Away From You

By Red_Knight_052

264 3 5

A soccer player and a chef with different careers begin to fall in love, however their love is put aside afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 46

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By Red_Knight_052

After their soccer games in the United Kingdom, and Damian winning Simon's food competition show, everyone heads back home, after leaving the same day.

Once arriving at her apartment, Christina unlocks the door while opening it wide enough, Christina walks inside along with an exhausted Kendall and Tonia behind her.

Kendall falls asleep on Tonia's shoulder while Tonia tries to drag both her and Kendall onto a different sofa. Christina yawns, before turning to the door.

"Thanks for helping us with our luggage, I'm sure we'll still be stuck in the airport right about now." said Christina

"No problem." said Damian, bringing in Christina, Kendall, and Tonia's luggage.

"I can see that Ace is also tired from his trip." said Christina, as she unlocks him from his carrier.

Both Christina and Damian watch as Ace walks out of his carrying case, before joining Kendall and Tonia on the side of the sofa.

Damian looks at Christina and becomes concerned after watching her stumble a couple of times, and decides to help her walk by putting her arm around his shoulder.

"You look exhausted, why don't you sit down for a minute." said Damian, as he sits her down on a nearest sofa.

"What are you talking about? You must be tired too." said Christina, rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, but not as tired as you are." said Damian, as he chuckles for a bit. "Hey listen I was wondering, why don't I take care of Ace for a whole week, while you and your friends go to the nearest spa and relax."

"What?" said Christina, who couldn't believe it. "But Damian, you're tired too. You were also awake during the whole nine hour flight! You need to get some rest."

Damian sits down across from Christina.

"I know, which is why I want you to take a break from taking care of Ace, so that you, Tonia, Kendall, Alexis, and Alicia, can have a spa day. You girls need it." said Damian, as he caresses Christina's right cheek. "And besides I'll be taking care of Ace, since I haven't had any time with him."

"But, Damian." said Christina, as she caresses his left cheek. "You also need at least some time for yourself. Why don't you just send Ace to a hotel for dogs."

"No offense, but I'd rather take care of him." said Damian, as he insisted. "Either way, he's too little to join the other dogs, plus he's still a puppy." 

"Protected father I see." said Christina, as she teased.

"He's like a son to me." said Damian

"And you're like a father to him," said Christina, as she giggled.

"Anything for my son." said Damian

"Okay, but I still insist that you reconsider my idea." said Christina

"Of course I like your idea Honey, but I rather spend some time with him." said Damian

Christina sighs, knowing that she wouldn't change Damian's mind.

"Okay, fine, you win. But can you do something for me first?" said Christina, as she asked him.

"Sure, anything?" said Damian

Christina kissed Damian, making him moan softly.

"Promise me to call me when you get home safely." said Christina, as she breaks the kiss. "If not, I'll get worried since it's late at night."

"Don't worry I will." said Damian, kissing Christina back making her moan into the kiss.

"Can you guys shut up already! We're trying to sleep here!" said Kendall, who was sleeping.

Damian and Christina stopped kissing, before resting their foreheads on one another.

"I love you." said Damian

"I love you too." said Christina

"Seriously you two break it up, you guys aren't even married yet." said Tonia, taking in her sleep.

"I think I better go. So that you girls can get some sleep." said Damian, pecking Christina on the lips, before leaving with Ace.

Christina closes the door behind him.

"A little rude don't you think." said Christina, turning to Tonia.

"Hey, I need some sleep and so do you." said Tonia, as she finally falls asleep.

Christina shook her head before turning off the living room lights and going into her room.  

A few days later...

Kendall takes out her phone and starts texting the others in their group chat.

Kendall: "Hey, guys! Are you guys on?"

Tonia: "On what?" 🧐

Alexis: "The phone silly" 🤣

Tonia: "Oh right, I knew that." 😅

Alicia: "Uh-huh sure." 😏

Christina: "Nice try." 😂

Tonia: "Why, doesn't anybody believe me?"😫

Bruce: "I believe you." 😉

Christina: "Of course, your boyfriend does." 🙄

Tonia: L.U.B ❤️

Kendall: LUB??? What's LUB?

Alicia: 🤣

Christina: 🤣

Alexis: 🤣

Tonia: "It stands for Love U Bruce." ❤️

Kendall: "Ohhh..."

Russel: "Hi."

Roger: "Hello."

Damian: "Hey."

Christina: "Hey." 😉❤️

Tonia: 🥱

Alexandra: "Hey guys!"

Julie: "What's up?"

Kendall: T.A.B's and C.A.D's love fest." 🙄

Julie: "Huh?"

Kendall: "Tonia and Bruce's, and Christina and Damian's love fest." 🙄

Alexandra: "Oh."

