The Return (Sequel to Differe...

Per brooke_figueroa

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"Do you ever miss being human?" When it was quiet for a long while, I assumed he wasn't going to answer and... Més

1. Seattle
2. Who Turned Him?
3. Three Birds, One Stone
4. Either Way
5. Vampire Bodyguard
6. Gone Nuts
7. Traditional
8. When's The Wedding?
9. Liquid Courage
10. Ghost Of A Wolf
11. The Acception
12. Ginkgo
13. Sebastian Thy Shield
14. Thirst
15. Surprise
16. The Human Can Protect Us
17. No Time To Be Amorous
18. Head In The Sand
19. Girly Porsche
20. Evora
21. Hard Work
22. 15 Minutes
23. Head Out Of The Sand
24. The Vision That Started It All
25. Greek Chicken
26. All Knocked Up And Nowhere To Go
27. A Witch With Two Sides
28. Deals A Deal
29. Us And Only Us
30. An Unexpected Surprise
31. A Theory
32. Curiosity or Jealousy?
33. Need
34. A Fearless Huntress
35. Magic
36. West Virginia
37. Thermopylae
38. Doomed!
39. Counting Stars
40. All's Fair in Love and War
41. Fuck
42. Airborne
44. Wingman and Bird Girl
45. The Mirror
46. Jonah
47. Back Then Isn't Now
48. Fur Rug
49. I Am You

43. Albertan

32 10 10
Per brooke_figueroa



Instead of going baby shopping like Alyx and I had planned, me, him and Allie went to the mansion to meet up with Sebastian and Veronica. Since they arrived on foot, we didn't have their SUV to pool in and there was no way Alyx was going to allow his pregnant mate to be lifted in the air by her newly birded sister when he could drive all three of us in his truck.

"Not happening," Alyx shook his head at Allie. He didn't want me to tag along or let her fly alone and risk me lose a sister if gravity were to pull her down and break every bone in her body including her neck.

I was trying not to laugh when Sebastian agreed that she shouldn't be trying to fly high in the sky with or without torn eardrums as she didn't need to test out her flying skills on day 1. I'm pretty sure he meant her not testing them out at all and him not having his long sleeve sweater made him look more intimidating with all the tattoos he sported on his long arms that caught the eyes of my sister so many times. He had struggled not to look at her cleavage that was now covered thanks to his shirt.

"Tie her in the truck if she refuses to ride," Sebastian said with narrowed eyes on her. "Or above," he smirked.

Allie rolled her eyes at him then crossed her arms. I thought Alyx's shirts swamped me, but her wearing Sebastian's literally looked like a dress on her, the wings having no problem coming and going in the large hole he created for them.

After collecting all the grimoires in the livingroom, stray papers, some herbs and the map from the training grounds office that was still in the den upstairs, my mate and sister helped me carry it to the truck before we all hopped in. I wasn't exactly ecstatic to be in his truck, knowing that I'd get queasy and could only imagine the sickness I'd feel if I did volunteer to get flown by Allie with Alyx's blessing. The turbulence of her flying high could've made my poor stomach miserable, the ride possibly being longer and not shorter if she has little to no control of her directioning along with the landing being a bit rough.

"Ugh, I don't miss car rides," I moaned in the passenger seat.

"That's exactly how I felt in Portugal, the 2 hour car ride to Porto was terrible."

I laughed at Allie, "You told me about the club, the townhouses and even Diamante and yet you never mentioned a Santiago!" Turning around to give her a scrutinizing look, I teased her more by adding, "I hear it from Christian of all people."

"Santiago was just someone I danced with," she admitted grimly.

"I'd hate to see you get flustered and have your wings pop out and bust my windows," Alyx gave her an uneasy look in the rear view before returning his gaze to the dirt roads as we neared the mansion.

"Dancing with him isn't what made me flustered that night," I heard Allie whisper.

In the rear view, I dropped my smirk when I noticed the sad look on her face and distant gleam in her eyes. Her hand clutched the necklace with our surname on it, her mind on whatever happened the night she danced with this Santiago. From our previous conversations, I knew she didn't have him in mind, but the vampire she kissed in Appalachia that I found hard to call 'uncle'.

All traces of uncertainty, sadness and even admiration was wiped clean from my sister's face, her eyes filling with mischief when Christian held the doors to the mansion for all three of us to enter. The look he was giving her was the same if not more devious when the two of them locked eyes.

"I'm not sure how old you are, but based on the way you play pool," she snorted, "I would've guessed 5." Alyx and I laughed at her comment, the both of them offering to carry the thick spell books and other items for me.

"Wow, win one game and she thinks she's the Queen," Christian scoffed with a smile on his chiseled, bearded face.

