AFTER DARK | naruto

By Xingqiu

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After dark - that's when all those bad thoughts you try to bury away come back to surface. And with no one ar... More

2 | similar to me, but not to you.
3 | a warm welcome to the academy
4 | shinobi in training
5 | for the rest of your life
6 | ninja dogs
7 | what you feel
8 | my beloved teammate(s)
9 | chuunin exams
10 | forest of death
11 | deal with a devil
12 | congrats in order
13 | fight to leave a past behind
14 | someone dear to me
15 | severed connections
16 | a quitters resolve
17 | contract bound
18 | whose in control
19 | haunted cliff of konoha
20 | the hidden sand
21 | to your important request: i refuse!
22 | answer to the call of love!
23 | a special chapter to a special boy; happy birthday lee!
24 | the uchiha clan
25 | the many sides of a drunken fist
26 | a reminder of fate
27 | to all those who ever loved me, goodbye
28 | away from home, away from you
29 | to reveal the center of your heart
30 | search for jinchurriki! capture, or captured?
31 | into the akatsukis lair
32 | stronger than we were yesterday
33 | half relevant half not: new years special!
34 | the uchihas curse of hatred. and on a lighter note: reunion with friends!
35 | kakashis wise words and inner turmoil!
36 | the cutest team in the leaf!
37 | legendary hero thief!
38 | feelings over reason
39 | superstition
40 | invincibility and the trouble it causes
41 | loss of a loved one
42 | love that can possibly turn into hate
43 | a true ninja!
44 | Valentines Special! love and friendship!
45 | starry eyed people
46 | a dish best served cold
47 | a pill hard to swallow
48 | to see you before i go
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50 | watchful eyes in the darkness
51 | lose your mind, lose your way
52 | brink of insanity
53 | homesickness for traitors
54 | fond memories of you and i
55 | Dissatisfactory closure 
56 | fire kings speciality
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64 | fighting fire with fire
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66 | a scary special, happy halloween!
67 | the noshowkage!
68 | idolization
69 | into the dream world
70 | into the light
71 | gratitude [END]

1 | similar to you, but not to me.

13.7K 322 142
By Xingqiu

"My little miracle..." It was a memory you were too young to ever remember, being cradled by your mother- tenderly as to not hurt you in any way, just holding you so close to her. She was weak - having birthed you just a few moments ago, yet she was set on sitting up and holding you.

She pressed a kiss to your forehead, your cheeks, your eyelids, anything to display all the affection she felt for you in what little time she had with you. You were crying, a sign of life she smiled at.

Within all the noise, she failed to hear the door that creaked open and the footsteps that stopped at her side. The only thing that managed to catch her attention was the sight of lower legs in her peripheral. The fire of love in her heart simmered only slightly as she looked up at the man beside her - who looked down at her with cold eyes.

"You know the deal, [Mothername]." He spoke, eyes failing to show any empathy.

She knew the deal, yes. Every second of her pregnancy she feared the day of your birth, as full of happiness and excitement as an expecting mother should be, the fear outweighed it. "But... Can't I just have a little more time with her? She's my daughter, too." She plead, holding you closer to her as if it would prevent what was to come.

"Her father is a powerful man, from today forward you shouldn't think of her as your child." He reached his arms toward you, only to be denied access by your mother - who quickly stood to her feet.

"I won't let you have her!" She denied, walking backward in a feeble attempt of getting away. She had already dreamt of the type of life you would have - safe in her clan's compound - instead of used like some sort of display in your fathers clan. His clan worshipped dragons - and you had one sealed inside of you three months back. Your mother couldn't tell if the marks under your eyes were a result of it or not.

"I won't let you! You're wrong if you think I'd simply let that man get away with her!" Her voice was hoarse as she spun on the heel of her foot, sprinting out with what little energy she had left. Though your mother was renowned to be a strong woman, pregnancy affected all women in the same factor - it weakens them. Your loud crying didn't do much to soothe her nerves - but she managed to keep a clear head.

