Away From You

بواسطة Red_Knight_052

262 3 5

A soccer player and a chef with different careers begin to fall in love, however their love is put aside afte... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46

Chapter 45

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بواسطة Red_Knight_052

One week later, after Damian's departure...

Christina calls Ben and tells him that she has accepted Arnia's offer as her fashion designer, in which an excited Ben admits to Christina that he will tell Arnia about the good news.

Christina heads to get work along with Ace. Christina drops off Ace at her design room, before being called to the lobby by Alexandra. While Christina goes to the lobby, she is greeted by her friends and Julie, who arrived from her honeymoon with Steven.

"So, how did the after party go?" said Julie, as she asked the girls.

"Aw, it was great." said Kendall

"Yeah, after you and Steven left for your honeymoon during the party, some guy named Gabriel Iglesias started hosting a comedy show for us." said Alicia, as she chuckled.

"Yeah, he also told us that his nickname was Fluffy, and that he was invited by Ben to host a comedy battle against him and Fluffy." said Alexis

"It was funny," said Tonia, as she started to laugh.

"And Kendall was the ref." said Christina, as she added.

"Oh yeah, Kendall being the ref was the funniest part!" said Alexandra, as she, Alicia, Tonia, Alexis, and Christina, bursted out laughing.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault that I didn't keep track of time with the stopwatch." said Kendall, embarrassed. "Before I could even press the start button, you guys were already laughing."

"Well I'm sure you'll get them back next time." said Julie, as she admits.

"Yeah, hopefully." said Kendall, as she crossed her arms.

"Wait, what do you mean next time?" said Tonia, looking clueless, as she and the girls stopped laughing.

"Oh, didn't you hear? There's a slight chance that there are going to be three weddings in a couple of months." said Julie, as she looks at Christina, Kendall, and Tonia, who look at her back in a confused way.

Alexis and Alicia, nudged at one another while snickering.

"Wow girls, you three are going to make your grooms happy someday." said Alexandra, as she, Alicia, Julie, and Alexis bursted out of laughter.

Christina, Kendall, and Tonia, turned pink with embarrassment.

"Anyways, change of subject." said Julie, as she turned to Christina. "Christina, I heard that you and Damian are doing things officially."

"Aw yes, she even adopted a son to make sure that Damian is going to be a good parent." said Tonia, as she winks.

"Aww, that is so sweet." said Julie

"He's a dog." said Kendall

"Okay, now that is so rude Kendall." said Julie, as she glared at her.

"No really he is a dog." said Kendall

"Yeah, well he's actually a puppy." said Christina

"Aww..." said Julie, as she later turns to Kendall to apologize to her. "Sorry I misunderstood you Kendall."

"That's okay." said Kendall, as she accepted her apology.

"Hey, where is Ace anyways?" said Tonia, questioning Christina.

"With his uncles." said Christina, as she admits while giggling. "I dropped him off in my design room before coming here. Hank and Bruce stopped by just to see him, before you girls could even come."

"Can I see him?" said Julie

"Sure." said Christina, as she leads Julie and the girls into her design room.

Christina and the girls find Bruce and Hank playing with Ace. The girls gathered around them, and decided to play with Hank as well. While taking a break, Christina admits to the girls that she had accepted Arnia's offer, as working alongside her. The girls including Hank and Bruce congratulate Christina, while hugging her.

Moments later, Alexis, Kendall, Alicia, and Tonia tell Christina that they are going to have to leave for their upcoming games in about two days, and tell Christina to start packing.

At her design room Christina calls Arnia and tells her about her upcoming games.

"Don't worry Christina. Take as much time as you need, there's no rush on working." said Arnia, as she admits to her. "Either way, my company "Imagine" still needs a few changes. We are still remodeling the building."

"Oh, well okay." said Christina

Before walking out of her design room, Christina almost bumps into Julie and Steven before walking out. The three of them apologize to one another.

"Christina, wait before you leave there's something that Steven wants to tell you first." said Julie

"Okay." said Christina, as she nodded seriously while holding onto Ace.

"Christina, I'm sorry about the whole thing about going in between you and Damian." said Steven, as he admits. "I just want you to know that the whole wedding idea was Randy's idea, and that myself or Ben was never a part of it."

In a Flashback...

Before the day of their "fake" wedding...

