A dangerous gamble

By pennythesquish

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(beyblade mafia AU) Y/N L/N is a midnight Hostess at vibrance who has had a run in with the devil her whole l... More



39 2 4
By pennythesquish

Word count: 4053 words. Thank you all so much for your patience as I haven't updated in so long!!

Warning: sexual content near the end of the chapter.

Hart sat watching as Y/n and Nile sat behind the counter, making drinks and joking with one another. Hart took notice that Nile had a different color shirt on then when he first saw him at the bar, now wearing a red shirt, earlier he was wearing a blue shirt. the same color shirt that was laying on the couch in the private lounge that Kyoya came out of moments before.

Y/n mixed Kyoya another drink when Dalia and King came storming by the bar, sitting her down as King kept his eyes over his shoulder, the paranoia keeping him on his toes. "you alright King? need another drink?'' He shook his head as he turned his head to Y/n, she could see the fear and regret in his face.

"I just told Hart that we are leaving Hades. That I am done tolerating him and his bullshit, I'm taking Dalia with me, I cannot stand to see what he does to her anymore.'' Y/n and Nile looked at one another, she was in shock, when she had first met King he was all about sticking up for Hart, not to mention he would kill for him, now he is ready to pack up and leave.. and take Hart's little sister away from him.

"I don't think that's a good idea King.. I know you want to protect me.. but my brother he gets so angry and so mad.. I just know he will find us.. and I don't want to leave Y/n.." Nile looked over at Y/n who looked like she was about to burst into tears.

"you have to save yourself Dalia.. don't worry about me, I will make sure to get away from him at some point. You and King should get out of here while you can." Before she could say anything else, King had taken Dalia by the arm and rushed out of the top floor lounges, wasting no time to get them out of there.

"he really just left with her.. Hart is going to be majorly pissed.'' Y/n turned to see her brother standing with another guy of Ryuga's gang, he was tall and lean, the muscles flexing against the sleeves of his shirt as he stared at her and Nile behind the bar. He had spiked white hair that reflected off the club strobe lights, the flashing of his deep blue eyes.

"you must be miss Y/n? pleasure to meet you dear, my name is Dynamis.'' Y/n nodded as Dynamis kissed her knuckles, looking up at her as he did so, looking to Nile. "hello Nile. Nice to see you again.'' Nile clammed up as he looked away from Y/n, nodding as he shook his head. "yes of course.. always love serving my favorite customer, the usual tonight Dynamis?'' Y/n turned her head in confusion, seeing Nile slightly panic as he started to make his drink.

"Please excuse me sir I have to use the bathroom." the men nodded as Dynamis watched Y/n walk away. "I'm guessing my sister has no idea that you are apart of Fangs?" Nile sighed heavily as Ryutaro watched all the color drain from his face, looking up at him. "no sir.. please don't tell her, I've been trying to think of when the perfect time to tell her is.. I just.." "how about now?''

Nile and the others snapped their heads when they heard Hart's voice, seeing him standing in the entrance with his glass of scotch in his hand, swirling it around as he looked at Nile. "why not now huh? I think it's a perfect time to tell Miss Y/n that you are living a double life huh Nile? does it eat away at you that you lie to her everyday?''

Nile gulped harshly, looking as Hart walked to the bar, sitting down right in front of him as he turned to look at Ryutaro and Dynamis. "I'm sorry gentleman.. I don't mean to be rude but can me and Nile have some alone time? I have some things I would like to talk to him about.'' Ryutaro looked at Nile, nodding before he turned away, taking Dynamis with him back to the main lounge room.

"you fuck her good? I know you two were in there when I was fucking Selen. I saw your shirt in the room just before I bent Selen over on all fours like the whore she is.'' Nile could see the taint on his face, Hart was drunk, levelheaded and the same cocky bastard that he was, but the faint pink in his cheeks wasn't lying for him.

"I don't know what you mean.'' As Nile turned around he felt a piece of fabric hit his back, he looked down to see his shirt, he felt his heart skip a beat as he knew that he couldn't get away with lying to Hart. "you and Y/n make great friends and you wanna know why? You are both pathological Liars and it just amazes me, Y/n is too fucking stupid to see that, she just keeps lying to me, maybe that's the reason that I beat her, to put that pet back in her place."

Nile was grinding his teeth as he heard Hart degrading her in front of him, he knew that Hart wanted a reaction out of him, that he wanted him to flip out and expose the fact that he and Kyoya had just absolutely railed Y/n in the private room. "how dare you sit here and talk about her like that. When I first met you, you wanted to protect Y/n, you wanted to love and to care for her, maybe she lies to you because she is afraid of you, ever think that your the problem? Ever think that you are the reason that she comes to me because you treat her like such shit that she needs attention from someone else?''

