Doll. // Bucky Barnes X OC

By wisexjbb

49.5K 1.3K 146

Melany Banner, daughter of Bruce Banner, aka The Hulk, gets forced to bond with James Buchanan Barnes. He tak... More



396 9 0
By wisexjbb

It's a week before the wedding.

Melany and Bucky began their morning with Nat, Wanda and Pepper bombarding into their bedroom with champagne, flowers and lots of yelling.

Bucky groaned, rolling over into his pillow. "Why are you here?"

"We needed to start the celebration early, Buck!" Nat called out, a huge smile on her face, and her hands on her hips.

"No." He grumbled, turning back over and wrapping his arms around Melany. "You can have her later, don't take her yet." He said as Melany giggled as he pressed a kiss to her neck.

"I agree with him, kidnap me later." Melany said, turning toward him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

Wanda groaned as Pepper smiled. "You two are gross."

"Don't talk about my wife." Bucky responded.

"She's not your wife yet." Nat responded, rather harshly.

"Almost." Bucky grumbled, nuzzling himself into her neck.

"I'll get up in a minute, you guys go downstairs." Melany replied, unlatching her arms from around his neck.

"Fiiine." Pepper finally chimed in, pulling the other two girls with her downstairs.

After a couple moments, Melany started to wiggle in Bucky's grasp.

"No," he said, rolling them over so he laid on top of her.

"Babe." Melany said with a giggle.

"Yes, doll?" He said, leaning up on his elbows that rested next to her head, trapping her even more.

"Let me go, they're waiting." She said, running her hands up his biceps and into his hair.

He shook his head, keeping his gaze on her as she threaded her fingers through his hair. "You're so beautiful." He whispered, bringing his right hand to her cheek and stroking lightly with his thumb. He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to her lips before pushing himself back up.

She smiled, biting her bottom lip as she stared back up at him. "I really wish they weren't downstairs." She groaned softly, readjusting underneath him.

He chuckled, a lopsided smile spreading across his lips. "I know, baby." He kissed her harsher this time before he pushed off her completely, getting out of bed.

Melany groaned, flinging the covers off her as she shot up.

"You won't be here when we get back, right?" She asked as she walked into the bathroom and grabbing her hairbrush.

"No, doll." He said, tugging his jeans up his legs.

She groaned softly, looking over at him as she brushed her hair. "I'm gonna miss you."

"You can still text me, baby. It's not like we can't talk at all." He said with a smirk as he walked over to her, bare chested as his dog tags jingled.

"I know, but this is the first time in like, forever where I won't be with you all day." She said, pouting as she felt him wrap his arms around her waist.

"You'll be alright, sweetheart." He replied lowly, placing a gentle kiss to a spot behind her ear as she grabbed her toothbrush and toothpaste.

"I know," she mumbled past her toothbrush before rinsing out her mouth. She sighed as she leaned back against him.

"You gotta go, doll." He said, running his hands up her arms.

"I know." She sighed, turning around and wrapping her arms around his neck. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said, giving her a soft kiss. He gave her a smack on the ass as she pulled away from him.

She rolled her eyes with a smile, grabbing her shoes from the closet and rushing out of the room and down the stairs.

"I really thought you two were fucking up there." Nat said with a smirk as Melany made her way to the kitchen where the girls sat at the bar top.

"Wanted to." Melany confessed with a blush to her cheeks.

"Can we go? Bucky's thoughts are very loud and very naked." Wanda whined with her fingers pressed to her temples.

Nat and Pepper laughed while Melany rolled her eyes, grabbing her purse and following the girls out the door.


Melany's day continued with the girls, getting their nails done, facials and a spa day. All wedding gifts from Tony and Pepper of course; while Melany appreciated their grand gestures, she was still overwhelmed by how much Tony was truly spending on this wedding.

Melany sighed as she relaxed into the table, letting the masseuse rub into her shoulders.

"Are you nervous?" She heard Nat from beside her, who was also just as relaxed.

"No." Melany replied, looking over at her best friend.

"If you need a getaway driver, just let me know." Nat replied with a smile, giving her a thumbs up where she could see it.

"Like hell you are!" Wanda yelled from the other side of Nat. "We've all worked too hard for her to be the runaway bride."

"I'm not gonna be the runaway bride." Melany giggled softly.

Her phone chimed from across the room, and she groaned slightly. "Wanda, could you-?"

"Already on it." She said, using her powers to hand Melany her phone.

Bucky: Hey, doll. How's your girl's day?

Melany: It's good. Really relaxing. I miss you though.

Bucky: I know, baby. I miss you too. Just checking in before Sam confiscates my phone.

Melany: Why's he doing that?

Bucky: Something about Thor bringing liquor. Steve wants me to try it. Not sure.

Melany: Oh, God. Be careful.

Bucky: Why do you say that?

Melany: The last time Thor brough Asgardian liquor, it took Tony, Sam and Clint to take Steve upstairs to his room.

Bucky: Fuck.