Despite her slugishness, she ran, holding you close to her chest with one hand while lifting her hand up to you. "Your name will be [Firstname] [Lastname]... You're from the [Lastname] clan." She told you--as if you'd be able to remember it. With that, she placed her hand onto your stomach - a sealing, so that the dragon inside of you would never show itself. Somehow, it managed to get you to stop crying. She'd rather not do it, but she decided she had to - so that your father's dragon-obsessed cult wouldn't get ahold of you for the wrong reason.

And somehow - despite the yelling behind her demanding her to return, she managed to get away.

Sunagakure was a hot village, even when the sun was down and the moon was in full display, it would be hot enough to get someone to sweat. That was the case for your mother, who struggled to continue walking to the entrance of her clan's compound. But for the baby in her hands - for you, she continued anyway.

At the entrance waited a worried man, who immediately ran toward yours mother slugish figure in the distance.

"Lady [mothername]!" He called out, reaching his arms out for her as she finally collapsed. The man looked down at her, at the top of her head - and then toward you in her arms.

Not only did she make it out alive, but she made it out alive with you. The baby everyone knew was bound to be taken the moment she was born, because her father was a strong man that demanded it is his. From this day onward, this clan wouldn't be safe - not with that constant threat looming over it.

The man was quick to move, lifting the woman to bring her into the compound. She had passed out the moment she had seen the man - finally allowing herself to put her guard down. It wasn't a bad choice, seeing as that same man would never let the heir of the clan down.

"I've got you, M'lady."

A year later, she gave birth to your younger sister. Well, half-sister, since her father wasn't yours. But she grew up to be just like a blood-related sibling to you. For one, she was your only company growing up.

Besides, you weren't allowed outside of the clans compound, anyway. Not that it mattered much to your four-year-old self anyway, as much of a curiosity as you did have - you found yourself afraid to leave. The dangers of the outside were pounded into your head, making you want to stay.

Your sister was allowed out with your father, neither of them were sought after, anyway. They'd come home with treats - and stories of whatever little thing they had seen.

It entertained you every time.

You were a mommys girl, only came naturally seeing as you were constantly at her side - clinging onto your shirt or skirt - whatever you decided you could reach best at the very second. It was second nature to the two of you, there wasn't a time she could recall not having you at her side. She would tell you stories of your clan - why they gained their prestigious name and their heroic actions in the war.

One part of you wanted to be as heroic as that, and the other part of you was scared of getting killed as another nameless face in a war. A war where nobody even had the time to bat an eye at the loss of a death. You didn't want to be one of those people.

It was selfish, but if you were to die, you wanted to be remembered. To be mourned. Even if it was such a small group consisting of only your mother, father, and sister. But you were sure the demographic would be a lot bigger. Heirs of clans were always well-known, weren't they?

Your mother took it upon herself to train you, being the talented Kunoichi she was. But it was hard on a four-year-old - especially one that didn't have the drive to become stronger. As much as you adored your mother, you didn't yearn to be half as capable as her - no matter how many Jutsus he could learn because of a Kekkei Genkai.

She was gentle - and patient. Too much for what a fussy kid you were, complaining about how hard it was whatever chance you got. She'd shower you with encourging words. But there was only one sentence she spoke that stuck with you.

"Don't you want to protect those dear to you? That's why I became strong. So I wouldn't have to lose anybody I love."

After that, you tried just a little harder.

"No fair! Why does mom always chose you to train and never me?" Your sister whined to you one day. You were only four, while she was three. You were already to young to be training, let alone a three year old such as your sister.

"You don't even want to become a Ninja! So why?" Frustrated tears pricked at her eyes, she inherited the color of her fathers eyes.

"Don't whine, [SistersName]." You sighed, wiping away the sweat on your forehead. "Even if I don't want to be a Ninja, I'll still have to become the head of the clan." It was all complicated talk - words your sister didn't understand, and only ones you understood solely because your mother was able to teach you more.