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THAT YOU'RE BACKING DOWN ON YOUR WEDDING WITH CHRISTINA!!!" yelled Randy, as he glared at Steven with hatred in his eyes.

"Look Randy, I'm just not interested in marrying a person that I don't want to marry!" said Steven, as he admits.

"Don't call me Randy! Call me father!" Yelled Randy

"Well, maybe I will if you stopped acting like a jerk!" said Steven

"Grr..." said Randy, sitting back from his boss chair, and reaching out for his top drawer.

Randy takes out a file folder, containing various pictures and a report.

"Do you know what this Stevey boy is?" said Randy, smiling sinisterly.

"No?" said Steven

"This here is a report that I haven't file against your mother yet." said Randy

"I don't get it, my mother is already in jail because of you." said Steven, looking at Randy. "So what are you trying to pull now?"

"This." said Randy, slamming the file folder on his table. "If you don't marry Christina, I'll frame your mother for something else, and send her to prison."

"What, but you can't do that!" said Steven, defensively.

"Oh yes I can." said Randy, as he waved the file folder around. "Remember Stevey Boy, your mother is in jail. And if you don't marry Christina and save my company from future bankruptcy, your mother has one foot in Prison. You got that, Stevey Boy."

"Fine, I'll do it." said Steven, as he had no choice but to do what Randy says. "I'll do this for my mother's safety."

However, what Steven didn't know is that Ben was recording the whole thing on both video and audio. Ben sabotages the wedding by making the real priest late, due to telling him that the wedding didn't start until later, and by bringing in a fake priest for Steven's wedding, in order for the wedding to not count.

End of Flashback...

After explaining the whole thing to Steven and explaining the whole truth to Christina, she accepts his apology. Christina finally leaves for her apartment, along with Ace.

Weeks later, Christina's team's games were in Canada while others were in the United Kingdom.

"Man, I can't believe we're already here!" said Christina, as she, Ace, and her other teammates arrived in London where their hotel was.

"Man, I can't believe Kendall fell asleep doing the whole trip." said Tonia, as she stretched her arms.

"If you couldn't believe that then I wouldn't believe it either." said Alexis, as they started walking into their hotel's hallway.

"I still don't get why you girls didn't wake me up during the whole trip." said Kendall, as she tells them. "My rear fell asleep."

"Yeah, for not moving." said Alicia, while holding onto Kendall.

"Yeah, for nine whole hours!" said Kendall, sarcastically.

"Dude, you were mumbling Hank's name out, during the whole entire time while you were asleep!" said Tonia, as she laughed.

"Oh Tonia, you kidder." said Christina, as she smirks. "While Kendall was dreaming about Hank, you were probably dreaming about Bruce."

The girls started to giggle.

Tonia's mouth dropped.

"And you were probably dreaming about your Honey boo too." said Tonia, as she tries to get back at Christina, while chuckling. "Weren't you?"

"Oh Tonia, I was daydreaming about him." said Christina, as she giggled while looking at her. "Unlike you, who was sucking on her thumb while holding onto a teddy bear that Bruce gave you."

"Hey!" said Tonia, as she snapped. "I wasn't sucking my thumb."

"Julie, video." said Christina, as she tells Julie.

"Right here," said Julie, as she shows Tonia the video.

"Ha! Proof!" said Christina, pointing at Julie's phone.

"Whoa, dude! Send it to me!" said Kendall, as makes her way to Julie.

"Well look who could finally walk." said Tonia, as she crossed her arms while raising her eyebrow. "Dude Kendall I thought your rear end was asleep?"

"Oh it was, but now I could walk better than before." said Kendall, as she grins sheepishly.

"Well too bad it's going to be numb again." said Tonia, as she started walking towards Kendall. "Because I'm about to kick it!"

"Uh-oh!" said Kendall, as she made a run for it in the hallway.

"Hey! Come back here freckles!" said Tonia, as she called out to Kendall, who kept running away from her.

While going to her hotel and settling her stuff down, Christina decides to visit Damian in his hotel room apartment, since Damian sent it to her after he left.

A few moments later, Christina arrives at the hotel that Damian is staying in (even though her team's hotel is right across from hers), before heading to the front door of Damian's hotel room, Christina knocks on Damian's door.

After knocking on Damian's door more than once, Damian finally opens the door only to be surprised by Christina and Ace.Damian warmfully hugs Christina along with gently hugging Ace, while letting them both in his hotel room.

