His Saint, His Jewel ✔️

By unconsentingsoul

57.1K 2.2K 108

The Saints and The Jewels. Two rival gangs in a small town in America 1960's. Both fight for dominance and t... More

author's note
1. Introduction
2. Ms. Bella
3. Race
4. At First Sight
5. Dreamy
6. My Love
7. Advice
8. Tienes Una Novia?
9. Rage
10. Dance
11. Jazz
12. Target
13. Rocks on the Window
14. Moonlight
15. Ms. Bella Again
16. Wrong Side
17. Attacked
18. Scandal
19. Discovering a Secret
20. Birthday Boy
21. Let Them Eat Cake
22. Fall's Day
23. Profess
24. War Council
25. Carnival in Town
26. City-wide View
27. Sinister
28. Angel & Demon
29. Home Alone
30. Outage
31. One Week
33. Paranoid
34. Fear
35. Second Opinion
36. Carefree
37. Crossing
38. Hello, Mama & Papa
39. Slow Dance
40. Family Friend
41. Day Set
42. Revelation
43. Sleepover
44. Forever
45. Fabrics
46. Wedding
47. Honeymoon
48. Run Away
49. A New Home
50. A Future Start
51. Confronted
52. Late Night
53. A Worried Brother
54. Buddies
55. Farewell
56. Photos
57. Unbelievable
58. Exposed
59. Disgust
60. The 11th Hour
61. Traitor
62. Distance
63. Jumped
64. Doomsday
65. Long Night
66. Loyalty
67. Rosary
68. Misunderstanding
69. Hide
70. Most Wanted
71. Dawn
72. Once And For All
73. The First Punch
74. Rumble
75. It Ends Now
76. Hospital
77. Awake
78. Reunion
79. Blessing
80. Goodbye
Bonus 1: Letter From Dina
Bonus 2: Letter From Petey
Bonus 3: Letter From Manuel & Dolores
Bonus 4: Letter From Edmund & Charlotte
Thank You
Bonus 5: At Harvard
Bonus 6: December
Bonus 7: February

32. Secret Keeper

547 26 0
By unconsentingsoul

Michael's POV

A smile was on my face for the entire week. I think some people noticed but didn't say anything. I couldn't tell them why I was so happy. But in case you aren't up to date, Ant and I finally had sex. It was out of this world. I couldn't have asked for anything better.

All Jack has been talking about this week is the fight. He's been training like crazy and anyone can see that he's very determined on beating Manuel. I just hope Manuel isn't too hurt so he can still look normal for his engagement with his girlfriend.

All my life I've imagined myself marrying a nice woman with the desire to have children and take over the family business. Now, not so much. I don't want to marry a woman but someone else. Antonio is my perfect match.

My parents would kill me if I told them I was gay, let alone already dating a guy.

I was smiling in bed until my bedroom door opened.

"We need to talk!" Petey entered my room. I sat up quickly and turned to him as he sat on my desk chair. He looked at me intensely.

"About?" I asked. He seemed to stare at me longer.

"I've seen you look happier. Especially this week. No more bullshit! Just tell me the truth!" Judging by how adamant he is, I'm guessing Petey has been thinking about this for a long time. I have to be honest with my best friend. No more secrets.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked.

"Buddy, you know I can. You can tell me anything." He said. I know I can trust him. He was the one who comforted me when I was 10 after my parents left me on Christmas. His family took me in and I got to celebrate with them.

"Umm," I gulped and fidgeted with my fingers. "You know how I told you I was dating someone?"

"Yeah. But you never told me who the chick was."

"Yeah. Umm. It's not a girl." Petey was holding a cup of pens and dropped them. His face went ghost white. His fingers started twitching.

"I- I- I-" He keeps stuttering.

"I have a boyfriend." I told him.

"So, are you a fag?" He asked. I laughed at the use of that word.

"Well, I prefer gay, but yeah, I guess." I shrugged. Petey stood up and began pacing back and forth in my room muttering to himself.

"When did you find out?" He asked.

"I don't know, like two months ago." I responded.

"So you kept this from me for that long!? I thought we were best friends?!" His voice sounded hurt. I admit I probably should've told him. But it's my secret. I should be allowed when/if people find out.

"Listen man. I was scared, okay!? It's not exactly a good thing to be gay right now! And besides, I'm still a little confused myself! I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but you've got to understand me!"

Petey sat down and thought about it for a moment. "Sorry, Mike. I knew you had a secret, but I didn't expect THAT!" He chuckled a bit.

"What did you think I was hiding?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe you got a bun in the oven and was expecting a baby?" We both laughed hard. I miss these moments with Petey where we can ignore all gang responsibilities and just hang out together.

"Nah, I doubt I'll get someone pregnant soon."

"But I've gotta say, who is your um... boyfriend?" He asked. Petey originally joined the Jewels because I joined. I joined because Jack asked me to be his right-hand man. But just like me, Petey doesn't enjoy being in the gang. He just enjoys the notoriety.

"That's where the problem starts." I said.

"He's already a guy, how can it possibly get worse?" He asked.

"Umm, he's Antonio Garcia. You know..." Petey sat up.

"Holy shit! Manuel's little brother!? Michael?! What the hell?!" Petey exclaimed. He stood up and slapped the back of my head. "Idiot! You're in the thick of it now!"

"I didn't ask to fall in love with him!"

"Fall in love? What, are you two going to run away and get married? Have kids? Hmm?"

"That doesn't sound so bad." I sighed. I'm confused if Petey is fine with me and Ant being together.

"Despite everything, Mike, I'm happy for you. I truly am. I don't know what it's like to be in love yet, but I'll stand by your side." Petey said.

"Thanks, man. I appreciate it." I hugged him. I can always count on him.

"I'm just worried about you two. While I'm fine with it, some others won't. Just promise me you two will be safe."

"I promise, Petey."

"So... have you two done it?" He asked. A blush came on my face. He pointed and laughed. "No way! You gotta tell me about it! How does it work? Is it the same? Can he get pregnant?" He jumped in his seat.

"A man does not kiss and tell. But I will tell you this." I leaned in and he did too. "It's tighter than a girl's." I whispered. He gasped and seemed to look at me in a new light.

"Since we're telling secrets, might as well come forward." He said. "Remember when you came to my house and saw the flowers?" He asked. I nodded and remembered how pretty they were. "Well, I'm into gardening."

"Seriously? That's awesome!"

"Yeah. Mom got me into it. But dad doesn't like it because it's not manly enough. I don't know. But I'm not stopping anytime soon." He said. I held my hand out for a handshake.

"Keep our secrets?" I asked. He clapped his hand with mine and shook it.

"Keep our secrets!" He responded.

Petey sat back on the desk chair and started to throw a ball into the air and catch it.

"So, how'd you meet him?" He asked.

I eagerly told him because it's a story I've wanted to tell for so long.


bye! goodbye!!


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