"That one win quickly turned into 11--"

"How are you, Baze?" He grinned down at me after nodding to Alyx as if asking for permission to speak. It was hard to tell if he was just being respectful or genuinely feared the Alpha in some way and didn't want to upset him. Christian wasn't there either times to see Alyx get mad so I was surprised with how quick he would clean his act up at the presence of my mate. He seemed like a cocky meathead and people with those kinds of personalities tend to find it hard to bow down to others, even their significant others.

"Still growing a baby," I smiled with happiness.

"Looking beautiful while doing so," he added. "Can't wait to meet my God daughter!"

"I'd fight you for the title of God parent in a heart beat," Rein challenged him with her dark eyes when we all entered through the spacious foyer of the emerald mansion.

"Anyone who resorts to violence shouldn't use Godly in terms of anything they do," he barked out a laugh. "My name is Christian," he winked at us, "Keep that in mind, you two!"

"And ironically, he's the Tazmanian Devil," Rein chuckled.

When Alyxzandra's born, Alyx and I are going to have to dodge the topic of God parents on both sides in order to avoid anything, but ungodly things from happening if we had to choose. You can always hope that they were joking, but I'd hate to test it and find out in the heat of the moment.

"You finally moving in?" Tyler giggled, noticing the bag of items both Christian and my mate carried.

"Sorry to disappoint you," I gave her a sheepish smile and said, "No. Those are the grimoires and some herbs I may need."

"Doing a seance?" Cole snickered. I didn't expect all of them to be present, most of the time when I came here it was little to no vampires around. Mainly Veronica and Sebastian were here, Piero along with Vivian too, but I knew not to expect seeing them anytime soon or at least until the baby is born. Whenever their anniversary neared, they'd disappear for at least two months according to everyone else who uses the mansion as a hang out place, them being able to find a home within any home if they truly wanted to.

"Nuh-uh," Allie shook her head at Cole, his hazel eyes was questioning the shirt she had on, his head tilted a little to inspect it.

"Haven't seen anyone wear jeans and a dress since the early 2000's," Tyler commented when she joined Cole's inspection of Allie's shirt, not realizing it belongs to the 6'5 vampire that just came downstairs behind them in a similar dark gray one. I'd be lying if I said that Sebastian covering up his tattoos wasn't disappointing. I wanted to ask him about it all and knew I'd forget if he kept them covered thanks to my delirious, pregnancy brain.

"We have serious business to talk about," he looked at everyone present, light blue eyes shining with satisfaction after grazing Allie in his shirt.

The serious business made me almost drop some items on the floor out of nervousness. My heart was racing and I have to slow my breathing to calm it down and prevent my hands from shaking.

Christian whispered to Nico, "Staking his claim, again."

Once we all sat down in their living room, my grimoires and herbs were placed neatly on the shiny obsidian coffee table along with the folded map. It was in the center between their large light gray couches that were occupied by those who chose to sit, Sebastian and Cole being the only ones to lean against the walls.

"This feels like a family meeting," Nico pursed his lips. "Should we face time the married couple in Belize?"

"Vivian and Piero are in Belize?" I asked, happy to hear that they are far away from where all the crazy stuff that happened to celebrate an anniversary that'll be added to my life once a date was set. I smiled towards Alyx happily, he has been giving me reassuring glances that led to him holding my hand when he realized just how nervous I am.

"Yes," Rein giggled.

"So let's not bother them," Veronica narrowed her eyes on Nico who just smirked at her from across the room in his seat.

"Seriously," Cole called with crossed arms. "What is this?"

Alyx and I looked at each other, Sebastian and Veronica stared at us and Allie. We all wondered who was going to break things down to them without it sounding confusing.

It was my vision so I spoke up first, "I had a vision of Jonah dying." Christian was the only one present along with my mate, sister, aunt and uncle when it happened. Piero isn't here to confirm it and if Veronica was human, I highly doubt she would've been able to as she gulped down 3 wine bottles after. She would've been too drunk to recall anything that day and it's something she hoped for it seems.

"W-what?" Rein's lips parted.

"Really?" Cole leaned back in surprise, glancing up at Sebastian who clenched his jaw in silence before looking over Allie who kept her gaze on the sages in front of her.

"How did he die?" Christian asked, he didn't know how he died, but remembered the vision and my reaction to it.

"I know to kill a vampire will require a beheading or fire," I started with my eyes on the glass that gave me a view of their spacious backyard and Rein's greenhouse. My hand shook as I realized that my parents and what they've done will have to be mentioned. "Latimer and Jessica--"

"Oh, they killed him?" Nico sneared.

"Should've killed that perverted bastard when I had the chance to." Tyler flipped her blonde hair with a fierce glare on the floor.

I frowned at her words, not being able to ask when Cole said, "I'm not surprised by what anyone does anymore."

"Technically, they did," my words came out before anyone else could comment. "They had the woman and man that raised me kill him and we think he might still be alive out there somewhere."