Hart was taken back by Nile standing his ground, he bit at the inside of his lip in frustration, Nile was so confident in admitting before that when Y/n was gone all night that she was at his house riding him until the sun came up, but now he shut down and refused to speak, like he was almost taunting him. "excuse me? would you like to run that by me again Nile? cause last I remember you were begging me to keep your secret because you knew that Y/n would never talk to you ever again, but look at you now, you think you are all high and mighty because you fucked my girlfriend?"

"you sure as fuck don't treat her as one, who the fuck beats their significant other for the simple fact that they want too. Y/n is scared to death of you, that's why she stays, she doesn't love you, she doesn't want you, she is with you because she is scared of you Hart. Get that through your narcissistic head.'' Hart's eyes went blank, his face dropping color, looking up at Nile as he dropped his glass causing it to shatter.

Hart stormed past Y/n as he made his way into the bathroom, locking the door behind him as he looked at himself in the mirror.


"how is she?'' Kyoya groaned as he looked over at Hart, tossing his comic book to the side as he sat up. "why do you keep asking? me and Y/n broke up, it's not a big deal, so stop asking about her.'' Hart sat quietly as he looked out his bedroom window, overlooking the streets as he saw kids running in and out of their houses.

"why do you always ask about her anyway D? it's kinda weird that you always want to know what my ex girlfriend is always doing.'' "well.. I think she is cute.. she is very.. pretty.'' He fell silent as Kyoya started to laugh at him, falling out of his chair from intense laughter. "that's hilarious D. You think that she would ever look at you? she sure as shit wouldn't ever want you.''

Hart balled his fists as he sat and watched Kyoya mocked him, turning to his friend with anger. "I can prove that she would want me. I will.. find her and I will make her my girlfriend.. and when she says yes.. I will rub it in your face.. she wants me.. I know she does.''

"oh yea? how often have you talked to her? or seen her huh?'' Hart fell silent as he turned away. "multiple times.. just not with her knowing I was there..is all.." Kyoya stood up as he grabbed Hart's door handle, looking over at his friend before stepping out. "that is exactly what I thought, you have never spoken to her, I don't think you have the balls to either, you see a pretty girl and you shut down. Me on the other hand, I have fucked her countless times, I'm sure her insides are still shaped like me, how could I ever forget that face as she called me daddy.''

Hart felt his rage grow inside of him, he looked back to see that Kyoya had already left, leaving his door open. "I want to fuck her.. need to rid her of the impurities that he has left inside of her.. I will make her mine.. I will show him that I am better..''

"Dinner is almost ready, are you coming D?" Hart turned to see Dalia standing in the doorway, holding her stuffed bunny as she smiled at him softly. "what did mom and dad make?'' "meatloaf and some potatoes.. with some icky veggies.'' Hart stood up and pushed past Dalia, making his way down the stairs. "for fucks sake stop talking like your a baby, your almost 13 years old I'm sick of it." 

Dinner was quiet, no one talked to each other as per usual, Hart sat with his head down as he pushed around the meatloaf on his plate. "young man it is not nice to play with your food, eat it or leave the table.'' Hart looked up at his mother, seeing her face contorted with anger. "why mother? so you can talk freely without me here.'' "Don't you dare speak to your mother like that. Go to your room now.'' Hart flipped his plate, shoving his chair out, his anger turning to his father.

"listen here old man. You think because that you are the head of a gang that means you can treat me like shit, be ashamed if your boss found out that you abuse your son, the one who you want to take your place when your dead.'' There was no response from his father, he just kept eating like nothing was wrong.

Hart grabbed his knife, throwing it past his father, sticking into the wall behind his head, Dalia and her mother wide eyed. "that's what you get you old bastard, better start counting your days." Hart stormed out of the front door, starting his way to Kyoya's house.

Hart's attention was stopped, seeing Hyoma with a girl that he has seen before. Hart made his way over to them, pretending to bump into them."excuse.. Oh hey D whats up? where are you headed off too in such a hurry?'' Hart turned his attention to the girl that Hyoma was with, he was with. She was small and petite, long pink hair draped over her shoulders hanging down past her waist, deep shining green eyes. "We are headed to Ryu's house, were all headed out, I promised Maeve's sister that she would be home soon.''

Hart nodded as he smiled at Maeve. "may I accompany you guys?'' Hyoma smiled as he draped his arm over him, pulling Hart into a side hug. "yea man of course, we would love for you to join us. Let's go get Kyoya.'' Maeve nervously smiled, keeping her head down afraid to look Hart in the eye.