"You're never home, anyway. How would mom find the time?" You crossed your arms, turning your body toward her. "Plus, I'm the older one here, not you!" You giggled.

Your sister scrunched her nose and pouted, furrowing her brows. "You're only older than me by a year!" She retorted. You smiled, taking a step closer to her before lifting up your hand - leaning it towards your sisters face before you pinched her cheek.

"One year or three months. I'm still the older one here, aren't I?" You grinned, pulling at her cheek to annoy her. You got the reaction you wanted in the form of her swatting your hand away.

"It's not fair! Why wasn't I born first!?" It was just a mindless sentence spat out by a bratty kid - but it stuck with you.

"I'd rather be stuck here training with mom than going out with dad everyday!"

. . .

"Hey, you..." You stepped up to the redhead, looking at his downcast face. You've heard of the boy, the one with a demon inside of him that had ikeverybody running away aimlessly. You found yourself relating to it - outside of your clan, you were feared. They all knew of your father, your real father, not the one with the dorky face that married your mother after you were born, but the one who conceived you - who knows what they'd do to them if word got out you ever even spoke to them.

So that's why you figured that speaking to the boy was the smartest idea - he was outcasted as well. "Do you want to play with me?" You held up a ball to him, a smile on your face. He was slow to look up at you, not quite believing what he was hearing. Luckily, he's never heard of you before, and by the looks of it, maybe you never heard of him.

He looked around, looking for anybody else you might've been speaking to before he pointed at himself. "Me...?" He asked quietly, looking up at you with hesitance.

"Uh-huh." You nodded, handing the ball to him as he lifted his hands. "We can play catch! It's fun...! I think..." You mumbled, taking a few steps back so that he could stand. He was quick on the uptake - standing to his feet.

"Catch? I've..." He looked down at the ball. "Never played that before..."

"Me neither!" You quickly admitted, lifting your hands up. "But all you have to do is pass the ball, and then I throw it back and you catch it!"

A small blush made it's way onto the boys face before he tossed the ball toward you. You caught it, quickly tossing it back.

"Um... Why do you want to play with me of all people?" He asked quietly, taking a few steps back before tossing it.

Your mother hardly let you out of the clans compound, it was already dangerous enough inside of it - and one could only imagine the danger out of it. But today was a rare day - your mother even seemed eager to let you go out. She told you to go out, to make new friends - which was a lot easier said than done. But those with similar stories always got along, right?

"... Because we're kind of alike." You caught the ball - throwing it back with a little bit more force than before. "And no one wants to be alone."

"Alike?" He repeated, confusion clear on his face as he caught the ball. "But I..." He debated on whether on not he should tell you, after all - you were the only one who didn't know of the demon inside of him, right? Then he shouldn't say and scare you away - because then he'd be left alone again. "Don't get it..." He finished.

"There's nothing to get." You shrugged, waiting for him to toss it back. "Two lonely people are better together, that's all."

Gaara looked up at you, eyes wide. "... But how would you know that I'm lonely?" He asked, "Do you... Know who I am?"

"Oh yeah," You nodded, "You're a little infamous."

"Infamous..." He repeated, frowning slightly at the unknown word.

"You're Gaara," you pointed at him. "The one with the beast." Then you pointed at yourself, "I'm [Firstname], the one with the dragon."

He was silent, processing what it was you just said - he placed a hand over his stomach, letting go of the ball in the process. Someone having a dragon in them was a crazy thought, but he supposed the thought of a demon inside of someone was crazy, too.

After the birth of the one tailed beasts' Jinchuriki, your fathers threats to take you ceased, perhaps because he had died. Or maybe he assumed you had died, you were only a few months old at that point after all. Maybe thats why your mother loosened up.

