitoes.

The small gargoyles went to get them but then occupied with Gus.

" I need these bimbally bugs for all those tasty victims, they will mutate for my battle nexus" Big mama told him.

" Those were made for something much greater than your silly battle nexus. They're here to eliminate the human threat forever. I will have every last one on the surface" he told her, in which they started fighting.

I started feeling bad, my ears started hurting as well as my head.

I groaned, whimpering.

Leo noticed " hey, leslie, are you okay?"

I shook my head " the sounds"

Leo sighed then looked over to raph " what is this, another one of your success proof plans?".

" yes— I mean, no, no, no. Look, use my shell."

We did and we got out of the webs, but my ears were still kind off sensitive, so my head was on Leo's plastron and he had one arms on my back .

" Time for us to take over the surface!" Baron said as he went up on the roof.

" Leo, portal to the roof now!" Raph told Leo.

" there you go, telling me what to do again. Well, actually, no, that's a plan I can get behind" he let me go and gave me to raph so he could his portal thing.

Raph smiled at me and I smiled back.

Leo made the perfect portal " yes!" All three of us said.

" can we rename today Leo day?" Leo smugly asked.

Raph just pulled us into the portal and Leo got the oozesquitoes " Leon's got it, hehe".

Baron Draxum then threw his tentacles at us and we were fumbling all over the place, in which threw Leo into the air.

" Leo, toss me the oozesquitoes!" Raph said.

He did so, but raph failed to catch, so I caught it instead, raph looked at me " run!" And so I did, jumping over the tentacles, but then Leo was over the roof with the tentacles around him.

" Leo!" I yelled.

What? Just because I don't really care for him all that much, doesn't mean his life isn't that important to me.

" let my brother/Leo go" raph and I said.

" not literally!" Leo reminded him.

" oh, brotherly/girlfriend loyalty" Draxum said.

I blushed embarrassed " WE AREN'T TOGETHER!".

" but we could beee~" Leo teased me.

Draxum rolled his eyes " ENOUGH! But my bugs are important to you as well. Which one will you choose?".

" Give him the bugs. Just give him the bugs." Leo panicked.

I scoffed " I'm not giving him the bugs.".

" these villains are all talk, he ain't gonna~" raph stopped mid way when Draxum dropped Leo.

" NO!" Raph yelled.


Wait... what?

Raph went to save leo.

Draxum looked at me and the oozesquitoes and I gulped " heyyyy".

I quickly dodged his tentacles a few times until he finally got me and he took the oozesquitoes from me and also dropped me.

" AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... huh?" I noticed that I didn't drop to the ground and I saw that Leo caught me, " Heyyy, hermosa".

My eyes sparkled " Leo! You're alive!" He smirked, and I cleared my throat " I mean good... you're alive".

He chuckled and growled " WE WOULD BE A GOOD COUPLE, WHAT THE HECK, LEO?".

He chuckled " oh come on, I was just joking, and a little crush never hurt anyone" he winked at me.

I blushed " wha-crush? Ugh you're so annoying!".

He laughed and we saw the oozesquitoes " ohhh... that's not good".

We decided to sit in a little room waiting. " everyone okay?" Donnie asked us.

" We're fine, but the squitoes got away. Another failed mission." Raph told him.

" not a total failure. We've got this to go get them now." He pointed to his bike thing " oh, I am, however, out of webs. So, uh, partial failure? Yay..." he finished weakly.

" Raph, what was that crazy power-up? You saved my life!" Leo asked raph.

" I don't know. I just knew if I didn't save your life, I'd never the end of it from you" raph said.

Ahhh... makes sense.

" and on a diff note, Draxum created us. He told me right before he threw me off the roof, so I don't think he's very attached" Leo told them.

Mikey: what? Does that mean we're teenage...

Donnie: mutant...

Leo: ninja...

Raph: sheepmen?

I chuckled " seriously, raph, sheepmen? Not turtles?"

He shrugged and I sighed " well, y'all, tanoshikatsu ta desu" ( translation: it's been fun).

They all stared at me and I sighed " it's been fun".

They all ohhed.

" Leo please teleport me back to my uncle, please"

" no problem, hermosa, can't wait until we see you again" he winked.

I rolled my eyes " by, we, you mean you".

He did finger guns and winked again.

He did a portal and went through it and was next to my uncle.

" how was your day, Leslie?" Uncle Don asked.

I groaned " it was very interesting, Leonardo has a crush on me".

He raised his brow " anddd?".

I rolled my eyes " it's annoying".

I then went to bed, cause I'm freaking tired.

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