The group met up with Kyoya, picking Dashan up along the way. "hey maeve, your sister home?'' Maeve nodded as she approached her front door. "yea.. she is..'' Hart picked his head up in curiosity. The door opened shortly after Maeve knocked, Y/n opened the door holding her little sister Sakura in her arms. "oh hey Maeve, your home early.'' "yea sis.. Hyoma has a party to go to and he wanted to make sure that I was home safe before he left.'' Y/n smiled as she looked up to see Kyoya standing with a smirk plastered on his face.

Standing next to him was Hart, looking at Y/n like she was some sort of eye candy, his eyes glued to those e/c eyes of hers, mesmerized by how they sparkled in the setting sunlight. "hey doll face.'' Hart turned to Kyoya, who had made his way past everyone, wrapping his hand around her hips pulling her in for a kiss. "hey.. I should really get going..''

Y/n pushed him off of her, looking at everyone and bowing as she called for Ryutaro. "Hey guys, thanks y/n, I'll be back later.'' Hart's eyes wandered as he watched Y/n and Maeve close the door, watching towards the windows, the curtains were open, he watched as Y/n leaned down to rest her sister on the floor, switching the Tv off making the room go dark.

"so much for her knowing you exist huh?" Hart scowled as Kyoya boasted. "see I knew that Y/n wasn't into you, she only wants me, you will never have a chance with her.'' The rest of the group laughed as they started to walk away, not realizing that Hart stayed behind, walking in the other direction. "Hey Kyoya, what's up with D lately anyway? He seems way more crazed than usual, he seems like he's not fully there." Kyoya sighed as he lit up his cigarette, exhaling as a thick cloud of smoke left his lips. "I'm not sure, D has always been crazy, ever since me and Y/n have been on and off he has been very interested in her, always askin bout her and stuff, strange if you ask me."

Hart slowly walked back to his house, keeping his head down as he kicked rocks along the way, hearing the bustle of children playing at the park near his house. His eyes lit up when he saw Y/n and her 4 younger siblings, the girl with pink hair that he saw with Hyoma was pushing the youngest in a baby swing. The flash of blue hair that belonged to his sister caught his eye. Perfect.. this was his opportunity to talk to Y/n alone.

Hart walked into the park, his eyes not once leaving Y/n as he pushed past kids to get to her. Y/n was occupied with her younger sister, helping her with the monkey bars, Dalia behind them waiting for her turn. "Dalia. It's getting late we should get back." Y/n kept her back turned to the stranger, acting as if he was never there. "Oh hey big brother!! Miss Y/n this is my brother D!"  Y/n turned around, meeting the cold grey eyes that belonged to D. "Uh hi.. nice to meet you, I hope you don't mind but Dalia was playing with my sister Sakura, so I took it upon myself to watch over her."

The beautiful e/c of her eyes captured Hart's attention, not hearing a word she said, feeling a tug at his arm he was snapped out of his trance. "Come onnnn play with me pleaassseeeeee.'' Dalia tugged on her brothers arm, only to get no response. "No. Now go away." Y/n stepped away as she watched Hart belittle his sister, showing her away like some pest. "Maeve, let's go, we should probably get going." Maeve grabbed her other siblings and came over to Y/n, immediately feeling the rush of terror down her spine when she saw Hart. "Hello again Maeve." "Hey.." Maeve ran off ahead of Y/n looking behind signaling that she needed to speak to her. "Well.. Bye Dalia, see you again soon." Y/n walked away without acknowledging that Hart was standing there.

As she walked away the smell of sugared frosting whipped in the air, Hart watching in awe as he watched Y/n's hips sway back and forth, he lost focus once the girl was out of sight. Hart roughly grabbed Dalia's arm, yanking her in the opposite direction, heading home.

~Back to the present~

His hands gripped the sides of the cold sink, feeling his knuckles starting to cramp. Remembering the times that he tried to get Y/n to notice him but all she did was  ignore him and act like that he was never there, the way that Kyoya used to tease him, that he would never have a chance with Y/n. "Well look at me now you sly bastard, I have her in my grasp that she has no idea the sins that I have committed to make sure that she would be mine." Hart wiped the sweat off his forehead, straightening out his shirt, slamming open the bathroom door and heading back out to the main lounge, seeing y/n at the bar with her brother and Kyoya.

"Y/n. Can we talk." The group turned to see Hart leaning in the doorway, the drunken look was wiped off his face. Y/n looked at her brother and Kyoya who were shaking their heads. "Yea.. I guess so." Ryutaro grabbed her hand, signaling to his holster. "That bastard does anything you let me know." She nodded as she made her way over to Hart. "Where do you want to talk." "Upstairs, in the red rooms please." Hart softly grabbed her by the hand, pulling her upstairs behind the red velvet curtain, finding a room that was free.