"Two lonely people together..." Gaara wasn't much of a talkative person during the present, though it was a bit different when he was a child. When he wasn't so aware of the kind of life he was living. That's why you managed to talk to him and live. Because when Gaara was four years old, he didn't have a bad bone in his body - not a single ill intent in his mind.

But what happens to those lonely and misguided is a tragedy.

"So then... We're friends, right?" He asked, a smile on his lips and a bashful blush on his cheeks. One of the few times you could recall him looking so happy, before and after he recieved the character on his forehead.

"Yeah, if you're okay with that." You smiled back, one that came so naturally to you when you were once a civillian of the sand.

Gaara was silent for a second, eyes wandering toward every item around the vecinity in order to avoid your gaze before he nodded. "I'd like that." He finally met your eyes, and you could see it - the innocent shine that all children should have in their eyes.

It was like a fated meeting, two children that found a friend in eachother - only to end up the same. Alone and lost.

The next few times the two of you met eachother, you learned a little bit about one another. Like how he was able to control sand at his will as if it were second nature - as easy as lifting a hand. He learned to gravitate toward your compound, because it was easier for you to get home incase of danger. You thought his abilities with sand was amazing, staring at it starry-eyed with a huge smile. He would do simple things with it, like catching a ball out of reach, or getting sand out of your eye. Still, it would manage to impress you more than most things you would see.

You remember meeting his uncle, you were to nder the impression that he was his aunt at first. But he was a very sweet man, patient as well. It could've been that Gaara was a good kid, as off-putting as he was sometimes. He was suprised meeting you, he always wondered what had Gaara wandering off - or what had him just a little less tense than usual.

It had his siblings curious too, which made them follow him - very far behind. That's how you met them, catching them very obviously watching from the distance, the blonde one was a year older than you - while the brunette was the same age as you. They questioned you a little bit - and in the end, it seemed they grew a liking to you.

So much so, they had invited you over for dinner. You were initially nervous, as it turns out... His father was the Kazekage. But apparently, it was his uncle that wanted to hold that little dinner. After all, the Kazekage didn't want his children to see eachother at all. They clearly had a messed up family, and you simply didn't want to question it.

Besides, right now, when you were in front of them, they seemed okay. Even though Gaara once told you that he thought they hated him - it didn't seem that way then. Though truthfully, that was the first time they didn't look at him with a fearful expression, or ignored his presence altogether. The reason behind that was you, because you made him loosen up, you made him look like the human he was.

You remembered when the blonde one pulled you to the side, thanking you for being friends with him. Since 'no one else would, not even us' - their words, no yours. Maybe you should've been offended - seeing as they were scared of him for the same reason people were scared of you. But atleast... They hadn't know who you were prior. Afterall, the one tailed beast would win over a dragon in any popularity poll.

But still, you nodded. Telling them just how nice you thought Gaara was. They smiled and offered to walk you home - to which you denied. You would be fine on your own. Though, that was the last time you saw any of them.

The walk home had feeling dreadful, it could have been because you were a little kid walking home alone, or it could have been your gut - it was practically yelling at you that something bad was happening at home - that you should run the other way. But you ignored it, like so many other people tend to do. After all, what could possibly happen to your prestigious clan? The one known throughout generations for their Kekkei Genkai and immense strength?

Well, as it turns out, a lot can happen when someone has a goal. The first thing you noticed was the lack of guards at the front gates, the guards that would tend to watch over you and Gaara - they had commented on it before, if you were sure that he was the one you wanted to befriend, but you were sure of it.

Though, that's not what was at the front of your mind. You stepped through the open gates, hand clenched against your chest. You could already feel your heart pounding fast - seemingly for no reason, after all, what was there to be scared of? Maybe the unusual silence, but they could have decided to head to bed early. But a part of you knew that it was impossible everyone would go to sleep at the same time. Especially so early. But the silence hardly meant anything. What considered you the most was the lack of people on the streets. At this time of day - just as the sun starts to set, the older people of the clan were usually outside to enjoy the scenery. But... Old people had to rest more, right? That was right, but.... It didn't explain why half of them had their doors wide open - or the smudges of blood. Denial shows itself in weird ways, after all - any person would know to stop at that point.