"You are familiar with the term 'kill', yes?" Was Nico's rhetorical question. "As in... not coming back?"

"Is this some sick joke?" Rein narrowed her eyes on me.

"No," Sebastian told her with a coldness in his voice that counteracted the hint of anger and confusion in hers.

"Your parents?" Christian grimaced, his eye's were on me before slowly moving to Allie when I just looked down at the ground. "Yours?" He pointed at her.

I'm not sure what got over Sebastian, but he stood closer to her as if afraid someone would attack. It made my heart race with uneasiness and I stood up, ready for whatever was going to happen if this conversation took a turn for the worse. Allie's the only human present which made it all the more intense as the vampires took in what our parents had done, knowing she'd be an easier target than me. Alyx being my mate, he joined me, all 6'2 of him towering over my shorter frame.

"They threatened them to kill Jonah," Alyx said with a hardness in his voice.

I'm still getting to know all of them and to see the looks that were given to Allie who just stared blankly at the vampires in the room, I was bracing myself to protect her if need be.

To my shock, Sebastian was standing next to where she sat instead of behind the couch, his hands deep in his pockets in a protective stance while Veronica took a seat on the other side of Allie, her legs crossed as she listened.

The both of them standing to her defense made me happy and wary as to why they also felt the need to surround her. They have known Tyler, Rein, Cole, Christian and Nico much longer than we have and still felt that she's threatened by their gazes.

We are talking about their brother and my biological father! I'd hope the other vampires in the room could take a hint that if they aren't upset and could listen, so could they!

My sister's voice didn't waver as everyone looked at her. "They used hunters arrows and as old as I'm assuming you guys are and what knowledge I'd hope you all have on your own species--"

"Your toys can't kill us," Christian interrupted in which she nodded.

"A hunters arrow can incapacitate you guys if left in."

"Incapacitate?" Rein parroted, scooting closer in her spot on the edge of the couch. Tyler joined her and waited patiently for one of us to elaborate.

"As a hunter, we are trained to find loopholes in a vampire's influence, some even master enough brain power to resist it all together. You can always be specific with your wording when using your pull on humans. The Council knows that about you guys so we are trained to find loopholes in order to protect ourselves."

"So... if I asked you to jump off a bridge?" Christian asked, crossing his arms.

"Didn't say how high or low the bridge has to be."

"What if I said the highest bridge in the whole world?"


"Without a parashoot," Nico grinned like it was a game, him testing her words.

"Unless you guys want to be added to getting thrown off the bridge with me and used as my cushions--" Allie laughed at them, her words cut off by Veronica who looked like she wanted a glass of wine.

"Knock it off, guys," she scowled at Christian and Nico. "Aliyah has wings so it's not like she'd be helpless."

"Wings?!" They both repeated, looking over Allie in search for said wings.

Her cheeks turned pink, lips pursing at the mention of the wings she successfully tucked into her back before hopping into Alyx's truck.

"What wings?" Cole asked.

"It was an accident on my part," I noticed the dirty look Sebastian had on his sister since she brought up Allie's wings.

"Wait, you're serious?" Rein tried to hide her smile, "I want to see!"

"Me, too!" Tyler was giving my sister the same looks Nico and Christian just were.

At this point, Allie was hiding her face with her red hair. She's probably trying to keep her nerves calm to avoid them appearing on her back to give what 5 out of 7 vampires in the room wanted.

"I accidentally gave them to her when we were trying to find ways for me to get another vision of Jonah. I saw them shoot him with arrows three times, but it didn't end with him being beheaded or lit on fire which is why I think he's still alive."

"He could be incapacitated somewhere. She brought her grimoires and other things to see if she could locate him to test the theory," Alyx's hazel green eyes were on me. With his new haircut, I could tell the other women in the room appreciated the new look, me being his best admirer.

"Well, what are you waiting for Houdini?" Nico was still eyeing Allie despite his question being for me. "I'm down to help you look for him which should be easy if you find his body with your magic."


Raising a brow at him, I was grateful to hear him say that and full blown felt relieved when Rein, Tyler, Cole and Christian agreed to help us as well. It's so nice to have their support even if they didn't take it seriously at first.

"I still expect to see the wings," Christian nodded at my sister.

My mind needed to be in a relaxed state for me to succeed in locating anything. I found out that when a witch is experiencing fear, her magic is temporarily stagnant unlike it is while angry.

When a witch is angry, there's nothing they can't seem to do...

I began to feel at ease when all the vampires present made it known that they are on board with our idea and fully supported it. I was so worried that my sister would have to learn how to fly much faster because she'd have 5 vampires wanting her head for what our parents had done seeing how much they obviously cared for Jonah as well.

The amount of love and care they have for him made my heart warm and no longer wonder why they were all so invested in my well being and the baby's.

"Ever since we met you, you've made our lives more interesting!" Rein gushed towards me after the intense conversation in the livingroom.