"You two didn't tell me that you were coming." said Damian, joyfully while kissing Christina.

"I wanted to surprise you." said Christina, kissing Damian back.

"Well then mission accomplished." said Damian, as he plants a gentle kiss on Christina's forehead. "Come let's sit down on the sofa."

Christina and Damian both sit down on a sofa, across from each other. The two of them started to talk to one another while telling each other of how their past weeks went.

"Well, all that matters now that we're here together, and that I missed you guys so much." said Damian, hugging Christina before taking Ace from her hands and playing with him. "Who's been taking care of your adoptive mother while I'm gone. Who? Who? You, that's who!"

Ace barked at Damian with joy, while wagging his tail.

Christina giggled.

"What's so funny?" said Damian, while looking at Christina clueless.

"Ace misses his daddy so much, he even got him to talk cute." said Christina, with a tease.

"Oh is that so?" said Damian, teasing Christina while turning to Ace. "Well, that makes two of us, because Ace also makes you talk cute when you're around him."

"Not even." said Christina, crossing her arms playfully, while turning away.

Damian holds out Ace in front of Christina.

"Aww, who's a cute puppy!" said Christina, while taking cute Ace and tickling him. "Who does mommy and daddy love very much huh? You of course! You!"

Just then after realizing what she had done, and that Damian was right, her mouth drops open knowing her defeat. While watching Christina's reaction Damian started to chuckle.

"I hate you!" said Christina, pretending to be hurt while turning away from Damian and Ace.

"Don't worry Ace, mommy's reaction will pass." said Damian, while whispering to Ace and whining at him. "Trust me."

Moments later...

Damian continued to play with Ace, while Christina was still ignoring Damian. While watching Damian play with Ace, Christina started to feel jealous of Damian giving all of his attention to Ace instead of her.

"When is he going to stop giving him attention," said Christina, grumbling her words out. "I'm lonely too."

"Hear that Ace?" said Damian, with a smirk.

"What?!" said Christina, not realizing that Damian heard her.

"Mommy's jealous because I'm not giving her any attention," said Damian, playfully.

"Wha?- am not!" said Christina, sarcastically.

"Are too!" said Damian, as he puts Ace down on the floor, before standing up from his seat.

"Am not!" said Christina, as she also stood up from her seat.

"Oh yeah, well show me." said Damian, playfully.

"With pleasure. Mmm..." said Christina, putting her arms around Damian and pulling him into a long passionate kiss. "Mm-mawh!"

Christina stops the kiss leaving Damian and her breathless.

"Woah, I meant to show me by playing with Ace." said Damian, as he stumbled a bit. "But I guess, that'll work."

Christina giggled.

"Good. I'm glad I got that cleared out." said Christina, as she smiles at him. "Anyways, let's get something to eat."

"Want to have dinner outside?" said Damian, asking her.

"Dinner sounds great, but I rather order take out since some restaurants don't let dogs in." said Christina

"Whatever you say Honey." said Damian, as he started to order take out.

Moments later, after dinner...

"Simon's show is taking a day of the following days, to prepare their contestants for their upcoming matches." said Damian, admitting to her.

"Well my team is going to play in two days." said Christina, as she admits to him. "Do you think that you can watch over Ace?"

"Sure, anytime." said Damian, as he accepted.

After talking for a couple of hours, Damian drops off Christina and Ace back to their hotel.

One day later, Damian is taking care of Ace while Christina is on the field warming up with her teammates before their game.

"Dude I can't believe Christina's on fire, she hasn't missed a single penalty goal." said Tonia, while taking a sip of the squeeze bottle.

"Yeah, I wonder why." said Kendall

After the screens stop focusing on their team, Tonia then recognizes a familiar person holding a dog.

"I know why, look!" said Tonia, pointing at the screen.

"It's Christina's Honey Boo!" said Kendall, as she and Tonia started to tease Christina.

"Ayo, Christina look at the screen!" said Tonia, continuing to point at the screen.

Christina and the girls looked at the screen, seeing Damian on the big screen while waving one of Ace's paw at the camera.

"I love you Christina!" said Damian, as he mouthed.

"Awww!" said Kendall, and the rest of the girls while turning to Christina.

Kendall makes a heart shape with her hands while messing around with Christina.

Christina rolls her eyes at Kendall and her teammates before chuckling.

As the soccer game ends, Chrisina and her team win the game.

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