But not you.

You kept walking forward, your house just a little ways away. It was only when you stepped through your front door that you noticed it. The overwhelming scent of blood - now that you smelt it here - you realized the smell was everywhere.

You had to cover your mouth to continue along, the dread making itself known in your gut as you continued to walk - legs shaky. You checked just about everyroom until you ended up at your parents' door, suddenly frozen in fear as if you knew what was ahead. Maybe you didn't know, but you sure had a pretty good idea of what it was. Opening the door hit you harder with the smell of blood, and you were right. Just as the sun set - the last remains of sun peaking through the blinds, you saw it. Your mother and step-fathers torn and bloody bodies lying over eachothers on top of their bed. If you remembered what happened after that well enough - you would remembered the way you threw up the entire dinner  Gaaras uncle had so kindly made. That - and the way you turned on your heel, running out of the room, already panting for air out of panic as you ran out of your compound, the streets only dimly lit by the moon.

You knew why it had happened. All in the search for you, your mother had told you that enough. But you had ignored it, all the warnings, signs, the danger - you acted as if it didn't exist. And now you were paying for being so ignorant.

Even if back then you'd be to young to remember, you hadn't allowed yourself to forget. Not when you sat alone, within the walls of Konoha.

You thought of your only friend often, and you always wondered...

"Gaara, do you think of me too?"

Seven years old now. You ran away from Sunakagure after your clan had been killed - all in the search for you. The one with a dragon in them, and now the only one that possessed any [Lastname] blood in them.

Nobody in Konoha would know of you though. Would know that you had a dragon in you, or of your Kekkei Genkai. One part of you was relieved, there was no reason to be afraid of you, but at the same time, it was hard to make a name of yourself there. Or to even make yourself known. People were suspicious enough of outsiders - maybe being so distant made them for suspicious.

But you couldn't help it, not when the kids there had already lived their entire lives in that village - made friends and had family. But there was one person that wouldn't stop tailing you.

A woman with long, red hair. She was pretty - and caught your eye quite a few times, but what bothered you was how much she would follow you - stand so close yet never say a word to you.

So eventually, you caved and turned to look at her - making eye contact. She flinched in suprise, an embarassed blush coming onto her face.

"Can you see me?" She asked. Watching as you nodded.

"So the symbol on the back of your shirt wasn't just for show..." She laughed, embarassed - coming to sit next to you at the bench you sat in. It would make it easier to speak to you without making you look like a weirdo.

"Why would I wear a clans symbol for show?" You whispered, looking down at your lap.

"Well, the [Firstname] clan has always been strong... They contributed a lot in all types of shinobi wars." She answered, "Though they're not all that popular in the Leaf - anybody would want to be associated with a clan like that, right?"

You side-eyed her. You wondered what unfinished business she had in the world, after all - the only reason why ghosts roamed the world was because they had something that kept them there - unless they were conjoured by somebody. "Doesn't explain why you would follow me." You mumbled.

"Oh, right..." She chuckled, bringing up her arm to point at something - you followed her line of sight instead. "That blonde kid, he's my son." Your eyes landed on who she spoke of, a kid nearly a year younger than you that sat on a swing. Blue eywere es dull and downcast as he, too, sat alone. "He's not that popular." She cleared she's, he's always alone." She rephrased. "I was thinking you two would get along.

You were silent, raising a brow.

"I know kids usually don't appreciate their mom asking another kid to be their friend, but no harm in it, right?" She smiled - seriously hoping you'd agree. Though the hesitant look on your face didn't leave her hopeful.

But... She had a point. The two of you probably would get along, seeing as you the two of you were alone. You weren't sure if you should be embarrassed or glad she had come up to you to ask to be her son's friend. But you nodded, standing up from the bench as you made your way toward him. It looked as if he noticed you coming his way, but he turned to look away. Nobody was ever searching for him, so he wouldn't get his hopes up.

