His Saint, His Jewel ✔️

By unconsentingsoul

57.2K 2.2K 108

The Saints and The Jewels. Two rival gangs in a small town in America 1960's. Both fight for dominance and t... More

author's note
1. Introduction
2. Ms. Bella
3. Race
4. At First Sight
5. Dreamy
6. My Love
7. Advice
8. Tienes Una Novia?
9. Rage
10. Dance
11. Jazz
12. Target
13. Rocks on the Window
14. Moonlight
15. Ms. Bella Again
16. Wrong Side
17. Attacked
18. Scandal
19. Discovering a Secret
20. Birthday Boy
21. Let Them Eat Cake
22. Fall's Day
24. War Council
25. Carnival in Town
26. City-wide View
27. Sinister
28. Angel & Demon
29. Home Alone
30. Outage
31. One Week
32. Secret Keeper
33. Paranoid
34. Fear
35. Second Opinion
36. Carefree
37. Crossing
38. Hello, Mama & Papa
39. Slow Dance
40. Family Friend
41. Day Set
42. Revelation
43. Sleepover
44. Forever
45. Fabrics
46. Wedding
47. Honeymoon
48. Run Away
49. A New Home
50. A Future Start
51. Confronted
52. Late Night
53. A Worried Brother
54. Buddies
55. Farewell
56. Photos
57. Unbelievable
58. Exposed
59. Disgust
60. The 11th Hour
61. Traitor
62. Distance
63. Jumped
64. Doomsday
65. Long Night
66. Loyalty
67. Rosary
68. Misunderstanding
69. Hide
70. Most Wanted
71. Dawn
72. Once And For All
73. The First Punch
74. Rumble
75. It Ends Now
76. Hospital
77. Awake
78. Reunion
79. Blessing
80. Goodbye
Bonus 1: Letter From Dina
Bonus 2: Letter From Petey
Bonus 3: Letter From Manuel & Dolores
Bonus 4: Letter From Edmund & Charlotte
Thank You
Bonus 5: At Harvard
Bonus 6: December
Bonus 7: February

23. Profess

644 32 2
By unconsentingsoul

Antonio’s POV

“¿Estás listo Rafa? (Are you ready, Rafa?)” Manny asked. I sat on the couch and was engrossed in a book. 

“Where are you going?” I asked Manny. I picked up my apple and ate it. 

“A war council. I’ll be back in a few hours. Don’t stay up.” Manny said.

“Can I come?” I asked. I want to make sure that Manny doesn’t say anything quixotic or insane that would most likely hurt him.

“After last time when you suggested we talk it out, hell no!” Manny kind of yelled at me. I don’t understand. Manny never raises his voice at me. Rafa and Dolores noticed this too based off their shocked expression.

“Sorry for not wanting you to get killed.” I said under my breath.

“¿Por qué levantaste tu voz? (Why did you raise your voice?)” Dolores asked Manny softly. 

“Lo siento, hermanito. (I'm sorry, little brother.)” Manny said to me. “It’s just a lot going on. Don’t put yourself in this business. Just study and get the hell out of here. Okay?” he asked. I nodded and he messed up my already messy hair.

They left after that. So I was home alone. Again. I tried to do something but everything was boring. 

So I called it a night and went to my room. I yawned and was about to fall asleep when the familiar tapping on my window that fully awoke me. 

“Mike!” I called out to him.

“Is Manuel here?” He asked.

“They left a while ago.” I said.

“Perfect.” He said. He climbed the window edge and admired me like I was his prized possession. “I have something to tell you.” He said.

“Talk away.” I said. 

“Alright.” He said. “You know I love you, Antonio Jose Garcia. I’ve never felt this way for anyone. When I wake up, it’s you I think of. And before I sleep, I smile with the thought of you. I wish things were different and I could easily kiss you whenever I want. But I can’t. Instead, I’m forced into these small moments with you. But every moment is cherished.” He said. 

“I wish we could have more time together.” I said.

“I love you, Antonio. I’m a little scared because I’ve never felt this way about anyone. You're a guy, afterall. And you’re supposed to be my enemy. But I don’t see it as that. No, Ant. I see you as my boyfriend. My life. Tonight, Ant, I just want to say that no matter what happens in the future, I won’t stop loving you. Not today, not tomorrow, not in a year. I’ll always love you.” Mike said.

I didn’t expect all these emotions to come from him. His promises to always love me filled my heart with the drug it’s been wanting and craves now.

“I love you too, Mike. I can’t possibly put it into words, but I hope you understand that I’ll love you. Even after death, I’ll still love you.” I said.

‘You only met a month ago.' Some would say. But when you truly meet the one, you’ll see that you’ll refuse to let them go. 

“Can I come in?” Mike asked.

“Yeah! Come on!” I said. Just as Mike was hopping into the window, Manny’s voice called from the outside of my door.

“Antonio. Why is your door locked? Abreme. (Open me.)” Manny said as he shook the doorknob. The rattling startled both Mike and I. 

“Shit! You have to leave.” I whispered to him.

“One day, we’ll have all the time in the world to be together. No one to bother us.” He whispered to me. I gave him a kiss before he hopped down the window. 

“Buenas noches.” Mike said in Spanish. 

“Goodnight.” I said back. He ran just as I went to unlock the door for Manny.

“Who were you talking to?” Manny asked. He looked outside the window.

“To myself.” I responded.

“Estos niños son raros. (These kids are weird.)” He muttered to himself and walked out the room. “Go to sleep.” Manny ordered me.

“How was the council?” I asked as Manny walked down the hall to his and Dolores' bedroom.

“I’ll tell you tomorrow. Buenas noches!” He yelled before I turned off the light and closed my door.

Mike’s words stuck with me. Even in my unconscious state, I dreamt of a place where Mike and I can be free.


bye! i love you all!


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