Hank: "Miss me already Kendall?" 😏

Kendall: "Nope."

Christina: "Anyways, Kendall changed the subject. Since we're all in, I suppose you have something to share with the group?"

Kendall: "Huh? Oh right! Guys, I decided to have a Superhero theme party at my weekend house! For Damian's return and four our soccer team's wins, And you're all invited! Including Ben!"

Bruce: "Nice!"

Alexandra: Awesome!"

Kendall: "I already have your costumes ready, just arrive over to my weekend house, and I'll give them to you there. See you guys soon!"

Moments later...

Everyone arrives at Kendall's weekend house, and puts on their costumes that Kendall got for them.

Christina puts Ace an "Ace The Bat Dog'' mask on. Damian's costume was Batman, while Christina's was Wonder Woman, while Tonia's was Flash, while Bruce's was Green Arrow, while Kendall's was Hawk Girl, while Hank's was Green Arrow, while Alicia's was Super Girl, while Julie's was Huntress, while Alexis' was Bat Girl, while Russel's was Superman, while Ben's was The Martian Man Hunter.

"I can't believe you got me a Martian Man Hunter costume!" said Ben, as he squealed. "Wait, how did you know he's my favorite superhero?"

"Oh good answer, I didn't." said Kendall, as she walks away from Ben.

"Man, that girl is weird." said Ben

Kendall was walking past everyone in the living room until she stumbled upon Roger and Alexandra who weren't wearing the costumes that she picked for them.

"Why aren't you two wearing your costumes?" said Kendall, questioning them. "I picked them especially for you."

"Well, we decided to bring our own." said Roger, as he admits.

"Yeah." said Alexandra, as she also admits.

"I love your costumes and all, but I don't even know who you guys are dressed as?" said Kendall, not knowing what superhero Alexandra and Roger were dressed as.

"I'm Iron Woman, from Iron Man 3." said Alexandra

"And I'm Captain America." said Roger, holding up his shield. 

"And I'm Hawkgirl." said Kendall, sarcastically. "Are you two DC heroes?"

"Nope." said Alexandra, shaking her head.

"Marvel." said Roger

"Yeah, I'm sorry guys but my superhero costume party was supposed to be a DC superhero themed party, not a Marvel costume party." said Kendall, not trying to sound harsh.

"But we already bought them." said Alexandra

"But if you put on those costumes you'll be left out, due to our costumes being DC and you guys being Marvel." said Kendall, as she started doing the puppy dog pout.

Alexandra rolls her eyes, as she looks at Kendall's puppy dog pout.

"You guys get it right?" said Kendall, quivering her lips.

Both Roger and Alexandra decide to put on the costume that Kendall got them, after not resisting her puppy dog pout.

"Fine, we'll put them on." said Alexandra, as she and Roger picked up their costumes from the center table, before heading into separate changing rooms. "Man, if it wasn't for Tonia, who showed her how to do that face, I'm pretty it'll be Tonia making that face."

Moments later, Roger's costume reveals to be Knightwing, while Alexandra's costume reveals to be Robin. As their party is getting started, everyone is having a great time until Kendall starts to take pictures.

"Okay guys, flex for me!" said Kendall, as she tells Russel, Bruce, and Ben.

Kendall started to flash the camera.

"Nice!" said Kendall, giving everyone a thumbs up.

Kendall started to take pictures of everyone one by one, while also asking them to do their superhero's costume pose, based on their superhero costume.

However, while taking pictures neither of them notices that their superhero weapons and equipment would begin to glow, once in a while.

"Flash, how about some pics?" said Kendall, taking pictures of Tonia. "Sweet!"

Meanwhile with Roger...

"Man, this spandex costume feels real, and life-like." said Roger, as he looked at his costume. "Kendall, where did you get these? They look like the real thing."

"Oh I got them at a store." said Kendall

"How much did they cost?" said Roger, questioning her.

"Nothing, they were on sale." said Kendall, as she grins. "I got them on a really good deal."

"And what deal was that?" said Roger, who was still confused.

"Friendship." said Kendall, as she winked.

Roger raises an eyebrow while watching Kendall make her way towards a different person.

Kendall targets her camera at Christina, while telling her to do a Wonder Woman pose, in which Christina does but goofing off.

Before being told to take a picture while doing the Wonder Woman crossed arms for the second time, Christina doesn't know that her Wonder Woman bracelets are glowing, and that after she hits them together like how Wonder Woman 2017 does, causes a KA-BOOM.

Meanwhile outside of Kendall's house it is seen how the power of Kendall's house goes out, with no movement inside of the house. Lightning is seen from a distance, while thunder is heard.

To Be Continued...

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