Ignoring someone was hard to do when you could see their shoes though. So slowly, he looked up at you, confused. "Do you need something?" He asked slowly, squinting his eyes.

"Uhh... You're name is..." You looked toward his mother for his name, she quickly got the hint.


"Naruto, right?" You repeated, a nervous smile on your face as you looked back toward him. He looked confused - looking at the empty space beside you that you were staring at before looking back at you.

"That's right. I am, so why are you talking to me?" He seemed a little defensive, holding onto the swing tighter as he looked at you - but suddenly his posture loosened. "I get it... You're the new villager, aren't you? That's why..." He went silent, not finishing his sentence before he perked his head up in recognition. "Hold on, I know you! You moved into the same apartments as me, one room to the left, across from mine?" He was pretty specific with the location of your apartment.

You blinked. "Oh, yeah...! I barely realized that..." You looked away nervously.

"Huh? Well if you didn't know that, then how did you know my name?" He asked, suddenly interested.

You mumbled your answer under your breath, eyes looking off to the side.

"Huh? What is it?" He asked, wanting you to repeat yourself.

"My Kekkei Genkai. Someone told me your name." You simplified, finally looking back at him. You figured the talk of ghosts was a little scary.

"A Kekkei Genkai..." He repeated, bringing a hand up to his lips to think. "Yeah, I know what those are! They're those thingies that only some clans have, right?" He asked, eyes shut.

You sweatdropped at the oversimplification, but he wasn't exactly wrong. "Yeah, that's it. Are you not part of a clan?" You asked.

He thought for a moment before shaking his head. "Not that I'm aware of." You could notice the sad look on his mothers face, but you stayed silent. It seemed like your words 'someone told me, earlier flew right past Naruto's head. Maybe he didn't believe in ghosts.

"But man, sometimes I wish I was!" He threw his head back. "I mean, It seems awesome... If you're from a clan, I'm sure you agree right?" He stood from his swing - suddenly looking very interested.

"Uh... Well..." You took a step back. "All clans are different... Some of them have really bad power. Hierarchies?" You answered. "Not my clan, though... They were pretty awesome..."

"Were?" Naruto repeated, furrowing his brows in confusion. "What happened to them?" If he were any older, he'd probably realize what an insensitive question it is, but... He wasn't older. He was only six.

"Uh-huh, they were the best..." You nodded. "But they were all killed, that's why I came here." You answered, his eyes went wide.

"Oh, sorry..."

Suddenly, you found yourself smiling. Reaching your hand out to pinch his cheek. "That's alright. How would you have known?" Your smile faded, but you weren't sad.

"Ow! Okay, I get it, but why pinch my cheek?" He whined, rubbing his cheek once you moved your hand.

"I can't help it." Your eyes crinkled - how they would if you were smiling. "I know we just met, but I think we'll get along."

He was silent, hand still on his cheek. "Well... If ya say so." He smiled, "I have no idea why you chose me to talk to, but I'm glad!"

You nodded, you were glad too. Maybe your fear of the village hatint outsiders didn't go for everyone. You were glad his mother came up to you.

"Well, I should try and get along with my neighbors." You could see his mother behind him, smiling wide while giving you a big thumbs-up.

"Oh, by the way..." You pointed behind him, making him turn his head. "The one that told me your name..." You paused, lowering your hand. "Was a ghost."



ok this chaptdr is a little all pver thr place but pls barw w me im trying to get all the basic sruff outta the way 🙏
my love fof naruto has peaked its head back out n went crazy

and hey, as im typing this its Narutos bday!! what a great day to publish this!! happy bday naruto 🙏

as always, im gonna put it out there that the reader is not going to have adult love interests. idk why its so common in so many fandoms but not here so if u were hpping for that u can happily leave byebye

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