"Not that our lives were boring before," Christian laughed a little with a hand at the back of his head. "Your magic and association with the Fores pack brought more meaning to it." It looked as though he was a little embarrassed to admit this, he praised the bachelor lifestyle only from what I could gather.

"I agree," Nico nodded.

The others smiled in agreement, making me blush at the overwhelming amount of compliments and appreciation. I wasn't expecting them to get all affectionate towards me after telling them that Jonah was incompacitated by my adoptive parents, but was in no way against it at all!

Alyx joined in by kissing my hand and cheek, happy to hear their words.

"Even you, miss Aliyah," Nico's pale hand casually got a hold of my sister's tanner one before he planted a small kiss on her wrist.

"You just want to see my wings!" She snatched her wrist from out of his hold.

"I don't believe you have any," Christian gave her body a once over now that they all stood in the backyard. We moved outside where I took a seat on the concrete area of their back porch like area.

They all wanted to feed, but didn't want to risk missing me use my magic so were arguing over who should go into town.

Tyler had lost the argument on who's going to hunt and went into town with Cole to bring back everyone's blood supply for the next few days. I knew it wouldn't take long, but the disappointment on her face for not seeing me use my magic made my brows knit together in guilt at her sad green and blue eyes.

I inhaled a deep breath, leaning over to the side when I felt my muscles tense there and was happy to know that it helped with the discomfort.

Allie gave me a thumbs up with a frown, silently asking if I'm ok.

I nodded and couldn't help myself from noticing how down she's been since we got here. There's many reasons as to why, but I couldn't help thinking it had something to do with Sebastian. I wouldn't be able to ask her in Portuguese as it's a language he knows along with the possibility of the others aside from Alyx knowing, too. Allie was also fluent in French, a language that completed vacated my mind after I graduated high school so that was a no.

Smiling at her, I began to use sign language.

'Are you ok?'

Allie looked at my hands, frowned and nodded. When I asked her that, I noticed the curious stare from Sebastian as she responded with 'Why?'

I was happy to know he didn't understand sign language and was the only person curious about our conversation. The others were too busy asking Alyx about his wolf and complimenting his hair cut. It was hard to tell if it was genuine interest or them trying to kiss up to him so he could pick someone to be the God parent to our daughter.

'You seem sad after I brought up the club in P-O-R-T-U-G-A-L.'

Her eyes fell on the map in front of me before she responded. 'That was the night I felt conflicted on my feelings for S-E-B-A-S-T-I-A-N.'

I bit my lip trying to fight the urge to glance at him once she mentioned his name. He still has his eyes on us.

'Do you know how you feel now? After the kiss?'

She nodded, turning away from me to stand near Rein and Christian who were kissing up to my mate. Alyx and Veronica had the most amused looks on their faces when they broke out into a debate on who is better with children. Alyx had his muscled arms crossed over his chest, eyes on them before they moved to me where I sat Indian style on the ground.

Warmth spread in my chest when he winked at me.

"How do you plan to locate him?" Veronica asked, scanning the herbs I had in front of me.

My way of locating Jonah is direct as it's something only a certain amount of people present has.

"Your blood and Sebastian's," my eyes darted from her green orbs to his blue ones that landed on the small blade in my hand. "Mine as well."

"Why?" Alyx stepped away from Rein, Nico and Christian to make his way over to me.

Lightly grazing the sharp tip of the blade, I explained that since the three of us share blood with Jonah, it'll make it easy to locate him if he's still alive. I could always use one of his items, but it would be much faster to use the shared blood while I pictured him in my mind.

"It's the quickest way," Sebastian shrugged at my mate.

Everyone gathered around me and the map, anxious to know what's going to happen next. I was nervous about actually finding his location, the opportunity to meet the man who helped create me felt surreal! I had to blink back tears and control my breathing, hoping that I'd be able to get a location to indicate that he's still alive.

Sebastian was unfazed by the cut I created on his hand, Veronica winced and I just quickly slit a line down my palm for a few drops to mix in the small cup with theirs. Us using all of our blood, well... my blood and their venom since Jonah turned Sebastian and Sebastian turned Veronica should make the connection stronger.

I focused my mind on him with my eyes on the map, the cup with our essence in one hand as I recited the spell lowly.

The wind blew a little harder, it sounding like a whistle blowing.

"The weather man was either wrong about it being sunny today or little Houdini over here is controlling it," Nico sputtered.

The sky had darkened when I began, I was too deep into it to stop or even care about the sudden change in the sky's appearance. My eyes were trained on Greece, taking what Sebastian had said about Jonah possibly being there in mind.

To my surprise the familiar swirling bit of smoke popped up all the way on the other side of the map...

This can't be...

The miniature tornado that had formed, moving slowly had shown farther away from where we were expecting, but much closer to us.



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