Away From You

By Red_Knight_052

264 3 5

A soccer player and a chef with different careers begin to fall in love, however their love is put aside afte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46

Chapter 37

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By Red_Knight_052

Just then, Bruce, Tonia, Russel, Kendall, Hank, Alexandra, Roger, Alexis, Julie, and Alicia, who were eavesdropping the whole time, enter the design room and find Christina kneeling on the floor crying.

"Oh no, what happened?" said Kendall, questioning Christina while taking her into her arms after sitting on the floor close to her. "There, there, it's alright."

Alexis, Tonia, Alexandra, Julie, and Alicia, gathered around Christina and Kendall.

"There, there Christina." said the girls, as they all console her.

Tonia looks like Roger, Hank, Bruce, and Russel.

"You guys go and follow Damian," said Tonia, giving them orders. "If Christina's depressed, then maybe Damian is too! So, go and check on him."

While receiving orders from Tonia, the guys leave for Damian's house.

Moments later...

The girls decided to have a sleepover at Christina's house, in order to console Christina about her break up with Damian.

Once in a while Tonia and Kendall would text Hank and Bruce, to ask about how Damian was doing.

Bruce: "What can I say, he's just hanging in there."

Hank: "Yeah, the poor guy is really, really, upset and won't stop crying."

Kendall: "Really? Poor guy. And at this rate, it's going to be hard for us to realize who dumped who?!"

Tonia: "Kendall, now it's not the time for gossip! Right now we need to question Christina, if the time is right. Cause right now they're both crying like toddlers, and we can't even understand what they're saying."

Kendall: "Yeah, like literally... Can anyone speak, baby?"

Tonia: "Kendall!"

Bruce: "Well change of subject here, how's Christina?"

Hank: "Yeah, how's my sister?"

Kendall: "Like Damian, she's hanging in there."

Tonia: "Yeah, she's really upset as well."

Meanwhile at Damian's house, Damian is still in the living room crying while telling his heart out for Christina.

"Why?" said Damian, as he finally spoke.

"Why did she break my heart?" said Damian, as he whimpered. "Why? Did she dump me?"

Bruce, Roger, Hank, and Russel looked at one another, and back at Damian.

"Why?" said Damian, questioning them again.

"Nobody knows man." said Hank, as he shook his head. "Girls are hard to read. Heck, they are even hard to understand. One moment they're happy, and the next they're sad, hey and don't get me started when they're angry."

Damian sobs.

"Hey man, stop crying." said Hank, as he tells him. "Or else you're going to be like Ariana Grande, who had no tears left to cry."

"Dude, seriously." said Russel

"What Russ? It's true, crying won't solve anything." said Hank, as he admits. "But, I think I do know a way that will help Damian talk to Christina."

"How?" said Roger, questioning him.

"Easy, we'll just use the Kendall method," said Hank, grinning at the four of them.

Bruce, Roger, and Russel look at Hank completely clueless.

"Kendall method? What's the Kendall method?" said Bruce, questioning him.

"My girl Kendall invented this method," said Hank, as he explained to them. "Listen, all we have to do is pretend that Damian is drunk, in order for Christina to have sympathy for him. So that Christina can reveal the truth to him."

"Okay, well how are we going to do this?" said Roger

"Yeah, Damian never drinks." said Bruce, as he admits.

"Leave that to me." said Hank, as he leaves the house in a hurry and comes back with a can of beer. "I always keep this in case anybody wants to try Kendall's method."

Hank opens up the can of beer.

"Alright now Damian, head to the kitchen sink." said Hank, as he drags him into the kitchen.

Hank andDamian head to the kitchen sink, along with Roger, Russel, and Bruce following them.

"Uh, are you sure about this?" said Bruce, being concerned.

"Trust me, I'm a professional." said Hank, dumps all of the beer on Damian's head. "Damian, you're ready."

"Ready? Dude, you literally spilled all the beer on him. And you literally made a mess on the floor." said Roger, as he looked down onto the floor where Hank left a trail all the way to the living room.

"Yeah, but it's all for a good cause." said Hank

"Anyways, Bruce you go with Hank while Russel and I clean this mess up." said Roger, as he heads to the washroom where the cleaning supplies were.

A few minutes later...

Hank and Bruce take Damian to Christina's apartment, while Roger and Russel stay and clean up the mess that Hank made, while opening the can of beer.

At Christina's house, Kendall opens the door and much to the girl's shock they find a "drunk" Damian being held onto by Hank and Bruce, who walk in along with Damian.

"Ugh!" said the girls, as they smelled the beer.

"Dude, what the heck?" said Alexis, in disgust.

"He reeks!" said Alexandra

"How many did he have?" said Christina, with a concerned look on her face.

"Girls relax, okay. Damian isn't drunk." said Bruce, as he admits. "Hank just dumped a whole can of beer on his head. Which is why he reeks out of beer."

"Let me guess, the Kendall Method." said Tonia, as she figured.

"Yup." said Bruce

"Dude." said Hank, as he playfully hits Bruce.

"Hank!" said Christina, as she glared at him.

"Oops." said Hank, as he let go of Damian.

A very depressed Damian.

"Christina..." said Damian, as he slurs out.

Christina stops glaring at Hank, and looks at Damian clueless.

"I love you..." said Damian, as he slurs before collapsing on the floor, while trying to walk towards her by himself.

Christina and the girls gasp.

"Damian!" said Christina, as she kneels next to him. "Bruce help me wash him, to get the smell of beer off him!"

Bruce helps Christina take Damian into the shower, and helps her wash him with his clothes still on him. Once done washing Damian, Christina and Bruce change Damian into a pair of sweats along with a T-shirt, and put him into one of the guest rooms.

Christina places a kiss on Damian's forehead.

"You have saved me so many times, and now it's my turn to save you" said Christina, repeating her words again from earlier.

Caressing his cheek, before heading to the door, and closes it behind her.

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