Locking the door behind him Hart sat on the couch, leaning against the back of the purple velvet cushions, thighs spreading as he leaned his head back. Y/n stood further away, knowing that Hart is aware of the fact that her and Nile fucked. "Come here please, I promise you I won't hurt you." Y/n raised an eyebrow as Hart sat with a genuine look on his face. "Why should I. You are just going to lose your shit again aren't you." "I'm sorry I fucked Selen, she came on to me first and you were nowhere to be found.. the sex with her meant absolutely nothing."

Y/n sat in silence, she knew that if he told her what she had heard, then that would be a give away that she was in there after Nile and Kyoya double teamed her. "It's fine. Just, you need to stop treating me like I'm nothing to you. You go and fuck Madoka, then you buy me a big ass diamond and ask me to be your girlfriend, and then we come out tonight and because you can't find me, that means that you come and fuck Selen? I can't keep doing this Hart, if you sleep with one more girl I'm gone."

Hart's eyes narrowed, he was hoping that Y/n would slip up and expose that she was in there fucking Nile before, Hart wasn't going to bring it up, he was going to wait for her to slip up first. "You can't leave me. We belong together." "Yea as if. You barely treat me like I'm human, all I am is a human cutting board for you to slash when you throw a temper tantrum."

"Well maybe if you would learn to just stop lying to me then maybe I wouldn't need to punish you." "Whatever.. don't you have another girl to fuck." Hart smirked as he learned forward, his elbows resting on his spread legs as he lowered his gaze. "As matter of fact I do. And that girl is you." Y/n bit at the inside of her cheek, feeling her rage build inside her as she looked at Hart. "What do they have that I don't huh? Is it their curves? Their body? The way that they submit without argument? Or did they let you play out whatever dark and twisted sexual fantasy that lives in your head?"

Hart's eye twitched, he was starting to get more and more pissed off as Y/n spewed off nonsense. "They were meaningless, didn't enjoy it one bit. The only girl that I want to be with is you. So come here y/n I am not going to repeat myself." Y/n scoffed as she stepped closer, standing in front of him when Hart quickly stood up grabbing her waist and laying her down on the couch, climbing over her he rested her thighs on his shoulders. Pulling her panties down with his teeth tossing them to the side.

"Don't think this ahh~." All words that were about to come out of her mouth were quickly turned into a strand of breathless moans. Hart split her pussy apart with his tongue, flatly gliding his tongue against her clit, his piercing prodding at just the right angle, moving in to suck on her clit like a pacifier. Y/n arched her back against him, grinding to get more friction. Her loose breathless moans were all the motivation Hart needed, he started to eat her out like he was starving, lapping up any sort of juice that came from her.

"Hart I ahh~" Hart smirked as he saw her face was flushed a pretty pink, head leaning back as drool glistened on the corner of her lips. Looking up at her as he slid his tongue into her pussy, making the girl shoot up in immediate pleasure as she felt his hot tongue gliding in between her folds, his piercing hitting places inside of her that she didn't even know existed.

Hart slowly pulled away, licking his lips making sure that he gathered all of her into his mouth, not letting a single drop go to waste. "What.. why.. why did you stop.." "because it's been too long since I've fucked you." Hart pulled his pants down, his hard cock sprung out of his pants, he picked Y/n's legs up as he slid into her easily. A low grunt could be heard as he slid in all the way. Hart leaned down to grab Y/n's legs, wrapping them around his waist as he leaned into her, their faces inches apart. " I want to see those pretty expression as I use this pussy how it was always meant to be used, like an absolute goddess."

Hart started thrusting, slamming into her at a hard yet agonizingly slow pace. "Fuck Y/n.." Y/n grabbed Hart, immediately kissing him as he slammed into her harder, their moans clashing as their tongues danced together, a mess of saliva coating their swollen lips. Y/n slowly pushed him off of her. "Hart.. I think.. I'm gonna.." Hart got the message, he slammed into her as fast as he could, chasing his high as he felt her wrap around him, her pussy sucking him in. Hart quickly came inside of her, pulling her in as he laid down on top of her.

Both of them panting, dripping with sweat, Hart slowly pulled out as he watched the mixture of him and her spilling out of her pussy, smirking as he watched Y/n sit up and try to keep her composure. "Y/n.." "yea.."

"I love you." Y/n's eyes widened, she never thought that she would hear those words come out of his mouth, well if he loves a her he sure as shit has a weird way of showing it. "I.. love you too Hart.." Hart pulled her in for a hug. Fixing her dress and buttoning up his pants, opening the door as they made their way downstairs.

Walking past Kyoya Hart threw Y/n's panties on the table, a horrified look from Gingka and Nile. "Checkmate."

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