Attack on Titans: Fallen Comr...

By jdinjz1

41.4K 1K 136

2 sides of the same coin. 2 identities. 2 lives. What happens when (Y/N) is not only Humanity Strongest Soldi... More

Chapter 1: Past (P1)
Chapter 2: Past (P2)
Chapter 3: Last Memory
Chapter 4: Departure
Chapter 5: 96th Cadets Corp
Chapter 6: Dinner
Chapter 7: Aptitude Test
Chapter 8: Graduation
Chapter 9: Mike Squad
Chapter 10: Veracity
Chapter 11: Divulgence
Chapter 12: Glamour
Chapter 14: Virtue
Chapter 15: Despondency
Chapter 16: Ruination
Chapter 17: Querida πŸ‹
Chapter 18: Warriors Unit
Chapter 19: Attornment
Chapter 20: Truth
Chapter 21: Favour
Chapter 22: Kenny
Chapter 23: Family
Chapter 24: Blossom
Chapter 25: 104th Cadet Corps
Chapter 26: Challenge
Chapter 27: Notebook
Chapter 28: Onwards
Chapter 29: Rubble
Chapter 30: Interrogation
Chapter 31: Ignormaus
Chapter 32: Behold
Chapter 33: Redemption
Chapter 34: Miss
Chapter 35: Lovesick
Chapter 36: Fight
Chapter 37: Reconcile
Chapter 38: Star
Chatper 39: Focal
Chapter 40: Late
Chapter 41: Come

Chapter 13: Mission Report

962 28 7
By jdinjz1

(Y/N's POV 844)

It's been 2 years since you met Frieda Reiss again, and you must say you were most certainly a lot closer to her than ever before. You would go to the Reiss from time to time, to hang out with her. She eventually showed you to her dad, who had the same reaction as anyone you had met before in your so-called life. First saying your name in shock, startled, and immediately hugging you right after.

But surprisingly Frieda's dad, Rod Reiss, continuously kept on saying sorry for what he had done. But you couldn't care less about what that whole situation was about.

Sooner enough The Reiss family knew that The Survey Corp was aware of them being the True Royals, in hopes that Erwin would keep his mouth shut about it, The Reiss family fully funded The Survey Corps, which Erwin agreed to the demands, it was an offer to good to take up on.

The Survey Corps showed gratitude to you, as let's be real nearly anyone who has heard your name, knows the rumours of you and Frieda Reiss being together. Especially Hange always talks about it and never keeps her mouth shut.

Of course, you continued to keep on reading with little Historia every time Frieda would, the more times you read with Historia the more she got closer to you. But of course, after every reading session, Frieda made sure that Historia forgot about her, but instead still remembered you.

You weren't that dense to realise how much Frieda liked you, no like wasn't the word. It was love for you. You didn't know how you felt about her, but you did also feel the same way, not love but a certain attraction to her. As for now, you wouldn't say anything about it to her, even though she had many times thrown hints at you to make a move.

What was more important to you was the mission.

It had seem that The Female Titan is given to Annie Leonhart, the Armored Titan to Reiner Braun, the Colossus Titan to Bertolt Hoover, the Jaw Titan to Marcel Galliard, and the Cart Titan to Pieck. Five additional Warriors are chosen to inherit the power of the Titans.

The Warriors are dispatched to battle against a Marley-enemy country, swiftly destroying the adversarial forces.

Which you thought was quite impressive, but obviously, you could've done it alone.

It seemed as though your family had missed you a lot, and the family had changed a lot, your siblings still cried about you being gone, you were the anchor of the family, the golden child, the perfect son.

What surprised you, even more, was once you came back, you would be able to inherit The Warhammer Titan, a dream of yours that would finally come true.

Your dad was most certainly impressed with you, and your achievements even though he agreed that is long overdue.

All this was sent through countless letters you got sent secretly, on the island.

Now for your other mission.

The Survey Corps.

During the 2 years, where you are now 17 years old, it seemed as though you were now deemed as Humanity's strongest soldier. As you have killed and assisted more titans than you could count on your fingers.

Erwin was proud of what you have achieved, especially Mike as he was known to be humanity's strongest soldier, he knew you would surpass him eventually but little did he know you had surpassed him long ago.

Erwin was impressed with what you could do, to the point where he gave you the rank of Captain, but you denied that rank that he gave you. As much as you hated it, you did take quite a liking to the Mike Squad, they felt like a true family. Henning, Gelgar, Nanaba, Lynne and Thomas were friends that you genuinely enjoyed spending time with.

Let's hope none of them dies in the future.

Last but not least another reason you didn't agree to that rank was because of Mike. You saw Mike as an important figure in your life. You both shared a mutual and equal relationship and equal relationship that is full of trust, care and devotion.

It would be a shame if he died as well.

Nonetheless, you would partake in special training with Mike, as you both would battle it out with each other, with your ODM gear. You must say even though you were most certainly stronger than Mike, you had to respect the brute strength he had, almost terrifying for a normal person to have.

Even you sometimes struggled against him, which said something about him.


"Come on (Y/N)! Is that all Humanity's strongest soldier has to offer?" Mike smirked at you, as your blades were clashing with one another, now it was a battle of strength and endurance.

"You really know how to piss me off, Captain!" You gritted your teeth, using more power to make Mike fall to the ground, accepting defeat.

"Of course, I think it's safe to say that I know quite a lot about you now, after all, we have been your captain for 2 years." Mike chuckled as you raised him back, with your hand.

"Erwin, wants you to join a mission with us and some other scouts?" Mike said with a stern look on his face.

"Commander Erwin? What mission does he have in mind?" You asked.

"It appears that we're going to the underground, apparently there's someone just like you." Mike simply said.

"Someone like me?"

"It appears that he has the same abilities as you do, and we want to see for ourselves," Mike smirked at you.

"So (Y/N) are you up to the challenge to see who this person really is, and what he can offer to the Survey Corps."

You smiled.

"Of course Captain Mike!" You saluted, in earnest, Mike had a genuine smile as he ruffled your hair.

"Enough with the Captain, just call me Mike."

"Yes, Mike."

Mike simply nodded and headed off, as you sat down relaxing on the ground, as you were physically and mentally preparing yourself for the mission.

And the mission. . .


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