Melany: Have fun tonight, handsome. Try not to get too wasted.

Bucky: Same goes for you, doll. I love you, gorgeous. I'll try to call you later?

Melany: I love you too. Please do :(

Bucky: *heart*

"Guys! Bucky used an emoji!" Melany said, turning her phone toward them.

Wanda giggled as Pepper and Nat clapped as well as they could while on their respective tables. "Proud of him." Nat said.

"Thor's bringing Asgardian liquor?" Pepper asked, rolling her eyes.

"Yes. Remember last time with Steve?" Melany asked, remembering last year at Steve's birthday party when Thor had Steve try some.

"Yes!" Nat chimed in. "He was all over you, took three of the guys to get him off of you and upstairs." The girls laughed slightly as they remembered that night.

"It was a good night." Melany said, smiling slightly.

"It was." Wanda replied, smiling. "But now look at us," She paused. "Mel, you're getting married to probably the most irritating man on Earth, who would die for you. He loves you so much, if only I could put into words what he thinks of you." Wanda gave Melany a smile, which Melany brightly returned with tears in her eyes.

"I love him so much too." She replied, looking at her lock screen, which was one of the pictures that Nat took at the cabin. They were looking at each other, with the lake in the background and the sunset cascading over them. Both had smiles on their faces as they held onto each other.

"We know you do, girl." Pepper smiled over at her.


"Okay, what the fuck is Thor bringing?" Bucky asked as he returned to the living room in the compound, shoving his phone back into his pocket.

Steve, Sam and Clint sat on the couches, all chuckling at him. "Some good ass shit." Clint replied.

Bucky rolled his eyes, sitting in one of the chairs that lined with the couches. "You guys really aren't gonna tell me shit that we're doing tonight, are you?"

Steve and Sam shook their heads.

"Of course not." Bucky grumbled, rolling his eyes.

"You'll have a good time, Buck." Steve said, reaching over and patting his shoulder.

Bucky chuckled, swiping his tongue across his bottom lip at the thought of their night.


Throughout Melany's night, shots were poured, songs were screamed, and tons of dancing occurred.

The girls bar hopped across town, getting as much as they could out of the guys that were drooling over Wanda, Nat and Melany. Pepper was basically their designated driver, but after bar number three, she was ready to have some fun, all while trying to make sure the other three weren't going to pass out on her.

"I need a drink." Pepper yelled over the music.

"Yayyy!!" Nat yelled, walking with her to the bar. "You should've joined us to start with, Pep."

"I know, but I wanted to make sure you girls were alright." Pepper replied, ordering an extra dry martini with three olives.

Nat smiled, grinning over at the other two girls that were dancing together on the dance floor. "You don't have to be 'Mama Stark' tonight, Pepper. Just have some fun." Nat said before rushing back over to the girls.

By bar number five, all four of them were drunk off their asses, giggling and laughing as they all leaned against each other while walking out of the bar.

"I love you guys," Melany mumbled with a huge grin on her face.

"We love you too, Mel." Wanda replied, pinching Melany's cheeks with her fingers.

Melany giggled, looking over at Nat on the other side of her, who was also holding up Pepper. "I think it's time to get her home." Pepper chimed in, pointing weekly over at Melany.

"None of us can drive. We need to call a cab." Melany said, trying to reach her phone in her back pocket.

"Call one of the guys," Wanda said.

"They probably won't be able to drive either," Melany said, dialing Bucky's number and pressing call.


Meanwhile with the boys, Thor had already dispersed half of his Asgardian liquor between Steve and Bucky, who both were already stumbling around the pool table.

Bucky lined up his cue with the ball, striking it harshly, watching as a striped ball fell into the pocket. He straightened up before readjusting and striking another one into another pocket.

Sam scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "Since when did you get good at pool?"

"I was a marksman in the army, Sam. Best shot in my division." Bucky said, striking his last stripe into the pocket.

Sam frowned, gesturing to all of his solid-colored balls still on the table. "Pick your pocket, grumpy."

Bucky pointed weakly to the bottom left pocket, which was directly under him. He leaned over the table, getting the correct angle and striking the cue ball again. The black 8-ball hit the right side of the table, bouncing off and hitting the top before coming directly toward the bottom left pocket.

Sam groaned as the ball entered the pocket, throwing his head back in frustration. "I didn't even get to play, man." Sam frowned.

"Play with Steve, then." Bucky chuckled, handing him the cue stick.

"He's too drunk to play." Sam said, gesturing over to Steve who was leaning over the bar top.

Bucky chuckled, taking another swig of his drink before slightly stumbling over to Steve. "You alright?" He asked, slapping his hand onto Steve's shoulder.

Steve turned to him with a grin, "I feel great, how're you, Buck?"

"Good." He waved over the bartender, asking for two waters. "Let's get you sobered up, man."

"No." Steve pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Have you heard from Mel tonight?"

"Sam has my phone." Bucky said, pushing the waters toward Steve. "Drink."

Steve rolled his eyes as Sam walked over, holding Bucky's phone in his hand. "It's Mel."

Steve perked up, gulping down the water as Bucky took the phone. "Doll?" He asked, with a small smile on his lips.

"Hiii." Melany said from the other end. "Have you had a good night?"

"I have." He said, leaning against the bar. "Everything okay?"

"Mhmm.." She paused, smiling slightly. "Are you sober enough to drive?"

"Uhh.. I can be." He said, grabbing the other water off the bar top. "What's up?"

"We need a ride back home, we all drank a little too much." She said, finally letting herself slur her words.

"All four of you?"

"Yeah." She said, frowning slightly.

"I'll be there soon, send me the address." He said, putting her on speaker until she sent the location.

"You get it?" She asked, leaning against Wanda.

"Yes." He put the location in GPS. "I love you, be safe till I get there."

"I love you too." She said right before she hung up.

"Are you sure you're good to drive?" Sam asked.

"No." Bucky grumbled, as the bartender grabbed him another water. "Shit."

"I can go get them." Sam said, reaching for his keys in his pocket.

"Let me go with you." Bucky said, standing up. He swayed slightly before he gripped the bar top.

"As long as you don't throw up." Sam said, chuckling.

Steve was about to speak up, when he realized that if anyone else went, there wouldn't be enough room for all seven of them in the car. He took another gulp of his water as he watched Sam and Bucky walk out of the compound and to Sams car.


Half an hour later, the girls were leaned against the outside of the bar, sitting on the ground with drinks in their hands.

"Did we have to get another drink?" Melany asked, taking a long sip of her strawberry daquiri.

"Nat said she was feeling sober, so she went and got us some." Pepper mumbled under her breath before she took another sip of her martini.

"Also, what else are we going to do outside of a bar while we wait?" Wanda asked, giggling. She threw her head back, nearly hitting her head on the concrete wall.

"Jesus." Melany groaned, flinging her arm out behind Wanda's head.

"Sorry." Wanda said, biting her bottom lip as she smiled. "Can anyone else still feel their lips?"

"I can," Nat said, pressing her fingers to her lips.

Pepper and Melany shook their heads as they took sips of their drinks.

A van pulled up next to them, idling for a minute. All of the girls eyes were wide as they watched Bucky fling himself out of the passenger seat, hunched over as he tried not to puke.

Sam laughed from inside the van, getting out of the drivers side.

"I told you to slow down." Bucky groaned, coughing slightly.

"I did, and you still said I was going to fast, cyborg." Sam said before turning to the girls, all still wide eyed. "C'mon ladies." Sam said, reaching his hands out to Pepper and Nat.

They grabbed his hands and he hoisted them off the ground. He grabbed their drinks from their hands, throwing them in the trash.

"Nooo.." Nat sighed, pouting as tears formed in her eyes. "That was so good." She sniffled as Sam lead them to the car.

Bucky breathed deep as he straightened up, making his way to Wanda and Melany. He reached out, pulling them both off the ground. "You drank a lot, didn't you?" He asked Melany as he reached for her drink, which she chased the straw as he took it from her.

"She did. More than the rest of us." Wanda giggled as she climbed into the car.

Melany tried to push herself past Bucky to get into the car but he stopped her, his arms wrapping around her waist. "Hey."

She looked up at him. "Hi."

"How much did you drink?"

"Let'ssjust-say." She slurred, clearing her throat after, "that this is barnumberr five." She said as she held up her hand to show 5.

He chuckled pressing a kiss to her cheek before he helped her into the car.


Sam drove the girls back to the house, which he and Bucky also helped get them into the appropriate rooms. Wanda and Pepper were awake enough at this point to change themselves, but Melany on the other hand, had fallen asleep in the backseat, and Bucky had to carry her in.

Nat helped Bucky get her into some comfier clothes and Nat went into the bathroom to change when Melany started to stir awake. Bucky was leaned over, getting the ibuprofen bottle out of her nightstand.

"Hey." She muttered, reaching out to him.

"Hey, sweetheart." He whispered, grabbing her hand.

"Who changed me?" She asked, looking under the covers at herself.

"Nat and I did." He said, leaning over and kissing her head.

"Can you stay?" She asked, pressing her hand against his chest, gripping slightly to his shirt.

"I can't, baby." He said, smiling softly down at her.

Her eyes were half-open and she looked like she could've fallen back asleep any second. "Why?" She whined, pouting. Nat walked out of the bathroom, walking over to the other side of the bed.

"I'll see you in the morning, love." He said, leaning down and kissing her softly before standing up. He looked over at Nat who had already laid down. "Thank you."

"Of course." She said, giving him a smile. "I'll make sure she wakes up in the morning." Nat laughed softly.

"Good." He said, looking back at Melany who had already fallen back asleep.

"Let her sleep, she knows." Nat said, looking over at Mel.

"Yeah." He said, kissing her forehead one last time before heading back out to Sam's car and heading back to the compound.

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